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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Ben gets screen time AGAIN? *yawn*
  2. Is she just keeping the dregs so her final choice will look better by comparison?
  3. Blake got a rose. UGH. My last rose went to Spencer. WTH Noah. That has to be TPTB's decision.
  4. That has to be in their contracts.
  5. Who was the guy with the one-week anniversary cake? I like him.
  6. "Cheers to seeing you guys" --TM Tayshia (meaning all you posters here.)
  7. For some reason, from behind, I noticed how it drew focus to her ass. It must be a coincidence!
  8. Noah is such a tool, downing a whole pack of Tic Tacs to get his breath ready for a make-out session. And his SE grin, like Woo hoo, I won. Good on Tayshia for telling him to wipe it. I didn't like her saying she couldn't give him the rose RIGHT NOW. WTH girl, send his ass home too.
  9. I hope when she comes back from walking Bennett out, she walks Noah out.
  10. Bennett and Noah continue to confront one another on the impromptu two-on-one date; JoJo Fletcher explains to the men that a rose this week will be their ticket to a hometown date with Tayshia; Adam Hambrick performs. I hope it's okay that I started this thread. I needed some place to tell Bennett to STFU. He's been a favorite of mine, but holy cow, the boy needs to just stop.
  11. Still waiting for scores from @bybrandy, Her Majesty @Good Queen Jane, and hoping @peeayebee can join us. Then the Big Winner can be announced. (I know everyone's day is hinging on this.)
  12. I wonder if Google always had that about AT as an Easter egg. My DTP software had its competitor's name misspelled in its library, and if you hit a certain combo of keys a Martian would appear and shoot your copy off the page with his ray gun.
  13. So @Prevailing Wind, you haven't run into this guy lately, have you?
  14. In honor of yesterday's FJ answer, here is a little story about unicorns. All of the animals had been gathered and were safely on Noah's ark. After two days afloat, the two unicorns finally found each other. "Hi," said the first. "My name is Frank." "Hi Frank," said the second. "My name is George." Then both unicorns said: "Oh, crap."
  15. Now you do! I said minotaur for FJ as well. Hey, they have horns. For some reason, a Rainbow Brite unicorn just doesn't fit in Bible class for me. Today's opening was AT in Spartan garb. This disspells the thinking that the same AT clip is used on same days. John stole TJ's hair. I hope readers here appreciated my side note from some episodes back that said Grant Wood's American Gothic is in the Chicago Art Institute. You're welcome.
  16. *Raises hand.* Me. Never heard of it. And, in response, why would ANYONE buy CANNED chili? Just ... yuck. Brown some ground beef, throw in some tomatoes and beans (if you want beans), add some spices and you've got a big pot of delicious chili, enough for four people, and at less cost than a can of that chili I've never heard of.
  17. I could not figure out the thinking in last night's game. Paris had control of the board at the end, but she gave the game to Madison to play out instead of taking it herself to win. Madison's card was a queen; Paris's card was an eight. If Paris changed her card and played, she might have won. Or she might have lost and the game would have gone to Madison as winner. My problem was, by not even TRYING to win, Paris handed the game to Madison. Yeah, Paris might have called a wrong card and Madison would have won anyway. But the odds of Madison starting with a queen and having less cards to call to get to the ending win, those odds were in Madison's favor IMO. Others might disagree, but it bugged me.
  18. I was absolutely LOVING JD and wanted him to stay on for at least 20 more episodes, then take over hosting, then star in his own show. I've never enjoyed anyone that much. And I was getting a kick out of his Meryl Streep talk. JD could do no wrong in my eyes. I wish he could have gone on to the million. That would have been whack if he played his Czech guess and won $500,000. I was with Kimmel on that one though, I guessed Korean so I would have been a big loser. I'm happy JD got $250,000 though. Well deserved. I also got a kick out of his friend having studied Oscar winners when they knew JD was coming on the show. It was refreshing to see a bright articulate player after some of the dumbasses who have been on (pretty much all) game shows lately.
  19. On last night's episode, I was SO GLAD the muscle dudes did not win the Big Sweep. And same for the couple whose woman partner was wearing the crop top. Enough already. The guys being named Team Meatball IMO referred to their brains, not biceps. It was mind boggling to see two different team members bending over the inflatable banana and both ignoring it while they grabbed stuff of the shelves behind it. In fact, pretty much everyone ignored the inflatables. Did Leslie forget to tell them they are worth $ ? The guy who was grabbing those little bottles of spices clearly does not grocery shop IRL. A $3 bottle of marjoram isn't the same as a $50 turkey. I'm glad I'm not the only one in the universe who has never heard of Stagg chili since those contestants obviously had not either. I looked it up online afterward and it is indeed a real product made by Hormel. Guess I've never thought of buying chili in a can when it's so easy to make with fresh ingredients.
  20. Welcome! The Table is honored to have someone of your caliber join us.
  21. I'm upgrading you and giving you a special pass and a seat at The Table For One. We have enough for a good round or two of Texas Hold'em. You be the dealer.
  22. I thought that Pete Santa video was really good, but I had no idea about the original, so thanks @helenamonster for posting that clip. Now I think the Pete Santa video is solid gold brilliance. Plus now I know why certain people are "stans." Going back to rewatch Pete's version now. Thanks!
  23. I thought this was a pretty solid episode, and hosts are best when they aren't there to pimp themselves or sell their product. The chimp good-night clip was awesome. Agree that some little kid in a chimp suit should have been at last night's ending. Best part for me was the Future Morgan sketch. Bateman got in some great lines, and it kept getting funnier, especially with Morgan turning into Bowen. Forget the politics of it, it was a pretty good slam on Morgan, and he played along with it nicely. I'd say most viewers didn't even know he was kicked off of that Burr episode. I'd never heard of Morgan before that, and still pretty much don't know who he is. But I loved this sketch. WU was on fire. Pete was hilarious as he always is on WU. Then Bailey came on and it was like a bucket of ice water was poured on the show. Mall Santa in the snow globe turned into slapstick which this show doesn't do, and that made it so funny. I was hoping no one really got hurt at the end.
  24. Well, the "ex wife" admitted to stabbing Cari multiple times in her car, then stuffing her body in a trash can and covering her with "crap." I'm just guessing the trash can got dumped in a, well, dump somewhere. Glad Liz got life w/o parole. Thanks, Crazy.
  25. Yes, but think of the fun you'll have with Saber at The Table For One. I'm still here from last week.
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