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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads
raiderred1 replied to Lola16's topic in Commercials
Thanks BASTET! It's a stupid commercial. Do bears often "poo" in people's tents? I don't live in bear country. "head scratch" -
Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads
raiderred1 replied to Lola16's topic in Commercials
Forgive me if this has been addressed but what the fresh hell does the kid on the Buick Enclave commercial say when the bear destroys their tent? "Did the bear just PUNE our tent?" WTF? -
S09.E07: Eat, Drink, and Be Married
raiderred1 replied to KungFuBunny's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
I vaguely remember watching Denise's reality show way back in the day and I remember she had a lot of dogs and maybe other animals but it seems like her house was kind of chaotic and kind of gross like there would be old dog poop on the floor? I remember liking her but thinking she needed to clean up the place. Am I remembering this correctly or am I a dummy? I've slept since then so forgive me if I am way off. -
S09.E07: Eat, Drink, and Be Married
raiderred1 replied to KungFuBunny's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
OMG! You described him exactly how I was thinking about him. Verrrrry creepy dude indeed! I hope we are wrong for all the females in this family. -
I'm just getting around to post on this wench. She is such a narcissist that twice she mentioned to her brother not seeing her, Kroy or the kids but her pigsty HOUSE first. Materialistic much, wig? I'm so glad he and his wife were eye rolling most of the time. Her bro seemed outspoken but dickish at the same time. It must run in the Zolziak family. The kids seem like simpletons, I guess because their parents are dumb as loud mouthed hicks. Kim, great job raising kids with "Failure to Launch" syndrome. Effing idiot! God I can't wait for them to go bankrupt! Now that's a show I'd tune into live on pay per-vue!
I live about 60 miles from this house of horrors and I can tell you that Upshur county has diddly for animal control as my county and surrounding counties are HAVENS for puppy mills and animal neglect. When Dallas news shows an SPCA raid I always hold my breathe that it's not my county. I would be very surprised if Big Sandy, which is unincorporated, has any animal laws but the very basic and even then, animal control is so in over their heads. We have rescured 4 dogs that have been dropped at our ranch and many more we will get spayed/nuetered and all shots and heartworm meds started and they go to a wondeeful santcuary. It's a horrible mess out here in east Texas. I called animal control just last week because I happened down a road where 5 dogs were in outside runs with no cover from 40 mile an hour winds with the windchill in the 20's! Ok, on to Queen Jeanne. I, too, just worried about the dogs. I noticed one of the black ones had balls and I believe a severely hurt or broken foot. I was pissed when I saw that! If those lunatics want to live in filth, whatever, but do not make those dogs suffer there. All the scratching made me pissed. How about what a real champ Jeanne was for walking her fatass to dump cheapass food in plastic containers that weren't even dog bowl? You're a real caretaker there, jeanne! A real saint Francis of Asisi. I think everything that jeanne does is in the interest of JEANNE. Dad dies and she couldn't stand up to console her mom. Mom makes it through a horrible surgery and jeanne just wants her well so she can be wated on. When they showed mom in bed at home there were no sheets on her bed and it looked like big blood stains! Vomit! What happened to them attending church or having church members check on them? Dollars to doughnuts Jeanne became unwelcome with that shitty attitude and maybe shitty ass. Even the devout can only take so much. BTW, I thought I was watching, "Hoarders" meets "My 600lb Life",
S09.E05: The Proof Hurts
raiderred1 replied to KungFuBunny's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
I really have not paid any attention to this guy but when he was going on last night about marrying in 10 days when the ink hasn't even dried on his divorce papers, he gave me the straight up creeps! Maybe Denise doesn't have a good picker. I watched her reality show years ago and I liked her and her parents. This new guy is just way too thirsty, big dick or not! -
S09.E05: The Proof Hurts
raiderred1 replied to KungFuBunny's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Sunshine23, your post made me giggle because my mom sent 3 of us off and was probably thinking, "Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!" -
S11.E01: Divided, They Summer
raiderred1 replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
I really appreciate the good thoughts and I will definitely check out what sounds like a wonderful read. -
S11.E01: Divided, They Summer
raiderred1 replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
Thanks a ton, Giselle. My thoughts go out to you and all who have lost their moms. Hugs to all. -
S11.E01: Divided, They Summer
raiderred1 replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
Usernamefatigue, I am so sorry for your loss. I too have gone through this just a few days ago. My high school sweetheart just died last week and I talked to him the night of his death. We dated for 5 years 30 years ago and I knew I wasn't ever going to marry him and I finally broke up with him and he was heart broken but we both went on to marry other people and I have a wonderful husband of almost 26 years. I stayed in touch with my HSS and his marriage was not good but he was also an alcoholic. We lived 1200 miles apart but kept in touch especially about our college team, that's what we had in common. Anyway, I had, what now seems a strange and sad phone call with him last week where he was REALLY reminiscing about our first meeting/dating and all the stupid stuff we did as teen/young adults. He was quite the jokster so I was giving him a hard time about it being 30 years ago. He insisted on talking to my parents whom he had not seen in probably 25 years. He was able to talk to my dad and he just kept saying how much he loved my family. Uh, ok?? I got some strange text from him which I knew he was drinking because it was late in the evening but I wasn't too surprised. A few days later I get a call from a mutual friend telling me he had heard my HSS had died. I was in shock! I just talked to him! My husband(sweetest, kindest man) found his sister's number and I called her. They do not know how he died as they are doing an investigation. I don't think it was suicide and in a way it made me feel a tiny bit better as I had lost my BFF 21 years before to suicide and I would be crushed to know I had just talked to him and couldn't help him. The same happened with my BFF and even to this day I wonder if I had gone to her house if I could have helped? It's very painful. Anyway, it has only been 3 days since I found out and I am heartbroken. I had no feelings for this man other than friendship and the memories of us when we were so young. He will always be my first real love and I just have so many questions. Before I got the call about his death I had sent him a text that morning, obviously he never answered. Sigh Thanks for letting me type this out as it was a bit cathartic. -
S11.E01: Divided, They Summer
raiderred1 replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
My husband said the exact same thing! It must be a reaction from anyone that has not been watching these stoopid shows since the jump. -
S11.E01: Divided, They Summer
raiderred1 replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
So funny that you said this. I am always reminded of my sister when Lu won't show any emotion but "I'm great! Everything is great!" Believe me, you don't want to go through life like this. My sis has been unhappily married for 30 years and her daughter went through a horrific crime a year and a half ago and my sister just won't let down her guard. It's very painful to watch. I think it is a reason we aren't very close and have never been too close even as kids and we are only 18 mons apart. I am sad for her. OTOH, me and my bro are very close. -
Damn, the only thing Christian did that was wrong was not leaving without notice. If I were him, I would have booked the bus back home and scooted out the door that morning and she would be none the wiser. Also blocked her number.
S09.E01: Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy
raiderred1 replied to KungFuBunny's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Hugs! Of course still friends.