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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Andrew giving her that note reminded me of Linzee or however she spelled her name doing the "call me" hand signal when (I think it was) Ben Flapjack sent her home.
  2. Katie: "I'm so happy we met. Be sure to follow me on Insta."
  3. LOL that Katie is snot crying about sending whoever that dude was home and he just walked away like "whatever."
  4. I guess Katie's not going to get to meet My Mom. "It wouldn't be fair to go to dinner with me tonight." WTH! At least let the guy get a meal before you kick him to the curb. It's only polite.
  5. Drinking game: Take a shot every time this dude says " my mom." Is there really a profession called Cuddle Queen? That whole date is so squeegy, it's a big NO WAY for me. I'd say lets ditch this sicko date and go ride horses. (Real ones!) I'd rather have no date than that cuddle one-on-one date.
  6. His painting probably was a portrait of Katie and her dildo from her stint on Matt's season.
  7. Greg is afraid of a fish. I guess cute looks are not everything. He's OUT for my choice. Wimp. Best thing I've learned this episode: BIP is back, baby! I fixed it for you.
  8. I didn't pay attention to the window washer segment, but I picked the wheelchair athlete before they even got to answer any questions. Then the pig-dress maker I pegged instantly when she said she bought her pig online from Texas and it was flown to her in Florida. The middle contestant who everyone voted for gave WAY too much information about her grandparents having a farm in Missouri where they raised cattle and hogs. I remember the CIA guy saying anyone who answers way too much to a question is lying. Besides, farm kids don't even consider dogs to be pets, rather they are livestock that lives outside year 'round. A pig would never come in the house. And farm pigs are quite different from the ones sold as pets. At least Joel wasn't TOO irritating and smartie pants this time so that was an improvement.
  9. Wow, what a bad episode. This is the first time I've seen The Beast, and after reading about him here, what a BEAST he is, so smart, snarky, mean to the players, and all-around genius, let me say I was sorely SORELY disappointed. Dude did not live up to his reputation. Got a laugh that Mensa Guy missed so many easy peasy questions. Although as they say, things are only easy if you know them. But when I knew every single answer he didn't know, that tells me maybe getting into Mensa is more about being able to pay the admission fee than actually knowing anything. Because folks, I ain't no Mensa. Anyway ... The Lounge Lizards figured the three players would get 20-21 questions and that's what I thought too. Then they got what, 13, with 3 freebees thrown in. Geesh. What a cinch for The Beast to beat that. Then WTHeck! He couldn't even do that? And as for him being so mean to players, the Lounge Lizards threw more shade than he did the entire show. Like I said, what a disappointing episode. I did like the woman player and thought she had the more difficult questions. The second guy had questions so easy it was cringe worthy. But then again, questions are easy if you know them. If every week is like this one I might have to find something else to do on Sunday nights. All my favorite shows are letting me down lately.
  10. WEEK 44 • July 12, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 216. College Life. This dish associated with Harvard goes back to the start of the school; the wife of the first headmaster made an awful version. 217. Inventors & Inventions. In 1899 James Atkinson patented his new & improved one of these, including its spring-powered snapping action. 218. Animation. These characters first seen onscreen in a 1938 film are known in Spain as Juanito, Jorgito & Jaimito. * 219. Book Characters. Trying to emulate the title character, he fails & is told “You lack a set of spinnerets, & you lack know-how.” * 220. History. Completed around 1455, it sometimes gets another name because a famous copy was found in the library of Cardinal Mazarin.
  11. I'm useless in this show. Last week I watched without multi-tasking and couldn't pick the Hustler. So I tried again this week, watched and listened, and STILL couldn't pick the Hustler. *sigh*
  12. I really enjoy this show, I laughed so many times, at Joe and Rob AND at some of the contestant falls, and I'm not one to enjoy people bouncing off of things. But that wedding ring headlong into the cake really was funny, as was the upside-down fall off the jousting horse. I was pleased to see someone make it over the flippers finally. I am disappointed in players who just seem to give up though, and fall without even trying. I was thinking for the fish, if you ran one fish at a time and stopped before going past the next one, that might work. Except for the fire hoses blasting you with water, so there's that. I do remember seeing one person make it past the potties, once, in all the seasons, but it otherwise seems impossible. The Distractor was the best ever, I could have watched that group for an entire half hour and not been bored. I like both of the guys who made it to the end, so that also was good, for me anyway. Rob and Joe continue to be my favorite announcers of all time. Matt and Akbar, you can't even compare.
  13. I was really looking forward to this episode, I needed some distractions and a couple hours of fun viewing. The show started off with the Ninja dad and kid and I was WOW'd and even yelled "Oh, EFF!" at my tv when dad stepped onto and stood on the stick balanced in space. They were fantastic and I was so happy to e watching this show. Plus, shallow note, Dad was super hot. Then the ballerina group came on and Simon starts that segment by moaning that ballet is boring. WTH Simon, how can anyone watch a video of Baryshnikov dancing solo and call THAT boring? You are a dumbass cretin Simon. But I already knew that. Anyway, so the "ballerinas" tore off their tutus and danced some common (non) dance moves that every local high school group does better, except they had on pointe shoes so could do some while en pointe. Of course, their routine was prefaced by them crying and boo hooing that they weren't accepted as real ballerinas because of their race, weight, height ... never mentioned they weren't good enough to make it into a real ballet troupe. This show is becoming all about "being yourself." I hated them. Then Sweet Sassy got four red Xs, yet the judges have to kill some time so all can vote no. What's up with that? Then we get a long series of stupid acts that all get Xs and no votes. My euphoria over the first act is long gone and now I am depressed watching all the dreck and manufactured drama on this crap show. The Marine drummer was set up to be something special, then they trashcanned him. WTH was up with the chicken routine. I don't know because he wasn't allowed to finish. That dumbass in a peacock suit got more time than all of the above acts combined and four yesses on top of it. Next we get an overweight woman singer who sings AGT's 2021 theme of how she's not accepted and can't be a singer because she's too heavy. Of course all the judges tell her how wonderful she is and how she fits in and she's through to the next round. *sigh* We're all being taught to "be ourselves" yet somehow that doesn't work all that well IRL. But then, this is scripted teevee, so okay. Grandpa and a little girl tap dance. I mind wandered but I think they didn't go through. I guess the old guy kept the kid from going auto through like all little kid acts do. Next time, stay home gramps. Michael and Angelina, kid dancers. All I can say is little kids need to get used to rejection slips if they want to be in show business. I would have sent them home with their bratty mother who was horrid. i can't imagine she's much nicer IRL, hawking her kids all over like that. Get a job, mom. But thank you show for only showing us a partial HMV at the end. UGH. Dogs took too long outside so I missed the shirtless guy on the pole. So I watched his act on YouTube. Funny thing, Simon told him his act was boring and when the guy has two or three MINUTES to perform, he needed to step it up. Except he was only given maybe 20 seconds of screen time, and that was shared with judge reaction shots and lots of the next act guy watching from back stage. So how are we, the viewers, suppose to know if his act was boring or not, trust Simon? No thanks. Of course Simon got his way and he was sent home. Next was the guy from the Philippines in a black suit who was performing for some social issue blah blah blah bring attention to his home country blah. He looked cool in his black suit, then he made some white sticks and a white hula hoop fly around him, an act I thought was boring yet Simon et. al. gave him four yesses. Alrighty then. Dad and daughter dancers and married aerialists brought us to the three junior high girls who thought they were the Rolling Stones. I couldn't hear one word of their "song" and I actually LOL'd when the guitar girl leaped (sort of) into the air a la Mick Jagger. They SUCKED. And Simon forced Sofia and Heidi to vote them through. *sigh* I'd rather see Marine Chicken Drummer than these chicks. And the whole time I was thinking AGT is going to be overrun with Insta and Tik Tok kid acts ... although thinking about it, that's probably where AGT TPTB found these kids. The Police Academy voice guy was next. I'd never heard of him but was surprised all of the judges knew him like he was an old pal. So odd, they know this guy but have never heard of Josh Blue? I thought his act was ... non-existent. I couldn't tell what he was suppose to be doing, plus he had a machine that was reproducing or creating whatever sound he was suppose to be making. Big NO from me. So of course everyone's pal got four yesses. The mentalist ... I usually like these acts and can't figure how they are done (and don't want to know) but this guy was SO BAD there wasn't one part of his "trick" that wasn't obvious how he did it. Worst.Mentalist.EVAH. Then at the end he has Terry write the names on a slate ... and oddly, Terry wrote two names in totally different styles, why is Kodi Lee in a weird letters with a dotted I and Shin Lim written like Terry actually DID write it, and the I is not dotted. Was Terry possessed by demons when he wrote "KODI LEE"? Check it out. And does anyone know why that black jacket was hung over the back of Terry's chair? I rewatched that segment and it started out on the chair and stayed on the chair. Geesh. Next was the drag contortionist in a clingy red body suit. I will say she was good, pretty, and kept my attention. Even if the body suit was, well, a bit too clingy in certain areas. But who am I to complain, right? Last was the Brain Cancer Singer who I guess was okay but I tend to do other things during singer acts. Too bad this person missed all the GBs. Next week Terry gets to take his shirt off. I will time the dogs' outside event during that part. Hope everyone got to take advantage of Tuesday being Fry Day now that the free tots offer is over with.
  14. WEEK 43 • July 5, 2021 — NO asterisk * 211. World Geography. On either side of Indochina are these 2 gulfs that start with the same letter. 212. Colleges & Universities. In 2019 this public university attempted to trademark the word “the” for use on clothing & hats. 213. Rock Bands. In 2017 this band whose singer goes by a nickname became the first to have No. 1 albums in the U.S. in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s & 2010s. 214. Musical Landmarks. A cleft of limestone in England sheltered Rev. Augustus Toplady from a storm & inspired this popular hymn. 215. 1980s Bestsellers. The title of this 1985 novel by a Canadian author partly alludes to the similarly named stories in a 14th century work.
  15. Funny you mentioned Bello Nock since I heard a commercial this morning for Bello and his daughter (she calls herself Danger Daughter or something like that). They are appearing at the Palace in Wisconsin Dells. Advertisement was on Chicago radio.
  16. Especially Terry. If I had my way, I'd Super Glue Terry's shirt on so he'd never be able to take it off again ever. HATE it. While I don't like Nick Cannon even an ounce, I don't remember him ever taking his shirt off, so thank you Nick for that.
  17. I totally get your point and agree with what you say. But thinking more deeply, I'm pretty sure those people are told to play up to Simon since he's the real star of this show after all. The acts are just doing what TPTB (meaning, Simon) tells them to do and say. It always creeps me when it happens since I find Simon completely unattractive and gross. I'd guess if any women flirted with Howie it would be edited out. But it would be refreshing to see. Howie was on a Johnny Carson rerun this week and he was sporting a full head of curly hair. This was during his St. Elsewhere days. I was waiting for him to put a rubber glove over his head but he did not.
  18. Brad and proser, sittin' in a tree ...
  19. OMG, how could I forget about SHIN LIM! Now HE was a deserving winner. I'd pay extra for a front-row seat to his show.
  20. One also has to achieve a certain amount of $ won on top of five games. Sometimes five games aren't needed if the player wins enough cash. Courtney achieved both with seven wins and more than $100,000.
  21. Be sure to include me in your category of Terrible Guesses with my E Street Band headed by The Boss. Although I see one other poster joins me at the Terrible Guess table. I think you mean Bono is a Fox.
  22. Does anyone know if any of the AGT winners make it to Vegas, even at a small crummy casino? Yes to Terry Fater and Darcy Lynn, and Jackie Evancho has been on television and such. But Spoken-Word Guy from last season .... is he working anywhere. I mean, getting paid for his "talent"? I can imagine Prince Poppycock headlining a show and he got kicked off before his time. It would be interesting to know which acts are getting a show and which are not. Although thinking about it, so many of these acts are already professionals working in circuses and theaters around the world so I guess I answered my own question.
  23. First act, the Twirler. I liked him. I'm all for whatever he wants to do. Golden Buzzer from me. The Twitter Troll Singer got a no from me. And all of a sudden Simon likes original songs again, even if they aren't sung all that well. The red-and-black dancers were just adequate. They modeled themselves after the Jabbawockeez, but you, kids, are no Jabbawockeez. Not sure you would pass auditions on World of Dance. But the costumes were nice so there's that. Two-Face Singer was actually pretty good. And I liked Slinky John too. And Old Dancers ... aren't they on every season? Just one year older. Simon gets all pissy at the one-name singer Donovan, but Simon don't you remember Donovan Leitch, he went by just Donovan too. And he was huge, HUGE I tell you, in the 60s. I went to one of his concerts after he wasn't famous anymore, and he was still The Best. Anyway, this Donovan was pretty good although a man singing falsetto isn't that big of a deal, is it Adam Levine? And now this week Howie likes Broadway. What a difference a week can make! The Stunner break dancer ... so now break dancing was popular "too long ago." It's still not easy. Let's see you do some moves Simon and Howie. The Apex guy with the winged trumpets went to a lot of work for a bad act. Plus judges had to have seen workers connecting those strings to the ceiling so the trumpets could fly around in circles. They reminded me of a flying pig I had once, hang it from the ceiling, turn it on and the pig would flap its wings and fly ... in a circle. I did wonder how he was rolling around on one wheel though. I could have watched him do more of that. Biggest laugh of the night ... Heidi asks the audience that isn't there how she should vote! Oh, man, the Kobe Dead Wife singer ... just go ahead and advance yourself to the next round. Although it was nice to find out other people died in that crash besides Kobe and his daughter. All the newscasts called them were "some others." Now we get The Chief comedian who is wearing a Jabbawockeez mask, no doubt borrowed from the red-and-black Jabbawockeez-fan dancers. My guess is he was one of the show's PAs sent on stage to kill some time. I'd totally bet cash on that. Cam or Stan or whatever the Tampa guy's name was made jokes about wine and had everyone cracking up ... except me. Maybe I was just having a not-so-funny night. What I really wanted to know is why was Simon reading off of a big piece of white paper while he was talking to Cam/Stan. Now a little girl singer comes out in a white flowing gown. Name = Breeze. Oh wait, she's adopted so that means she makes it through because all adopted kids are traumatized and they are the only kids who are shy. Yeah, right. Turns out she's a dancer. A little girl dancer who does a lot of HMVs. Eh. Not a fan of that. Twirling women, hoop woman and female poppers got sort of a WWA treatment. And Simon says popping is for men. Okay, sexist much Simon? (Answer: Yes, ALL THE TIME.) Arrow mom - Eh. Reminded me of archery class in high school. I could do that act, plus my face isn't loaded with fillers and nips and tucks. The Charros made me laugh. Then Terry had to ruin it all at the end. Put your freaking shirt back on Terry, it's not about you. Although I guess this show really is. They just bring on random acts to connect the scenes of the real stars of this show, The Judges. Victory the 9-year-old singer had the best line of the night, she'd used the million to buy Simon a rainbow glitter shirt because he dresses in boring clothes all the time. You go girl, that made me root for you to win. Except when she started singing I realized I couldn't listen to her for very long. Less is WAY more in her case. Speaking of Simon's clothes, he had on a black t-shirt at the beginning and a black dress shirt at the end. GASP! Do you think maybe perhaps these acts are edited together in different orders? OMG! Say it ain't so! Last chance for Free Tots everyone. Hope y'all got yours.
  24. I was there every Friday night for the free movies! @proserpina65: Okay, I will concede French blue as a fashion color. Just not on an artist's palette. ETA: ACL was easy for me since, thanks to a young horse I was training, I am missing one in my right leg. If I step or am pushed laterally on that leg, my knee goes out and I go down like a sack of potatoes. It's rather painful.
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