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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That is absolutely FAH-bulous DAH-link. You do know how to dress for piano topping. Three snaps up. Make that four snaps up.
  2. And tell him that his payoff is in American money. It's worth so much more than those shekels they use for cash in Canada. I liked that category too. Although I think they stole the idea from Ellen. I heard/read the clue as southeast Australia so it was a big DUH moment for me when it really was southwestern. Perth is the only major city there. Again, it pays to pay attention. Which, I guess, is just a good rule for life. One isn't suppose to rank on children, but I wish he would stop overacting and being precocious. We need to add him to our drinking game since he's on this show more often than Potent Potables. I'm putting the Gypsy (Romani) curse on Ali: I hope he loses, he's been on the show long enough. *wink cough wink* I don't find him smug in the least. Just the opposite. And I don't mean cough wink about that.
  3. I don't remember that seven-time champion, that was six years ago. But this really made me go WTH: "Authorities said Jass logged into other people’s email accounts without permission over a four-day period last year after the college reset everyone’s passwords and assigned everyone the same temporary password." That's WTH worthy from here to eternity. WTH was wrong with that IT department giving everyone the same password? WTH was wrong with the college admin letting everyone have the same freaking password? WTH about all the other people who sneaked looks while they had the opportunity. It's a fact (and a standing joke) that people peak into bathroom cabinets when they are at someone's house. And WTH leaving temp passwords (the same one for everyone!) up for at least four freaking days? I don't think this person is "sinister" at all. She's just the only one who got busted for doing what everyone else did. That IT manager is the one who needs to be fired.
  4. I see the record company shortened our name. I guess that's okay since our band is gold, Jerry, gold I tell you. Our lead singer sounds pretty good, too, and the video contains Jeopardy clues/answers! Great find Opus. Hopefully, most of us will be able to find it on Mindthinkr's buffet table. We might need a photo to guide us to it. Welcome to our tambourine and xylophone players! Mindthinkr, your food skillz are MAD! Your menu tops my lunch of Fritos straight from the bag.
  5. There's plenty of room for you up there, Clanstarling. My piano will accommodate numerous members of the Women Authors Singers. Just dress appropriately. You know, like Brookside.
  6. Brookside, that is EXACTLY what I had in mind, plus the clothing is absolutely appropriate ... you know, for the genre. Heh. Well done!
  7. Other members of the Alber Camoo Dance Troupe can fit/sit/dance on top of the piano. Just wear appropriate clothing. Plenty of room for everyone! Two can sit on the piano bench for dual playing. Perfect for "Chopsticks." I looked at today's FJ and Magic 8 Ball said: "Saber is a dumbass. Try again."
  8. I can accompany you on those songs on my upright piano. Do you know "Chopsticks"? It's my specialty song. Maybe you heard me practicing for The Kit Carson Before Your Time All-Star Jeopardy Orchestra. FANTASTIC photo ChicagoCita. You obviously live in the high-priced spread. Having seen Lake Michigan so many times is why seeing the Atlantic/Pacific oceans was such a disappointment. I don't know what I expected, but they looked exactly like Lake Michigan to me. So yeah, landlocked indeed. Not.
  9. Maybe from Diana (correct pronunciation, please) Gabaldon's Dragonfly in Amber. AT's Jurassic Park reference irritated me since the new movie is being pimped 24/7 everywhere. Even American Ninja Warrior had a t-rex on its course, and the movie promos play at the bottom of every show. When the raptor runs across the bottom of my tv, it looks like rats are loose on the tv set.
  10. On the old reruns of ANW, Drew Dreschel sold used cars. His backstory showed him on the car lot doing handstands on things. This year he's a ... wait for it! ... gym owner.
  11. And now I know why. Thanks Carl Orff! I laughed at the recorder answer knowing that you, Opus, are playing it in our band. It was a no brainer! I do own a recorder but my imagination is bigger than my musical talent. So there it sits. I wondered the same thing when I looked at the J website and saw he was an author. DRINK! I like Ali, mostly because of his immigration story and the cr*p he got at the United States border. Plus he's calm. And holy smokes, he knew Surprise Symphony. He rocks in my eyes after that.
  12. Note that Chocolatine's link about Garrett contains spoilers, so be careful if you click, if TMZ didn't already ruin the show for you like it did me. But the article does contain this hilarious sentence: A woman who claimed to be a longtime friend of Garrett's also weighed in on their relationship, tweeting a message about his marriage to Reality Steve. So Garret has been married twice, the second time to Reality Steve! Who knew? That will make The.Most.Dramatic.Episode.EVAH when Becca finds out.
  13. No kidding, since if it weren't for us, there would be no show. Right, guys? We should be able to vote in those rose ceremonies just like we can vote on DTWS and The Voice. Wow. Interesting. I wonder if Garrett's ex is his cousin. ETA. Oh rats, Chocolatine posted at the same time and ruined my imagined Garrett marriage failure. Oh well. The monogamous thing is a plus in my eyes though, so there's that in his favor.
  14. Good point. How does one go from being runner up last year to being eliminated this year. Which is what would happen if I were in charge. Heck, she wouldn't have made it past last night if I were judging.
  15. Geesh. I need to pay better attention. And good luck on that, Saber.
  16. Yes, it was. Well, no surprise since it isn't landlocked. This show sometimes ...
  17. Nice job Trey. Was Pennsylvania a TS?
  18. Oh, good catch. Pennsylvania even has a special "foot" that goes north to give it lake access. So odd writers would use that state when so many others have no water contact at all. I call foul along with you. If you can get to one of the Great Lakes, you are indeed NOT landlocked.
  19. Ha ha ha. Proofreading is a skill and an art. Which Great Lakes states were answers in this category? It went faster than my mental map could keep up.
  20. So much this. I don't get her as a dancer at all. So she can put her leg over her head. Make her stop doing that and she's got nothing but a bad gymnastic floor routine. I don't see any dance coming out of her. The two contemporary boys who were on previously have her beat a zillion percent. At least everyone isn't changing clothes four times during one episode like they do on AGT. It's confusing. Plus Jenna looks better in those pants than JLo in her gaucho outfit. JMHO, of course! I liked most of the dances this time, except Eva. And Expressenz can go home too. I liked Jonas and Ruby but I could hear Nigel in my head, telling Jonas to stop "pulling faces." Although the judges here loved it. It's odd that they were asked if they could do anything else while the other groups were not asked that. I wish someone would ask Eva if she can do anything else besides put her foot in the air over her head. The tap dancer I wasn't that into, but they sort of had to put him through, him being a tapper and all. He did have some good moves, so I guess he's good to last a couple episodes before getting sent home, sob story and all.
  21. I haven't been to Canada since my college days when I went to Niagra Falls on break. That was before passports and all the other problems. I distinctly remember driving through the border crossing to Canada since the guard there wanted to know what I had in the paper sack on my passenger seat. Instead of letting me hand it to him, he reached for it, feeling up my boobs as he reached across me, both on his way in and out. It will no doubt get worse as Canada legalizes marijuana.
  22. It was like a reverse-political-racist story and I liked it. It's not easy being an immigrant coming to America these days. There were at least three "good for you's", so get drunk! This made me laugh, so thanks.
  23. The barns on Lance Pekus's ranch have ceilings high enough. So do those outside courses ... the sky's the limit there. Didn't Eskimo Ninja make it up the 18 footer? I can't remember. But his training course is outside too. I saw an old rerun that featured Isaac, one of his first times on the show. He had built a ninja course in the parent's back yard, and painted it all pretty so it would look nice out there and the neighbors wouldn't object. They showed his parents for a split second. I looked up Joe Moravsky and turns out he is a "freelance" weather reporter (whatever that means) but mostly is a paid member of the Wolfpack Ninja Tour. No one is who they seem, it seems!
  24. I totally agree with you, DrSpaceman. FJ sucked pond water. For all the reasons you said.
  25. On Planet Landlock States. I call foul on the Sinatra answer of It Was A Very Good Year since very good year was in the clue. I knew the answer but figured it couldn't be correct if pretty much the entire answer is already in the clue. Gah. I said Truman for FJ. It could have been him, sending that telegram when he got the Chicago Tribune with the "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN" headline. Then yeah, he was "surprised" when he found out he won after all. I was glad Ali pulled it off in the end, after his gutsy DD wager and Trebek's "Oh, HELL-lo" snark about it. Trebek is such a snot to those people he loves to be with, the smartest people ever. I'm guessing he forgot he said that at the beginning of the episode. He can go from super smoozer to smart ass in no time at all.
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