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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. WEEK 39 — NO asterisk 189. Shakespeare’s Time. The line “a great reckoning in a little room” in “As You Like It” is usually taken to refer to this author’s premature death. 190. World Time Zones. This European country is still an hour ahead of GMT, a move made in 1940 to be on the same time as Nazi Germany. 191. The NATO Phonetic Alphabet. This discovery of November 8, 1895 by a German physicist represents a letter in the NATO phonetic alphabet. 192. American Music Legends. Steinbeck called him “just a voice and a guitar” but said his songs embodied “the will of a people to endure and fight against oppression.” 193. Canadian Cities. City Hall in this Western provincial capital is on Victoria Avenue near the corner of Albert Street.
  2. Lightning might strike me, but I don't wish happy ever after for anyone who goes on this franchise. In the beginning, yes. Now, no way. "The Right Reason" has changed dramatically. Still, it continues to be fun watching -- because of the fun posters here.
  3. It's strange that last week there was one Mega Wall winner, this week, what, four or five? Are ninjas getting clued in so they can practice before ANW hits their town? I did notice no POM Wonderful run and didn't see that sponsor's signs anywhere. Last year wet ninjas got POM towels, but this year they are getting no towels. I guess no sponsor money, it's bring your own towel. Where does everyone get their t-shirts? It seemed every runner had a t and their support people all had the same t with logo and catch phrase. Is there a kiosk where people can have a bunch of shirts made that same night? I loved the smartest dog that took the steps to the top instead of the warped wall. What are those pants that many are wearing now, with the extra material of a different color on the inside of the legs/crotchal area? They are like riding pants. Nick Coolridge wore them first, I think, orange ones. Now many are wearing them. Are they Special Ninja Pants? Sold at the t-shirt kiosk? The newbie guy whose foot was slipping in the Spider needed to read about Isaac Caldero and how he said his rock climbing shoes made him fall in the Jumping Spider. But at least this guy made it through. While I don't have an opinion one way or the other, except that he's a "regular" and has never done anything irritating IMO, I give Drew Dreschel credit for running in a t and jeans. I really get tired of those preening guys who have to strip off at the starting line so as to highlight all their gym rat time. And the Fire and Ice guys having their Man Boob contest is just a big NO from me. I'm glad both of them tanked. Literally. Maybe it's my five years of art school and so many hours of life drawing. By the fifth year when students could pose the models, we were all unanimous: Put your clothes on. Thinking about it, I guess I don't mind the WWWAs as much as I used to. But I do wonder about the loooooong back stories on new people who are not going to make it past the third obstacle. WTHeck is up with that. And the "mom" story ... what's the name of the woman who wears a lot of makeup and has a big bow in her hair? She's been on other competitions and team competitions and is a real kick ass. Seems to me she is a mom.
  4. Thanks @eel2178. Even though I know from reading here what happens, it will be fun to see Travis and Bootie again. Bootie is one of my favorites. I will cheer him on anyway. Maybe he will make it to the buzzer on Friday night!
  5. My tv died yesterday and I spent the night going to Walmart to try to find a new one. Does anyone know if this episode will be repeated like last week's?
  6. I searched for it and it was Rachel. (My money would have been on Emily, but what do I know.) Josiah won the trophy and yes, drank out of it. (ugh) Some of the spelling faux pas: coitus = quicus, facade = physde, and at least this one was sort of close: boudoir = bourdeaux. I guess this is true, unfortunately. Now we have to watch actions and listen to THs to figure out which ones are the dumbasses. If I were on this show, I'd have a spelling bee AND a grammar contest. And I'm pretty sure I'd have to leave the show alone and celibate. *sigh*
  7. Once there was a spelling bee. Once in ... how many years? I'm sure someone here remembers whose season that was. Seems like the guys weren't all that great at spelling. If they had a Usage of Pronouns in the English Language test, pretty much everyone would fail, including the b-ette. If they had a Say a Paragraph Containing No "Likes," they all would fail that, too. So I guess we have to settle for rugby and roller derby to fill the time slot.
  8. This made me think this is why she's all about Luke P. He "beat down" one of the guys she doesn't like and is all 1950s I'm The Boss Man, which seems to appeal to her idea of the perfect husband. I imagine her cheering and laughing if she saw the body slam.
  9. Did all the acts go through last night? I was only partly watching so missed the judge comments. I know! They are the best part of this show! (NOT) I like Terry Crews, best host so far, but his "dancing pecs" gross me out. Like, REALLY gross me out. I'm not sure what that says about me. I'm not going to think about that. I thought the Rockettes dance crew was all older women, 20-30. I will have to re-evaluate my liking it after reading here they were high school kids. Yikes.
  10. Like that ancient practical joke, you hand your friend the trick binoculars and tell him/her to look at that guy across the street so he/she does. And the binocs leave two black racoon eyes on his/her face. Hilarious! Thanks for that memory. (Not that I ever played that trick but the Three Stooges did, a lot.) Yeah, that was Julianne.
  11. I couldn't even watch that act. I guess it went through. But I hope not. What was up with the first guy who crawled through the toilet seat? THAT'S a talent? They X'd Monkey dancer last week and we didn't even get to see his act yet we had to suffer through this guy crawling through a tennis racket for 10 minites? WTH show. Talk about starting on a low point. Actually, I thought most of this episode was a low point after enjoying last week. The kiddie Light Whatever their name is looked exactly like the adult Light Whatever their name was from before. Nothing different, same act, different faces (when the real lights came on). I laughed at the last guy, the Golden Buzzer dude. He said he wasn't "the best singer" and Julianne said "It doesn't matter." WTH. I guess now singers don't have to be able to sing? Alrighty then. So this guy got a Golden Buzzer for ... what? The Rockettes dancers I thought were interesting, I actually stopped to watch them, I liked that their costumes made patterns. I walked away when Howie started dissing them though, they aren't as good as the real Rockettes? Oh, Howie. I guess you're laughing all the way to the bank with the money TPTB are paying you to say that stuff to get the drama going. Good on you for following the script. Meanwhile, I'm buying stock in double-sided tape if Julianne continues to wear that one outfit. "My eyes are up here folks."
  12. Excuse me while I run down to the corner to buy a cigarette (or two) for @Mabinogia.
  13. I beg your pardon, but there is no sexier version of Gerard Butler than Gerard Butler himself. I know. That was the dorkiest intro package EVAH. It's taking me a while to get over memories of that. He HAS to stay through hometowns. I hope he has a crazy-ass mom and dad, and psycho brothers and maybe a whack sister tossed in for good measure. I remember the mom slugging wine right out of the bottle and the dad with the dead animals in the basement freezer. Those were good times and I'm ready for more. You know, something to look forward to.
  14. Nothing personal @nutty1. I'm blaming your spell check/auto correct!
  15. Sorry but I just have to correct that to "The Tattooist of Auschwitz." Auschwitz was/is a real place that we all should know how to spell. That's because he's a model. The contractor/dancer gig is his sideline. His Instagram account lists his agencies. I remembered who I think Tyler looks like, Rupert Friend.
  16. Now that would be worth watching. Back to the lack of background checks: Kevin was on probation for DUI while filming this series. His mug shot is better than any model's. Kevin arrested. Speaking of models, our Tyler's job is model. He builds some things (and dances) on the side. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Here is his Instagram account which also lists his modeling agencies. ETA: It's funny that Tyler's last name is Cameron. You know: Always Be Cameron.
  17. What? No rose ceremony? We have to wait until next week to see Nice Luke go home? (Not a spoiler, just that he's nice so of course he's out. Which, thinking about it, is a good thing for him. We didn't even get to see his tequila label. And we wouldn't even have KNOWN about the tequila if it wasn't for Psycho Luke telling us.) Now THAT would be something different. *cough* The after-credits clip wasn't even remotely funny. Except it reminded me that all you guys were ranking on Jed's denim coat and no one anywhere said anything about his sheepswool Marlboro Man coat he wore on the date. That was hot stuff back in the '70s when everyone wanted to be a cowboy. I'll take the denim jacket any day over that antique thing. (Okay, so I have some bad memories associated with old "cowboy" boyfriends.)
  18. But my money is on Psycho Luke staying and Nice Luke leaving. I hope she feels like the dumb ass she is. Because she is. Which is why I don't want her with Tyler. I want Tyler for you guys here. Let Hannah run off with Psycho Luke, who will buy her "lotion for her skin." (Thanks a lot whomever posted that upthread. Now I can't unthink it.)
  19. That's what I heard, and I didn't rewind. I'm good with his dead possum. He's the Man of Many Faces to me. Depending on the camera angle, he's good looking, he's not good looking, he's funny looking, he looks exactly like some actor I can't name. LOL at Hannah saying he's a player though since everything he said to her was what a player would say. I'm good with everyone here liking him though. I'm enjoying everyone loving him. Therefore, I'd rather he NOT hook up with Hannah so he can be The Most Popular Bachelor Ever. We are due for that.
  20. To clarify more, Ashley I told the two actors that they would be perfect to be on The Bachelor. That's when the Asian actor said his perfect line. I usually skip commercials too, so totally missed Nick V. hawking Halo ice cream. *insert sad face*
  21. To whomever asked about the "I'd be the Asian man on this show" post, it was in a commercial starring Jared and Ashley I in a hot tub with two actors who are in a new movie. The actor guy is Asian; I don't remember the actor woman or the movie since I spent all my time staring at Ashley I's Juvederm lips. She actually gets PAID by Juvederm to hawk that product. Gah.
  22. Close up of Hannah crying: Her eyebrows look like bat's wings. LOL! Then the film editors cut to a seagull (with giant wings) flying across the screen! This show is full of comedy if one knows how to read the editing.
  23. LOL, these dudes all look alike to me. Except for JPJ. Speaking of: Where is JPJ? To everyone wanting Luke gone: If he doesn't win this thing he FOR SURE is heading to BIP. He's got a lock on that for sure.
  24. I was doing other things so missed the Luke vs. Luke smack down. I hope it will be a video clip since how Nice Luke describes it, it sounds all kinds of awesome. Crazy-ass awesome. So Nice Luke doesn't talk about Hannah with the guys? Why should he/they when they are hanging out? They are all "dating" her so why does one guy want to hear another guy (or 14 other guys) talking about how they want to shag the woman HE is dating/trying to shag. Well, except Hannah wants everyone's focus to be on her 100 percent of the time, so there's that warped perspective to it.
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