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Everything posted by ItCouldBeWorse

  1. I understand that Beth was in a rush, but couldn't she have dropped the girls at school before heading to the airport? She knew that Randall was waiting at home for the nurse to arrive. Why wouldn't she want to just get the kids to school? As to the geography of the show: We now know that Randall works in NYC, within running distance from an Off-Broadway theater. Kevin is able to easily go back and forth to Rebecca and Miguel's house from NYC. Rebecca and Miguel can easily get to the theater in NY . Kate can get from the camp in upstate NY to Toby's hotel, presumably in NYC, with time to shop, etc. Also, this was the day after Toby visited her, so wasn't he going to see her the next day at Kevin's premiere? Why did he waste time going upstate? Or was she not planning to leave camp to go to the premiere before she was asked to leave?
  2. Please take the scene with the hospice nurse as the writers using if for moving the plot forward and NOT as reality. In hospice we deal with all stages of grief including anger which is frequently leveled at the staff. We know how to deflect it. And we do everything in our power to give a quality end of life, not denying anything if at all possible and remaining calm and controlled when people are verbally or even physically abusive. It comes with the territory. I don't understand how William got the nurse out of the house so that he could lock the door on her.
  3. Her mother was just as anxious for Victoria to have a son as anyone else was, and certainly wasn't her confidante.
  4. I doubt it, since he knew it wasn't accurate advice. I thought it was awful to seriously woo a married woman. Ernst's mother lost her children for taking up with a married man. Would Ernst want that to happen to the Duchess of Sutherland if she had an affair with him? Very selfish. She was smart enough not to want more than a flirtation. If Coburg was like England, people in service were not meant to have personal lives. That's why "Mrs." Jenkins, Lehzen, and Penge have never married. The downstairs marriages in Downton Abbey, a century later, were not realistic.
  5. I guess Moana isn't Hawaiian, or she would be a citizen? Did anyone see this?: http://www.usmagazine.com/news/denis-leary-i-look-like-kellyanne-conway-w464858
  6. Eileen knocked the mug off VP Murray's desk; it didn't break. Pat knocked over a glass at the restaurant. Yes. And then Eileen asked him if it didn't feel good. Top Chef, I think, or possibly Chopped? I recall a cooking show, although that might be the fantasy sequence from the Thanksgiving episode.
  7. I didn't understand why he didn't ask for a day off, either. As we all have seen, Ressler's brother could live halfway 'round the world and Ressler could still make it back in the same day. Every time that a van is overturned in order to rescue/capture someone important, how do the perpetrators know that they won't kill that someone? Didn't the previews imply that Isabella Stone would be going after Liz in order to get to Red? Didn't Liz say something about that to Red himself? Wouldn't that actually make sense? Couldn't they have framed Liz for Tom's murder, or framed Agnes for both their murders or something?
  8. I hate when shows pull the "idiot ball" stuff like this. Why did Jax take a 1776 pistol with him when there was a perfectly good machine gun aboard the Waverider? It marred an otherwise good episode. Whatever he had with him, he should have shot Rip in the leg, and then retrieved the piece of the Spear of Destiny. If he and Sara could carry him back to the ship, all the better. He said that Sara meant nothing to him, but he seemed to retain some feeling for Jax, or he would have shot him after he told him the spear's location, unless he thought that Jax might have lied to him again so he might still need him alive. Maybe Eobard whisked him away?
  9. I assumed he was talking about the musical.
  10. You sound like me! While I look old enough NOT to be carded, most seem to believe I'm around 30 rather than going on 38 this year. I believe both of you, but do you look any older than you did 15 or so years ago (and before having triplets)? I believe the objection is not that Rebecca looks much younger than her age, but that she doesn't seem to have aged at all.
  11. Her being away meant that they didn't have to have anyone sleep in the newly re-ordered pantry on bags of rice in order to find a place for Connie to sleep.
  12. So the cursing is back, I see. If Mike was going to object, why not yell out the basis for his objection? Since Mike still has that little college/law school problem, the upcoming plan is ridiculous. They just keep digging holes for themselves.
  13. I don't remember where Connie and her family live, but since she was looking at schools in Ithaca, Georgia and Orlando, she's willing to leave her 9th grade son (with his father) to attend art school? Since it is purely for personal growth, can't she find an art school closer to home? I do think that's selfish. It would also mean that her and Jessica's mother would be left with her husband! It really doesn't make any sense.
  14. They did. I meant, when M'Gann comes back, to make sure it's her. Ok. I misunderstood what you were saying. If she returns, would he have to re-bond with her every time she's out of sight to make sure she hasn't been replaced by a White Martian?
  15. That was my exact thought while watching their goodbye scene. I won't be able to trust M'Gann when they bring her back because I'll be waiting for the scene when Fake M'Gann laughs at J'onn as they declare that M'Gann has been long dead. Even with the Winn/Alex being captured so WM could tap into their minds, we don't know if they need M'Gann alive. I thought they did bond when they placed their hands on each others heads when saying goodbye. We just didn't see what was happening in their minds. Were the White Martians captured? The one who got spiked by M'gann should be dead, unless they rushed him to the infirmary. Not sure about the one shot by Alex.
  16. With her big secret, that's pretty understandable. If Maggie didn't know Kara's secret, she would probably have broken up with Alex after being stood up, so Kara's relationships don't really have much of a chance unless they're in on the secret, too. Until James came to town and Kara clued in Winn, Alex, her parents, her cousin and maybe some members of the DEO were the only people who knew.
  17. 1) Did anyone think that the DEO getting clobbered by White Martian(s) might be a good reason for M'gann to temporarily put aside her puny Green Martian form in favor of her true White Martian physique which might have actually had a chance? She could have retained some clothes so that we could tell them apart. 2) It's clear why "Alex" started discussing feelings with 15 minutes to go before the DEO and its neighborhood exploded, but what's Kara's excuse? I felt like I was watching an episode of SNL's MacGruber!
  18. During the wedding I was thinking how in real life, he would have been addressed as "Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel" and she would have used "Alexandrina Victoria," which were their baptismal names. It would have been more regal.
  19. He was Chief Equerry and Clerk Marshal: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Alfred_Paget?wprov=sfla1
  20. Looking at it I wonder that it inspired Prince Charles to use (have custom made) a similar sapphire and diamond engagement ring when he proposed to Princess Diana. That ring is currently being worn by Prince William's wife Kate Middleton. Thank you for the clickable link. It's from a great website.
  21. http://orderofsplendor.blogspot.com/2012/02/sunday-brooch-prince-alberts-sapphire.html
  22. Dorothy told the Wizard that she would do anything to get home. While I don't think she would agree to hurt Lucas or Sylvie, if she destroys Glinda, the Wizard says he will send her home. I think it's as simple as that. I'm not sure how the Wizard immediately recognized that Dorothy was Dorothy. She was a child when she left Oz and it's not like she's the exact image of her mother, or he saw her hand tattoo.
  23. There was a comment about meeting at a previous wedding. It's probably created for the show, but, remember that Victoria's mother is Albert's aunt, and also came over from Coburg to marry Victoria's father 22 years ago.
  24. I'm with you about that conversation and will have to take MV17's suggestion and watch with closed captioning. I heard something about her coming from a nunnery. I'll have to rewatch with CC on. "Nunnery" = whorehouse, where she worked, possibly in the laundry, possibly not. The real Eliza Skerrett became pregnant (she met a person who was a --- it was an unusual profession/hobby that I can't recall) so couldn't take the job in Victoria's household that she had apparently earned, and trained the fake "Eliza" to do hair well enough that she passed as Eliza. I actually believe her about working in the laundry, because she seems to have good sewing skills. ETA: in exchange for being able to take the real Eliza's place, "Eliza" is giving her money/lace collars when she can to help support her and her child.
  25. So I guess that Marcus's finger re-attachment fully took?
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