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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Mutt and Jeff! Hey, those could have been nicknames for that theologian and philosopher. LOL since Episcopalian wasn't in the clue. European was though. But hey, that's pretty cool if an imagined word helped you get the correct answer! As an aside, I was raised Episcopalian and have never heard Calvert associated with that religion. We got a lot of divorced Catholics coming to our services since the Episcopal church is basically Roman Catholic but allows divorce. We're "Catholic Light."
  2. Yeah, we knew Rent and Boys In The Band were not correct. That's why they were called guesses by those who guessed them. How about someone tell me what wrong answer would have been so appropriate that no one would ridicule it as an answer. Can't think of one either? Alrighty then. I was trying hard to make @opus today's FJ answer.
  3. LOL. Those are the two I came up with as well, even though I knew both were wrong. Interesting side note, the first record I ever bought as a kid, a 45 that I walked downtown to buy at the Woolworth's, was Walk Like A Man by ... The Four Seasons. Hey, that could be a Jeopardy clue some day so pay attention. Bless your heart. You are the nicest person ever @j5cochran. Okay, I've dropped my grudge against John for besting you, and crossing fingers he turns in his fifth win today. And I hope, I hope, that you get your TofC-ranked silver medal!
  4. And get sent home without even having one TH. Being good is not how you play TB game to get air time or tons of SM followers. (Social media, not the "other" SM!) Plus I'm pretty sure PAs tell the contestants what to do and prompt them to say things in their THs. This is The Bachelor. The whole show is harassment ... of good taste. Besides, Demi is channeling Corrine. Every season has to have one. For, you know, drahma. And water-cooler talk. (PTV is my water cooler.)
  5. I have so many same-sex-married friends, I didn't give John's husband comment a second thought nor thought it worth mentioning here. Except now I'm mentioning it here. While John is a good player, I still hold a little bit of a grudge against him for becoming a champ by default when @j5cochran missed FJ in the game she easily would have won.
  6. Because: Free day at the amusement park! The parents were probably there as well since no way could Colton and his date wrangle all those kids. That segment had nothing to harm the souls of little kids so parents could show their children the part they were in, they don't have to see the entire show.
  7. I don't know who any of these people are, except Colton. I can't remember when I've cared less about a season. Maybe it will get better?
  8. Sending someone home early via waiting limo is drah-matic and puts the other contestants into a spin, creating more drah-mah. So there's that reason to not wait.
  9. Amusement park ... best date yet on this franchise. At least it would be for me, I'd be all over that place with those kids, I know, shock, something I like this season! Although Colton is not horrible.
  10. I suspect one pageant girl got selected, then TPTB looked for another pageant girl, one the first one hates, and solicited her to be on the show. There are no coincidences on TB.
  11. Who was the girl (yes, girl) with the nanny who got busted for sex in the pool on BIP? Whatever her name is, Demi is the "her" for this season. Which means she will be around for many weeks whether Colton wants her there or not. I wonder what it would be like to be the Bach and be told to keep contestants you cannot stand. No wonder the Bach ends up in tears. Or jumping a six-foot fence and running away. Is it Demi who has the nasal whine voice? Makes me want to stab my ears out.
  12. Caught the rerun last. (Okay, so I watch The Bachelor on Monday. Go ahead and laugh.) I thought Darci Lynne was fantastic, better than ever. I liked her before, I loved her last night. Girl has talent. You know, one of those words that's in the name of this show. I was bored watching Light Balance. Maybe because that sort of act is old hat now. Amazing the first 20 times we've seen it, not so much now. I also was disappointed in Taylor. I liked him so much on the regular season; last night it almost seemed like he wasn't ready to perform, like they pulled him in that afternoon and said "Do your act." I wasn't impressed with Cristina Ramos. Sure, she can sing, but so can everyone on The Voice and AI and this show. She seemed like a nice person though, so I wish her success. The knife throwers were professional and good, but I'm not a fan of danger acts so that colored my opinion. Both are nice to look at though, and skilled at their craft. I'd be good with not seeing them again but it looks like that's not going to happen. Courtney Hadwin ... what can ya say. She actually did not bug me as much this time as she did on the regular season where I couldn't stand her. I guess I've gone to just ignoring her. If others like her, good for them. Me, I won't be going to any of her appearances and I can't imagine her having a record deal since singing doesn't seem to be her forté. This show is invested in her somehow though, for some strange reason. I liked the jump-rope guys, although the camera bounced around so much between them and all the judges and audience reactions, who knows what their whole act is like. Still, it was something different and entertaining. I'd rather see them again than some of the above-mentioned acts. I've never been a fan of Piff, but I really liked him last night. He was more fun and witty than being edgy and sarcastic as he was on the regular season. I was all, no, don't go there with the dog dumping in the bag, but then it turned out to be a magic dragon egg and that was pretty funny. And I actually LOL'd, something I seldom do, when he turned on the waving people fan balloons at the end. I think those are hilarious anyway. I'd go see Piff's show after seeing him last night. Well done Piff. I was just okay with the dog act. I wasn't sure what the theme was, boxing or wrestling or if the dog was boxing/wrestling the trainer. I'm not ranking on the act, I work professionally with dogs and know what it takes to train one to the freestyle level. I just thought it was ... just okay. The dog was more fun after the act was over. Then there was Viktor Kee. Holy smokes, he can do no wrong in my eyes. He's beautiful, his act is mesmerizing, his skill is beyond anything anywhere. I would have not only given him my Golden Buzzer, I would name him the winner now and cancel the rest of the show. He's too fabulous for words. But speaking of fabulous, I am looking forward to Prince Poppycock. I hope he brings it. If I had been playing a drinking game, take a shot every time Howie says "Only two will go through," I would have missed the last 1-1/2 hours of this show from being in a alcoholic stupor.
  13. I admit it's probably the glasses, but David Moo kept making me think of Fred Armisen.
  14. So interesting @teebax, thanks. I just KNOW you will make it onto the show. I cannot wait to root for you. Your reply about using the money for your classroom is just perfect for Teachers Tournament! Being from Tucson and staying in LA, I doubt you have packable rain gear, or any rain gear at all. Some days it's nice to not have to go outside. @j5cochran, in the games you watched after yours, were there categories that you wished you would have had? You were so strong in your game I can't imagine another being better. But what were your thoughts watching players after you, was the board kinder or harsher to your knowledge bank? Wow, that's a long break. Who knew.
  15. That would be the coolest of cool if Banksy turned out to be a woman. Thanks for giving me that thought!
  16. "Bien pour vous" according to online translation!
  17. That would make an great story if he gets selected. Are you able to tell us those questions or the categories? And the categories in your practice game? Shakespeare, Opera ... HAMILTON? Ha ha. Did the show tell you where to stay while in LA? I assume you have to pay for your own digs. Did the show feed you while at the studio? I always want to know those important things.
  18. Yes, you do! So: Go ... I mean, Good For You. @peeayebee, I am missing your last week's total, Week 18. Repost for me, please? And thank you.
  19. Yeah, Dembe tells the exterminator to get back to work, citing all the camera watching. Then he does his thing with the Messenger Rat. I know this show exploits realism but anyone who tries to reach down to pick up a wild rat will get bitten if that person can even get a hand close to a wild rat. Then to tie notes to it like you are passing messages in grade school ... ha ha. And the Messenger Rate ends up in the live trap? Right, like a rat is walking around outside in broad daylight and says, "Hey, I think I'll go in this out-in-the-open trap." Dembe reaches in the trap and extracts the WILD RAT THAT DOESN"T BITE HIM and ties another note to him and sends him down the exposed tube directly to Red's cell. Okay, so I've had a lot of experience with rodents. What about it. Reality aside, it was pretty cool, and sort of Green Mile-ish. Vontae hanging with Red after the Gen Pop King declares Red will die? Yeah, I don't think so. Vontae hanging with Red after Red manipulates the death of Gen Pop King? Yeah, I do think so. Sort of a good episode if one removes it from any glimpse of reality.
  20. Dozens of names went through my mind for FJ, from Phil Donahue to current hosts. I settled on Steve Harvey since he is everywhere these days, and would have been pleasantly surprised if it were correct. But when Regis was revealed, I was like, "Oh, the one name I did not think of." Go figure. There was some PBS show a while back about Banksy where he was going to reveal himself. A few of his friends were in the documentary; I'm pretty sure he is male. But that show is only fragments in my memory so don't bet any Vegas money on the topic. I will add that the art I posted above, those are all on building walls, some two or three stories high, not canvases that would hang in a museum. He creates them overnight: not there today, there tomorrow. I believe he makes a paper pattern, then attaches that to the building and sprays the image onto the wall. His work is in a recognizable style the same as is a Degas or VanGogh. I love it. In college, students were available to hire for area art projects, the dean's office kept a list of freelance jobs. I was offered a position painting a mural of horses on a child's bedroom wall. I turned it down. Painting images bigger than I am was something even I didn't want to attempt (unlike Banksy), even for much-needed college cash.
  21. I probably would just because I'm not close to my extended family in general. I'm with Katy M. I wouldn't be remotely interested if I found out I had some undead uncle somewhere. I do, in fact, have uncles (and maybe aunts) and several nieces/nephews I've never met and have no interest in ever meeting. But then, this show is not about me ... thank goodness for ya'll!
  22. WEEK 19 — ONE asterisk 91. Familiar Phrases. Originally a folk term for a chronic rash, this phrase got a new meaning as a title for a 1952 stage comedy & later a movie. 92. Presidential Quotes. He said, “Victory over (the) Depression will be…by the resolution of our people to fight their own battles in their own communities.” 93. People & Places. In 1790 Thursday October Christian became the first child whose birth was recorded on this remote island. 94. Contemporary Art. After it was auctioned in 2018, a work by this artist was renamed “Love Is In The Bin.” * 95. TV Personalities. In 2000 this man was the host of a No. 1 rated network show & and a No. 2 rated syndicated talk show. *
  23. I know, same here. And I've never liked Toby before, ever. It's like I'm in the Seinfeld Bizarro World. This made me LOL, mainly because I've been watching Bewitched reruns. Gladys is hee-larious. So much WORD to this. Agree wholeheartedly. But as others have pointed out, The Big Three are so self-absorbed, they have no boundaries and are all about what THEY want, not what's best for anyone else. I just hope they call first. I hate "drop in" visitors, and I'm not hiding out from anyone and living a secret life. Of course if they said, "Oh, guess what, we have an uncle," and then said, "Eh," and just went on with doing nothing, this would be a pretty boring show. (And this thread would die from nothing to say.) What? You couldn't speechify someone else into buying it for you? The heck!
  24. Have fun, enjoy yourself and be careful traveling in this blizzard. Do you have a vested interest in a competitor? If so, do tell. Maybe you'll meet Johnny and Tara! Score sheet will be waiting for your return, no problem.
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