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Everything posted by phoenics

  1. You can't have a "save Katrina" episode without putting her in danger can you? Since Katrina is obviously so fragile when she gets to Team Witness again I say they put her in a pocket dimension for her safety. I hate all of the scree time devoted to this useless character. This is what irritated me the most because I feel like the writers were trying to show Ichabod "Knowing himself so well" that he would absolve himself of all guilt and blame for Abraham's fate. I thought this was awful. They had Ichabod utter that he wanted redemption for Abraham but it was ONE throwaway line and we have NEVER seen him or Katrina worried at all about redeeming Abraham even though they are more responsible for his fate than Henry's. It felt like the writers were trying to squash the CFD backlash by having Ivhabod throw that bone. Nope. Not buying it. Ichabod and Katrina are still playing God and are jerks. I am worried the magic is gone for me. I'm still to pissed at Crane (who now needs Abbie to prop him up?) to feel any feels right now. He just annoys the hell out of me.
  2. Don't know about hoyay but they def had more chemistry and ease in their scenes than Crane and StruggleWitch.
  3. phoenics

    Iris West

    I want to thank the writers for giving us a character who "has to be her own hero sometimes". Way to go Iris! And even with that they gave us a Flash moment with her too showing she could be a heroine and still the object of the hero's affection. I really like Iris. I hope they let her in on the truth soon. I think the writers are treating the character with a huge amount of respect and are being really careful not to have her compared to Laurel when she's nothing like her. And also to illustrate that she's no Lana Lang either but actually more like Lois (which is comic canon anyway). I love the CW for doing so many comic shows but one pitfall seems to be the baggage some fans bring from other shows and saddle completely different characters with. I wish people didn't do that but at least the show runners are aware and are batting down the comparisons constantly and protecting the Iris character.
  4. phoenics

    Caitlin Snow

    I thought I was the only one. I think the actress has either a nervous tick or she's trying to add it as evidence of Caitlin's geeky and nerdy nature. But it's off-putting to me. It's almost like she's trying to channel EBR's Felicity and failing because she's so ... plain. I also don't see the chemistry with anyone in the team except to act as a mother hen. The only one I saw chemistry with was Robbie's character. I think DP dropped a lot of the "trying to be Felicity" stuff in her scenes with him and thus seemed more natural than when she tried to "play a nerd". Sadly I'm just not interested in her as a character. Maybe she will be better when her fiancé comes back or she goes the KF route. If she does.
  5. I couldn't agree more with this. Katrina has had ENOUGH chances to win over the audience... Hawley isn't nearly as bad as long as Jenny/Irving have story - plus he's not the reason for the epic CFD fail storylines... Katrina is. Kill her off and force the writers back to the drawing board.
  6. If they kill off Jenny there will be hell to pay. The ratings will literally fall into the toilet and I will be so glad. I'll feel badly for Lyndie - but part of me wants to tell her "I told you to stop pimping Katia!" because she should have known that KW would be fine and that SHE was fair game to be axed.
  7. I wonder how the Ferguson stuff affected ratings. I don't even think they will care about these numbers... they'll just ignore them because of all of the breaking news that disrupted the show.
  8. Though - they've dropped that mythology too so it could be anyone - doesn't have to be Hessians...
  9. I thought they were extensions too (though I don't think NB always wears them).
  10. Gotcha! Wanted to make sure you didn't misunderstand me, :) I am depressed now though - I'm gonna lay it down and catch up on SH tomorrow or later, :(
  11. Just in case it wasn't clear - my sarcasm was about them choosing not to indict. Not about them cutting in. I understand that - though I'm irritated because I already knew they wouldn't indict. And angry.
  12. AAARGH they cut into the show - probably to announce that they won't indict. Lovely. /sarcasm
  13. I just had a thought/question: Would Sleepy Hollow have gotten as popular as it did without Ichabbie's chemistry? Or without the Ichabbie shipping? Because it doesn't seem like Ichatrina could have boosted this show without Ichabbie... but would it be popular without Ichabbie? Would the show have even made it out of the pilot without the strength of Ichabbie? I feel dizzy.
  14. I like this - the only thing I would add is throwing Irving into this triangle. THAT is a triangle I could get behind... Then if they bring on
  15. /has a sad with you... :( I'm trying to remember the last time I really had fun with this show... I think it was the S2 premiere... but even those small moments with Katrina ruined it for me... though the shirtless Headless almost helped... but still...
  16. Wow - didn't know that about the dress! Pretty cool. I recently met the Lead Costume Designer for Game of Thrones and got to look at some of the dresses up close - the workmanship was just out of this world... I wonder if Katrina's dress up close is as intricate...
  17. I agree about them reinventing the mythology every episode - it's because they focused so hard on the CFD. If they had continued on the path they were on with Abbie and the ties to Corbin's research and Washington's bible, it would make so much more sense. Are the Hessians the dudes who are Henry's henchmen? That's what I assumed - maybe I was wrong.
  18. LMBO! Yes - this bothered me too - especially since they're so intent on saving Henry, but Abraham be damned. And yes - because of their selective "redemption", it does seem to be playing God - but the show never mentions God - and never even any agents of God (angels, etc).
  19. I agree that they've missed the religious boat - if for nothing more than we've seen massive contingency from Team Evil, but no one from Team Good. Where is the course correction from God for the Witnesses and specifically for Ichabod straying off course and putting folks in danger (letting them die) while he frets about Henry? We've seen demons - but what about some angels. I do think they're using the Bible as a prop - but given how I know they won't respect the material fully I'm not sure I want them to use it as much more than that, lol. But if I was writing this, I would (but then again I respect it).
  20. Yeah - they tried that I think, but all of the "she has makeup and hair curlers in Purgatory?" comments might have made them switch that... lol. Though they never listen to us for other stuff...
  21. Personally I'd rather look like NB - and already kinda do... just much taller. I'm still trying to copy her makeup look from episode 3 - and I recently styled my hair the same way... though I'm about to go back to my natural coils later this week. I think KW looks better as a blonde. Or even a brunette...
  22. Since I only joined fandom a short time ago, I cannot speak to that well - but let's say those were there. They were also there (in droves) for NB (fandom saved screenshots of it) - but she never lashed out. That's being a professional and again - I still have NO sympathy for KW. None. She lashed out at all fans as though they are a monolith and for that, she got dragged. So did that foolish writer who retweeted that the #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter were haters and not real fans. And they both deserved it. Let's just say we see Katia's actions differently and leave it at that. *gasp* Oh noes. That would literally make me cry. Especially since that has nothing to do with the Apocalypse - and where would Abbie fit into that at all? *stay calm, phoenics* Don't panic!
  23. From what I saw - nothing was directed at her personally - it was directed at Katrina. Also, Nicole Beharie has faced an untold amount of racism from fans from nearly day one - yet she's never lashed out. Not ever. Here's the thing - that tweet was her actively doing that - it wasn't the result of an errant statement made in the heat of the moment in an interview. It was a pre-meditated tweet. There is NO excuse for that - none. Plus with all of the excellent analysis about Katrina and the problems and issues with the character not at all being about shipping - you reduce the criticism of her to... a ship. Really? I think she's extremely internet savvy actually - she was being petty - she got called out for it and now she has to live with it. She gets no sympathy from me.
  24. That's a good point about weather - this is Wilmington, NC... humidity is rough there...
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