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  1. Seemed to me that Jeff Lewis was the friend who told her that. They were rehashing 'the scandal' for his podcast. They are good friends. btw, Lewis used to despise Heather, I don't know if he still does.
  2. I sure enjoyed furious Alexis kicking those two hapless interfering boobs out of her & John Janssen's rattlesnakes lair. Shannon's text was perfect.
  3. I watched wwhl just after the new episode. Janssen sat there looking like a crook casing a bank. So innocent. Alexis was deflated, no manic gesturing and face pulling. They were both murdered by the polls. Great publicist they have, if they have one. This episode of RHOC needed Brookes era Vicki to bring all these simmering resentments to a full-throated holler-palloza. I thought the zen place was going to be made famous like The Quiet Woman.
  4. What cosmetic enhancements does Alexis need the 75k for? Couple of grifters. She was so ready (& stupid enough) to do John Janssen's dirty work, I'm mad they kept them apart. Shannon just needs to get sober, get a tune-up with Dr. Moon and go back to being her ditzy, blissed out self. Her kids turned out the best.
  5. Alexis grabbed a hold of John Jannsen as her ticket back to the show. Manaconda aside, he's a bit of a wet blanket like Vicki's Steve, who kept the interesting stuff off camera. It's something when the unrepentant town drunk is the lovable one. I hope she's hired a driver. I couldn't bear it if something happened to Archie.
  6. Marge knew what she was doing by putting the other women in those horrible green outfits. They looked like idiots. I did see Marge featured in a regular commercial and she looked great. I think she purposely hit the other carts trying to have an OC's hell on wheels Tamra moment. Can anyone please remind me what Danielle's beef with her father/brother is about? I have no memory of it. Sounds like she's hoping for a Jorga siblings rehash.
  7. Well done, Marcel. So happy he won. From the infamous TC season 2 to Marcel's Quantum Kitchen to the marathon of cookery 24 in 24. I really enjoyed this show, even with an obvious Winner's Edit towards the end. A lot of the food looked good too. I'll have to admit Carlos was giving me uncomfortable Ilan Hall vibes for a bit. Glad he got better, lol. There is a cure. I can't believe it was 20 years ago. Did Betty steal Marcel's fish...? Why did TC elves re-edit the already aired episode to obscure the fact that Ilan & Elia shaved their heads after they ganged up on a sleeping Marcel? I remember the raging discussions in a forum like this... I joined a small web chat with Marcel just after the TC2 finale. Maybe 30-40 people. He was very humble and down to earth. He brought his (super sweet mom) on to say Hi. He was very serious about his love of food & being a chef. It's worked out great for him. Correction- my memory just sharpened. It was his mom, not dad, who chatted with us. She was super sweet. I hope the implant works out for her.
  8. Bravo probably has a camera crew inside Shannon's house because of the accident, and John is making a 'special appearance.' I imagine they don't want her showing her supposedly messed up face for the tabloids because that's their gravy train.
  9. Dammit! Now they'll keep Gina around for her schadenfreude.
  10. Carolyn made this season watchable for me. No live audience, no fan favorite makes it a big let down.
  11. Well jeez, I started watching this season. Zach is maudlin and obsessive over Jackson like he's going to repair his own childhood. Lillah really needs Matt, Amy & Caryn. Matt especially seems very sweet about her. And the littlest tyke, I am sorry and it's not nice to say, but he looks like a plucked chicken and I just worry about wildlife & birds of prey whenever 'Sigh' is onscreen. Matt's probably going to live well into his dotage (he seems healthier than ever with Caryn) and he'll spend spend spend on various 'projects'. As he's hardwired to do. Inheritance? Half finished pipe dreams & bills.
  12. The Dee scrubbing was stupid. Just don't invite her back. All that drama last week, no follow through this week. Boring. Josh can't carry the hysterics all on his own. He's more whiney than anything.
  13. With the things Pete has talked about on the show, his mini romance is the least of it.
  14. I miss Gio. He brought a lot of energy. It's weird having a judge disappear. This season is a lot faster.
  15. I rewatched the comps, Ashley was ahead of Hunter in one of the footraces, probably by design. Ha. I think every one of them would have taken the money. She played it smart. I admire her scrappiness. I'm glad they revealed the winner and didn't drag this out to the reunion.
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