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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. ASTERISK BONUS: If you've gotten a FJ that all three contestants did not, you get an asterisk added to your week's total. If you can't remember past weeks, check who answered correctly for that day at www.thejeopardyfan.com. There will be a prize for most asterisks. So far I am ahead. Don't force me to win my own prize.
  2. I'm glad I'm not eligible for this game. I am still irked about Trebek's reading of Friday's clue though. @MysteryAuthor and @buckeyeLou, I need your Weeks 1 and 2 scores to get you in the game.
  3. Final Jeopardy Questions: WEEK 3 11. British Royalty. In September 2017 Prince Charles became the longest-serving Prince of Wales, passing the man who became this king. 12. 20th Century Plays. From its preface: “It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate…him.” 13, Authors. After this woman’s death, her daughter wrote, “As far as we in the family are concerned, the alphabet now ends at Y.” 14. U.S. Landmarks. In 1883 a Catholic diocese sold this to the state of Texas for $20,000. 15. Classic Films. In this ’70s Oscar-winning film, the title character’s 1st words are “Why did you go to the police? Why didn’t you come to me first?”
  4. Buckeye, I am missing your scores for Weeks 1 and 2. Help! Driad, I am missing your Weeks 1 and 2 also, although I do have your three-week total of 9 asterisk so you're good. Just not if we award weekly prizes. Help! There are two prizes (so far) for fair to middling. No one loses in this game. (Well, some of you will.)
  5. That totally P'd me off since I had already looked up FJ on TheJeopardyFan and I didn't have a clue so graded myself a big zero for today. Then Trebek completely gave it away with his stupid reading so of course I would have gotten it then. SO irritating. I hate him. He totally effed FJ and the outcome of this game. I also had a problem with "What is zzz" for the three letter category. That's not even a word, it's something that goes in a balloon over a cartoon guy's head. And it's not just three zs, it's usually more. Because, you know, the guy is in deep sleep. Someone mispronounced an answer but I didn't write it down. I figured I'm come across it here. But it bugged that it was ruled correct.
  6. Ah, cr*p, ABC's World News Tonight with David Muir just showed the Jeopardy proposal. WTH. I guess jackasses, show offs and Look At Me people rule in this country. Anyone who is polite and courteous are Losers these days.
  7. And 4. Saber's Ed Grimley/PeeWee Herman-style choreographed flashmob dance routine, to be filmed for Local News/YouTube viewing?
  8. I've become one of the Doublemint Twins: "Two, two, two mints (correct answers) in one." Two correct answers every week. I need Week 2 totals for @Kathira and @whinewithwine. Then Week 3 totals from everyone when you are ready. New players are welcome! I'll post Week 3 FJ questions tomorrow. I "like" your post when I have recorded your totals, just so you know you're in.
  9. I just watched yesterday's game on YouTube. My only comment is that I hate Michael with the heat of a zillion suns based on that bogus proposal. I mean, seriously hate him. Hate the show for letting him do it, hate his woman in the audience (who had a mic right in front of her, yeah, big surprise lady ... NOT) and hate her coming on stage at the end. And nice job Michael, hogging Evelyn's section of the interview. Pig. The only thing that would have made this episode better for me would be if Michael finished in the red and got kicked off stage for FJ. Hooray to the returning champ. Just please do not get engaged on this show and you'll stay All-Right-A with me. (Insert picture of Oregon/Idaho border.)
  10. Oh crap. What will I watch while eating dinner? (I DVR the show for later viewing). A big BOO HISS that I'm in the same No Show boat. TheJeopardyFan posted FJ and winners later in the day yesterday so I know who won, and got FJ added to the contest. And while I'm one of the biggest PeeWee fans (I know you are but what am I), I knew FJ even w/o The Big Adventure connection. Although I do love that movie. Because of the movie, I am skilled at The PeeWee Dance, which I will perform when our band goes public. I still have all of my taped PeeWee's Playhouse episodes. So many contained "things" not appropriate for kids but made me LOL.
  11. I heard that, yes. What a laugh, since $3,600 won't even buy a McDonald's drive-thru Happy Meal, it's such a piddly amount. Nancy's such a moron to not have won an amount that would actually BUY anything.
  12. I often do other things during the interviews, but heard out of part of one ear that someone was a Seinfeld fan. Then "shower head" was a TS so I figured I heard wrong. Or maybe the person meant his standup and not tv show!
  13. Oh, I know. So freaky! It stopped me so I could ponder whether one could feel that kidney from the outside. And if I got kicked in the leg, would I have been kicked in the kidney? I missed a couple clues while thinking on this. Hey, I did! *waves hand* I got that one too, thank you very much Seinfeld episode. If the writers concentrate on Seinfeld eps instead of Hamilton this season, I'm golden. There was. Which is why we had an extended conversation here about Grafton last season. Mystery Author knew her personally. If one doesn't look at the tv during the game, one misses a lot. Thankfully I did not see the head bobbing so the new champ is fine with me.
  14. I second that emotion. So irritating. But if I took a drink every time Trebek said something stupid like that or irked me, I would have drunkenly shuffled off this mortal coil a long time ago. "14 last names" = LOL funny.
  15. That picture made me laugh. Thanks. And yeah, WTH IS that?
  16. If anyone who posts here missed FJ, you haven't been reading this thread. That clue/answer was taken directly from our not-so-long-ago S34 discussion.
  17. That would have made great sense. But I was thinking the doctor was going to tell Kate, "Okay, I shouldn't have been so hasty. I've conferred with the other doctors on staff and we all agree that we'd like more cash to pay for our vacations and luxury autos. So, cough up that first $15,000 and we'll get to work." Then Kate dies, Toby feels guilty and wishes he hadn't flushed his meds. But that's not until the end of this season. Long way to go yet.
  18. I didn't mean it to be comparable. Money is money. He's fine with dumping $200 worth of pills down the toilet? Why not just NOT OPEN THE FREAKING BOTTLE and not take any? Maybe that's not dramatic enough for this show. Do Toby/Kate even have jobs? Although tv doctors/hospitals/prescriptions are free, so there's that.
  19. All I could think was, so how much did that prescription cost, with you so worried about the price of IVF. But then I don't like Toby anyway. He's a smartass and a jackass IMO. Although that fits with Kate. Because I dislike Kate even more. She's so entitled and whiny and not even grateful that she has friends who threw her a birthday party. So she goes into her Big Old Poor Me speech and makes everyone feel like crap, but who cares, it's all about Kate anyway, right? If I were her "friend," that'd be the last she ever saw of me. My only hope is that the dead person at the end is Kate. I don't care how or why, just that she's gone. But I know there's no way this show would remove one of the Big Three. Still, a person can hope. Now THAT'S a show I could get behind!
  20. Thanks DEL901 for explaining how GS Joe got on DWTS. He wasn't pimping for it or asking for it and def was not happy looking when Harrison announced he had just joined the DWTS cast. ABC recognized how popular Joe had become (after one appearance on TB-ette) and grabbed him as its current cash cow. I feel sorry for him because yeah, he signed contracts and now he's stuck. ABC currently owns the guy. He really is nice, but you know where they finish. I guess just not last on this show. Too bad he's not partnered with someone who could help him. Or teach him anything. Meanwhile, ya'll were correct here about who would go home first. And no way in h.e.l.l. I'm watching that kiddie DWTS. It was skeevy enough what was shown last night, and I didn't see any kids who were "pro" quality. But yeah, the pervs will be tuning in AND recording to watch again. And again.
  21. You need to not pay attention more. This is quite funny. Yes. So if one had to look at the board to see the clue again after Trebek read it, one would have seen HIS not THIS. Vincent had the correct answer crossed out and replaced with a person's name (Sagan) to conform with "HIS." Y'all are harsh today. To winners AND losers.
  22. You are too smart for your pants, Smartie Pants. I am tied with GenerationX for this week. Driad, it took me a minute (or two) but you made me laugh. Now I need to make YOU a "gold" meme. Asterisk is now my favorite word.
  23. It was nice to see Vincent back, but I wish he would have won since, if I remember correctly, he would have won if the FJ board hadn't done a goof during his original run. Trebek likes Nancy. She got another GFY today after two yesterday. I got the missed DD of Charlotte (wild guess) and also the canyon TSs of Zion (been there) and Hell's (going there). If Adam Lambert wouldn't keep changing his look, I would have recognized his photo. Although I did know he was playing Freddy Mercury's part with Queen, so I get a BFM: Bad For Me. It was nice that Nancy didn't go all spazwadden when she won again. That was a refreshing change. I love me some corned-beef hash. That's what you meant, right?
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