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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Let us know if you find out anything about those pure bloodlines.
  2. OK, I am new here...I figure this means we only see part of the run, but exactly what does it stand for? Help me, please! While We Were Away. Those are the short clips we see after commercial. Matt and Akbar always start them by saying "While we were away ..." Lately they have been WWWA-ling fan favorite ninjas.
  3. It is always done on the hometown visits. Wait and see!
  4. Well, gold lamé and commando doesn't exactly say "doctor" to me, and in his defense, he did not wear the stethoscope with the golden bodysuit. Yes, maybe more than once. I make fun of Noah's clothing choices but still, I cut him some slack after he came to the aid of a ninja who hurt himself during a run. The poor guy dislocated his shoulder when he fell, and was in terrible pain. Dr. Noah came out of the crowd and popped the shoulder back in. That was back in the "early days," but I still remember it.
  5. I wasn't paying attention so missed the entire flat-earth conversation. But the earth changing shapes periodically might be why David was thrown out of that top bunk. Lincoln's point proven!
  6. I feel the same way. Although look what happened to The Mighty Kasey when she "made history." She sorta tanked. But Isaac (even looking out of shape, and wearing country-club clothes instead of his usual just shorts) got through the course pretty easily. It would be pressure for him to not fail. But maybe the show is footing some bills so he comes back after being gone for so long. You know, for ratings. I watch the old reruns and last week Isaac fell on the Jumping Spider. It did take him a long time to finally finish, if you look back at the old shows. I do like the guys who aren't all ripped, who just look like normal guys on the street. Joe Moravsky, Drew Dreschel, Flip ... they are all favs of mine. Now you have to admit that Noah's gold lamé body suit is one of ANW's wardrobe highlights. Or lowlights maybe. In either case it's an illustration of why going commando is NOT always a good look.
  7. LOL. Burger-King crown indeed. I was watching another channel when Jean Blanc did the personalized perfume presentation and subsequently put Becca into her overwhelming life-altering trauma of having to send him home. So I appreciate these details. Is he really some perfume guy or just a creepy perv who collects perfume bottles to fill with cheap cologne to give to and impress the ladies? As for bullshitter or producers doing a number on him, I vote yes. Meaning, both. "Miss Becca Blanc" is a sure sign it was Miss Dior. Or, the bottle anyway. Thanks everyone!
  8. Thanks enoughcats. I do know that cost of living is good in Tennessee. So many people I know from high-taxed Illinois have or are going to move there. So there's that, too!
  9. I'm one of the few, if not the only one anywhere, who has liked Isaac from the beginning. There was something about his vagabond lifestyle that played to me, living in a van, doing odd jobs to get enough money to move on to the next place to climb. I thought he looked good, so much better now, and LOL at the poster above who said yeah, now that he has a house he can take a shower once in a while. Agree! I also don't miss the facial hair. Looks great on Desmond (heartthrob!) but not on Isaac IMO. I also laughed at the country-club comments, like now that he's rich (although I seriously doubt he got a full one million in his bank account, maybe half tops) he plays golf at "the club," and just stopped at ANW to run the course before teeing off. WTH with Brian Arnold getting a WWWA. Meanwhile, Flex rocked it. I thought that new ladder climb, whatever it was called, that swiveled/rotated was a beast. I can't imagine jumping up if the bars were stationary much less mobile. I wonder if the later city prelim people will be practicing on a taller warped wall before their city run offs. I would be. ETA: Isaac's girlfriend was always at ANW when he competed, but no mention of her now, and only a dog at home. Interesting if they split when he got rich after she stuck with him through all the van living. I also thought Nashville was an odd choice to live for a pro climber. Not even an airline hub there.
  10. Totally agree. This is the best show on tv IMO. I'm sorry it's the last season, but I guess that's better than dragging it out and going with stupid writing to just make up one more season. I'm looking at you, Blacklist.
  11. I see a different sort of fish when I look at Garrett.
  12. When I've recommended the Outlander books to others, I always feel like I'm promoting porno, even though it's not ... but boy oh boy oh girl is correct. Once I was at a hall full of people and a man with long auburn/red hair stopped near me. I couldn't stop staring. He wasn't that good looking, but ... Jamie Fraser.
  13. OMGosh, those are the best. You guys are rocking this thread. I feel like a moron, I've contributed nothing but my mad skillz as an Alber Camoo Dancer.
  14. Jumper, I'd skip the show and just read JenE4. Unless you really want to watch. Yes, Wills is still there, and ended up with a pretty good review here. He got a rose on the date. The sex-pred-assault guy is Lincoln, and he's still there too. They need to fire the background-check firm and hire a high school kid. One kid could do a better job than the doofs who review the applicants on this show.
  15. It was super simple because I got it. That's the barometer for smarts in this thread since I get FJ maybe once a month. It helps that my best friend as a kid had a Magic 8 Ball and we played with it all the time, sometimes asking it some not-very-nice questions. Ha ha. I used to have a goat named Caprine.
  16. Peeaye, that photo made me snort, then LOL. I thought it was a bag of dog food. Still, a great find. I need to search for my buffet contribution.
  17. Ha ha ha! I noticed that bruise was almost gone by the rose ceremony too. You'd think he'd want to keep it as long as possible (borrow some makeup, dude) just for the sympathy rose thing. Nice to know that Becca's phone call while he was in Intensive *cough* Care is what pulled him back from death's door. You did not, JenE4. Your posts are the BEST. Best part of this show, too.
  18. Well, there goes my basketball player. Oh well. Nick should have left his track suit on for more comfort flying home. Oh, Jordan, the last rose is always the most drah-matic one. You needed to watch this show before you applied. The two-on-one I predicted last week is happening next week. WHAT? No bloopers? This show ...
  19. Oh, my. Becca IS a diva. Plus Jean needed to check out past seasons, you don't tell the b-ette you love her until the last few episodes. Or when you are afraid you are going home. Maybe I just answered why Jean said it. But the personal perfume would be pretty cool. He should have led with that, then said he could wait until she felt the same about him. Live and learn, Jean! Most men don't give sympathy about former boyfriends at all, unless they are working an ulterior motive (coughsexcough). I know! They were speeding along at a whole two miles an hour on that super-groomed trail. OMG, she's talking about Arie again. GAH!
  20. I turned over to American Ninja Warrior and missed The Most Drah Matic Event Evah. What happened? Maybe I'll have to wait for JenE4's recap ...
  21. Yeah, they were almost tossing the caber. I love Highland Games. A guy could be dog ugly but put a kilt on him and hootchie moma! All of a sudden he's Hot! Maybe add a man bun and I'd be good for a while. Speaking of man bun, how can Leo do any of those competitions with his hair in his face? Woman bun? LOL!
  22. You do know that all of these guys spend more time getting ready than you do, and I don't mean just hair.
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