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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. Had to look up the word "meretricious." Increasing my word power! Agree with Sheenieb that I would always side with Beth over Jill Zarin any day. Jill and Lu were horrid to Beth that season. I think Luanne is one of, if not the most beautiful RHONY. However, I will never forget her treatment of others in earlier seasons, so I do agree that she is stealth. I hope it works out with her new guy.
  2. I loved the two ceramic Christmas trees at Dorinda's Berkshires home, too. I had one years ago that broke in a move. Kitschy cozy decor.
  3. I actually liked NotKeithUrban's songs. It was very sweet of him to do a song for Brandi's brother. Not a fan of the hair though. As a fellow straight-hair sufferer, but female, I think it is tougher for guys. He should just go short. Liking Stephanie's and Brandi's friendship. Good to see some of the underlying humanity in some of these women (including Leeanne, who is not my favorite). I don't know what to make of Heidi. How did she become the Grand Poobah? It is interesting how each episode (the editing?) brings out different facets of the personalities.
  4. All that white furniture in Whitney's CA home. And then he put his shoe on the white couch as he serenaded the gf! Sorry, that caught my eye right away. ;) Agree on the Cameran disappointment. I didn't catch the $$ connection with Whitney, but that makes sense.
  5. I was only half watching, but I thought most of those kids were just too young for the etiquette "class."
  6. The locked bedroom doors is very scary and wrong to me. Besides the worry about fire, etc., what about something as simple as one of the children needing to use the bathroom after he/she is locked in??
  7. You are right; Dorinda's first season sort of negates my hypothesis! Although she sure took it to Heather and Heather didn't come back. I see the first season honeymoon with Erika on RHOBH this season -- she is still sort of an enigma.
  8. I also miss Heather and Kristin, too. I didn't like the pile-up on Heather last season, and I think she could stand up to Beth. Maybe drunk Dorinda will take her on this season. It always seems like a new HW gets a decent edit her first season -- then look out!
  9. StatisticalOutlier, my dorm was the same way in northern Wisconsin, same era!
  10. You better let us know! :)Oh, never mind -- just saw Umbelina's post. Darn! That would hve been some real PTV drama!
  11. Guess I wasn't paying attention -- did Ramona get new boobs? How do those lingerie ladies determine your bra size just by looking at you???! Yeah, that party hosted BY Dorinda was the place to approach her about the crap her bf is doing. <eyeroll>
  12. Can someone explain what you mean that Dorinda's face is " busted?" In Ramona's early TH's, I thought her eyes looked very stretched and cat-like, but later on they seemed fine. So, maybe just me.
  13. I loved the yacht. Just imagine having drinks and a wonderful meal there. Too bad about the fight. I don't even understand the fights any more.
  14. IMO, those dresses were caftans, not muumuus. (I know this from Bob Mackie and Joan Rivers' lines on QVC. So there!). ;) The Dubai hotel was awesome. I would love that Under the Sea suite too. I muted the Brandi stuff. I thought no-make-up Erica was pretty! She is way overdone on WWHL.
  15. I think Yo had on some type of strapless tube bra, but the whole effect including whatever it was she was wearing was not flattering. I like the new hair, but not combed straight back like it is in her TH's. Eileen said she'd had a long week at work and just wanted to be home with her kid and family. I get that. <dodging tomatoes> I'm fine with pets and I even gave injections to a dying pet rat, trying to save her life. Loved all my cats growing up. Shed tears over death of afore-mentioned pet rats. But I do get tired of all the animal love over human love causes. Not everyone is into animals the way Lisa is. I vote a big fat NO to Camille returning.
  16. I think Erica looks best when she wears her hair smooth and straight. She has very nice hair. I dislike her hair in the TH's when she has it pulled back on top and all floofy on the sides. I also thought she let her guard down a bit in her after-party talk with ?Kyle? In which she indicated her situation was not all roses. Yay for LisaR for identifying the elephant in the room --saying what everyone was thinking about Yo's dramatics!
  17. Hmmm Tara's Rob has some young children. Glad they kept them off the show, though.
  18. Did not like the reception dress. The "going away dress" just seemed superfluous. Oh well. Yes -- I wondered if Lori was married? Lots of Monte in the show.
  19. I have a headache from all this. If Brandy and Kim are back in the next episodes, I'm out. I don't watch these,shows for the arguments and gamesmanship; I have enough stress in my own life right now. (Fully understanding that some people CAN relax and just sit back and enjoy the ridiculousness!! lol)
  20. Jax squicks me out so much. The way he was so giddy about the breast implants and how much fun they would be for HIM made me sick.
  21. I only caught the last 45 minutes; didn't care about Mike & Molly, but saw Friends and Frazier actors. I too thought Peri Gilpin's comment that Kelsey Grammer complained "if only Kirsite were here!" (or something like that) was VERY interesting! Dish, girl! I love David Hyde Pierce(sp?) and the song bit was very funny. Hoping to catch the earlier part of the show at another time.
  22. Totally agree with you about this -- real OCD a is not "cute." And I hope I did not mess up your quote because my first response was in the middle of your quote.
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