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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Still no explanation about the chin bandage? It's a big thick honker too. ETA: Nutty and I posted the same thing at the same time. You owe me a Coke!
  2. Oh gosh, Kirpa just spoke! I guess that means she's going home.
  3. BWAH HA HA HA HA ha! Well, there IS that immaculate thing you know.
  4. Oh, so was I. Especially with the film editors showing us the clothes piles on the beach, like Flapjack and Courtney skinny dipping for ocean sex. And yeah, I'm thinking Colton isn't "technically" a virgin. *cough* Hey, how'd they get from the ocean sandbar to Colton's bed? Did I miss something during my channel flipping?
  5. Cassie isn't a virgin so that will be a hard thing to talk about. What? Do people discuss this on first dates now all the time? In all my years of dating, and I dated a lot, that subject NEVER came up. Not even once.
  6. Cassie gets double points for being small and tiny and NOT GREETING COLTON WITH THE BACHELOR HANDSHAKE! OMG, I couldn't believe my eyes! Oh, that date is on a sandbar in the middle of the ocean? No shade? No water? No nothing? No thank you.
  7. I would have given the rose to Nicole and walked that tattle-tale girl out to the waiting taxi.
  8. Oh, man, I would TOTALLY watch that show. Let me know when you pitch it to the networks. Question: So why didn't Elyse tell Colton herself about Nicole not being there for "the right reasons." Second question: Who the heck is Nicole?
  9. Didn't we endure this same "survival" date last season? I guess this is going to be SOP for all seasons now. Well, that's gotta stop.
  10. Like on The Voice when singers are told to make that song "their own."
  11. LOL that Colton is a slack-jaw freaked about the gals grabbing a snake, eel and scorpion. And he wants a woman who can keep up with him in the outdoors? You are too funny Colton. These women are kicking your ass, you pansy.
  12. LOL! Colton now is doing a Mesnick on the balcony about Elyse except he's eating breakfast things, looking around blankly and belching slightly. Plus he's digging things out of his teeth with his tongue. I don't think that's how The Mesnick is done, Colton. I'm not "feeling it." I dated a guy for several months, and yes, we were dating. But we never kissed. That doesn't mean I wasn't kissing the other dozen guys I was dating though.
  13. Now Elyse says walking away was a huge mistake and she really regrets it. What, is this a rerun? I've seen this act before. So will she come back in a couple episodes? We've seen that before too. Oh, now Colton is insecure! It's his Worst Nightmare! -tm
  14. WTH, Elyse has never seen this franchise? Send her stank ass home, stat.
  15. If I were Colton, I'd send Never Been Kissed home. She's how old and has dated only one guy ever? No thanks.
  16. So we get close ups of Colton's lips and tongue and finger licking and more lips and close ups of those super-white veneers. To increase the suspense of Will He Or Won't He Kiss Her. "Hey, I'm here too." —TM Chopped Liver
  17. Is it wrong that I literally LOL'd at what Colton is wearing on his date with Never Been Kissed? Colton: "You look beautiful." Never Been Kissed: Here's a Bachelor Handshake for you. I suppose we're going to get a date filled with "will he or won't he kiss her" drah-ma. Gah. Meanwhile, back at the hotel, I don't recognize 90 percent of these women.
  18. Oh wow, @Kathira, there really IS an answer to this! And it actually makes sense. Thanks much. Although now I'll have to think of something else to ponder in the middle of the night. LOL!
  19. @Bliss, you posted this last Thursday but it sneaked into my head two nights ago and now I cannot get past the question, where DOES the white go when snow melts? Anyone? Help me please! I'm trapped in this enigma!
  20. Oh, thanks but no thanks Otto for reminding me this show killed that freakingly cute dog. I actually said something not very nice to my tv when that dog got blasted to bits. Why not just blow up Agnes too and get that over with. The crooks could have at least let the dog out the front door. WTH, writers. Is this episode historic in that it's the first without a blacklister number? I can't think about this show in too much detail, but wasn't the girlfriend story that he met her at the bowling alley a year ago? Or was she hired to be the girlfriend by the geek guy and that was a bogus story? Not that it matters. Not that any of it matters. I want Red to stay in prison, pass the bar (again) and defend prisoners. Sort of a Blacklist Shawshank Redemption.
  21. I don't have any problem with pennies. In fact, I like them. They account for detailed change, and I'm a fan of details. You know, like trivia on Jeopardy. I also know if one saves pennies, one can then get a bigger coin in exchange. Of course, I also remember 5-cent stamps. Those took five pennies to buy! It's a bonus to me if I ever get a Canadian coin in return change. I stash them away. I've never known anyone to look at/examine the coins I give for payment. Maybe that Canada penny was just too shiny to be real. People are getting so lazy these days. Don't want to count pennies, can't write a thank you card much less mail one, can't type whole words in emails. Think a real job is posting photos on Instagram.
  22. I actually liked Red's courtroom speeches. Made me think I should be watching Boston Legal reruns instead of this show. Isn't Red in New York? That state abolished the death penalty in 2007, with executions already stopped in 1984. So his "going before the firing squad" speech was a bunch of ... well, a bunch. Ressler having to hire an actress to go with him to some out-of-state wedding is so bogus. Why didn't he ask Lizzie? Or maybe some FBI clerk? Or quick, get a Tinder profile. I'd gladly go with Mr. Ressler pretty much anywhere, just ask me, pal. The actress leaving her "wedding reception" wasn't a good recommendation for that business. She could have at least stayed for some cake and drinks, plus dinner. And a nice honeymoon with her "husband" would have been fun IMO. Such a corny story line, who has a wedding in the park with invites sitting on a sidewalk table anyway.
  23. Oh, gosh, 917 is my "special" number. I see it often and it means much to me. So ... freak me out! Did you get molasses with those pancakes? I've been hearing debates on the radio about the pros and cons of schools starting to teach handwriting again. Because kids can't read anything that isn't printed, and don't know how to write any words. So I'm not shocked about people not being able to add and subtract in their heads. I almost always give exact change if no one is waiting behind me. I try to keep my little purse weighing less than five pounds with all the coins stashed in it.
  24. Only if @Mindthinkr makes us a buffet lunch for after!
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