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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. This commercial art major hated Austin too. So glad when ToC was over and he lost.
  2. Yes, that's been happening on a regular basis lately. I'll bet the writers look up special days and make clues specifically about them so they stay "timely" and "amaze" online posters. Like us! Of course they know when each taping will be shown, except when Trebek goes and gets sick, which throws everything off schedule. Necco is rumored to be closing! People are panicking and willing to pay thousands of dollars to stores for their stash of those nasty wafers. Joke is, if people had been buying them all along, the company wouldn't have to stop making them. Here's the story.
  3. I was going to post about the Password episode, but that thread is locked for some reason. Taken hasn't been shown since that episode, it got yanked by the network. Word is the remaining few episodes will air at 8 PM Saturdays starting May 26.
  4. I couldn't see that Carolyn Codfish resembled anyone since her gaping open maw of a mouth blocked her entire face from my view. My BIG MONEY! BIG MONEY! (oops, that's another game show) is on Carolyn worked in one of those taffy-making wagons at the county fair. You've seen them, they have big paddles that turn the gigantic masses of taffy for everyone to see. Then the taffy is run through a machine that clips and wraps the pieces, which are then sold by the bag. Fresh taffy. Yum. (ugh) Those concessions hire pretty much anyone to run them during fair season. Thanks for the tip so we can be kind to Tom, Wild Sow. ETA: I just went to look at players for today on the J site. I looked earlier this week to see who was coming up. I liked Tom, he looked interesting and fun so was looking forward to seeing him "IRL" today. Plus: bow tie = score in my book.
  5. I'm also going to wager that his friends are going to flood him with Baby Ruth bars. (I'd be up for that, they are delicious.) Brenda? Thanks for the Baby Ruth link Mondrianyone. I've always thought the candy company didn't want to pay The Babe so made up the story about Cleveland's daughter. Especially since she'd been dead 17 years before the candy bar was invented so was hardly a "baby." Especially interesting is this tidbit from your link. Babe Ruth would have had his own REAL candy bar except Curtiss nixed the deal. The company did not negotiate an endorsement deal with Ruth, and many saw the company's story about the origin of the name to be a devious way to avoid having to pay the baseball player any royalties. Curtiss successfully shut down a rival bar that was approved by, and named for, Ruth, on the grounds that the names were too similar.
  6. Or so they said! This made me laugh. Because obviously you are able to withdraw more $ than I am. To quote Trebek: "Good for you!" (ETA: I've never used an ATM. Maybe they only give out twenties. If so ... never mind.)
  7. Wasn't it who the Baby Ruth bar was (supposed to be) named for? I remember that question/clue/answer, it has been a while back though. Today was the first time I'm aware of that Babe Ruth the ballplayer got a mention for his lawsuit. I remember the Reggie bar, but hadn't thought of it (or seen one) for years. I do have a complaint about the Baby Ruth bars really being cheapskates on the peanuts now though. They are not like "the old days" any more. (Still good though.)
  8. I missed the intros for Carolyn and Robert, but saw Jen's and she was smiling up a STORM. So I was curious why Trebek said Robert and Carolyn were "so happy" in their intros. I hope neither were miming, jumping up and down and/or waving. Robert was a happy bouncer but Carolyn, OMG, she was a head shaker and her gap mouth was just waiting for someone to toss jellybeans in or something. Her "I'm so cute" head tossing, hair shaking and that freaking OPEN MOUTH made me dislike her in an intense way. Because of her wide-open maw and cutesy act, I was doubly irritated that she was given "graphic" for Computer Generated Image. WTH. Since when can you change the words in an acronym? CGI does NOT contain the word "graphic." This show can make me so mad sometimes. By Jeopardy standards, ATM could stand for Anonymous Tendollarbill Machine. I got whip for the missed DD, but said caballero instead of vaquero for the other. I guess I had Spanish cowboy horses on the brain instead of Spanish cowboy cows. I thought Robert was beyond cute and fun and so happy to be there, plus he was clapping for everyone. I absolutely fell in love with him. I was thrilled, thrilled I tell you, that he was ahead and was going to be the new champ after seeing that way-too-easy FJ clue. Carolyn I had determined was a dumb ass and undeserving to win. Poor Jen just sort of got smoked, but at least she got FJ. Then ... WTH! Two misses on Baby Ruth? I guess I should calm down about players missing things I know. I write that as I sit here next to my sleeve of mini Baby Ruth candy bars (yes, seriously). They are my second favorite, right behind Heaths. And yes, the swimming-pool scene in Caddyshack is one of my favorites. It always makes me hungry for a full-sized BR.
  9. That's better than being the bones in the bag, which also has gone through my head.
  10. Yes, they do! (I've been studying them if you couldn't tell.) In fact, I might get one for my vehicle. I guess having a jerk-face boyfriend who made a big deal about having one on his TOO COOL car made me a little biased against them. But they would save scrubbing bugs off the grill this time of year. So there's that. I will shop for the appropriate brassiere for my auto.
  11. Except there is also proof that they can ruin the car's finish and can damage it by retaining moisture, plus they can vibrate and cause scratches, paint chipping and other minor damage. But they are cool looking IMO.
  12. What happened to the storyline that Lizzie shot/killed her dad when she was two, then the house burned down, resulting in Red having burns on his back. I'm waiting for the finale when Lizzie wakes up, realizes it's all been a dream and finds Tom in the shower.
  13. Oh, so did I! I was looking at her hair more than listening to her lips. I wondered how it got so long and straight and with reddish tips. Anything to distract me from what she's saying. Aram's all "Lizzie, gotta get to Cooper's office NOW, it's important, we gotta get to Cooper's office RIGHT NOW!" Then he stops to give Samar her keys and get all smooshy and into a back and forth about when he would/could get his stuff back. WTH. That's stuff you do after work. You know, when our tax money isn't (hypothetically) paying their salaries. More doppelgangers in this show would be fun. Make a doppelganger for everyone, please!
  14. Word on the street is that it likely will be renewed for S6, although that's not written in stone yet. What was up with Lizzie pulling the gun on Garvey at the end and telling him to put his hands on the bar. So Garvey, like the good boy he is, stays there for all the soliloquies and yada yada yadas that seemed to go on forever. Finally, Garvey gets a gun (from where? Lizzie didn't freaking search him much less handcuff him?) and I thought he shot Red before Lizzie shot him ... THREE TIMES! But before that, Lizzie is all verklempt and "emoting" from the heart-rending speeches of fathers and family love. Oh, barf. I'm kinda on Garvey's team at this point. I know people who are adopted who aren't that interested in who their bio parents are. So why should we care about the parentage of these imaginary people. I don't. Someone just toss that bone bag in the river.
  15. What? You mean there was some player who kept touching his face? No way! Well, I guess he was mentioned once or twice ...
  16. Has Trebek ever said "BLS*?" *Be Less Specific I said Yukon, too, even though I knew... Well, now Cotypubby knows TWO things about Canada so you are no longer a Canadian No Nothing! I know the provinces and territories but not the years, so that's what threw me off of British Columbia and onto Prince Edward Island (two years later) and/or New Brunswick (four years earlier). Looking it up, it's odd that BC was admitted in 1871 but Saskatchewan and Alberta not until 1905.
  17. The men I know who have bras on their cars would be embarrassed to call it a brassiere. I can't see any guy going into AutoZone and asking the clerk where he could find the brassieres. Looking it up, they are called all of these: A front-end bra, car bra, bonnet bra, front-end cover, hood bra, auto bra, hood mask and car mask but NOT a brassiere. But what do I know, I'm just a lowly peasant, not a brilliant Jeopardy judge.
  18. Of course I will. You don't even have to pretty up your please. Consider it done. As soon as Mystery Author considers it done that is.
  19. I beg to differ. Worst guess of the day is saying Saskatchewan borders the Pacific Ocean. Or worse yet, that it borders ANY ocean. At least Ella and Fats are both singers. Not to scare Mystery Author, but she has given us enough clues that we can find her. This is a forum based on clue solving after all. But don't worry, your identity is safe with me, MA! This. I was rooting for him. I also liked his interview line that some of them get tattoos, some do not. I was sad to see him tank. Meanwhile, RANDY! What was up with the pleather? Some other obnoxious guy wore a pleather jacket a while back and that didn't go over so well either. Apologies to Carpe as it turns out RANDY! is a perfume salesman after all. I imagine him in the department store spraying scent on passing customers. It was interesting that Jen played the first half of the show just answering the big-value clues. She's proof that all you need is one or two of those to put you out front. So what was up with RANDY! picking the $800 clue in the middle of a brand-new category (Gangster Lingo) when the $1,000 clue was left in Crossover TV and the DD was already uncovered? I don't mind board jumping when it makes sense, but THAT was just downright stupid IMO. I got the TS of Chile/Argentina and Dutch uncle. Maybe you have to be of A Certain Age to know Dutch uncle.
  20. Because a gay guy isn't blowing smoke at a woman with phony compliments just so he can get in her pants. Rich was coming on to Weller pretty strong last season. Whether that was "smoke blowing," only the show writers know. And it would be nice for Rich to do something FOR Patterson. Why does she always have to do everything for everyone? Give the girl a break. She needs one after that crappy date.
  21. Safe travels, Urban, and catch up with the shows online when you come back so you are hep to all the snark here, and you can add your own. Take pictures!
  22. When I was at a Jeopardy! taping many years ago and I was quite young, during the commercial break Trebek looked down and announced to the audience, "This carpet SUCKS." I was aghast since to my young ears, that word was the most foulest of swear words and I was highly offended. Now that I am able to watch daily, I see the carpet is long gone. But I still think Trebek sucks (most of the time anyway). I had forgotten RANDY! will be back today until reading here. Thanks for reminding me (NOT!) you guys. That would have been golden.
  23. Wow, super cool place, even if it is a cemetery. Thanks for the link. That would be a much better first date than some I've had ... like to Burger King where he had a coupon. Interesting that Kate chooses the first-date place. I give her props for that. AND for bypassing the fast-food-joint dates. I'd join her book club and go to the cemetery with her. We could even trade clothes, I'm all about childish colors. But, it's not to be. Bye Kate, we hardly knew ye. It's now 53F in Cambridge, Mass.
  24. It's a fruit, a "hillbilly mango." When I was a kid, we had a song we sang in grade school. I still remember the words. Here's a video, which includes some paw paws. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD7IpkiO2fM
  25. Hopefully, you will update that resume before searching for a new job. Meanwhile, your hat made me LOL Carpe. We will all need to wear one like that tomorrow. ETA: I looked at Carpe's "knife" and holy cr*p, don't bend over if you have that in your pocket.
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