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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Mojoween said pretty much everything I was going to say. The players are TOO YOUNG to know WWII, yet the next category was about a man who died in 1943, yet they aren't TOO YOUNG to know George Washington Carver? STFU Trebek, you are so irritating. THEN ... Michelle answers "Tom's Cruises," Trebek says "NO!" but she says "Cruise" anyway and Trebek lets her have the win and the money? The hell, show, that sucks so badly after Trebek's beat down of Vincent when he tried to say "paddy" and you wouldn't let him. That day I posted maybe Trebek only lets women get by with this extra credit stuff. Today I say the same thing. Then Michelle's FJ answer of Jolliet was so dumbass. He was Canadian and explored the freaking Mississippi River which is in the center of Flat Land America. There are no seas to see on either side, unless you want to walk (in those days) for four or five months (or more) east or west. At least Cortez was a good guess if you are going to pull some explorer's name out of thin air. But Jolliet/Joliet ... she might as well have said Carl Sagan.
  2. Blake gets the Bachelor Handshake. Did Garrett or Jason? I missed it if so. Blake stands under cover while he makes Becca run to him, through snow and in heels. Nice job, douche. Now it's a high school visit. Please. That's an auto NO THANKS if any guy wants to take me back to his freaking high school. Gah.
  3. Jason's hot brother just came on, and I'm all "Hey! Next Bachelor there!" Then his husband sat down next to him. Bummer, he's married. Not sure I'd like to go on an all-you-can-eat wing contest when I first date some guy. I'd sure like to do that sitting here right now, watching this show though. Bring 'em on, a big plate of buffalo-style wings with bleu cheese AND ranch, please. Jason knows how to play this game: "I'm in love with you." Bingo!
  4. Okay, so I was doing other things during Garrett's HT, except I looked up in time to see her on the John Deere tractor with Chris Soules. Then I yelled 'WTH! Your ass is hanging out!" as we got the back view of her walking into Garrett's house with ... well, her ass hanging out of those shorty mc short shorts. Way to impress the 'rents, Becca. "Here are my stripper legs." I missed this! Is their house "down by the river"?
  5. Wow, that's a great link Scott. Plus explains why Vincent wrote Carl Sagan. Thanks for posting. Glad they are letting him come back. Now he doesn't have to become a drug-addicted alcoholic living in a box on Lower Wacker.
  6. I LOL'd at Stahl shoveling down a big bowl of cereal while spying on Harlee. But I couldn't tell what/who he saw in the car when he enlarged the screen to see better. I jumped about six inches off my chair when Stahl came out of the blue to put a knife to the throat of the guy going to shoot Harlee. Was that her "pal" in the bad-cop group? I couldn't tell, although he did say he would be the one sent to kill her. Why do they want Harlee dead? Was that "cable" van a spy mobile? The one Stahl approached. If so, on whom are they spying? Harlee? I couldn't hear any of the dialogue in that swimming-pool scene. Too much water gurgle. Although it did appear those two were going to get "intimate" there for a while. So Ginger Bad Cop and Harlee's Pal Bad Cop live together? Why would they have Nava's book? Or was that Nava's house Harlee broke into? Yeay, Cristina is a bad girl drugee. Finally. I liked that part. This was a pretty good episode except for all the questions I have. (See above!) Ray Liotta continues to rock this show. He is SO good as Woz.
  7. Totally agree. I'm fine with long hair and like a man bun, but Leo is a hottie mchottie of all hotness with short hair. Wow zow, it makes a difference on him. I'd be all about him being the Bach if he got rid of the hair. He wouldn't even have to speak. In fact, I'd like him better if he didn't.
  8. Don't kill yourself over the AKC-approved color of a dog. Chocolate is one of the three colors AKC allows for Labradors. AKC colors for Dobermans are black and rust, red and rust, fawn, and blue. Rust, fawn, and blue are official AKC colors. Grizzle is a color. Lemon is a color. Orange is a color. So is liver. For different breeds. Yes, Golden Retrievers are allowed to be only "golden of various shades." (Although the "predominant body color which is either extremely pale or extremely dark is undesirable.") Many breeds come in only one color, such as the Irish and Gordon Setters. But many breeds have more than one allowed color, and the names of those colors can vary by breed: Pug, Brussels Griffon, Newfoundland, PBGV, both Fox Terriers, Scottish Terriers, French Bulldogs and so on through hundreds of breeds. Tan in one breed is brown in another and mahogany in another and chocolate in another. My point was that people don't have to say what color their Labrador Retriever is since no one says it for any other breed. Yellow Lab is not a breed, nor is Black Lab or Chocolate Lab. It's just LAB, short for Labrador Retriever. Period. They are registered by breed, NOT color. Labs are not even shown in classes divided by color, except at specialty shows. So there's that, too. No one else feels the need to announce the color of their dog, what's up with (pet) Lab owners?
  9. Thanks Zella. I "assumed" if he was the head of a cult, he had kids by many of the cult women, as did David Koresh. That always seems to be one of the perks for being a cult leader, polygamist or not. Newscasts back in that day avoided most controversial things. Those were the days when bras could only be shown on mannequins in Maidenform commercials, and Lucy/Desi slept in twin beds.
  10. Thanks Cooks. I didn't know there was a movie made about Guyana, although I'm not sure I want to watch it, like no way do I want to see the yet-to-be-made movies about the Thailand soccer kids. Following the news stories was stressful enough for me. What I didn't think about until the Dateline episode is what happened to all the bodies. 900 is an overwhelming amount. So it was interesting the government of Guyana told the U.S. to take them all back to the States. Wow, that's a job that I'm sure is still etched in memories. I did a search to find out where the mass grave is (because I missed that in the show), and came across this article about how five victims were discovered in 2014 in Delaware and were just buried. The article has some interesting side notes, including that Jim Jones had a son (adopted). I didn't see the entire Dateline so don't know if he was at Jonestown. Maybe I do need to watch that movie. Here is the news article link.
  11. It's the non-embarrassing short-cut way to say "Here's my vagina" when the dancer sticks one leg up in the air for an extended period of time. I think it got started over on the SYTYCD thread.
  12. HOLY CATS Lacy4U! That's some juicy scoopage. As for his "occupation" on this show, stuntman doesn't sound as famewhorish as actor. And a bit cleaner than soft-porn star. Now I'm off to google Leandro Dottavio! ETA: Yeah, this guy is a full-time wannabe actor. I hated his video clips. But his modeling pics, especially when he had short "regular" hair, are quite nice. I'd hire him for that. But never to act. His acting is a big ugh.
  13. Thanks Driad for posting that easy peasy video, right here for everyone! After some reported problems finding yesterday's show, I searched and found several links for the July 2 episode with the headline: "Scott McFadden Wins $78,401!" Interestingly, no other contestant got headlined that I could find. So, congrats Scott.
  14. I've found the new episode posted as soon as one hour after it airs here, and that's 4:30 p.m. Go to YouTube.com and search "Jeopardy episode July 13 2018." That should locate it for you.
  15. My pet peeve: Everyone everywhere always says the color of the Labrador retriever, like that makes a difference. Labs come in three colors. Lots of dog breeds come in different colors. Dobermans come in four colors, but no one ever says, "She was walking her black Doberman." Or "She was walking her red Doberman." STOP with the Labrador colors. Meanwhile, when the woman fell, that would have been the perfect time for Trebek's dog to grab and maul the woman, or her dog. But ... that didn't happen? The heck.
  16. I was grateful for Dateline doing a show on Jonestown. I remember when it happened, it was all the news, and that's how "drinking the Kool-aid" came into popular lexicon. I didn't know about the other things that happened there. Even if national news reported it (I'm sure it did), I had forgotten about the congressman and the other people being murdered on the air strip. I can't imagine living through that, and understand and sympathize with the people who were there being unable to "really" get past it. It was sort of "assumed" that everyone drank the "Kool-aid" voluntarily. In truth, no one had a choice. Like the sign that was shown at the Jonestown compound: “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” (Even though it was repeated at Waco.) So thank you Dateline for helping us remember, and teaching those who were not born yet that this "stuff" happened and happens.
  17. I knew she would be ranked on for that. People forget that we are seeing this episode 24 HOURS later while it was taped approximately 24 MINUTES after her becoming the surprise new champ. She was still gobsmacked, and I don't blame her for letting us know her mind was "blown." A big old WORD to this. WTH Trebek, you let other contestants play $100,000 Pyramid when answering, but you cut Vincent off and shut him down when he clearly was going to say "paddy"? Or does Trebek only cut slack to women players? There's a thought ... Make your Saturday better and watch on YouTube. Meanwhile, have a great and safe vaca. It was his "rednayck rube hick from the south so ah caint speak no kurrect ainglish" accent because everyone from a southern state is a moron, right? Shout out to Teebax for the TS of Tucson. I caught it! Vincent lives just a couple hours from me, but unlike others here, I could care less if a player lives down the road from me. I didn't care who won. Then Vincent got that gutsy bold DD, then he made me LOL with his fingers-over-mouth bleep. So I was okay with him being the new champ. FJ was so easy, the person who was ahead was going to win this game. Then ... WTH? I'm sure he will never EVER forget that big fail. I felt sorry for him. I've misinterpreted clues before and felt stupid, and I'm sitting here at home. If that happened to me on national tv, and everyone everywhere is making fun of me on social media, I would have to change my name, move into a box under an overpass and become a drug-addicted alcoholic. And still it would haunt me.
  18. I think Mabinogia's "That Other One" suits Blake perfectly. No other name needed.
  19. All they have to do is film the new guest judge making faces or being WOWed by some act that he/she isn't even seeing. This new film will be cut into the already-filmed acts. Then they'd have to film the four judges doing their scripted patter about how they liked/didn't like the act. Only one act would have to come back for the golden buzzer confetti drop, and that could be done on any day when no one else is there, including any of the judges. This show is so spliced together, no one would be the wiser. As far as we know, that's being done now. ETA: Actually, the new guest judge could just hit the buzzer for the same group that Hardwick picked, so the act and the confetti drop is already filmed. This is getting easier and easier!
  20. We had an extended discussion here about mimeograph vs. ditto, and most of y'all were on the ditto train and wouldn't acknowledge the mimeo as existing. It was all very sad for me, who was one of the chosen allowed to run the mimeograph. I didn't think one way or the other about the smell, but all the kids in class LOVED getting their fresh mimeo handouts. It looked like the entire class was filming a Downy fabric softener commercial.
  21. I didn't hear "What is" either, but then some player didn't say it the other day and he was okay. I guess it's all right if whims and the wind are blowing a certain way in the Jeopardy studio. We got a video shout out to the mimeograph, which is not a ditto machine. See, I told you guys it wasn't. Johanna looked like Billy Jean King, which was okay with me as BJK is one of my heroes. One "Oh, HELL-low" and a "GFY" made this game a double drinker. Feel free to stick a feather in ... your cap. I was slightly uncomfortable with the "white bread" answer, but I think "flour" would have also been accepted. White flour makes white bread. Plus I said "flour" as well.
  22. As far as I can tell, it's okay here to rank on contestants for those things and insult them in every possible way, even for made-up things, but never, EVER, mention anyone's boobs.
  23. Or Simon and AGT supports him, like nothing happened to Ryan Seacrest's career.
  24. I rewatched all the performances. DNA didn't start dancing until 20 seconds into their routine, yet St Kingz got ranked on for "not dancing" during the first part of their routine. Yet they were doing Broadway 'things" in time together whereas DNA was just walking for 20 seconds. Go figure. St Kingz routine also was 20 seconds shorter than the other dances. What's up with that?
  25. Loved what Wes was wearing. It looked like how T'challa would dress in Wakanda. I was not surprised that four-word "Pope Benedict The 16th" was a TS in the category "I can name that man in two words." Yes, Noel is a man's name (Felicity anyone?), but when it's associated with Christmas and pronounced No-EL, that makes it a little harder to think of as a masculine moniker. Looking forward to comments about the very-narrowed-down category of Black Woman Authors.
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