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Everything posted by lemotomato

  1. As someone who's been watching the show and following the BTS stuff since season 2, it's pretty clear from all accounts that the switch to EBR/Felicity becoming the leading lady wasn't just a decision by a producer playing favorites. The writers loved writing for her, Stephen Amell and David Ramsey loved working with her, the audience loved her and Olicity. Felicity and EBR's portrayal created a ton of positive buzz for the show, so the showrunners went with what worked better for the show overall. There's no conspiracy for why her role expanded, and tbh, I think it's gross to imply she got promoted for any reason other than her own hard work and talent.
  2. Ah, Craig. Mr. "Stop being mean to me! Respect my opinions!" who takes every opportunity to use his platform and insider status to dismiss and belittle fans that don't like the same aspects of the show as he does.
  3. Adding some of the tweets from the official account to this thread, since the anniversary of the original airing is today. (It was fun to go back and read everyone's comments again.)
  4. So it looks like SA told the story first, and then KC liked it so much she took it and embellished in other interviews.
  5. Iā€™m not going to watch the show, but I suspect the bts drama/gossip is going to be really entertaining.
  6. I'm not sure, but didn't she tell a different story at SDCC about someone else telling her she and SA were "born to play GA and BC" after the pilot was filmed?
  7. There's nothing I hate more than a liar and a gaslighter. There are lots of things she's said over the years where she shows she's clearly not an Olicity fan, and she's liked plenty of tweets that accuse Olicity of ruining the show, all of which definitely counts as feeding into the controversy. Here she's thanking the author of an article titled "Arrow is Dead and Olicity killed it." This tweet as recently as 801:
  8. Comparing the two scenes is a whole lot of yikes. The original scene is flirty and cute. The remake in 801, with KC making a sour face, as @Chaser pointed out, is not at all ā€œplayfulā€. (Sorry, Mitovitch.) Also, wasnā€™t Oliver gone for 13 years on E2? Did Tommy think BS was so devoted to her dead cheating boyfriend sheā€™d want to pick up with him after more than a decade??
  9. KC could've just as easily promoted both the DVDs and the spinoff by saying "There was lots of BS in season 8, and if you loved that, you'll love the spinoff!" But that would require thinking about what to say and preparing for an interview, two things I doubt KC has ever done judging by the quality of her quotes over the years.
  10. The interview is primarily to sell the DVDs, so as I said, it's stupid to tell people that don't need to watch the show when you're supposed to be trying to sell the DVDs. Anyone watching the interview is going to be someone that watched Arrow anyway, so who exactly would be "scared off"?
  11. KC has said this in several of the interviews-- does she not realize she's supposed to be promoting the Arrow DVDs and not the spinoff that technically doesn't exist yet? Not to mention how tasteless it is to answer a question about Arrow ending by promoting the spinoff and saying you don't even need to watch Arrow? I've been more entertained by KC's interviews than any of her acting.
  12. She is never ever going to give up on Laurel and Oliver, is she?
  13. Bless you, @tv echo, for sitting through that word salad and saving us. The contrast between Kat's succinct answer and KC's rambling mess is so stark. No wonder they never do interviews together.
  14. From what I've seen, it's usually young male fans that compare Oliver hiding a child from his fiancee with Felicity's white lie about helping the team. I'm assuming because they have no concept of being in a serious relationship and the responsibility of raising a child.
  15. Green Arrow and Black Canary were unhealthy in the comics too. Unless Andy thinks that cheating and BC kicking GA in the crotch is what made them "iconic".
  16. The only started seeing flour last week, and it was the really expensive, organic stuff by Bob's Mill in 5lb (2kg) bags. Still haven't seen any yeast. I've seen more bread available, so I'm not sure why flour and yeast are still sold out. Especially since growing a sourdough starter has been trending.
  17. Yeah, I get the impression from that public transportation tweet and another one where she waxed poetic about how this pandemic was a "reset" for the earth that she doesn't really know what's going on beyond "please stay at home" and "virus is everywhere".
  18. And we have a challenger for most embarrassing, out-of-touch quarantine posts by the Arrow cast: She thought she had such a good point she even tagged the mayor of LA šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
  19. I love that we're still getting new art even after the show is over.
  20. Where I am, free weights have been sold out for weeks, I'm guessing because people scrambled to set up for working out at home. It was also hard to find a Nintendo Switch Lite. It's interesting to see the differences in what people are getting due to space restrictions.
  21. Craig's persecution complex both hilarious and sad. I look forward to voting for Kat M/Mia for favorite female regular and for EBR/Felicity as favorite guest star.
  22. It's been 5 years since the promo for 319/320 dropped, and this might be a bit meta, but it was fun to go through the spoiler spec thread posts that day. It generated 5 pages (250 posts) in one day šŸ˜‚ https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3338-spoiler-discussion-thread/page/440/#comments
  23. I posted this on twitter, but if people here want to play, I made a tournament bracket of Olicity scenes. Here are links to the scenes if you want a refresher šŸ˜Š It was pretty difficult to choose just 32 to start with. With the exception of season 8, there were so many to pick from. 301 First date 103 Oliver and Felicity meet 309 I love you 112 Felicity gives Oliver the notebook 320 First time 122 Very platonic circumstances 323 Drive into the sunset 117 Oliver finds Felicity after Helena attacks 206 Because of the life I lead 707 Slabside reunion kiss 207 There was no choice to make 708 Reunion sex 209 Felicity helps Oliver put on his mask for the first time 709 You will always be the love of my life 223 He took the wrong woman 722 Bigger than the universe 603 Apartment key+kiss 801 It's supposed to be red 604 Hallway dessert 802 Oliver puts ring back on Earth X Crossover Reunion hug/kiss 810 Reunion hug/kiss 609 Wedding reception 618 I'm glue, baby 401 Ivytown life 509 I do believe in magic 406 Ying-yang kiss 522 Oliver's birthday party 409 Proposal 520 Bunker sex 416 You are my always 519 Oliver confronts Felicity about Helix
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