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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. You mean you pick her to "win" getting married to carp-mouth dead-fish-eye Mr. No Personality Matt James? You're cruel! I want Victoria to win that prize. Everyone else deserves better.
  2. Eh, that balloon is on a tether. Big deal. I've crewed for hot-hair balloon races and going up a few feet on a tether is NOT ballooning. But I guess it still beats all of Tayshia's non-dates.
  3. Same here! I need to get on that list, stat!
  4. What's wrong with these women that when someone insults them they just sit and cry. Why doesn't just ONE of them stand up and say STFU beyotch, what makes YOU so great ... and on and on. No one would be brave enough to say anything to me again after I got done roasting them. I'd make ALL of them cry, bunch of little whiny babies. When I get mad and wound up, all I have to do is open my mouth and newts and toads spew forth. Reagan! I need to get on the next season.
  5. This made me laugh so hard because Monday nights in this thread is the best thing in my life. So just imagine MY entertainment choices! I wish I had started counting Matt's "I love thats." I'm already too far behind. I will next week, promise.
  6. I say to the chick who freaking can't use a paddle: "Let me walk you out." She's gone baby gone in my world. Stupid ass. Better yet, I'd just leave her in the middle of the pond and put her suitcase by the back door. Let a PA walk her out.
  7. Yay. I was rooting for the PR Real Queen to get the FR. I don't know who any of the women leaving are. But now I know it's Anna who can't fit her teeth inside her lips. And when she does, she looks just like Grumpy Cat. Man, her face would get old but quick IRL. Because it already has on this show.
  8. Well thanks, previews, for letting everyone know QV stays another week. *sigh* Looking forward to finding out which one is the hooker, because she'll instantly go to the top of my fav list.
  9. I think the deal is to make Matt cry. And not Mesnick cry, just sit on the ground and have a good bawl. "Tyler never said it would be like this, *sob cry*"
  10. Those peg-leg tight pants really accentuate Matt's bone-thin skinny legs. Not a good look. One of the blond women can't quite fit her teeth inside her upper lip. Not a good look. If I had been there, I would have told QV to effing keep her grubs to herself and hand back that crown. What's up with this lame-ass group of women who just sit on their asses and let bad behavior rule the room. Not surprised more women came on. Maybe one or two of them has a personality and some cajones.
  11. Toastmasters was the best. Every human should be required to take at least one year of it before the age of 15. I don't even think they have Speech in schools any more. Or English classes.
  12. And her IQ is bordering on single digit. And that's me being generous.
  13. Six minutes in and we're continuing to have Victoria shoved down our throats again. She's really bad at playing her role, she doesn't make any sense at all when she talks. PITA. It would be more fun to hear everyone talking about ... whatever. Anything that doesn't have Victoria or Sarah in the sentence. So Matt doesn't know what a HUGE big deal hair is for Black women? WTH Matt. Dumbass.
  14. And Ken was such a good sport about it. I'm guessing Brian truly did not know the answer, unless he was okay with tossing $3,799 away on a troll. Interesting that two weeks of Jeopardy episodes for us viewers was just two days of work for Mr. Jennings. I hope Brian continues to do well. And I got a big laugh out of his pronunciation of "Chicago." Native Chicago speakers will know what I mean.
  15. I vaguely remember seeing the Nicole Kidman episode live, I remember her doing her Tom Cruise imitation. The Sprockets German Jeopardy I did not recall though, I must have fallen asleep by the time it came on originally. But it was the highlight of this rerun for me. Dieter and Sprockets were a favorite from that era.
  16. I caught the Holey Moley rerun last night and really enjoyed it, the best one so far. While I like Leslie Jones, I'm glad hers was first and out of the way so I could enjoy this one more. I like Holey Moley, so seeing these three play together was extra fun. I didn't know Rob was a Lt. Col. in the Marines though. That's worth a HOLEY MOLEY of its own. Joe was so low key, I was glad he won in the end. And I thought it was so funny how Jeanine kept leaning over to see her upside-down score. In all, a great episode that I enjoyed very much.
  17. I finally got to see the Brad-as-chaser episode rerun. I still love this show, and it's still my fav new show. I don't think the host is a slow reader. The only part that drags for me is revealing the answer of the three choices. But the time slot has to be filled with either that time killer or a bunch more commercials. Toss up as to which we would prefer. I guess I'll take the drug-out extra-slow answer reveals. I liked Brad as chaser, but I like all three Jeopardy fellows as chasers. I also still like the lounge, and interesting that James said "cuttlefish" for that answer Brad missed. I'd be fine if all of the snark were taken out, I don't enjoy it and think it just brings a fun show down to gutter level. I watch tv to get away from that sort of thing so am glad my Jeopardy heroes aren't dwelling on that. I liked Brad complimenting the last man standing on this episode. I want to see more of that, not smart asses tearing other people down. It's kind of interesting only GOAT Ken as chaser didn't catch the players in the end. I also like when the chaser explains the answers so we learn a little bit, like about mapping the movement of those planets!
  18. Casey Kasem is Lizzie's real mother! That's a twist I never saw coming. And the sniper who killed Lizzie has been identified as Agnes, who gets up from her sniper spot after taking out Ms. Keen with one shot, packs up her rifle and walks away into the sunset, followed by three dogs and a cat.
  19. My dream ending is for Lizzie to be taken out by (an unknown but we suspect who it is) sniper, and while Harold and Ressler are at her funeral, the camera pans to The Triumvirate of Glen, Dom and Mr. Kaplan, and Dembe to the side who says, "Thank the gods we are out of that misery." While Red lives to do -- whatever -- another day. Fade to black, and out of our memory.
  20. Holy cow Judy, I hope you are okay now. I would have sent you a virtual bouquet if I had known you were ill. I'm all in with Helen and Andy too, so I'm with you there. That show never gets old. I too thought of the Slender Man teen girl killers during this Dateline. I can't even begin to comprehend why someone, anyone, would murder a friend, much less set up a best friend to be offed just kinda for fun.
  21. I credit my love of old BW movies, Sherlock Holmes and the skill to finally grab the right answer out of the air when names fly past. Meanwhile, thank you for your service @opus. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. I guess. Maybe?
  22. I didn't get the Dragnet connection either, unless some episode had two guys murdering their friend. I don't know why they went to the tunnel or what any of the motive was. The episode went on so long and kept bringing up so many things about the Duncan guy, I sort of lost the fact about Ron's murder. But yeah, this episode was a good example of why lifers in prison w/o parole shouldn't just be set free because of "good behavior." Does that mean they didn't kill a guard or tear up a prison library book? And anyone can say anything, that they're "remorseful" when they just want to get out of jail free. What a depressing end to this episode. I haven't watched Dateline for a long time, so much "other" bad going on. Not sure this one was a good one to start with again.
  23. Okay, I have to say this made me laugh. I needed to read here to find out what happened in this episode because while I was watching live, it was so painful I kept getting up and leaving. Gotta let the dogs out, gotta go outside with them. Even though it's 10 degrees out there, that was more enjoyable that sitting still to make it through this episode without a dozen breaks. Best line of the night for me, from what I saw, Cooper telling Lizzie that now she should call him Harold. The guy has had the hots for her since forever and she keeps dissing him. Yet he keeps trying. "You can do or kill anyone you want, Elizabeth, just come back home to your Harold." I totally didn't get the car-door bomb thing. I really didn't get how exploding a hospital room wasn't a pure dumbass thing. Lizzie doesn't own a gun? Red is STILL going to leave everything to Lizzie in his will? If I were Dembe, I'd try killing Red myself since he gets nothing after being by Red's side all these decades. I don't have a clue what's up with Ressler, the guy who had to hire a paid escort to go with him to some function a few seasons ago, and had to use a dating service to even find someone to go to dinner with. WTH is up with these writers. Or are there any writers. Lizzie is all verklempt about Red shooting the woman who CLAIMED to be her mother. I don't remember there being any proof of that. And I'm in the camp that believes Red is Lizzie's mother, so this whole you-killed-mom subplot is just nonsense IMO. Of course, this episode was all nonsense too. I wonder what distractions I'll have to dig up to make it through next Friday night from 7 to 8 p.m. At least you posters are fun because this show sure is not.
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