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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Speaking of ancient, how about "Ancient Chinese Secret?" I can't remember the product at the moment. Give me a couple hours and it will come to me. Then, or in the middle of the night.
  2. It's interesting how some weeks favor some people. While my score doesn't count, this was my best week yet with 2/5. Color me proud that I was able to answer not one but TWO! (Two! Two clues in one!*) last week. *Ancient Doublemint reference.
  3. I'm hoping this week explains that. If the story is Jo has taken in some wandering waif, the (real) Child Welfare Services people will show up to take Piper. If the story is Piper is Jo's niece visiting from out of town (which is what small-town weeklies print), then Jo didn't need the national journalist guy to put the story on the wire, nor would it even be picked up by AP or any other paper so journalist could stay in town and work the other story. I love the observation of what Jo is wearing to bed. The last time I wore matching top and bottom to bed? My memory doesn't go back that far.
  4. Because they can drive there in less than five minutes, or fly instantly, without a reservation.
  5. “When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh Also: “I don’t feel very much like Pooh today," said Pooh. "There there," said Piglet. "I’ll bring you tea and honey until you do.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
  6. While I couldn't watch the show, I did see Friday's FJ online. I answered the Kama Sutra and stuck with that. No comments needed, but feel free to laugh.
  7. I'm declaring 1001 Arabian Nights correct so your score is recorded as 2/5. Update your records folks. Seeing @opus' avatar cheers up my day, which sorely needs cheering up. So thanks.
  8. WEEK 4 — NO asterisk 16. Symbolic Objects. To complete one of its regular trips, in 1948 it took a boat across the English Channel; in 1952 it took a plane en route to Finland. 17. Mountain Ranges. A chain of volcanoes is named for this mountain range where the continental USA’s deadliest eruption took place. 18. Animal AKAs. It’s also called the czar fish. 19. Phrase Origins. The OED’s first citation for this phrase referring to a region of the U.S. is from a Durant, Oklahoma newspaper in 1936. 20. World Literature. Some parts were translated from a 15th century Syrian manuscript when this work was introduced to Europe around 1700.
  9. My antenna dropped all five of my NBC affiliate channels today so no Jeopardy for me (or ever again it looks like) or any other NBC shows I watch. I can get FJ online so I have that. Counting on ya'll to fill me in on anything good.
  10. I got a laugh that one of the answers on yesterday's J6 was "Camus."
  11. While I admit I wasn't watching closely, I thought Dex was wearing a safety vest she swiped from some sanitary street worker to go undercover. Apologies to your jacket!
  12. Your entire post was spot on IMO, and the above describes why I am so disappointed in this show so far. Writers, get with it. This was the only new show I was looking forward to, and this is the only new show that isn't cutting the mustard. Crossing fingers it gets better. Plus when she was announcing outside the murder house, her expression and tone was all, "Oooh, boogity boogity, spooky stuff here, creepy, just look at my face to see how creepy and scary it is, it's MURDER!" A pro journalist/newscaster shows no expression when doing a live broadcast, it's just the facts, ma'am. Geez, show writer, watch the news sometimes to see how it's done IRL.
  13. But it let Trebek get some snark in about that TS football category from last season. So there's that plus. For him anyway. Thank goodness time was up right after he said that.
  14. According to TheJeopardyFan.com, 37 correct answers, 12 incorrect, 12 TSs, 9 clues and $8,000 left on the board.
  15. There are discussion on other sites about today's game being one of the worst, with so many TSs and so many clues left on the board and such poor scores going into final. I was only half way watching (just long enough to see the champ rocking his podium again) but got the TS of (Tony) Lama boots, and the shout out to my favorite author, Herman Wouk. The answer of "Corgi" should have been a BMS given it was a Cardigan Welsh Corgi and not a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, but I guess they were lucky to get any answer at all. FJ was back to being easy for me, a miracle of sorts given I went two solid weeks unable to answer any. I've seen too many Dorothea Lange photos to not be able to answer this one.
  16. Kingfish! I had the same thought, having spent all my summers in Arkansas.* Amos & Andy played every noon on the only station the radio could get in the Ouachitas. (*Edited because the Jot 'Em Down store was Lum and Abner, not Amos and Andy. Duh. Both were on that radio station though.) LOL! I really felt badly about correcting you on Chagall and hesitated to do so. So I agree, you were thinking of "the other" C word.
  17. Except Marc Chagall was Russian. I can't think of any well-known Polish artist, not that there aren't any. I'm sure someone here will know of some! That would have been the most awesomely awesome event EVAH.
  18. I know what I heard. Maybe it's spelled Ansel, but I can't help it that I heard Asshole. Ann-zole ... Asshole ... Ansel. All pretty close. I might have picked a different name for the brother if I were the show's writer. Oh my gosh, I really do need to pay better attention! Thanks for clearing that up. Next week I promise to do better! I thought it was weird they cast actors who looked so much alike. I do like the bartender though!
  19. I guess I need to pay better attention to this show, but it just doesn't hold me in and I keep doing other things. I can't tell the bartender apart from the guy she slept with, I thought they were the same. I didn't have a clue who the dead person was at the end. Dex spent 90 percent of this episode beating people up, yet never a bruise or scar. I want to know how she does that. Maybe being a comic character helps. The car being back with its funky tape player is a plus. It's my favorite character. Since I was mostly listening instead of watching, I was pretty shocked when Dex told someone to "take care of Asshole." Axel isn't an easy word to pronounce, I guess.
  20. That's how I see the journalist too, not as a love interest or charming or anything of the sort. Just maybe someone who can help Jo from the other side of the populace, and someone she can trust. I don't see any love triangle or love anything on this show between Jo and anyone else, even the ex. I appreciate that. Even the ex can be a helpful pal, like the writer guy. It's an Alien Magnetic Field, forces beyond our mere mortal comprehension.
  21. If there had been four contestants, Captain Morgan would have been the fourth guess.
  22. He was rocking up a storm yesterday. I was expecting comments here about it, but nothing. I didn't look at him today but assume he was still doing the wave on his podium. I figured a czar fish had to be a badass, but couldn't decide between a piranha or a pike. I guess it didn't matter. There are sturgeon in the Mississippi (a stone's throw from me) so thinking of it as a Russian fish wasn't going to happen. I was surprised to read Fredrick Douglass died. SAD.
  23. OMG @Prevailing Wind, hysterical. One thousand points awarded to the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
  24. Chrissy in that silver outfit on the Emmy purple carpet ... it was shocking. Kate didn't even have a lap for Baby Jack, he had to be on top of her boobs. Toby wants to grocery shop at night when the store is less crowded. Instead he goes to the gym and works out for what, one-half hour? THEN he goes to the grocery? Does he take a shower at the gym so comes home smelling clean and fresh, or does he come home sweaty and stinky? The gym plus the grocery means he's gone maybe 1-1/2 or 2 hours, way longer than just picking up groceries when the store isn't crowded. If I were Kate, my only thought is Toby is having an affair. Why he's going to the gym in secret makes no sense to me. Tell Kate it makes you feel better and you are enjoying it. Period. She doesn't have to go, why can't Toby have interests of his own? Their marriage needs help if he's afraid of her tossing a fit about something HE wants to do.
  25. That would be cool if Kevin were related to James-killer Emma.
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