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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Pretty much all "reality tv" is scripted. Not much, if anything, is real about any reality show, from the Kardashians to the Bachelor. And yeah, TB is a Fleiss cash cow all right. Just look at all the posts here with people debating about this and that, discussing who will "win," who has the best hair extensions, who will be the next B-ette. Yeah, it's fakety fake, but that doesn't mean people don't enjoy going along for the ride. Some are duped by it, others know it's crafted by editing monkeys and watch for the snark. Still, people watch, which is all ABC asks. Having Miss Piggy on the aftershow to comment on the romantic attachments should give one a clue whether this show takes itself seriously or not.
  2. A big YES to this. That actor was fantastic, I'd like to see him every week. Everything about the actor and the character was spot on. I did get a kick out of Woz saying his wife got him that magazine subscription, that was the perfect way to shut down the ribbing. And his Mary Kay car ... oh, my.
  3. When I saw the title of this episode, all I could think of was Elaine Benis: "Mr. PITT! Mr. Pitt!" Someone needed to buy him some socks.
  4. I have to give credit to Harlee wearing tennis shoes at the beginning of this show, to run the perp down, instead of wearing high heels like all the other "women detectives." But WTH with those gaucho pants she had on for the rest of the show? The heck, Harlee! I couldn't buy Harlee turning off her surveillance once the FBI guy answered the door for his date. That's when I would have enlarged the screen and turned up the volume. Yeah, I'm a perv. Harlee complimenting the FBI guy in the donut shop ("You're a good looking guy") was so out-of-character. I hope she's just leading him on so he will get busted. Since he IS a perv. Glad to know the dog is alive and well, and watching Woz have sex in his house now after watching him have sex in the back alley. Tess and her partner link up in a motel and he's having sex with her BACK? Oh, just no to that. But hilarious that Woz broke them up and told them to get back to work. And yeah, Harlee, you and that daughter of yours aren't as close as what you think. I did like the Files Guy though, he had some good dialogue. Overall, good episode IMO. Plus the Portuguese hooker scenes were fun.
  5. That grosses me out when I see dogs unable to retract their tongues. If it's not some birth defect, then the tongue hangs out because the teeth have been extracted so there is nothing to hold the tongue in. (Yes, dogs get infected teeth; the infection then goes into their blood stream resulting in bad news for survival.) Anyway, selecting that dog was such a bad idea IMO when there are tons of other dogs available, I am sure. This bugged the heck out of me, too. Lizzie was all crybaby, "Wah, wah, don't call me that, I TOLD you not to call me that." This from a cold-blooded killer and international fugitive? All she had to do was say, "Shut the f*ck up, Tiny Dick" or some other even worse thing one can call a man, then give him the nickname "Peanuts" or something even worse that you can tag a man with. I guarantee, he would have stopped calling her "that." So we get Lizzie all "How did my mom die?" several times, and Lizzie whining "Don't call me that" several times. Then we get her all "I'm giving up my baby but I'm staying in his/her life, I want to drop in whenever and leave whenever, at my whim." Man, Lizzie needs to be the one to Shut The F*ck Up. Well, there's that plus the kick-ass Navabi is now all weepy because her EX whom she DIVORCED is now engaged. Like it was okay that she shagged Ressler. But some guy she hasn't seen since ... when? ... has her all mopey and wanting to put on a baby shower? Aram, you can do SO much better. This show's writers hate dogs. First, Lizzie's dog got left in the fleabag (ha) motel. Then Tom brings her another one, which disappears from her new apartment. Then Monk leaves his two Poms in that restaurant, and now they are homeless on the streets. Geesh, show. WTH? And what's up with Lizzie going through that ONE adoption agency. There aren't other agencies out there? She can't put an ad in the paper/on the Internet? Or, OH YEAH, what about Red helping out? For sure he can find a fake family/nanny since that's what Lizzie is looking for, someone to take care of/raise her kid while she drops in whenever to play the role of "real mom." I got the impression that Red's girlfriend was attacked not all that long ago. For some reason, I thought it was just three years ago? (Which would put it at the beginning of this show.)
  6. I enjoyed this episode and have no complaints about it. i know, amazing, right? I never watched The Office, so Jenna Fischer is new to me, and I think she's good. Megan Mullally also was fun this time. Does anyone know where it was filmed? It sorta looked like Utah.
  7. I can't cast a vote for next b-ette since I can't tell any of these people apart yet. Maybe next b-ette will be the invisible Leah?
  8. And god forbid this show should EVER go into any territory considered "icky"! This made me laugh. Because I think that's what everyone who appears on this show wants. It's THEIR version of a Kardashian show that they get to star in. Yeah, maybe one or two will get married, but getting to be part of The Bachelor Family is, I believe, the main draw. We all spend a lot of time discussing how people look on this show. So I guess we're just as shallow as the contestants. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  9. This cracked me up since that's how so many married people feel any more. Why work on a marriage when they can Tinder their next lay? You want me to take out the garbage? The heck with that. I'm out the door ... and down to the local bar for a pickup. I didn't see the entire Ben-kicks-Jubilee-out thing, but from reading here, I see suggestions that he was a dickweed about it. Even if he did pull a tearless Mesnick on that secluded bench afterward. Funny he didn't show any emotion BEFORE he sent her packing. We just got to see Poor Heartbroken Nicey Nice Ben fake crying afterward.
  10. Ben didn't. He asked "Whose hair?" but we did not get to hear the answer. Nothing negative about being "corn fed." I'm a Midwesterner living on a farm, and I've always associated the term with someone being wholesome, big, strapping, able to carry in the firewood and tote the bales. Corn-fed women can carry in the pail after milking the cow, then bake biscuits in the oven all day for her men out in the fields. And, oh yeah, she's able to birth lots of babies, pretty much in between doing chores. Heck, I'M corn-fed. Not a thing wrong with it. This is true. Since this corn-fed Midwestern farmer has dated blacks, several Asians, had a long-term with a Hispanic, plus many long-term relationships with Caucasian Jerks, the worst ethnic group of all. Wow, there's a Leah on this show? Who knew! This reminds me, the lead story on TMZ yesterday was White Ben kicking Black Jubilee off the show on Black History Month. It got a lot of play, and laughs. But you have to give Ben credit for giving Jubilee HER new tag line, that SHE'S unloveable. Well, there IS that paycheck thing, and maybe her kids do best when she isn't around all that much. Her comment can be interpreted so many ways!
  11. Funny how that works though. Sort of like how a person who has been bitten by a dog then hates all dogs.
  12. Age has nothing to do with it. I'm older than all these b-ettes put together and I've never done a shot, tequila or otherwise. People have different values systems about what is "important" and what is not. Well, so long Jubilee, my favorite b-ette and person I wanted as next The B-ette. Now THAT'S not going to happen. But you did win the cook off, so there's that for your resumé. I can't tell any of these extension-haired blonds apart. Toward the end, when several THs were shown in succession, I didn't have a clue who was whom. And the makeup and hair changes ... as another poster said, there are twice as many faces to try to recognize. Although I think each b-ette is more like three or four people, depending on makeup, hair and time of day. Name tags would help. Becca's sumo knot on top of her head ... hilarious. And KUDOS to everyone who did not change channels or FF through the unending "like" like conversations. I wasn't one of you. Those were TORTURE! It was funny that Jubilee was bed sharing with Olivia though. But that early morning wakeup ... how bogus was that? Scripted, yes.
  13. I was hoping to add this show to my list of must-sees, but I turned the channel before it was even half-way through this episode. So Lucifer makes people say and do things they are thinking. Whoa ... Scarey (NOT). So the lady cop doesn't fall for your schtick ... get over it. I'm just not that into you, Lucifer, so your mind-meld isn't working on me, either. Plus I HATE British accents and people who have them, so for me that's a good choice for how the Devil should speak. However, it doesn't make me like this show. Well, that, and am I the only one who doesn't find the lead actor even remotely attractive? It's all a depressing lose-lose for me. *sad face*
  14. Yeah, that's my only reason for being here as well. While it does have a website, it is a "club" in name only. There is no president, officers, board of directors, and the only membership requirement is to have sex on an airplane, after which individuals can proclaim themselves members, no proof required. It is not exactly a classy thing to put on your job resumé, unless one is working in pornos. And I hesitate to call anyone who has sex on an airplane "blessed" in any way. I actually find it offensive, as are the people who brag about belonging to this fakety fake "club."
  15. As one of the few who has never heard of nor seen this actress before, I wish she'd get killed off. I hate the character Tess, I hate her storyline, I dislike the actress. i don't see where Tess is filling any role on this show, other than Equal Rights Gotta Have X Number of Women/Black Cops. I was also irritated with Woz telling Harlee this next big score will be for the daughter's college tuition. If Harlee's income as a single mom is that low, the kid can apply for all sorts of scholarships and grants. Enough with kids these days getting free rides! (Written as one who paid every dime of my college education myself.)
  16. Best part of this episode for me was the daughter realizing she has to stop dreaming about hitting on that hot guy who turns out is her dad. Well, that, and Mary in that white dress. And Peter Burke once again proves all FBI agents are dickheads.
  17. Dembe puts up with a lot, but when it comes to cr*ppy singing around a bonfire, just NO! That woman's hair thing is a big BIG pet peeve of mine. Women cops on every show have long, loose hair flying around and are out chasing criminals. No way can anyone see or focus with hair in their faces. The first season of Castle, I loved the woman cop having short hair. Next season and from then on, she had long hair past her shoulders, always hanging down. I like Grey's since the doctors actually put their hair in pony tails like real life. But other shows, like this one? Gotta have long hair hanging down all the time, god forbid anyone would put it in a scrunchie so they could actually SEE who they are shooting or fighting. Me, I'd love to see short hair on Lizzie. In fact, that would have been a better "disguise" than the typical hoodie people on the run now use to hide their identies. A nice blond spiked do would have been cool. Or, hey, what about a wig! Now that would have been something different ... Lizzie in a wig.
  18. It's my opinion that clown pedo was a homage to John Wayne Gacy, the most famous clown pedo known (so far) to man. I have to agree with Otto, that if Blacklist were real life, Red would have made an appointment for Lizzie in some private clinic somewhere. And big YEAH to her not even giving a care about Tom's present of a dog companion. Shows me that Lizzie is a non-caring [fill in the blank] and would be a HORRIBLE mom.
  19. Wow, depressing that the new episode isn't posted here. And after James took two bullets to save his son!
  20. I've never heard of this actress nor do I know anything about her, but I'd put her around 35 in looks. Nowhere near the age when men start looking past you to whomever is somewhere you are not. So for her to play some scorned woman just doesn't work for me. Does anyone really think Harlee has a thing for the files guy? I sort of get the impression he's being used ... for something other than bedtime.
  21. Oh, wow, I totally put that out of my head. Thanks, Risky, for reminding me. Now I'm back in the swing of this show!
  22. I'll volunteer to give Ressler a test run, just to see if he needs to be taken down any pegs. But from the look he gave her after that high-school comment, I'm guessing he's pretty secure in his manhood. Although like I said, I'll take one for the team to discover if that is indeed the case. And yeah, what's up with Badass Tom all of a sudden longing to return to a high-school teacher? Just NO! to that! Thanks Risky. I was thinking white roses mean something sinister, like a death threat. But I looked it up, and they just mean "new beginning" or something similar. The way Cooper discounted them, I thought they were from one of the weekly villains. But now I understand why he's sleeping in the office. But what did wife do to make her send flowers and a sorry card? It wasn't her fault that cabin got shot up.
  23. My favorite line of the evening! Although it is in no way funny. More to the truth IRL, too. My thinking is that Aram should be fired for jacking with Ressler's report to glow up Navibi (or whatever her name is) to get her rehired. There is just so much wrong with that. I wish Ressler would get her re-canned. Then she can take her pouty high-school "you're bad in bed" elsewhere. My thinking is Red might have learned how to kill a guy by example of the Chicago PD, which IRL will shoot a guy with 16 bullets for just walking down the street. I can forgive Red using a modest three bullets. Good point about Dembe needing ear protection though.
  24. I don't have any problem with JLo's "boobs" and don't consider them a big player in this show. And I'm one who posted a complaint about Abbie Mills' boobage hanging out in Icabod Crane's face over in Sleepy Hollow. I actually like JLo in this role and think she is doing a great job. In fact, it's turning out that I am watching this show for her now, with a side order of Ray Liotta thrown in. Woz this week ... WTH? The dog is staring at him while he's getting a BJ in the back alley, then he's driving away at TWO miles per hour and does a weak fender bender while talking out his window to the dog ... and he ends up IN THE HOSPITAL on full bed rest for basically ... nothing? The air bag didn't even go off. And the cop insurance policy must be pretty good if they didn't just slap a bandage on his head and send him home with a pain killer prescription like the ER would have done for you or me. Yet he gets a private hospital room and an order for full bed rest. And count me in as one who figured he was poisoning the dog. For causing his car crash, you know. The biggest waste of time this episode was the blond other-woman cop. Honey, we don't give a cr*p that your husband is cheating on you. Talk to him about it and either divorce him, move out or shut the EFF up about it. Then her rank to the waitress was all about a woman needs to look her best so she can get a man. That made me want to smack a beer mug up against the side of her head. You are totally screwed in life if you think your self worth all depends on having some guy waiting for you at home. And for all she knew, that waitress is working her way through school to get her doctorate. At least she had good dialogue, that it's on the hubby, not her. And yeah, she needs to file a BIG complaint against that blond woman cop. Meanwhile, I'll file one here: I hate her cop character, I hate the actress. I'd like to see her get gone. I did like how the cops drug the rookie guy out of the funeral and gave him a Russian roulette pistol so he could off himself. That was some pretty good stuff. This week I was all ... Woz ... so what. While JLo was ALL THAT. Go figure!
  25. I'm in too. I liked it. And I strongly DISLIKE (if not hate) American sitcoms, which, thankfully, this was nothing like. So, one more viewer is in for the duration.
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