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Everything posted by boes

  1. Is it impossible to get even a day without Paulina? Now she's hounding city employees to clear the bridge so she can get out to look for her daughter who's not even really missing?? She treats her job as the mayor as if the entire city of Salem works for her benefit. What a pain in the ass. Now she's going out to radiate everyone in her path because she feels like it? Poor Johnnie. He's stuck with loudmouth Julie at the cabin and soon he'll have foghorn Paulina in his face. Poor guy just cannot win.
  2. I'm gonna get one of them prime jobs with either the Newman or the Abbott security teams! Seems that you don't have to do a damn thing AND you can sleep on the job. Until the screwup with Ashland, you could even have a smoke when you wanted. Do you get a hat and a badge, too?? I hope Auntie J hoisted a few of Lil' Hausenpheffer's clothes cuz he's going to look a bit silly going around town in those green pajamas, even with the fake moustache and beard she'll put on him. I hope he gets to wear her flat cap and driving jacket from her last disguise. I thought Alison Lanier did a fine job, especially considering what we would have had to sit through if Hunter King was still in the role. HK could never act like anything but a Daisy Duck who had her feathers ruffled but AL made me want to reach through the screen and give her a shut up slap. Auntie J is definitely a psycho, we know, but Dummer was okay with letting Harrison around Phyllis and that nutjob has been two cans short of a six pack since the 90's. So, kindly take it down a notch. It's supremely annoying to have to hear Dummer constantly calling herself Harrison's mom so, like others of you said, it was nice to hear Victoria correct her on the right version of history. I also can't forget that when Victor had Jack kidnapped and replaced with a doppleganger, and Dummer's mother was being raped by said doppleganger, Dummer barely gave Victor a sorry look when it all came out. I can't stand Phyllis but Dummer brushed off what Victor put her through in the most unpleasant manner. So she can STFU in dragging Kyle for this. I did enjoy the energy of today's show and I also enjoyed the good acting we saw from some of the cast, particularly Susan Walters and Beth Maitland. Peter Bergman also underplayed things with effectiveness. J. Eddie Peck, on the other hand, plays Cole like a guy who's got secret access to the BEST weed and he ain't sharing it with anybody. No matter what, this storyline better end with somebody dropping a house on Auntie Jordan and finishing this for good.
  3. I hope your eggs are okay but there are several characters on today's episode who have evidently been poached beyond repair.
  4. There were only two things that interested me on Monday's show and the first was the utter delight Dan F. takes in portraying EJ's assholishness. It's one of my favorite things these days, and he's a master at it. The sheer delight he takes in it makes it even more fun. And the other thing is how much I detest Stefan's moustache. It's probably just a stand in for how much I detest Stefan but MAN do I hate that moustache. Mario is sexier with it than BB will ever be. Oh! One last thing. I would devotedly honor Johnnie and Chanel forever and ever if they'd locked Julie in the bedroom or drugged her food.
  5. Thanks to you all who posted about Monday's show. I tried to write something but for the life of me I couldn't think of one thing, event or character I gave a crap about. I don't like not liking Show, at least on some level. It was actually a bit depressing to see Phyllis back, such a pleasure to have had her offscreen for a bit. Danny and Christine were utter cringe - WHO CARES?? I admit to having enjoyed Danny's pop up visits in the past, a scene or two over a couple of days, and I like Christine, especially in smaller doses but this b.s. is just too much. All Romalottis of any description and their hangers on can disappear, never to return at this point. Watching Adam and Sally has become such a slog, with Adam droning on about Connor's heartbreak of psoriasis or whatever and Sally entoning with all seriousness on the wonder of Grampire and Drinki's great love. STFU and get real, both of you, or begone. I'm hoping when Lil' Hausenpheffer is found and Please God this Auntie Jordan storyline finally gets put out of our misery, that Victor and Nikki go on a long, long, LONG cruise, preferably on Jaboat, captained by ButtBiscuit and serenaded by Danny with Phyllis shoveling coal into the engine and Daniel and Heather serving as drop anchors and the ship is lost at sea. I want to like Show again, somehow, someday.
  6. I have to give credit where credit is due. Every time I'm sure that Show can't make me dislike Eric more than I already do, they find a way to make him even more of an officious, judgemental, ungrateful, self-aborbed buttinsky than he already was. That's a talent!
  7. Maybe she's doing a Y&R remake of "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead", with Auntie J's help, of course. Fun for the whole family!
  8. Maybe Auntie Jordan let ButtBiscuit drone on and on and on about himself and his own alters until everyone passed out from boredom and then just loaded Claire and Haussenpheffer into a wheelbarrow and took off for parts unknown?
  9. Happy Anniversary!! 40 years deserves a round of applause, especially if both of you can still be located within the same state. In the same steakhouse, that sounds pretty sweet to me. AND he gets you a gift you wanted, too! Congratulations, One Tough Cookie, to you and yours!!
  10. Good God. Can NOTHING shut Paulina up??? Any chance she could be buried alive in a snow drift or while she just melt everything because she's radioactive?
  11. How cruel. How cruel of Show to give out the hope that Paulina having to go into strict isolation meant that we might, mercifully, have an extended break from her huffing, puffing, extended histrionics, bad wigs and daily tongue baths from residents of Salem who should know better. But I guess not. Dammit. Here's hoping somebody at the hospital uses this time to brick up the door to her room.
  12. Brilliant, Snaporaz, just brilliant! Auntie J's new disguise made me jump back from the tv. A good looking man, she is not. I think she must have based her new disguise on what Nick looks like when he wakes up in the morning before his Nair body bath and banana enema. Now, now, our Grampire Victor squeezes those gems out right after his high colonic, just for Baby and their party celebrating 40 years of unexplained rashes and midnight runs to Liquor Barn. Theirs is not a love that dare not speak its name, it's a love that never shuts the fuck up.
  13. If I was worried about what would happen when Chance and Dummer got involved - which I was not - my concern would have been for Chance losing more of his precious and rare brain cells from being in sustained proximity to a Phyllis offspring. So far, he's not any dumber than usual and still just as nice to look at. But Dummer......wow! One sexy time with Chance and she emerges an even more entitled, judgemental cliche than she was before. I'm not talking about her concerns about Claire, those are valid whereas her attitude that she's got equal parental rights with Kyle is arguable. What surprised me was how hostile her attitude to Diane still is and how she thinks her opinion still matters. One thing Diane has been unequivocal about has been her cheerleading of Dummer, especially Kyle's relationship with her. Diane has pushed Kyle to give her another chance, to get back together with her, etc., to the point of exhaustion. While she seems to have finally stopped, she's not ever bashed Dummer or tried to push her out of Kyle's life, far more the opposite. Which made all the crap she was saying to Kyle about Diane all the more proof that at heart, she's her mother's daughter, all the way.
  14. Skarzero, your entire post was a thing of beauty but this last bit was the perfect bit of snark with which to start out the day. Thank you!!
  15. That's brilliant, MsMalin, ab fab brilliant! If, by chance, it doesn't do the trick, what about calling in Chelz for a dose of her beauty and light? It's turned ButtBiscuit's life around, according to him. Failing that, perhaps a piece of delicious Wisconsin cheddar might do the job? So many options for Ashley on the Road To Wellness.
  16. Today's Show was whipped together using a heapin' helpin' of I Can't Believe It's Not Bullshit! Because, Blanche, because, you're soaking in it. We all are. I haven't watched yet, but I hope Sharon brought Ashley some brownies. Up till now, going by other storylines, the brownies from Crimson Lights have apparently cured everything else. Somehow I seem to have wiped my memory of ButtBiscuit having DID. All I remember is him being a huge gum chewing asswipe with blackouts who finally snapped out of it before he snapped, I don't remember him being treated for DID, though apparently he was. My question is, if treating DID means integrating all the personalities, then after they integrated all of his, he STILL ended up being such a putz? If that's the case, Ashley is doomed.
  17. I hate to say it, especially since I really liked the guy back in the day, but Blake Berris is really stinking up the joint with his "Is it Bobby or is it Everett" storyline. The stutterbarking line delivery, the stop action speaking interspersed with staring off into space, the passive aggressive "No, Steph, nothing is wrong" while wringing tears out of that Crazed Heathcliff Moors beard is just not working. At least not for me. Every character he plays, he plays them the same. It worked when he played Nick but each subsequent replay is ff material for me. Bobervett, Get thee behind me!
  18. ButtBiscuit wasn't treated for DID. Ever. For DID, distinct personalities are required and all ButtBiscuit has or ever will have are distinct odors. That calls for emergency Febreze, not emergency psychiatric care. It's just like him to have to top Ashley and claim to be the first in the family to be diagnosed as a three layer putz.
  19. Looks like we got part of ED's emmy reel submission out of the way today. Glad that parts over. Sorry, but I really can't tell the difference between Original Recipe Ashley and Mean Ashley. OR Ashley doesn't usually go after Traci so hard, but it's not unheard of, either. As for Jack and ButtBiscuit, she's been a lot rougher for a lot longer on both of them. Diane's been a recent target of OR Ashley as well. If Show really wants to differentiate between OR Ashley and Mean Ashley, we need to see Mean Ashley telling Dom his drum playing sucks, ask Devon if that's his head or the Magic 8 Ball and tell darling daughter Abby to shut her mouth before flies lay eggs in it. Then, MAYBE, just maybe, we could tell the difference. Or not.
  20. Luckily, the character is currently offscreen.
  21. They sure did. Now Victoria tracks at being born sometime in the mid 1970's.
  22. Poor Claire. There she is, a mere two years younger than Lily and she's not even allowed to have a drink yet, other than water. While Lily has two children who are already in their last year or so of college, has been married to a fugitive cow tipper from Down Undah as well as having spent time in the slammer AND been in a relationship with ButtBiscuit the Inflatable Asshole. Claire has some catching up to do, and fast. Joshie G. better watch out, he's tripping on his SORAS. Joimiaroxeu, this line done shut down my interwebby and burnt up the lines! Well done! I had already laughed myself silly watching Daniel march out of Lily's office after he ceremoniously pulled up his Huggies, pouting that Lily won't give him back his toys. Finders Keepers, loser. Bah. I hope Phyllis decides to live with him and Heather. And share their bedroom. (Edited to correct my mistake,saying that Lily was married to ButtBiscuit. NO, never. Let Us Pray it never happens to anyone, ever again, cept Chelsea.)
  23. It feels to me like Show is deliberately forgetting about Reed and hoping we will, too. At some point, recently, Vic said about Claire being the oldest, which could be interpreted as being the oldest child who was going to be living with Vic and Johnnie and Katie, or the oldest kid altogether. I really liked Reed when he around some time back and if I had my druthers, he'd be on scene now either instead of Claire or just around in general. Nothing at all against the actress playing Claire, I think she's pretty good, I just like the character of Reed better.
  24. RSW is one actor who I wish would wear more clothing, preferably something that fully covers him, head to toe, than wear less. And taping his mouth shut would up his appeal instantly, as well.
  25. It's not a success, or at least not for me. ED is doing her best but the writing for her Y&R DID storyline really stinks. I love seeing her on that show, especially since she comes and goes from it nowadays instead of being on it all the time. Usually she's terrific but this time she's got so little to work with and not enough storyline backup to make us care.
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