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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. I have never heard of Mr. Robot. And as mentioned above, I have respect for a lady Gaga's voice, so Leonardo's "shade" on her reflects worse on him than on her, IMO. He should be above that.
  2. Kirsten Dunst for some cleavage! I haven't seen a lot of the shows nominated tonight, so I don't know if Gaga's award was deserved or not. But, ever since I saw her TV special (a few years ago) where she dropped all the costuming and "image," and just sang, I have admired her. She has a beautiful voice when not gimmicked up.
  3. Evidently an Unpopular Opinion, but I'll chime in that I am over Kate Hudson.
  4. WHAT did Sylvester Stallone win for? I missed it. I thought Mark Rylance was great in Bridge of Spies.
  5. I thought Jon Hamm did a great job and should have been awarded earlier, so happy to see him win tonight. Okay, I'm tired of the cuteness of Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence.
  6. I don't know Eileen's backstory. Is the son hers and Vince's? She has been married before too? I have friends, both working professionals, who split expenses 50-50 -- it doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
  7. The OCD comments really bother me, because if you are really OCD, it is not a laughing matter. Many of us may have organizational/checking tendencies, but full-blown OCD is something different.
  8. Did your cousin's daughter mention the glass glassware in a hotel room? I won't use them, because I suspect they are just rinsed and dried out by the cleaning staff. I will find or bring plastic cups with me.
  9. I get that Yo was scared about surgery; I am that way too. But she should not lay that fear on her kids. (Call to daughter Gigi right before surgery.). Maybe it was all drama for TV.
  10. Finally found some comments about CNN's NYE show. I really dislike all the "boring location stuff" mentioned above, as well as all the going down to Times Square to interview random people. Yawn. If they shortened it up to include just entertainment and Kathy and Anderson, I'd like it better. Not sure I'll tune in next year. Oh yeah -- I'd like Kathy to keep her clothes on too. She has a great shape, but please -- stawp it!!
  11. I don't have daughters, but I have friends who do, and these teen girls seem pretty "normal" from the stories I have heard -- especially in terms of how they treat their mothers. However, the ear-piercing scenes were way OTT. I would have said "I guess you are not ready for this; we'll come back when you are." Drama, Drama!!!
  12. Those women have a lot of confidence to jump into a pool wearing white clothing!
  13. Burt was odd. I expected more "life" out of him, telling more stories, etc., to make us want to read his book. SC was flattering him all over the place and Burt didn't really engage; instead making a one-liner here and there. I was uncomfortable during the interview., and did not come away with a favorable impression of Burt.
  14. Thanks for all the info on Chris Stapleton and Timberlake. I've been reading a lot of articles about them too. Agree that Kacey Musgraves needed a skirt. I was distracted from her music by what she was (not) wearing!
  15. Do you mean here, Rick Kitchen? Not every comment is going to get a response. Even though I was watching, i didn't see everything. Hang on in here!
  16. Totally agree that Timberlake is better than Bieber, but why does it have to be either? Why can't country stand on its own? I think JT is very talented; just tired of seeing him everywhere.
  17. Thanks, Wendy -- first time starting a thread!
  18. I'm a little tired of Justin Timberlake being trotted out, as if to give legitimacy. I'd prefer to hear this new artist winner on his own. Also, Carrie and Brad as hosts are way too cheesy.
  19. Hah -- for me, the arguing is too stressful! I do not like Vicki's excess exposed boobage.
  20. I'm trying to watch the rerun, but I hate these reunion shows. I do like Megan as a brunette.
  21. I wouldn't say she is a bitch, but definitely a tease who sent him mixed signals. Emile is not attractive to me; he is too "pretty." I like a guy who looks more like a man. (Plus, I'm waaayyyy older than him, but even as a young girl, I did not go for the "pretty" like Donnie Osmond was back then. Too girlie.) He does seem like he is used to having the girls flock to him, though.
  22. I'm a veteran RH viewer, so I thought I'd try this last night. Of course I don't know who these women are, or the back stories from the show, but every time I tuned in, they were ALWAYS arguing!!! "Well you said this!" "Why did you call her a ...!" etc etc. Click!
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