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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. Thanks! Going back to look … Totally agree — left two are better!
  2. Random thoughts. “Honey bird” for him is not masculine enough. I have a pet name for my husband, which I think is better than something like “Darling.” lol However, he hates it when I let it slip in public — just in front of my sister, come on! 😂 Not having seen Kaitlyn’s season, I am having trouble figuring out the before/after in the photos. Top 2 are before? Left 2 are before? Help! 😂
  3. I’m with you! I loved Brett Sommers on “Match Game.” She and Charles Nelson Reilly were a hoot together! ❤️
  4. Will admit to watching some VanderPump Rules, but would not have recognized Ariana. Based on previous discussion, I thought that was Pandora, who I would not recognize either! 😁.
  5. I missed the first half of the show — will have to try to find it. Thought I had recorded it, but noooooooo. I always thought Ericka was a downer and kept everyone on edge. Appreciate the varied insights here. I would not want her for a friend; she goes from 0 to 100 in a second.
  6. I guess one might ask did she do that because he really was her #1, or because she didn’t want another suitor (contestant) leaving? I don’t know, but I do think she gave Greg a lot of hints that he was #1. And she was trying to follow the “rules,” after Clare broke the rules. Truly, I have never understood the Fantasy Suites as a “try out” sexually. But I am old. I still think/wonder of some of these FS’s are just a chance to talk and air things out. I would certainly not want to be screwing 3 different guys, nor would I want my potential fiancé doing so as a deciding factor in his decision. Surely I/they know before then.
  7. Ramona did seem more reflective in at least one episode this season, as I recall. But she was off the wall and defensive in this episode.
  8. Leah’s breasts in the low-cut pink outfit … I have been trying to come up with the word(s) to describe how they make me feel. Finally it came to me — repulsed!!! I just want to look away.
  9. Not sure if your “preached” comment is directed at Eboni or Ramona? Ramona was out of line, IMO. She was there to listen, experience, learn, and be respectful.
  10. Yeah, I figured the Aunt and maybe Mom must have been badly hurt by some man. Their hurt may be justified, But whoa baby, they (mostly Aunt) are rough and bitter!
  11. Do you think Ramona was drunk? I too was mortified by her behavior. One should sit back and experience the evening. I was looking forward to learning. Of course, Leah had to insert herself in a dumb way too. Being on Zoom, she was “there” to do the prayer, and a lovely job she did of it. But she was too much about herself early on and I wanted her to be quiet and wait her turn.
  12. I just think the “cages” and wire racks are a form of storage. No big deal. Now Ramona’s behavior — that’s a big deal. I tend to cut her a lot of slack, but tonight, no.
  13. Bolded: 😂😆😂🤣😂😂
  14. Not in favor of Greg for Bachelor.
  15. Guess I’m not hearing the song playing by the audience? Kind of pushing the love connection. Blake finally got the attention.
  16. For drah-ma’s sake, I kind of love the “acting” comment! 😂 It it is pretty aggressive from Katie.
  17. Mopey Greg pacing in back. I can’t wait! Another acting audition for him! 😂
  18. Wait. I thought he said “I can’t give you what you came here for.” ??? But then got down on one knee and proposed??? Oh well, happy ending. For now. okay,,not my dream to get on a horse in a sparkly gown.
  19. Shallow: I like Kaitlyn’s dress .
  20. He just wanted the Fantasy Suite! And Aunt scared him! Another whole hour to go??? 😫
  21. Oh, just propose and break up in six months. You know the drill. Stay away from the aunt.
  22. Katie’s aunt was “a lawt!”
  23. I kind of only half heard the aunt but she seemed pretty intense and aggressive. Not that I’m a Blake fan.
  24. What??? Africa? Did we know this? 😂
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