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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I thought about you @BuckeyeLou when I saw yesterday's FJ. It was easy for me, too, since I lived three blocks east of the OSU student union during my junior and senior years. Even though that was during the Woody Hayes vs. Bo Schembechler days (Hi, @Grundoon59!), I tend to listen when The Ohio State is mentioned anywhere. Still grousing about the French blue bogus FJ. Five years of studio painting classes and a tackle box full of every color known to man in watercolor, acrylic and oil paints and not one single FRENCH blue in there anywhere. Yes, Prussian blue and yes, ultramarine blue but French blue? No way in hell. I'm guessing it's a new invented color, like Crayola adds a new "color" with a made-up name every season.
  2. Man, reading here just freed up my Monday nights. I just can't even with this BS season. It's not even Wrong Reasons anymore, it's turned into No Reasons ... to watch.
  3. Exciting news everyone! When Jeopardy producers found out Dr. Gupta really does own just two suits, they bought him a new one to start his second week. Here's a sneak peek at what he will be wearing every day starting Monday, July 5. Photo from Jeopardy.com.
  4. Last night, a rerun from the Before Times, with four contestants I've never heard of, ever. At least there wasn't one hogging the spotlight and making it all about himself, so that was a plus. And that's all I got!
  5. If you use the @ and select the correct name from the pop-up list, that person will get a notification that he/she was quoted or mentioned. If you don't use the @, then that person might find a random post with his/her name but no guarantees. In the IPS Default theme, official @ names are highlighted in blue. I joined in 2014 and never heard not to use the symbol, but don't trust me to know all the rules.
  6. Happy Fourth of July to all the J posters. Even you far-northern guys.
  7. I haven't come across that, but maybe a workaround is just cancel your reply and start over. If you've typed a long response, do a copy/paste into a text file to paste in a new response window. I have noticed that if a @ name is in a sentence I've selected to quote, it does not copy/paste. This in the IPS Default theme. Now that you mention it ... I hadn't noticed but yes, no ads in the IPS Default. Yeay!
  8. Well, I never thought of it that way before, but this cheers me considerably. Pizza is round. I will order enough for all the tables ... but only if they are willing to share their bounty with us Zeros. It's said misery loves company. I thought I was the only one thinking how nice it would be to not be this past week. I hope the weeks to come are an improvement @Ailianna.
  9. You guys, how to find the EDIT pencil depends on what theme you are using, not the browser or computer brand. It's the three dots in upper right in IPS Default theme. The edit "pencil" is at the bottom of the reply box in Light (Default) theme. I've not tried the Dark theme so don't know where it is there. Browser or PC or Mac makes no difference. To find/change the theme, go all the way to the bottom of the page, under the FB and Twitter logos, and click on the Theme down arrow. Or just use your backspace delete key. Much simpler
  10. Bless your heart. You made the perfect ending for my Saturday. **hugs**
  11. I checked in Firefox and Chrome, each browser uses a different theme for the Primetimer site. But I discovered something just now ... double click on the image you just uploaded and this window (below) will pop up. Change the size in the blue-highlighted window to a smaller size (make sure "Keep original ratio" is checked, and the image will reduce to the size you choose. You cannot make it larger than the image you uploaded, but you can reduce it and then put it back to original size later if you wish. I don't have a smart phone but I'd guess this would work on a PC laptop. Different browsers and different themes for viewing Primetimer display differently (I'm using IPS Default here in Firefox), but the double-click image and pop-up window should work on every browser and theme. Try it!
  12. I work with Photoshop all day, every day so this was less than two seconds of "effort" for me. There are some free softwares that allow you to manipulate photos, including rotating. I'll ask a friend who uses freebees. I also lightened Misty's face a bit so we could see it better. In my browser, to make a photo smaller, once the image is loaded into the reply window, I click on the image and little white squares appear on all four corners. I click on the lower right one and then, holding that white-button corner down with my mouse, I drag the corner up and to the left to reduce the photo. Sometimes it works the first try, sometimes I have to try multiple times before the window decides "okay, now I'll let you reduce your photo."
  13. Here, I helped you with it since I was the one asking for photos. I read all the Misty books when I was a kid. I started saving for a horse when I was five years old. Ten years later, I had enough ($150!) to buy my first horse. I've had them in my life ever since, except for a few years in college, when I rode show horses for other people. LOL! It's a bigger better.
  14. I agree with you. In my mind, Thomas J. rode west for a few hours one day and came up to the Rappahannock River. He said to his guide, "Why look, it's the Ohio River! It's as beautiful as LaSalle said it was!" And his guide just rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, you're right boss" while mumbling "Whatever" to himself. Then Jefferson went home and wrote about it. @zoey1996, I swear, you had the best birthday ever. I am so happy for you. And some real NOLA pralines on top of it all. Once a very kind person sent me some pralines from there (and some Dukes mayo too) and I was sincerely and greatly touched by her generosity.
  15. Anyone remember when it was a thing for Ohio rivers to catch on fire?
  16. Favorite pickles: Spicy bread and butter. A favorite snack used to be slices of dill pickles on potato chips. My new low- no-salt diet put an end to that. This show needs to team Brad Garrett with Joel McHale and a third player who makes the show all about himself instead of questioning the contestants. Seems there is one obnoxious player each episode. Not counting Mama Doris of course.
  17. I will agree with this when golfers have to eat cow intestines to clear the way for a closer putt. I do prefer water over mud for the players to fall into though so I'd vote less mud, more water. I was surprised the Donut Hole had them fall into a pit full of foam rubber. That was a nice change. I do wish the players were better athletes. That they don't even try to jump into the donuts or jump over the flippers or grasp onto the Polecano is sort of, well, boring. I'd like to see some American Ninja Warriors play this course. I'll bet those Ninjas can play putt putt golf. It'd be a great cross over.
  18. WEEK 42 • June 28, 2021 — TWO asterisk * 206. Monarchies. The future Charles I suddenly became next in line to the throne of Austria in this year. 207. Colors & History. A blue pigment & a shade of blue popular in shirts are named for these, the 2 opposing nations in an 1870-71 war. 208. 20th Century Novels. British biochemist J.B.S. Haldane’s essay on ectogenesis, birth outside the womb, helped inspire this 1932 novel. * 209. Rivers. In “Notes on the State of Virginia”, Thomas Jefferson said the most beautiful river on Earth is this one no longer in Virginia. * * 210. Hit Songs. Written in 1930, this song was a No. 1 hit in 1960 & was covered by The Band to support a 1976 Presidential candidate. *
  19. I guess you had a somber evening since it was the third not-funny appearance of the gray suit, and second appearance of that spotted blue tie. At least now we know he has two suits and four ties. And one shirt. My wish is that Jeopardy is paying him enough so he can afford a third suit, or a navy blazer and some khakis. He could possibly afford them if he went to Good Will or another charity clothing store. I so hope he has more than one white shirt or that one is really getting a work out. Players and backstage people are no doubt thankful for the social distancing rule.
  20. So we know Sanjay owns two suits and whomever is dressing him is smart enough to alternate days. Thursday's tie was the baby born when Monday's tie mated with Tuesday's tie. Happy birthday, Thursday tie. Will Friday's tie be a child of Wednesday's tie? Tune in and find out. Plus it's grey-suit day today. Woo hoo.
  21. Well heck, I google searched that and didn't find that info anywhere, just that it bordered what used to be Virginia and is now West Virginia. Go figure, the Internet let me down.
  22. For the first time ever, I decided to actually pay attention to this episode and zero'd in on the pink-haired woman as the Hustler. And kept her in focus the entire time, certain it was her. Guess I was hustled too.
  23. This was a great episode and lots of fun. The funniest line was at the beginning, I can't remember it but Rob said something like this whole show is ridiculous, which it is ... ridiculous FUN. All my favorite players won this week, I was so rooting against Fish Lips and Fake Boobage woman. The other players I didn't like lost too, so all was good. I am trying to figure out how players can get on and stay on the Pole cano, seems like a few mastered it last season. For the dinosaur hole, wouldn't it be better to just jump feet first off the last rib instead of diving in. Maybe that's just me. I agree about the side saddle jousting. So far no players have used their jousting stick (whatever those are called!) to push the Master Jouster off his horse. It's sort of like players get on their horse and just fall off because ... well, because they do. I guess this was filmed in southern California, but is it really that cold there? I guess it is. But it's so hot here, the frosty water looks refreshing. Joe and Rob = best team hosts ever, even better than Matt and Akbar.
  24. Maybe because the clue said it was "no longer IN Virginia" and the Ohio has never been IN Virginia. It's the same as saying the Mississippi is IN Illinois -- it BORDERS Illinois (except for when it floods), just like the Ohio used to BORDER Virginia. Poor clue writing again.
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