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Everything posted by boes

  1. Jack deserved every blast Diane sent his way, and more. His Hero complex is way out of whack and needs to be dialed back fast. Both Susan Walters and Peter Bergman did a really good job today, I thought. I wonder where this is going, though...... Careful with the ultimatums, Dummer. You don't want Harrison around Claire, well, maybe Kyle doesn't want Harrison around the psycho you call mommy, Phyllis. Claire's done some pretty awful things but your mommy Phyllis has DECADES on her. Also, didn't Phyllis just make Harrison mourn her death when she wasn't dead? Of course, until very recently, we had no indication that Phyllis, or Nick, for that matter, had even met Harrison, much less had some relationship with him. But now we're supposed to believe that they've been in his life for ages. Okay, Show, two can play at that game. So lets ban ALL psychos from his life, which will include Mommy Dearest Phyllis. That'll cut down on his Christmas card list, considerably. Also, maybe Kyle might want to remember that he's the only parent in Harrison's current scenario and that Dummer is nothing more than a concerned non-relative with ZERO decision-making regarding the kid. If only there were any brain matter in his pompadoured head instead of just hair product, Kyle might remember that. God, Lola dodged SUCH a bullet! Though, truth be told, I'd be happy if Show gave us a break from Claire, just because. Yea!! Nikki is off to rehab and we're relieved of having to watch her for a while. Meanwhile, Victor sits ensconced in his upholstered potty chair watching Jordan overact. Much more of this and I'll need that drink.
  2. Judgy, much? CanaryFan98 loves JJ as a lot of us do, just as others care about other characters. What we don't do is try and shame other posters for their likes or opinions. Bad form, Rodney.
  3. I missed the part of today's show were this was a topic of discussion.
  4. This. Thanks, Methodwriter85, this is what's missing so far. We've gotten that cartoonishly evil grinning Bobby from Everett's hypnosis session, but that guy wouldn't fool anybody. It's got to be something like you've said, subtle enough to be believable but with just enough difference for the viewers to know the difference. Otherwise, Boberett is just the Doublemint Twins with beards.
  5. Nicole doesn't, unless Show finally counts Abe in as Nicole's stepfather, aka, Holly's step-grandfather. More likely, though, I think, is Holly's relationship to Maggie as her biological grandmother through the late, unlamented, Dr. Tan the Dan Man.
  6. I truly disliked virtually everything about today and yesterday's episodes. Although Jack can be annoyingly obtuse at times and too much of a cheerleader at other times, he's still one of my mainstay favorite characters, portrayed by one of my favorite actors. I've never been a huge fan of Nikki nor of MTS, though I've liked both well enough at times. I like MTS best in her role as mother and grandmother, I think she relates easily with younger actors when she's given the chance. But yesterday's episode, with Nikki's ugly meltdown and then Jack following suit wasn't something I wanted to watch. They may have a done a good job acting but I didn't want to watch it. I really don't want a storyline of Jack falling apart and back into addiction. I neither liked nor really bought him as an addict before and I can't see it being anything but worse this time around. Today, after reading your posts about this episode, I mostly skipped every scene that had Victor in it. I couldn't stand to listen to that character berate and sneer at Jack and Nikki and nobody tell him to STFU. Lock that asshole in a cell. Show insists on portraying Victor and his actions as somehow admirable or at least understandable and that doesn't work for me. I could stand not hearing anyone, ever again, apologize to the malignant mole of a man and I NEVER want to hear anyone ever again say "he really loves his family". No he doesn't.
  7. For one brief, shining moment, I thought we were getting Peter Porte back. But nah, instead we're stuck with day old bread Leo and the 1950's laugh track that goes with him. I hope his next boyfriend is Konstantine. He deserves it. Sloane is a terrible character and yet, I can tolerate her better than I can Eric. I don't know if it's how he's written or how GV portrays him, but Eric comes off as both immensely, unbelievably, stupid and utterly lacking in any sensitivity. So much so that my sympathies are with Sloane and she's without a doubt an absolute horror of a person. But goshohgollyGEE I'm so happy Eric is finally a fadder, aren't you? I want Rita to initiate a coup and take over Dimera.
  8. And it was horrific. She revisited that character on her most recent return to DOOL. Honest to Dog, it was "I wake up screaming" material. Well, according to a lot of academics, there are only 7 basic narrative plots anyway, so pretty much everything is broadly a retread of something else.
  9. I'm wth you. I'm not going anywhere. The only thing that could get me to stop watching completely would be if the sound stages were all relocated to inside ButtBiscuit's nasal caverns. I remember reading that JG did fire all the writers right before the last strike began but what he's done subsequently, I don't know. Perhaps others of our marvelous prevert contingent might chime in with more knowledge?
  10. I get so confused with her. It was her sister who had surgery to look like Lauren, right? Sarah Smythe, who was Daisy and Ryder's aunt who raised them and locked up Lauren and was it Kevin in that abandoned zoo? Sarah had surgery to look like Lauren, if I remember correctly. Good Lord. And I'm complaining about bad storylines NOW. Not so hot back then, either.
  11. Oh Happy Day, Chad called out Paulina for her entitlement and abuse of power! I'm sure it will end with the entire town apologizing to her but for one brief, shining moment, it was wonderful. All in all, I thought today's show was pretty decent. Boberett calling Marlena a quack, Marlena biting back with that big smile on her face, Stephanie looking at Boberett as if she suddenly realized what a HUGE mistake believing anything he says, and Chad looking generally fine as hell, all a pleasure. I exclude the Maggie and the Pawn storylines from being anywhere near to fine but otherwise, a good day.
  12. I'm with you. Also, what's with the actress and her open mouth when she's not saying anything? Careful, Jordan, you could catch flies that way. So I guess Victor had this secret room with the jail cell built when he had the Raunch rebuilt after Sharon burnt it down? Did he keep it secret by having the workers killed and their remains interred in the walls? If not, Victor better beware because Cheeseheads TALK. I know from bitter experience..... Did you all see how Claire was sitting? She had her legs bent under her so the dead woman wasn't even laying on her legs, more like on her knees. A loud sneeze would have dislodged her. Anyone else wonder what else was in those boxes in the storage room? What else did Jordan think was so important? Crates of butt-ass ugly dollies and costume changes? I love Traci but, not today. There are times, Buttercup, when laughter isn't the best medicine, so having the giggles while talking to Dr. Champs-Élysées might not convey the proper tone? Also, the way she turned on Diane said volumes about how Traci really feels, so that was kinda fun. I also love Diane, but honey child of mine, it's gonna be a LONNNNNNNNNG time until people forget you faked your death, among other things. A verrrrrry long time. You need to develop a hide as thick as Victor's, just please, moisturize,moisturize, moisturize. I'm hoping JG takes a detour with Ashley's Belle. Maybe she can go live with the Beast and do a number with a singing teapot, candelabra and a clock. It should be interesting when Claire and Dummer meet up again, but it probably won't be.
  13. I bet you immediately thought of Phyllis, didn't you? I know I did. It's not hard to imagine Phyllis biting one off in a fit of rage. Or hunger. You never know.......
  14. Well......I admit, I forgot about that part. But, considering that Kristen married her brother, maybe that wouldn't be all THAT far out of the Salem comfort zone? Show better abandon the "hot young thing" if they keep having him refer to the Golden Girls and other 70 and 80's pop culture icons. Leo as Ron C'.s alter-ego stand-in got old fast and is getting older by the day.
  15. If we have to have Abigail back, I vastly prefer her to be a dead Abigail. Maybe Chad can trap her spirit inside an empty bottle of Bud Light and her spirit can then only be summoned with three belches. As for Chanel and Johnny's baby, I'm sure it'll be cured by Paulina. Because she can do ANYTHING. If not, then they should belch three times and summon the spirit of Abigail. Gosh oh golly GEE, a teen summer storyline, be still my aching ass. Teen storylines anymore seem to be written by an alien species who learned everything they know about teenagers from watching old 80's After School Specials with an episode or two of Saved By the Bell. Now, if they want to bring back Eve Donovan and have her seduce the 30-something Tate, I'd be willing to see what it goes.
  16. Yep, Vic married Ashland Locke and brother Nick killed him. Along the way, he had a heart attack and Victor wouldn't call 911 till he sold his company to Grampire. That, and so much more that I've forgotten. Harrison' real mom, who was Kyle's cougar and not much of a character, and got sent to prison for not signing a check correctly or jaywalking or something so horrible she's been given a life sentence and Harrison - and us - are stuck with that screaming banshee mutant offspring of Phyllis's, Dummer, as his mother. Sally and Jack were an item when she first came to town, before she moved on to Adam, then Nick and then back to Adam. And Sharon was married to Rey Rey although Chelz appointed herself as the Chief Mourner after he died, which was after he survived Chlez trying to poison him. Grand times in GC. I think those keys are to the the place Victor originally held Jordan, where she took the poison and Nikki called 911, which Dummer has now gleefully added to her list of reasons to be the most aggrieved person in GC. Chelsea came in to Adam's apartment, loaded for bear, jumping on every thing he said. I wish he'd duct-taped her mouth shut. Though to be fair, the two of them are neck and neck with which one will win the pity party race. STFU, the two of you. Connor's OCD is giving me a serious pain in my ass. I wonder if there's a facility for that I could check myself into. At this point, I'd be fine with everybody just handing a glass of Olde Rotgut to Nikki everytime she opens her yap to complain. We get it, you're awful and for once, you're right.
  17. I liked that the character existed, but I thought the character herself was an utterly depressing first class drip. Mac made my Benedictine cloistered great aunt Assumpta seem like a chorus line party girl. A recast who at least seems like she doesn't hate the existence of human life and I'm all for it!
  18. I was thinking of her today when watching those scenes with Traci and Ashley and she's come to mind during the Harrison drama, too. Nothing specific, really, just how much I enjoyed her presence. What a gift she was.
  19. You may be right. Dan has been on fire lately, top of his game in every scene and quite the joy to watch IMO. He's really made EJ his own.
  20. If Show is steering Lily back into the direction of ButtBiscuit's Blowholes of Despair, I'm holding Daniel and Daniel ONLY to blame. Lily has survived Cane, the cowtipper from Down Undah and made it alive and in one piece from her last brush with that inflated excuse for a manchild, Billy ButtBiscuit Nostrildumbass Abbott. Will she survive another brush with nasal and emotional congestion? Boo Hoo Devon, so Lily didn't vote your way about Nate. Perhaps she was shocked to hear you singing his praises, since this is the first I'm aware of Devon dropping his grudge. A grudge he's firmly entitled to, as is Lily, considering how Nate betrayed them all not that long ago. I generally like Abby for no good reason but it sure was nice to see her legitimately be the bright light in the room. I can't with Ashley O'Hara and Aunt PittyPat aka Traci fluttering around her. I pity the psychologist from Paris who has to treat Ashley, who's sounding more and more like an extra from Momma's Family. From the previews, it looks like Nikki has truly hit rock bottom. Never mind the drinking, I mean those pink slacks.
  21. Yes, she is. And a dope, don't forget dope. Putting on a helmet before jumping off a cliff doesn't mean you're suddenly making a smart choice.
  22. He probably just tucked Jordan inside his black teeshirt of virility and rode home on this. I'm sure he's got a fleet of them.
  23. Your post was pure joy and hilarity, thank you, NinjaPenguins!!
  24. I can't figure out what the point of Maggie being a dupe and a dope for Konstantine is. I'm also increasingly not giving a rats ass either. Even worse, though, is if there is a point to that repulsive wrestling match between AlexBenOllie and Tony the Tigress, I don't want to know what it is. The camera filming those scenes should have thrown up. I am all for Rachel walking in on them because that's how much I hate that little shit.
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