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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yeah, I said Yukon as well. And I clearly remember Sergeant Preston! Klondike = ice cream sandwich in my mind. Oreo is not a good name for a dog? Please. I've owned an Oreo and I know many dogs named that, and horses, too. Geez louise, Trebek. Glad the woman won, even if it was by default. It's about time we had a woman champ again, even without having any "Woman Only" categories.
  2. Jim could have posed for a still photo in front of that case of badges and "awards" shown in his TH. Although maybe those aren't his, either, and are from some museum. I can understand how someone from that community can be highly irked by that *sshat misrepresenting himself, especially given his history. Which is maybe why he posed as a fake police chief, so no one would trace him. Busted here though. Even without knowing his history, I agree that he's one sad specimen of a human. I hope everyone who watches this show feels the same way. I don't think it's a generational thing, I know people much older than he is who would be helping Benji making that pulley window. Jim is just an *sshat for all ages. Bitter, self-important and mean, all the way through. As for Benji and others wasting time building huts and windows, they still gathered and cooked all those crabs which Jim and Dakota came, ate, and left without so much as a thank you. So, there's that. If any PAs are reading here, please make a show, any show, starring the camera guys. I'd watch that all day long. ETA: While there are no women on this show, I've not heard nor seen anything that indicates a hate toward or a dislike of women. So, I disagree totally. It's a purposely created male society, but none of the men (even Jim) have exhibited anything remotely resembling misogyny. Quite the opposite, in many instances.
  3. Mason's "spit/quit" comment was disgusting. But in character for the character. He's just not someone I'd like to be around. Or even meet. Even before his face thing. Jack's beat down on Hannibal I vote for Best Fight Sequence EVER. For once, the beat-ee doesn't just jump up and fight back after getting socked with a roundhouse. While it didn't actually kill Hannibal as it would have some "normal" person, for once Jack had the upper hand without all the fakery that goes along with other tv or movie fights, where the person beaten up is running around next scene like he didn't incur anything worse than stubbing his toe. I was hoping, when Jack stuck him in the leg with that grappling hook, that he would have hoisted him up in the air and hung him upside down for a punching bag sequence. Oh well. Next time. I still love Will Fancy Dancy. Maybe the fall off the train killed him and now he's dead like Abigail.
  4. I thought of all the Mads fans here with the gratuitous shirtless scene. And yeah, I think that reinforces the idea that he and Bedelia are "a couple." Verger wants a FINGERPRINT when a photo snapped with a cellphone would work? Oh, please. If it's possible for someone to jump a foot into the air while lying on the couch under a blanket, that's exactly what I did when Chiyo flipped Will off the back of the train. I totally did not see that coming. I also shouted a random swear word at my teevee. Before then, I thought they had some real chemistry, so was not surprised by the kiss. I was expecting that. Just not expecting the after shock. I can't put into words how HAPPY I felt during Jack's beatdown of Hannibal. I could have watched an entire hour of that show. Well done, Jack. FINALLY. And loved Jack's answer when Hannibal asked how he would feel when Jack killed him: "ALIVE!" Alana, who is not a police investigator, is the only person around who can figure out how to find Hannibal. And then uses Skype. Unbelievable no one else has thought of that. Poor Italian police guy should know better than to approach Hannibal when they are the only two in the room, or building for that matter. I'm surprised he lived as long as he did.
  5. All I could think of was, where's the catheter? Yeah, I know, I'm way too practical.
  6. I know. It reminded me of the ER doc's gold lamé outfit from last year. It was just surprising he wasn't in the audience to cheer Weatherman on, and to get more face time on teevee. Maybe his new Hollywood career is keeping him in California.
  7. Alana knew Hannibal from before. Wasn't he some teacher somewhere and she sort of had a crush on him that they didn't act on at that time? That was revealed last season, I think, or maybe even season 1. Season 1 ... back when Will made a pass at Alana ... and was rejected. Boo hoo! I don't think it matters to where Will is sailing, he's just by himself, sailing. Sort of a rough sea, but he's sailing. (Rough sea, rough life ... metaphors!)
  8. It's only in British Commonwealth countries where one drives on the left. All other countries drive on the right, as in the United States, Canada, Mexico ... yada yada. Not being able to drive a stick ... oh, my. If one wants to impress a girlfriend by having a European sports car, one has to be able to drive a manual. Also, if someone wants to be a carjacker, better learn that skill as well. It's not all that hard to learn. So I am not impressed by Kaitlyn's motoring skills in the least. It's that "broadcast on national television" part that makes her something very different than an "adult with a high libido."
  9. Yeah, why waste their time and energy when they could be doing ... NOTHING, like Jim. At least these guys were using their brains and interacting and being social. Even zoo animals are given toys and challenges so they don't go freaking crazy from doing nothing while trapped in a small enclosure. And we give our dogs and cats toys to play with so they can occupy themselves, combat boredom and grow their intellects. Jim, on the other hand, I'm afraid doesn't have much intellect to grow. I'll take a window-building Benji over an *ss-sleeping Jim any day. ETA: Here's hoping.
  10. I've already seen today's episode and don't remember a thing about it. it will happen to you guys, too, when you get old.
  11. Because a bunch of sugar makes everything taste good! I know what capers are, I just didn't know where they came from or how they grew, they're just always in that bottle. So this was a stumper for me, too. Got a laugh from the flashback to FJ a few days back, with the clue for Rosie being on The Jetsons. (Not a live-action tv show, even if it is in the future!) The Hawksbill clue being a TS reinforces what I've always said, no one who gets on this show knows anything about animals. No one heard me repeatedly shouting "TURTLE!" when the clue was read. My dream board would be all animal/nature/outdoor categories with no poets/opera/science anywhere.
  12. How dare you question ex-policeman Jim, who survived the most tragic and horrible and hard and gruesome occupation EVER, that of a policeman. We know this because Jim told us how great he is and how miserable his life-and-death occupation was. Of course, his (retired-from) job was WAY harder and he saw WAY more horrible things than a trauma surgeon or an Iraq war vet. That terrible, horrible, traumatic past life obviously entitles him to sit on his rear end (well, lie on his back more truthfully) and complain about everyone else who isn't him. I was wondering how long that pig had been roaming around if all the yucca had been rooted up and eaten. And why they were not looking for yucca roots a week ago, before that pig got let loose. He is from Idaho but they still have schools and stores and cities and towns in that state. And gay guys. Dakota just doesn't know he's met them, just like he didn't know Trey was gay until Trey said so. So, Trey is "officially" his "first." Just not his REAL first. I'm totally in for that All Benji All The Months calendar, RiverHeights.
  13. Yeah, Chris S. has an arrest record so couldn't get into Canada. I remember Kaitlyn's family being in Arizona where they had a (fake) dinner around a fire pit that looked really neat for making s'mores on. Maybe it wasn't Kaitlyn's family, my memory doesn't always retain things about this franchise. Kaitlyn was a "dance instructor" in Chris's season. Remember when she was teaching him break dancing? Then she was a rapper and had a rap-recording date. Now that she's the lead, I guess they can't come up with an occupation since "Dog Lover" is already taken. "Famewhore"?
  14. Joe Weatherman Morovsky is my favorite ninja ever, so glad to see him again. Like the announcers said, he looks like some normal guy, yet he flies through those courses and yet doesn't showboat or show off. So he comes across as looking and ACTING normally, the polar opposite of his (ugh) cousin. Had a laugh at the cage fighter woman who had a gigantic backstory, then fell less than one second into the course. Please. Elet is also one of my favorites, so good to see him again. Liked the walk-on guy who waited 10 days, taking baths in the local river while he waited. Hope he goes far. He had a good backstory, makes a good role model like some others on this show. I hope he sticks it out.
  15. Look up the definition of "Asshat" and you will find a full-page photo of Jim. I (almost) have no words for what a jerk that guy is. He goes on a REALITY TV SHOW, then refuses to wear his mic? Tells the guys not to film him? The heck. Then he makes fun of people who are "showboating" by building a shelter? People who are actually occupying their time on a deserted island by being sociable and making a camp and houses while he lays on his *ss and does absolutely nothing but watch and grouse about everyone else? Oh, just wow. Then he complains that those people, who are actually cutting limbs and BUILDING something in the 100-degree heat, are drinking "his" water? Oh, just wow. I liked Dakota, he seemed like a nice, friendly kid up for the experience. But he says Jim reminds him of his grandfather, which make me think Dakota comes from a really dysfunctional family unit, ala Archie Bunker. Then when he said he'd never met a gay guy because he's from Idaho? Oh, just wow. Hate to tell you, Dakota, but I bet you know a lot of gay guys, you just don't know it. Trey was a good guy. I'll miss him. I vote for a new show of just the camera guys, starring my teevee boyfriend Benji in the lead. Man, those guys are smart, logical, practical and just all around the best men I've seen on any show ever, anywhere. And yeah, next week is the end? I'll miss my weekly visits here you guys. Just let me know where Benji is going next. Heh. ETA: Trey's twitter handle is "icetrey." Hee hee!
  16. Leave it to me to notice the details. Kaitlyn came up with a Kleenex which she used to stick the point of into the corners of her eyes while she was fake crying. But where was the hanky for Cupcake? Show likes to give us lots of audio of snot sucking. Kimmel's crew must read here, because on last night's show he showed side-by-side photos of these people with the actors who would play them in The Bachelorette: The Movie. Kaitlyn was Megan Fox, then the guys were Ryan Gosling, Matt Damon and someone else I can't remember.
  17. This made me laugh, and made me think of Sean's season. Wasn't he the one who never had anything to say, so when a date told him some deep story, his response was: KISS.
  18. There is such a thing as "rising above it." A more mature adult can do that, regardless of what he/she is thinking or feeling inside. The knee-jerk reaction is not always the best. That's why the old adage, "Count to 10," exists. Of course, that makes for TERRIBLE reality teevee.
  19. My local ABC affiliate ran this episode yesterday, to make up for canceling it last Monday to do tornado coverage. Absolutely nothing else was on, so I watched it while working. It did turn out to be interesting. Mainly because it revealed much of Kaitlyn as a real person. Kaitlyn wants honesty, so Ian meets with her and is totally honest in saying how he views her, as a chick out for a good time and not a husband. He expected to find heartbroken-over-Chris Kaitlyn and instead has found Big Jokester Crude Kaitlyn. Could Kaitlyn push her lips out any further to show her disgust that one of HER MEN would DARE question her motive for being a famewhore? Oh, I mean, for being there to find a husband? If Kaitlyn were an adult, she would have politely told Ian: "Thank you for your honesty. I really appreciate you coming to me, and I'm sorry you feel that way. I wish we could have had a connection, you are a Great Guy (TM this show) and I hope you find what you are looking for. Are you ready to go home NOW?" and walk him out. Instead, she throws a big pity party for herself, which Nick invites himself to. Then Nick turns it into the All About Nick All The Time Nick story. I've decided if someone wants to shut Nick up, they should, like, remove, like, the word "like" from, like, his vocabulary. He can hardly speak without that crutch word. We thought Chris Soules was bad, Nick is the worst. I did laugh at Ian saying he was tired of being around all the guys and hearing nothing but fart jokes and conversations about bodily functions. Hooray, Ian, you just summed up this season. As for Ian's VO being edited, I noticed his hands were completely covering his face when his voice said, "I need sex." And speaking of sex, those editing monkeys were not being subtle in the least when, after showing us the shut door to Kaitlyn's bedroom and the translations of the moans and groans coming from within the room, they showed the exterior of the hotel where water (water?) was spewing from a pipe. Just ... gross. I'm guessing Ian, watching at home, is really REALLY glad he left. The fake funeral thing ended up being kinda funny. But the RiverDancing ... ugh. Kaitlyn, to her credit, was at least trying. Nick? What a doof. I give him a big NO. Many of the tourists watching Kaitlyn and Nick "dance" had looks on their faces like they were watching a dog barf on the sidewalk. I kinda had that same look myself, watching at home. How hilarious when Kaitlyn arrives in Dublin and declares it "the perfect place to fall in love." That puts Dublin in the same category as every other country, city and town on the globe where some Bach or Bach-ette has been.
  20. It's free. And maybe Will doesn't have a passport so he's sneaking in. As for his sailing not getting press, obviously the newspapers in this alternate world hire terrible reporters since Hannibal's photo hasn't shown up anywhere after his near murder of three and murder of one, all in the same night. So there's that.
  21. Snookums, I suspect you are one of the writers for this show. I know I'm being WAY too literal about this, but my first thought was to trace the flowers back to the florist and where the note came from. Because, obviously, it was Hannibal's handwriting which means he sent it to the florist who, in turn, sent it to the chapel for the funeral. And somehow florist got paid for the arrangement. PayPal? All traceable. Meanwhile, there is Will sailing alone across the Atlantic ... at least we know he did make it.
  22. My impetuous mouth shouted "Rob Reiner!" before my brain caught up and corrected it to Rob's dad. To be safe, I should have said "Reiner," then I'd have a 50-50 chance Trebek would say BMS. When I saw how easy FJ was, I knew Kat was going home. I got a big kick out of her personality, especially her "Thanks, gentlemen" comment. Sorry to see her go.
  23. No one has commented on Alaina saying Hannibal won't change his tastes, which includes wine and truffles. This matches Bedelia going to the same shop to purchase wine and truffles, then displaying the shopping bag on CCC. Although I still don't know why Hannibal's photo (surely DMV has one) is not in all the European (and American) newspapers. But, whatever.
  24. If I were Alaina and had just gone through a "relationship" with Hannibal, I'd turn lesbian in a heartbeat. Or even better: celibate. I just hope Will isn't going that way, being "in love" with Hannibal. I don't know whether to believe him or not in what he says. I do agree with Islandgal, this show is written in metaphors and prose. It's too hard for me to try to puzzle out what people are REALLY saying. Odd that Will wanted to be alone in Hannibal's empty house, even though Abigail was keeping him company. I did like this episode, but I have to say, after being obsessed with this show for the past two years, this season is making me not that sorry there will be no next season.
  25. Yes! I know he did that pronunciation today anyway. You guys haven't seen the episode yet, but I have. And my comment, non-spoiler, is that Kat is one of my favorite contestants ever. I have to start taking notes because shows go right out of my head as soon as they are over. Sometimes before they are over. Oh, I would have asked for a BMS since the person obviously didn't know what a double bass was by seeing a photo of one, so, no harm, no foul. Plus Trebek does get a charge out of rubbing it in peoples' faces when they don't know something or forget the category. Personally, I thought the photo was of a cello. Eh!
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