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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I totally caught that and it cracked me up. Mainly because of this joke I heard a couple weeks ago: A couple experimenting in the bedroom needed a safe word. So they picked ‘meatloaf.’ Because they’ll do anything for love, but they won’t do that. The mascara thing was a hilarious fake out. I guess Hollywood types don't know about the waterproof kind. Or what regular mascara does (or doesn't do) when someone cries.
  2. I think that about more things than should be thought. The Three Stooges rule. More Kleenex here, please!
  3. Thank you @Mindthinkr, that is very kind and thoughtful of you. Your post deserves multiple HEARTS from me. There's still some weeks to go for the category of HORSE BREEDS to come up with the clue of "This breed was named after some dude named Justin." Let's keep our fingers crossed!
  4. That went over my head, so thanks for that link. Weird Al is THE BEST. And Greg Kihn driving the car at the end was hilarious. "Our Love's in Jeopardy, Baby ..." The Rice-a-Roni was a great flashback, given some of the talk about it here, from former contestants. Bless your heart. You made me tear up. I'm declaring her a TS just for you, @Mindthinkr.
  5. This has occurred to me. That Dembe letting Lizzie escape and head to the park was all planned so she could see Red murder Katarina. Because I couldn't figure any reason for Dembe and Liz to be going for a car ride when they could have/should have stayed where they were, wherever that was. This also has occurred to me that Katarina's murder was all faked. AGAIN. If that's the case, I might be shopping for a new TV after January 22. I also want to know where all that high-tech hospital stuff came from. Did Katarina have some special Amazon or Etsy account where she bought all that stuff to prep for Dom arriving? Oh ... never mind. *hand wave*
  6. I swear, the only reason I watch this show is for the posts here. You guys are hilarious. I'm especially down with @Brian Cronin, that theory is so whack, it really could be "the" one. I'd totally support it. I have to say, Spader rocked this episode. I am without a doubt on The Red Team after watching this one. First laugh was there being a "roadside camera" on that remote two lane in the middle of the woods somewhere. A roadside camera that focused directly on that truck on the side of the road. Because every country road that gets zero traffic has a cam. Next laugh was the squabble between Red and Ressler, with Red pulling out the stops to call Ressler all the mean high-school names to hurt his feelings. That was maybe my favorite scene. So far, anyway, because my REAL favorite came later. Third laugh was Lizzie saying to Ressler, "Can't you just ignore the rules just this one time?" Like he wasn't ignoring rules when he killed a few people and had Red's cleaners take care of that for him. Or ignoring the FBI HR policy of "don't kiss your co-workers." Another good line was Lizzie to Dembe: "I have a right to know." That was answered by me saying, "No you don't." Now all of a sudden Red is the killer of Tom, Dom and Lizzie's dad? Talk about easy scapegoat. I put the blame of Dom's death entirely and 100 percent on Lizzie. Tom's murder was too long ago, but I don't remember Red being there. That, plus we all know Red is the one who faked Tom's death so he could escape to New York. So there's that. Lizzie insults Dembe! WTH girl! You don't do that. Not after he put those extremely loose zip ties on your wrists so you could easily escape. Points off for Dembe not hearing me yell SHOOT HER! as he stood pointing the gun at her. He could have fired into the passenger seat, maybe that would have gotten her attention. Dembe, don't go soft on us. Red already cut you slack a season or two ago for "betraying" him. It might not go so well this time. And now for the Best Scene EVER on this show: Red shoots and kills Katarina! Thank the gods, we are rid of that horrible character and even worse actress who ruined every scene she was in, and this entire show along with it. She better really be dead this time. I cheered out loud when that happened. Loved how Red's "guys" were right there to clean up the scene and skee-daddle everyone before the feds got there. Who Red needs to kill now is Lizzie, who, of course, will be back wearing her FBI badge once again because murder and kidnapping and every other crime she's committed will be covered up by her sugar daddy boss Cooper. Meanwhile, Lizzie stumbling around in the park like some dork was another good scene. So, looking back, this was a pretty good episode after all. Just for all the wrong reasons. ETA: Since Dom clearly saw his young daughter while Katarina was talking to him, I wonder who he saw while Red was talking to him. Inquiring minds want to know. (Maybe so do the writers.)
  7. Same here. I just remember Thursday was Alex in a Spartan outfit, complete with helmet and sword. Friday was just Alex in regular host clothing.
  8. Well done everyone, so far. My score equaled my highest score ever, so now I have TWO 3/5s. Although I waffled so badly on The Philippines that I don't feel good about giving myself that one. But since I'm not eligible for prizes and I'll probably never get another 3 much less higher than 3, I guess I'm staying with it.
  9. Well then, stock up on Kleenex and any meds that will help you feel less sad because I'm saying here, out loud and proud, that I've never heard of Lois Lowry, Number the Stars or The Rainbow. (The book, not the actual rainbow.) Of course, me not knowing something isn't a big surprise, but don't be verklempt that other people don't know something either. Cut yourself some slack! Getting TSs can make viewers feel better! It doesn't bother me when no one knows what a Barbet or Nederlandse Kooikerhondje are. (Or how to pronounce the second one.) If the FJ category had been something like Most Horrible Movie in Recent Times, I could have come up with Cats.
  10. Yeah, right, okay then. I'm sure. And other phrases that translate to "We're suppose to believe everything you tell us? You're not Lizzie's mom."
  11. WEEK 10 • Nov. 16, 2020 — NO asterisk ** 46. 18th Century Americans. One eulogizer of this man noted, he “was able to restrain thunderbolts & tyrants.” 47. French Literature. An 1862 novel says this character “would have arrested his own father…and would have denounced his mother.” 48. Country Name Origins. This island country was named for a 16th century Spanish king whose name comes from the Greek for “lover of horses.” 49. Dog Breeds. Alpendog was a proposed name for this dog breed. 50. Musical Theater. The word “Practical” was dropped from the title of this hit musical not long before it premiered in 1981 on London’s West End.
  12. Rethinking this, Practical Hair would be a really funny musical.
  13. So did the player. I think it was last year that all the jockeys at the Derby or some other Triple Crown race were doing the Whip/Nae Nae. it was quite the rage, at least among the horse-racing crowd. So, easy peasy for me!
  14. More efficient is for TPTB to tell Tayisha that Bennett is winning that contest, and they printed one certificate and framed it a few days before that event was held. It was all part of the script.
  15. I caught that too, and I'm sure it was no coincidence. I'm not a fan of musicals and the only one I could come up with was Hair, although that was a decade earlier. I do remember reading Cats was originally Practical Cats, but not in time. I would have needed another day or two. It wasn't that long ago we had a Silent "L" category. There was much discussion here about how to pronounce certain words, including salmon, which was yet again an answer. I did hear some of the players saying the answers with the "Ls" included. For a minute, I thought this was a rerun.
  16. Which is the reason I kept trying to answer "Jimmy Cagney". I clearly saw him in my mind's eye!
  17. That went totally over my head, but yes, I am positive Alex said that on purpose. Nice catch. I didn't need the video clip of Billie Eilish to know that answer. It staggers me to think how she went from nobody to the No. 1 singer in America in less than a year while others more talented (or just as talented) are confined to obscurity forever. I am so sorry about your friend, @853fisher. Such sad news, it seems we (at least I) get such reports almost every day. As Alex said, he was blessed to get an outpouring of love before he died. If only everyone were so lucky to hear some kindness before their death. Thanks for sharing with us.
  18. Has anyone noticed that the show is playing clips of Alex in the opening "This is Jeopardy" segment? There is a different one every day. It's worth tuning in a minute or two early to catch it.
  19. When I saw the FJ category I was all like HOLY CATS I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, FINALLY! Then I right away thought, I'd better get this right or my street cred is gone, baby, gone. I instantly answered Saint Bernard, then thought hey, what about the Bernese Mountain Dog, it's from Switzerland. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is too, but it's a newer breed than the Berner. And the Berner is too obscure for this show, so Saint Bernard it is. "Whew." Side note: After Disney's Beethoven came out, everyone was buying Saints and the breed became seriously over bred and in terrible condition, physically and mentally. That was 1992 and the breed only started getting healthy again a few years ago. The same thing happened to Dalmatians after Disney's 101 Dalmatians. I considered myself lucky my breeds were/are not in a Disney movie. Another side note: An ex used to breed/show Saints. One of his dogs was the sire of the Saint in the movie Cujo. You can take that down whatever road you wish. I got Barney Miller even though I never watched that show, consumption (ha ha, "I got consumption" she said) and (hazardous) waste. And yet another Canada clue was a TS, the CN Tower in Toronto. Poor Alex. Speaking of Alex, he had a look on his face like "This is the dumbest dumbass FJ category we've ever had" when he announced it before the break. It was like he was going to burst out into laughter, it was such a dreck category.
  20. He was trolling the stupid in the room, meaning the stupid baby "math" problems and grade-school spelling "test." I give this guy big props for his sense of humor. He didn't need to prove anything to himself, Tayisha or the world watching, and I say good for him. He's my first choice for smartest and most-fun bach in that group. I'm guessing he's laughing his *ss off at all the online comments about how "dumb" he is.
  21. Mr. Kaplan wakes up from her coma in the hospital, with Red and Dembe at her bedside. "Wow, what a terrible horrible dream I had," Mr. Kaplan says, sitting up to take some refreshments from Dembe. "When do we get out of here?"
  22. Good advice. Several FJ clues lately have had two parts to them, one obvious, one obscure. I'll try to ignore the obscure part ... if I can figure out which one that is!
  23. The big regional ice cream around this part of the Midwest (Iowa/Illinois) is the "other" blue one, Blue Bunny. It's made in Iowa so it's easy to chuck some half gallons across the river to Illinois. In case a Blue Foods category ever comes up, you guys will be set with that answer. Perhaps Blue Bell is southern. Check the Piggly next time you are in town. Somehow though, I did know Blue Bell is ice cream. Because ... ice cream. Man, I've had horses since I was 15, started saving for one when I was five. (Took me 10 years to accrue enough money to buy my first.) I've owned dozens over the years, although just have one brood mare now. And through all those years of owning and showing and breeding them, I never heard that Philip means lover of horses. Amazing. Heh.
  24. That's exactly how I was thinking and didn't know where the horse part came in either. I still don't know. And it would have been less confusing if the horse part was left off. I had time to go through several other island nations and wasn't all that sure about Philippines, I just couldn't come up with anything else. So it was a half-horse answer for me. And guess which horse half. The FJ bets were strange. It's just luck that the champ, well, lucked out by the woman missing FJ.
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