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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Congrats to all of you Perfect Five Week people! Maybe that will be another prize category, Most Fives in the Season. We've already got High, Low, Most Asterisks and Potluck (random number draw). Another prize category would be cool. "Yes, that's a great idea Saber!" said everyone nowhere.
  2. THIS. I guess I should take some solace in the fact they didn't go for the usual MLK - Malcolm X -Booker T Washington triple play but I don't. I didn't think that category was any easier or more difficult than other categories. Heck, if I can answer ANY Opera clue, much less run the category like I did the other day, the clues were simple, but I wouldn't call it offensive to opera lovers just because I could answer them. And I'm offended than anyone would find Friday's African-American category offensive. But I guess some posters get bent about Woman Author categories and find that offensive. So there's that. I only knew the Harriet Tubman answer because of an episode of Timeless. As I keep repeating, everything is EIYKI. And if you know it, it's Toddler Level. If you don't ... I'm not sure what that's called. I couldn't answer a single one of the music clues. What does that say about me? At least Erik gave it a wild stab guess. I also didn't know shoulder pads and wouldn't have guessed that answer in a bazillion years. Now I guess you guys know more about me than's comfortable.
  3. I'm watching a travel show, they are in Lithuania. The local tour guide just said the river they are traveling is know for its pike and SAL-mon. I told you everything here is controversial lately.
  4. WEEK 6 Final Jeopardy questions: 21. America in the 1930s. In March 1933 CBS Radio’s Robert Trout said, “The President wants to come into your home…for a little” this. 22. The Solar System. Features on this body include Tombaugh Regio & Sleipnir Fossa, named for a horse that carried Odin to the Underworld. 23. World Cities. The northernmost city with a population over 5 million, it was founded in 1703 & its name was changed 3 times in the 20th Century. 24. Characters in Children’s Lit. This winged character from an early 20th century work is so named “because she mends the pots and kettles.” 25. Sports. A low center of gravity is a key to success in this sport with moves including gaburi-yori & uwate-dashinage.
  5. Thanks @Bazinga for that info about Henry Ford's camping American Experience. I need to look that up online. AE is one of my favorite programs, but I currently only get two channels, NBC and ABC, so my tv viewing is limited. My depression deepened when I lost three PBS channels. But I'll bet you got that clue answered correctly. It was a great photo.
  6. It seems everything here is controversial lately. I say "saav" for salve. But I'm Midwest born and raised. I'm guessing it's different wherever everyone else is, just like our past discussion of pop vs. soda vs. Coke vs. carbonated drink. (p.s. Pop is correct. Ha ha. Hey, I think that was a Jeopardy clue in the not-too-distant past.) I hope when I am on this show, Trebek finishes my answers for me. I wonder what the photographer was doing there. It's not like today when everyone is snapping pics with a phone. The guy had to be carrying a big Speed Graflex. I'd be hard pressed to go to sleep with that in front of me.
  7. Good For You M.Darcy! *drink* You too, Grannysmith! *drinkdrink*
  8. Wow, kudos to you for coming up with all those sports. You should get points just for that. Sympathy on missing a perfect FJ week, but thanks for cutting slack to other players! I was all for Herschel; that was my uncle's name, a man who was larger than life and a hero to me. It's not a common name so I had to root for him. I was all about Erik's hair though. Of course Trebek had to mention it and ruin my admiration just a little bit. And again, Trebek was with the "Alan's an ancient old decrepit misfit" talk. Geesh. Cut the old guy some slack Trebek, since obviously his brain cells are all still there and work just fine. Erik also got a GFY. That was about all of my takeaway from today's game. Except Trebek saying the week started and ended with SUPER EASY FJs. Way to rub it in, right illdoc? I'm posting this interesting tidbit as copied from TheJeopardyFan.com: art | October 19, 2018 at 9:22 am | Reply The NYT Crossword Puzzle folks have played up Erik’s appearance this week ( https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/17/crosswords/daily-puzzle-2018-10-18.html ). Erik also had a puzzle by-line last Friday (a collaboration with Bruce Haight) – it’s a bit surprising to have someone with two puzzles in the Times in less than a week. I’m writing this BEFORE watching the show, and before the results were posted here. It will be interesting to see if Erik has the same Jeopardy success as NYT puzzle contributor Joon Pahk did back in 2011 (7 wins and a TOC Semi-finalist, losing to eventual champ Roger Craig). Meanwhile, what's up with @CarpeDiem54? Come out, come out, wherever you are. And I hope @forumfish is doing well with the floods. Good time to have a fish avatar maybe?
  9. I don't think that theory works for FJ, the main category that makes posters here stunned, shocked, amazed, staggered, gobsmacked that no one knew it based on the oh-so-obvious clue. Even during the game, when it's a TS, most of the time there isn't one contestant's incorrect guess. If you doubt me, read backward. Like I posted earlier, everything is EIYKI (easy if you know it).
  10. "I'm a tinker." "None of us are perfect, boy." Be ready for the next Jeopardy category, Food vs. Profession. First answer: cobbler. Thank you Peeayebee for the link!
  11. As proven here, in this small community. Then there's Alex Salmon, former first minister of Scotland. I was surprised too since I got it, which means it should have been Toddler Level. But me saying that puts me in the category of posters here who say they are shocked when everyone doesn't know what they know. A case of IEIYKI. There's the LeCarre book, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and the old saying, "I don't give a tinker's damn." And some people like to "tinker" with things. Does anyone still say that? Mr. Peabody and Sherman and their Wayback Machine are lodged in my memory bank, but I don't remember the tinker episode. But maybe that's why I knew the answer. Although I never once associated Tinkerbell with the profession. It was just her name. That has to be a recent tv show. They would never say that second word on "Leave It To Beaver."
  12. Only if he could somehow turn the interview back to when he was pregnant. So, no.
  13. I swear to god, Opus ... YOU da balm.
  14. We say "chawk" here in the Midwest. There was another "Silent L" answer where the woman very distinctly pronounced the "L" in her answer. I just didn't write it down. I pronounce the "L" in balm. So sue me. But I can make it sound like "bomb" if you want me to. I agree they needed to write the clue for "salve," a less controversial answer.
  15. So much word to this, like accepting "Pinochet" in the "A.P. Names" category today. Kit Pinochet? Or Carson Pinochet? None of those three answers fit the category.
  16. I call foul on the answer of "Pinochet" in the A.P. category. That needed a BMI since answers required a first AND last name to create the A.P. I'm positive the player who answered wouldn't be able to come up with the first name. Meanwhile, gigantic SHOUT OUT! to my pal Kilgore Trout. It was just a couple of days ago that I was singing (writing) his praises here. I saw "300" four times in the theater, bought the DVD and have a bus poster (from Lisbon) of the movie. Yeah, I got that one too.
  17. The majority (meaning those few who have bothered to reply) say Leningrad is an acceptable answer. So yes to Leningrad. Petrograd will also be accepted if anyone's brain dove that far into the past.
  18. I need to try that. I'll try anything that might perk my brain cells out of their dormancy.
  19. Adding two more to my list of Women Players as Cannon Fodder.
  20. There's some Scott dude there that I check on once in a while, this poster having a vested interest in him. I like to think so because that was my answer too. I knew it wasn't the current name but was one of the many. If everyone votes okay, we can accept it in our contest. It's up to you guys. Allison left the Band category because, after missing the first few, Trebek said something like "Are you sure you want to continue there" or "Don't you want to change categories" or something similar. Blame Trebek. Because when Allison DID come back, she won $1,600 with The Eagles. Maybe she could have won $2,000 more if the game hadn't ended. When the John Brown's Body clue referenced "what lies moldering in the ground," I thought the answer could have been "Alan" since Trebek is obsessed with dwelling on how ANCIENT Alan is. All the other champs have been young sprouts, according to Trebek, then Old Antique Alan comes along and WTHeck, the decrepit old man actually WON a game or two.
  21. I lived through the Vietnam era and yeah, my number would have been called if I had been a boy. Meanwhile, friends died and other friends have never recovered, including me. I have not recovered. I did not want to see this episode and, in fact, did not watch once I saw what it was going to show. I have no interest in reliving that through some tv character acting in some story made up by tv script writers. I strongly dislike Kate and Toby but would rather see 10 hours of them than last night's one hour.
  22. Yeah, but she had Milo and Ryker whip THEIR hair around (what hair they have) during the interview when she was freaking about it. She kept talking about their hair, especially Ryker's, not Witney's.
  23. I got TS iceman and thermography. (I think thermal imaging would have been accepted, secnarf.) I spent way too much time dwelling on "trough" not ending in F. Until I re-watched and saw the category was "ending in F sound." Oh well. The champ got two GFYs for his blood donation. I agree. So that's three GFYs. *Drink x3* Interview dumb question/answer of the day: Trebek: "Why do you go to Drum Corp?" Contestant: "Because we like it." Alrighty then. I was struttin' the room like a proud peacock, answering such an easy FJ with such an obvious answer: MARS Go ahead everyone, laugh and point. I can take it.
  24. That was his schtick on The Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise. He is a MALE MODEL, emphasis on "male," and some of his THs were quite funny as yeah, he was pretty much all about himself and liked to talk, even though he didn't make sense most of the time. The Bachelorette gifted him with a pair of golden underwear/trunks if that tells you anything. A funny line last night was Joe saying he didn't want to mess up his hair in rehearsal. About the overalls in Joe's dance ... the two (or three?) men dancing in the background (was one Val?) made those overalls pretty darn sexy. The camera did not stay on them long enough for me. I remember the days when, if the pair didn't get into the dance as soon as the music started, Len accused them of "mucking about." Now dances are full of time wasters. Props, lots of not dancing, plus extra dancers in every routine ... this show isn't at all what it started out as. I'm guessing it wants to appeal to the Everyman, not just the dance fan. Dance fans can watch "real" dancers when PBS airs dance competitions I guess.
  25. I've been watching this show in a distracted way, wondering why men always wear long pants and once in a while an open shirt or no shirt, while women wear practically nothing. Little bikini outfits, slits up the side, slits down to there. Why not have men dance in tiny speedo undies and fringe. I know, I know, it's our "culture," but why? Women outfits were created by men ... why? (Obvious answer.) What was up with the third person being someone with no dance experience from some (Joe) and lots of dance experience for others (Milo, DeMarcus). Rashid demonstrated that he is a better dancer than DeMarcus. That wasn't a good look IMO. Joe's dance with Jordan. Oh my. When it was over, I said "That sucked" to my tv. And I never (well, seldom) talk to my tv. What was up with Erin's fascination with the Milo/Ryker hair? It's not like they had locks down to their shoulders, or even their ears. I didn't get that at all. But then, I don't "get" Erin. I'm not a fan. I continue to like Evanna. Bobby's dance was the second worse of the night, close to last with Joe. Although his didn't make me say anything to my tv, so there's that. Since I don't care who stays or who goes, I was fine with Tinashe leaving. I'm fine with any of them leaving.
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