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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I really like Sap and his partner, so I was not happy with Woz. Although Sap is only partly dead, so that's good. Loved how his partner ran over to him and started crying. Master THESPIAN! LOVED Sap getting the jump on the Dickhead FBI Stahl guy. He is such a dweeb. Stahl, not Sap. Harlee's daughter is a snotty snot. But I guess most teen girls are. Glad Harlee talked her out of Prison Guy being her dad, so daughter got some redemption from me. I, too, think it would be cool if Woz were the dad. The prison boyfriend putting it on Harlee to find the real killer ... oh, geesh, that is not going to end well. But Harlee telling Woz that the real killer needs to be brought in? No problem, since the guy is a crazed lunatic. It would have been easy to put him back in prison since he sort of violated his parole by kidnapping the kid and having possession of multiple guns, to say nothing of knocking out a cop (Harlee). So Mean Boyfriend and Real Killer could have both stayed behind bars. Except Woz took care of that second thing by killing the killer. So Abusive Boyfriend: You're staying put. I hope. Tess' husband w/o a shirt ... holy cr*p. That guy spends all his time working out and pumping iron. And Tess looked about a thousand years old in her close up, even on my ancient tv. But telling hubby you cheated on him will not exactly save your marriage, you stupid woman. Don't you know anything about relationships? Obviously not. But the cheating husband knew all the right things to get Tess into bed. So there's that! I'm on Team Sap. And BTW, that kidnapped kid ... lightning will strike me, but what an ugly kid he was, plus no expression at all about being held at gunpoint and almost murdered. What, was the kid the son of some producer or something? I sure wouldn't have cast him in this show.
  2. The nominees for Best of Blacklist are in! In the Blooper Line category: Line as delivered: Lizzie to Red: "I can't even cook waffles without a guy with a gun breaking into my house." Real line: Lizzie to Red: "I can't even cook waffles without almost burning down my house." In the Best Scene Ever category: Red giving the two Poms to the DMV guy. Those dogs were ADORABLE and behaved perfectly during that scene. What a heart-melter. (Plus no wayward tongue on the one on the left.) In the Scene Paying Homage to Another Show: The boy drawing upside down under the bed with the ASTRONAUT PEN from Seinfeld. You know, the pen that writes upside down that Jerry wouldn't give back. I saw Leslie Jones on Seth Meyers and she talked about seeing Spader on the street and getting a selfie with him, then telling him how crazy in love with him she is. She said that worked into a walk-on in an episode, which was on last night. So if it seemed odd and out-of-place (and it was!), that was put in for Leslie and her crush on Spader. It went on a little too long, but knowing what was behind it, I was okay with it. Red in her exercise class ... funny. Carnivorous butterflies ... who knew. Tom, Tom, Tom ... a woman scorned. You should know your ex better than that.
  3. To say nothing of everyone everywhere in cyberland will latch onto your sob story and make fun of your inner-most feelings. Not that we do any of that around here ... Other than that rolling-in-mud thing they do, until they are completely and happily covered with the stuff, from head to cloven-hoofed toe. And the rooting down in the dirt to eat roots and grubs, thereby destroy all surrounding vegetation and landscaping to get a snack. Yes, pigs are intelligent, but that doesn't mean they won't eat your hands off if you fall in their pen and some of your fingers are available as a snack. The screaming about the "baby bat" was typical girlie stuff though. Even when they discovered it was a harmless moth, I'm guessing the screaming continued.
  4. We'd better be more careful in our slamming of Lizzie or one of us is going to get shot in the neck.
  5. There's an Emily on this show? Who knew!
  6. Yeah, I could just imagine all the pig pies on the beach, and in the water, since hogs are sort of "piggish" in their bathroom habits. Wherever they are is where they poop and pee. And once those hogs see you have food in your hand, you are not safe. They think nothing of trampling people to get some snacks. Hence, the "pig" name! About previous bottom blurring and fake swim "trunks": I think the b-ette's name was Jillian, the body builder woman on, I THINK, Chris Soules' season. She talked about how great her *ss is, so editing monkeys took it upon themselves to black bar her butt in every scene. That "hysterical" black bar continued throughout her appearance on BIP, even when she wasn't wearing bikini bottoms.
  7. Oh, this reminds me: Ben was a gigantic dickwad telling the b-ette (whichever one, I can't tell them apart) that someone putting bad thoughts in his head about one of the women means those bad thoughts stay there and eat at him. So HE puts bad thoughts in the b-ette's head (Lauren?) so she gets all freaked out because of those bad thoughts BEN GAVE HER are staying in HER head eating at HER. Yeah, Ben = Douche, but what did we all expect, people?
  8. Well, rats. I was all about Olivia being the Chosen One, and that she would live in married bliss forever with Ben. I guess my jam varies. Olivia being left on that deserted island gave me hysterical flashbacks of that bachelor who was dumped out of the train into the snowy Canadian wilderness, to stand and watch as everyone drives/flies/is driven away. Buh-bye. (You guys know who i mean. It was the best Leave Behind evah.) After the last episode, I posted: "There's a Leah?" Well, surprise, I guess there is/was. Hopefully, she's learned how to TREAD LIGHTLY and make all subsequent stealth visits to a man's room all about what a "great guy HE is" and not about you or any other woman. It's gotta be all about the MAN, Leah. You should have watched a few episodes of this show before signing up. Well, Leah was really nice to look at though. Very pretty face. That pig date was horrible. All I could think of was my (secret) plan of how to dispose of a body if I happen to (accidentally) kill someone: I dump his body into the hog feedlot down the road. The hogs will devour every last trace of that person, including the bones. I was just waiting for one of those b-ette to get knocked down and get some hands/feet chewed off. That was a nightmare date. Then that was followed by another nightmare date on a deserted island during a hurricane? Geesh. No thanks. And yeah, get a freaking scrunchie, Twin. Although you are better looking with her hair obscuring your face. So there's that.
  9. I totally miss this point in your post; sorry about that. Yeah, a civil case would have been even more INTERESTING than the money payoff. And yes, I wish the sister had pursued that as well. Although maybe they are expensive (especially if one loses) so settling for the money was at least a small victory. Any yes, good point about the husband just starting an affair, then the wife, who had been cheating around for at least four YEARS, is all "gotta teach hubby a lesson" and goes all stalker on him and the other woman.
  10. Heck, that was the only time he wasn't fake, he was bawling because he'd have to go to prison, feeling sorry for himself for the first time. It was a little gross how his lawyer was holding him in his arms. Just ... ewwww. That's okay with a four-year-old boy, not a 40-year-old man. YES! If he had done that, then the burglar (lie) would have held up and Dateline would have had to do some other story this week. You'd think he would have thought it through a little better. Or Renee would have. It would have been interesting to see a list of the "stolen" comics, enough to fill two (imaginary) boxes. And the most valuable comics are in a box in the back room and not behind that locked glass cabinet door? Yeah ... just no.
  11. The sister (or any civilian) doesn't have any say in whether someone is arrested or goes to trial for murder. I view it as Ina123 does, that the payment was in lieu of a civil case like the Goldman/OJ one, where Goldman won (and, as far as I know, has never seen a dime from). At least the sister did get (an undisclosed) amount of money settlement. So there's that. A small justice.
  12. Funny, I didn't even notice Shaloub sharing his drink with his dog. Maybe because I consider it no big deal. That, plus I never watched an episode of Monk. Keep dreaming. Lizzie couldn't even do a good school-yard comeback, like: "Your dad kept calling me that last night in bed" or something. Anything. All she could do is whine, "Don't call me that" repeatedly. Hardly a throat-chopping person's response. Interesting insight, Daniel. People here complain about Ressler being a stick, but that's about the depth of the white-man criticism. Well, nuts. I've already forgotten Champion. What/who is that?
  13. Same here. It cracked me up (well, made me mad) that the second defender tried to paint that guy as a stoner loser who couldn't remember what day it was much less what time he made the call. As for the mom, it made me wonder how many parents would lie to save their child, even if the child is forty-something. Then I wondered how many parents would feel comfortable with that same offspring in their house, after they lied for him/her, knowing deep down their kid is a murderer. I mean, easy come, easy go, parents. Keep an eye on YOUR life-insurance policy.
  14. I dunno, it saved the swimmer this week by James being able to break through the metal door bar into the pool area and fly-jump out of the swimming pool carrying the mostly dead swimmer.
  15. I agree with that. Maybe I think it's "interesting' the sister fought to get some of the money because, typically, the (murderer) spouse gets the cash, end of story. So for the sister to fight Danielle for the money was, indeed, "interesting" in this case. More should do it.
  16. I was disappointed there was no thread for the Montana vet's murder, then I came here today and it's all here. I had lots of comments back after it aired, but can't remember the details now. I DO remember being angry about the bloodhound evidence being tossed out. Certification for SAR (Search and Rescue) dogs are done at singular clinics around the country, it's not like one can go into the closest town this weekend and get SAR certified. There might be one test held in the northwest in a certain year, if one is lucky. Plus, dogs don't lie, whether they are SAR tested and certified or not. Just like I can drive a car just fine whether I have a driver's license or not. Having paperwork doesn't make a dog "all of a sudden" be able to track a scent. It just means the dog's handler drove a considerable distance and paid a nice fee to get some title on their dog. So irritating. As the witness testified, one couldn't tell if "boxes and stuff" were stacked against the back door or not, based on the perspective of the photo. I couldn't. Plus, the back door being blocked would have been against fire code. I know if that were MY shop, I'd want to be able to go out the back door. Gotta get out somehow to put the trash in that dumpster out there.
  17. I chose "interesting" because I thought the sister fighting for and getting money WAS interesting. It's neither positive nor negative, just ... interesting. Also interesting is the amount was undisclosed. I know some cases have to be kept secret, or there is a non-disclose. Maybe in this case I'm wishing no one would benefit from a guy being murdered, regardless of who they are or their relationship to the victim. I wish the money could go to a worthy cause, people or organizations that really need money, not the greedy. And yeah, good luck with THAT. Money is the root.
  18. Maybe I'm forgetting some things, but I didn't see Tony S. as a real baddie this week. He suggested the Romeo/Juliet marriages, it's the families who either went through with them or not. He was just sort of a gangster's Hello Dolly. If Red's girlfriend had been forced to marry a guy who wasn't a wife beater, he'd be sending her little animal figures on her 25th wedding anniversary. It was the (bad) luck of the draw on that match. Another factor to consider in why men want young women is that, as you get on in your years, "things" change besides life experiences. Women have to try to keep up a youthful appearance to remain relevant; men do not. Everyone comments on how great Helen Mirren looks in a bikini. No one talks about what an intelligent conversationalist she is. So there's that. Therefore, I was not surprised a powerful "older" man like Red had a beautiful younger girlfriend. Just disappointed. It would be cooler if this show linked him up with Mr. Kaplan or that stage manager woman from some episodes back.
  19. Great post, Happy, and I'm with everything you wrote. Lizzie is now an FBI "asset" or whatever they call people who work on the side nowadays. Sorta the same as what Red is. What I find crazily stupid is that Lizzie still the one telling the FBI task force all about the history of their next "victim," even though she should not have access to any federal websites or database. Aram should be the one telling Cooper's people what's what. But Lizzie is the Best.Profiler.EVAH, you know. A-men.
  20. Because one doesn't get a bazillion-dollar life-insurance settlement after a divorce. Some people don't even have a house or car afterward.
  21. I kept seeing Monk, and I've never even watched one episode of Monk. YMMV, of course.
  22. Take pictures, people, when you see someone suspicious. And ask for credentials (and call the super) if someone wants in your apartment. Otherwise, never let anyone inside your home. If the boyfriend could break into that apartment and film stuff, why did he need to pretend to be a plumber to get inside? The boyfriend has to be mentally not all there if he's in prison for 30 years and still won't talk bad about the wife, who now has a million-some dollars and a new firefighting boyfriend. Unless some of that cash has been stashed for him, when he gets out on parole in a couple of years. Interesting that the sister got "an undisclosed amount" of that money.
  23. I thought the Case of the Week was really weak. Not that a show about bringing a dead guy back to life should be realistic, but that woman finding bright students and OD-ing them with one syringe of heroin was pretty far fetched. Someone sticks me with a 3CC syringe needle and I'm all jumping away before that plunger can get pushed down. I also can't dislike Duvall any more than I do. He drives shot James to the mansion and INSISTS that he come in and INSISTS he know what's going on and INSISTS that he know who James really is, then turns into a giant dick when all his wishes come true. Telling him was gigantic mistake, the twins should have kept with James being the half brother. I like all the scenes with James, the actor is hottie mc hottie, and his interaction with the little girl is great. It would be fun to see the daughter/sister start making passes at dad in future episodes. But now, that's all trashed, thank you very much Duvall you bitch. Had to laugh at how James "flew" out of the pool with the almost-dead swimmer, though. That was right out of The Flash. I still like the show. I just want Duvall to, well, get shot and killed or something. And not brought back to life.
  24. Thanks BW. Man, my guess of Utah was WAY off. Beautiful scenery though. I need to go to there!
  25. Jeepers, and I'm the only on who didn't see the name-calling DEA agent even GET shot. Blame that on either my cr*ppy ancient tv or me not paying all the best attention. I hope he's only partly dead so he can continue his grade-school name calling and making Lizzie cry. Maybe he'll start pulling her pigtails later on. I was vaguely disappointed we didn't get to see what the commercials teased all week for this episode, Red telling Lizzie that woman is Tom's ex-lover. Jealousy! Still, I liked the con Tom got in with her. I mean the guy's an international hired assassin, he needs to do something besides teach junior high history in some town somewhere. Plus his ex needs to be his current love interest ... she is hot and yes, her chemistry with Tom as his ex was ... well, let's just say they actually HAD chemistry as opposed to what he has with that "other" woman. Daniel, I applaud you for wanting men and women to be closer in age when they are a couple. However, I am surprised Red isn't dating a bunch of 20-year-olds, that would be more like real life. A 40-year-old woman is lucky to get a date from a 70-year-old man since the 70-year guy is looking for 20-year olds too. Not that I know anything about that ...
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