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Everything posted by EverCat

  1. You could really see the resentment the daughter had for her mother over the affair she had. Maybe they could send the parents to the ranch and the daughter could work on emancipating herself. Her parents were awful.
  2. I had forgotten about Raven until it was mentioned here. Didn't miss her either. Didn't understand Lincoln not following through with the plan. If he snatched the vial and ran off (of course, eluding the weatherites), he could have still ingested it afterwards. Plus, as patchwork said, it seemed like Lincoln didn't have any jonesing problems.
  3. Resurrections all over the planet, except for Canada (and Russia?) I noticed. [and I love your analyses otto]
  4. Couldn't watch the whole thing. The actors weren't funny. The music was tedious.
  5. It's a good thing she was 'disguised to protect her identity'. No one will ever recognize her. Second time I've seen this show...had no idea it was absolutely bonkers.
  6. I was surprised that Jon didn't give his reward spot to Jaclyn.
  7. EverCat

    S05.E08: Coda

    I do remember thinking that Dawn did not have her gun drawn, and that she was mouthing 'It wasn't me'. Maybe it will be clearer after rewatching. Having Beth stab Dawn in the shoulder makes the whole thing even more nonsensical and written only to have the big shocker of a main character biting it. I would have preferred having Beth still around instead of Noah. (and Noah instead of Abraham)
  8. EverCat

    S05.E08: Coda

    Thanks - I will have to. I knew Beth had those little scissors she had hidden earlier and since we didn't actually see her stab Dawn, I assumed (at the time) that Beth was going to do some actual damage with the scissors. An eyeball could have worked too.
  9. EverCat

    S05.E08: Coda

    Agree completely...and I watched the entire episode. I am going to have to watch this again. What I 'saw' was Beth stabs Dawn in the neck (severing her jugular). Then someone from the Grimes' Gang shoots Dawn, but, because she is slumping downwards to the floor, Beth accidentally gets shot instead. This part I only surmised because we hear the shot and then are shown Beth's brains on the ground. I was like Key when he asked on TD what just happened? As for Beth saying "I get it now", the only thing that makes sense to me is when a poster earlier compared it to Dawn saying she had to take out Hansen. The pacing in this episode was uneven. I completed zoned out when Tyrese and Sasha were talking. I agree with Ronin - I was sure Beth (or possibly Carol) were 'leaving' this ep because of their story arcs. The pattern had just been shown with Bob...As soon as the character becomes interesting and sympathetic they're done.
  10. Yes, we saw the writing on the wall (forum ;). If only Zahdii had been hosting the show, it would have been a massive hit. Thanks all for the snark/recaps/humour. It was fun while it lasted. (At least I got my vote in for Dede, who should know Día de los Muertos is Nov 2, but very unsatifsying in the end)
  11. but back on utub if you haven't seen it yet (like me): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k86NAhchVSA the one unscripted thing about this show.
  12. Hate the googles - too round. Between the goggles and the squats, it reminds me more of a frog. It would be better if the goggles were shaped narrower or upturned. - Just one of those things that bother me the more I see it.
  13. I thought Slash made some good observations; like when he said it was all lies about Michone not having her katana any longer.
  14. I liked this episode and I really appreciated it more watching it right after Got Ham? The scene with Ichabod playing games online was too funny: "You are a slop bucket. You are a pus sludge, no good, by-blow pair of buns!" And then the Shawnee member is called Big Ash? I see an underlying theme to the show.
  15. Winter said "the TV woman" was there to illustrate Nucky was a 19th century man and that he would never be a part of the future. (IMO it didn't really fit, as though they just put that scene in there to create tension. While watching it I thought it would be where he was going to be attacked by Luciano's gang.)
  16. It (Nucky) really all made sense when he said about when he was a bell buoy and he was given a nickle, he wanted a dime and when he was given a dime he wanted a quarter. He always wanted more. I thought the opening with him swimming and the buoy bell ringing would also be the ending, especially when he was talking to Eli about swimming further than he had dared before.
  17. I hope they are finally going to let Wu in on the existence of wesen, etc. One thing really bothered me. When they transitioned the story from last season to this, Juliette's hair seems to have changed colour from auburn to dark brown. I don't think she would have had time (or water and materials) to dye her hair while in the car. Is Renard really gone?
  18. ^^^good question - I had assumed they only got a weekly stipend based on the extent of time spent in Udopia. ROFL - Rob won't be around for that violen(and maybe Aaron wont be either) 6? days Rob, 6 days! More peas, less violins My recap based on what I was able to see: Earlier in the day Aaron, Mike, Rob & Hex/Taylor gathered together - Mike is saying that Cal & Nikki are trying to control the group. He doesn't trust Cal because he has deer legs on. Later, Hex is talking to Nikki, telling Nikki that there is a lot of people talking, a lot of he said/she said (see previous paragraph), but she has learned her lesson from only listening to one person, so now she is going around to each person talking to them. (I believe that is called gossip). Tells Nikki people are saying she has spent over $200 on food (Nikki says she hasn't - only $178). Hex says she needs to bring that up at the meeting and show receipts, and if people aren't happy with that then she (Nikki) knows it is a personal vendetta - "y'know what i'm saying". (Nikki doesn't). Hex continues, "I don't want you to feel unsafe about me that kinda irks me. " Nikki replies "this is why I am happy about the changes that are about to happen. Like what is Aaron doing, he's not cooking, he's just sitting around. So, why are we, well not we, why are people sitting around talking about each other instead of being productive". (good question) Nikki continues with more complaints about Aaron. Hex says "I just don't want you to be upset." Tells her Aaron is out to get her (like Nikki hadn't figured that out) and she just wants her to know this is what has been said, that Nikki has to stop the frenzy because "like you said people have nothing to do all day". Then tells her at the meeting she has to make it show it is all Aaron. She also had let Nikki know that just because she is physically next to some of those people and they are trash-talking Nikki, doesn't mean she agrees with them. (see 1st paragraph) Hex and Nikki hug it out. Later, at the over 1 hour meeting, nothing much happens. Nikki mentions the food and nobody says anything. Chris mentions Bella's paintings and everyone grudgingly applauds her, Aaron say's they are selling for over $3000. Kristen says Hex sold all her jewelry (huge round of applause, fireworks go off, etc) and Hex says she got a letter/email? where 'they' are going to barter her a printer, labels, and tons of crap for some some more crap, I mean jewelry. At the end of the meeting, Cal gets up to talk. Rob (who has been sleeping on a rock through most of the meeting) gets up and takes a piss on the fence 20 feet away and then returns (back to his rock). Cal then wants to talk about Aaron throwing out the peas. Taylor says/slurs/shouts (take your pick) that Cal is juvenile. Josh lectures that they should clean up after themselves, they are adults. (you tell them Josh) Aarin throws a stone at Josh. Not sure what happened next, it was really hard to see. edit: I'm posting this now because my browser crashed the last time. Maybe I can clean it up for clarity and see what other posts there are while I have been trying to get this up.
  19. lol Exactly ;0 During the voting meeting Hex responds to the new voting rules with: Now I'll have to wear a mask and be all fake "you guys know me - I'm an atheist , I'm a hunter, I'm an anarchist!" That's funny - Like she wasn't fake/wearing a mask to start with. Even foxy Nikki was calling her by her real name. riverheightsNancy - I was thinking about this too (strategic voting), which 3 would be shortlisted and who the other Udopes would vote for. Looking at the facebook page, it seemed like the top 3 choices were Rob, Aaron, Kirsten (with a lower number of posts for Bella, Bri, Mike). I've put off voting because now I can't make up my mind (not that it will matter in the end). I'm sort of leaning towards voting for Rob, because he is really being antagonistic. In his mind, he probably thinks this is how Red got out? It's hard to choose when there are so many worthy candidates. I tried watching the feeds earlier today - they were all sitting on rocks and it looked like Chris was preparing lumps of catsup on bread AND there was NO SOUND. The entire time all I heard was Mike say 'court' and some dudes (full) name. Oh, and apparently Mike has been on MTV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP0EEEaxDpU
  20. That camera is a joke right? - I think I'll vote for Bri - that place is no place for a young woman (and maybe then she will finally figure out why America voted for her).
  21. After watching these Utopes for awhile, I am starting to think Bella is one of the more balanced (mentally) ones there. (Ok, besides Amanda, etc.) Everyone here has probably seen the feed where Bella is explaining her food request: Rob is such a vindictive troll. (and I don't know what is going on with Hex - she must be missing Red's 'tobaccy') I can't with these people. clod - They really need to do something. rhNancy - I don't know anything about art, but considering Bella did not have much in the way of artists' supplies, she did pretty well. I like the gate one the best too and am thinking it would be the one with the most resell value (who knows?)
  22. Looking at the amounts bid for each painting thus far, people agree with you. Hummingbird @ $83! wirebitersm - I agree. The 'joshhate' is because Josh makes them look so bad in comparison.
  23. 3 more Bella's paintings: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281473856298?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/281473872861?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/281473874507?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 I saw that - $20 for economy parcel! Good to see the dopes have contemplated their actions and are reforming (sarcasm). There is some funny bizness going on with the paintings too. Why would they try to hide the auction.
  24. They had a link to ebay on their utopia site but the page is gone now. Ebay items: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281473851515?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/281473874507?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/281473873677?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649
  25. Around here, gyros are usually called döner
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