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Everything posted by Squirrely

  1. I just can't comprehend that no one felt for the baby's head position for the first 19 freaking hours of poor Joy's labor. Was he head down at all before labor? Or was her prenatal care so shoddy that something that basic was overlooked? I'm sure I already know the answer to that question since there was no shocked exclamation that a 10 lb fetus managed to flip at the end of the pregnancy. I know it can happen, but I also know these people think amateur midwives are qualified to deliver ginormous babies 30 mins from hospitals. She and that precious baby could have died!!
  2. Right? She is going to have the world's sickest preschoolers if she really subscribes to this nonsense. I can understand keeping them at home at first, and maybe for a tad bit longer. But I sure hope they're taking them for walks or to hang out in the backyard or something at the very least! Everyone needs fresh air and a little sunshine. And notice they went from 2 months adjusted to 6 weeks adjusted in the space of a few hours. Honestly, I think she has a raging case of PPD and needs some professional care. I'm not going to dog on her mood swings too much because she doesn't seem to be in control (though the non-existent tears are annoying AF). Not everyone can bounce right back and be normal, sane women after all of that, and that's okay. But I hope if that carried on someone urged her into a seeing a real medical professional that isn't employed at her church.
  3. Oh my gosh, it wasn't just the basement that was scary! The poor little girl living there now doesn't even have sheets on her bed, just a nasty looking mattress. I have nothing against fixing up a basement and putting down carpet on a concrete floor. I didn't really understand the horror of that concept. Plenty of houses are built on concrete slabs. But the loose wires hanging everywhere? Holy hell! I assume she's renting so the landlord ought to have that fixed ASAP. I also see no issue with a teen parent contributing to the household. But... Shannon made a big deal about how she'd supply diapers and formula, etc. How can someone who can't pay her utilities make that offer? That's a huge expense! I'm sure it was total BS. She's taking advantage, plain and simple. Her wanting her daughter to live with her is all about needing help. She's a grifter. A grifter with a victim complex. Nothing is ever her fault and everyone should trip over themselves to help her, always. She showed her true colors last season and it would be foolish to believe anything has changed. But Mckayla is still a kid who wants to believe it, as any kid would.
  4. I cackled when he stopped them in their tracks with that question! Zach and Whit were without chaperones quite a bit and they admitted to kissing before their wedding. He met her at her place of employment (I want to say it was a Sonic or something similar) and went there all the time to hang out while she was working. I do hope they will be more relaxed with their kids, especially since Zach had that horribly awkward failed courtship before Whitney entered the picture. Any kind of life experience separate from the family clutches is for the better. The fact that these offspring a little ways down the line have no domestic skills clearly proves that Kelly and Michelle were no longer parenting. Once they had Michael/Alyssa and Jana/Jill to take over the cooking and sewing and whatnot, the ones in Tori's and Joy's positions learned nothing if their older buddies didn't teach them. I'm from a liberal, feminist family and I could at least cook some decent meals before I moved out. As could my brother, who does all of the cooking in his household. That tree business makes me so nervous. I'm amazed Kelly allows it! She worries to death over everything, yet sends off tween and teen boys to work one of the most dangerous jobs there is! Nathan is so totally over it and I don't blame him. He'd rather be pursuing his own interests, but he has to train his brothers because Gil... can't? Won't?
  5. Bumpers aren't really recommended anymore, AFAIK. They pose a risk of suffocation and SIDS. There are breathable mesh ones, but they aren't necessary.
  6. Sometimes going to bed and dealing with an issue after some rest and contemplation is the best thing you can do. I don't know if this is something that started from religion or a certain generation, but I still hear it spouted as marital wisdom quite often.
  7. I think it's his OTT ways that make him seem disingenuous. He is always "on" in front of the cameras. I do hope it's genuine and that he is that sweet to her in day to day life when it's not for TV or the perfect IG post. I think we all know at least one couple who seems to barely tolerate each other, yet their SM feeds are gushy and mushy and 100% full of fakery. Most couples who are in no danger of splitting feel no need to shout it from the rooftops on a near-daily basis. I think this is why Jeremy makes so many people question his authenticity. And to be fair, Jinger is enamoured with him, and it seems she can truly be herself with him, so I'm inclined to like him for now. They are still newlyweds, so hopefully he learns to calm the hell down with his performances at some point.
  8. When I noticed that it had become a thing to trash "vocal fry" a few years ago, I Googled it and even listened to examples. I seemingly am immune to it because I do not understand what it is. I don't hear it. Maybe I do it? If I do, it's not going to change!
  9. She's my favorite too! Never change, Riley! If you pay attention and ignore the constant talk of her being a terror, she's hardly any different from the others in regards to hitting and tantrums. They all scream their heads off enough to make you want to join them, and even precious little Hazel has been shown smacking, pushing, etc. I've never raised quintuplets so I'm not judging. Adam and Danielle are constantly correcting them, but they're never going to be able to catch every incident. They're simply outnumbered. I also love Hazel. It's not her fault she's the center of everyone's universe. I think she's hilarious. They're all adorable and sweet in their own ways.
  10. The fact that he does have his group of close friends is a check in the "pros" column for me! They seem like wonderful, supportive people, unlike Amber's BFF. I don't understand the judgement over this either. My husband and I have pictures all over our house. Yeah, we have family pics up, but pics with our close friends outnumber them. If we were estranged from our families in the way Dave seems to be from his, it would be friend pictures everywhere. I'm honestly changing my view of Dave overall. I'd think anyone matched with the hot mess that is Amber would struggle. That shit has to be exhausting. He may have been totally different with someone who possesses self-confidence and maturity. The "experts" should have suggested private therapy for her and removed her from the applicants. She's going to sabotage every relationship she has until she learns to accept and love herself.
  11. Good for Jinger for not allowing the crew in during delivery. I always fear that the young women feel pressured/forced to do so. I'm extremely private so it's difficult for me to fathom wanting all of those people present. Hell, I was relieved to have to have a scheduled c-section and not have to hurt anyone's feelings by telling them to stay out! I only ever wanted my husband there. Can Michelle ever just speak like a normal fucking person? Of course she can't. I dont know why her robotic baby voice still drives me up the wall. I loved Ben's tactful comments about wanting to eat healthy again after getting married. One week of Jessa's canned, mushy, sodium laden Duggar slop was probably more than his digestive track could handle! The time hopping was weird. We go from Josiah having his nasty beard trimmed to him being clean shaven for the announcement. He and Lauren are sooo painfully awkward.
  12. I know it shouldn't surprise me that the COs were just turned loose without any counseling or evaluations, but you'd think MCC, or whatever the new name is, would have at least covered their asses in some way with something for these people! I'm annoyed that we're supposed to believe that Gloria is that stupid. The Gloria I've been watching for the previous 5 seasons would have stuffed those papers in her pants and used them later, when she could figure out how they could actually be beneficial. She had to know she had no power there and that the guard, who was freaking involved, would stick her in SHU. Daya isnt going to make it, is she? I have not watched the last episode so this is just my speculation. It felt like anvils dropping everywhere with her poor decisions. I guess a life sentence will do that to some people.
  13. That's the sink Mother uses on their Saturday night dates, when Bobby washes her hair. Bobby is probably immensely regretting ever wanting to be the sole earner in the house! My apologies to those who have them, but fake lashes look good on approx .01% of people. Danielle falls into the 99.9%.
  14. Did Josiah for real pick food out of someone's leftover container to serve his girlfriend? I was about to throw up. His siblings can prattle on and on about his cooking all they want, but all I saw was a clueless dude grabbing frozen chicken pieces, a couple veggies that someone else had already chopped, old leftover slop, and serving it up. Dammit, I like Kendra. I never thought I would, but once you get past the incessant giggling she seems to have a decent head on her shoulders for her age. She's just too young to be saddled with that life. Ditto Joy. These girls are so YOUNG. Joy and Austin are nuts. They're clearly very fertile, so moving from flip house to flip house is not going to work in the long term. Joy seems to realize it, but Austin still has no clue. Did Kendra's parents already know about the baby? Their reaction was not what I was expecting. They didn't run to hug her or anything. Maybe reality hit them? Their very young daughter could surpass Michelle with this early start into being a broodmare. It's not going to be so shiny and happy in 5 years when she has 4 kids crammed into that little cabin!
  15. Yeah. They've kind of painted themselves into a corner with her. We've seen her back story. We've seen how she treated her kids at visits. It just sucks that the kids are the ones suffering, whether they're in that over crowded foster home or if they end up back with her. She's a terrible mother, and a pretty terrible human overall. My opinion has absolutely nothing to do with her status as a convicted felon, though I do appreciate that the show is spotlighting a tragic issue. They just didn't pick a sympathetic character for the storyline. Red's hair has me baffled as well. The roots were still red (how?) right before that styling. Now it's 90% grey and longer than it could possibly be. Was she wearing some sort of wig before (and where did she get it?) to achieve the red roots? Is it a wig now? I spent way too much time pondering this!
  16. My husband and I are often the last ones eating. I don't feel like we take that long. We're social, chatty people who chew every bite. lol I know a few people who inhale and are done before most people are halfway there. I don't know how their systems handle it. I literally gag if I try to eat super quickly. I'm just here for JD's courtship. I want to know more about his special someone. That was the happiest I've seen him look in a long time. Poor Jana, though. I can't figure it out. She's such a catch! She's the perfect match for a fundie guy who actually doesn't want to have 20 kids. But she's probably over the hill in their fucked up world now. :(
  17. Bobby needs to always wear a hat and t-shirt. He was almost cute in that one really short scene toward the end. His hair and clothes are preppy 90s and I just can't. I'm happy the couples (2/3 of them anyway) got to spend time together. That's a nice change from previous seasons. I'm sure it's helpful having someone to talk to who is actually walking in your shoes. Dave is so checked out. His mouth says one thing but his face says another, and has ever since the gym buddy story was shared. I really need to know the dirt! Everyone has thoroughly covered my opinions on the Tristan and Mia situation, so nothing to add there.
  18. All I could think of while watching is the SIDS risk of that poor baby stuck in a cubby behind a thick curtain. No, just no. And someone please rescue that poor dog! Is it wrong that I'm as concerned for the dog as I am the baby? Who's going to walk the poor thing while Autumn is sitting there alone 4 days postpartum while her man child is bunking at a "friend's" house? Oh, that's right. It can just pee in the boat! Because a urine stench in a confined space with no air circulation is all that's missing from what will be a literal shit show. Poor Raymond. Dude doesn't want his kid to grow up without a dad so badly that he's willing to do just about anything. The look on their face when he kept insisting they need her own place was slap-worthy. I hope he gets his way there. He is beyond uncomfortable. His family isn't going to be welcomed into that home to visit, either. I hope all of the triplets are as healthy as can be for their tiny sizes. Otherwise, I can't get on board with these people. He isn't a freaking saint. He's being what a husband/father should be in that situation. And whoever said people at the church are surely helping is 100% correct. Her dad is the pastor and they have what? 15k people in the congregation? People are probably on a waiting list to do her laundry and make their meals. Daddy probably guaranteed them VIP passes into heaven in exchange.
  19. It honestly drives me crazy! I don't know how one family has a Blayke and a Hazel. Honestly, both parents seem more like Blayke and Riley types than Hazel and Ava types so it's tough to guess. I'd almost lean towards Adam for the classics and Danielle for the others if I had to guess. I'd love to know where all the names came from. Does anyone know the nieces' and nephews' names? They're not said often and the kids are usually in the background.
  20. God, I wish they wouldn't show all this potty training business. I know it's been mentioned in this thread before, but I just can't imagine growing up with that footage out there. My daughter is just shy of being 13. She would be humiliated and ridiculed right out of school if some of her classmates had access to her pooping on the carpet, smearing shit in her sister's crib, and peeing in the toilet while I clapped and rang a bell. Kids are brutal. I have one photo of her on the potty, and only because it cracked me up. She was wearing sunglasses, had covered her legs with Bandaids, and was playing on a toy cell phone. And it's never been shared with anyone or uploaded anywhere. The Busbys are not unique in this though. I cringe when photos and stories are shared on blogs and all over social media. We can have educational stories on potty training and encourage other parents while still respecting our children and their dignity.
  21. You may be right, come to think of it. But my point still stands. They're grown men who will never form their own social circles, and they won't leave home til they're married. I'm not knocking every young adult who lives with their parents to save money or while they're in school. But most of them have not been brainwashed from birth to think they have no other choice. Zach and Whit are both looking good! I don't think Whitney looked bad at all before, but you can tell she's really working to stay fit. Good for her. I could use some of that myself!
  22. The fact that Nathan is a grown man living in a room with preschoolers shows just how fucked up their lifestyle is. If he's that desperate, he needs to get his own place and have a life that doesn't revolve around his family. They're so codependent and it's just not healthy. There is also nothing stopping him and Lawson from having meals outside of the home with other adults. I was thrilled to see Josie working in a real salon! This is the one thing I'll say the Bates do better than the Duggars. Alyssa worked for a florist before she got married. They were able to be away from home without chaperones, interacting with the general public. It's no coincidence that these are the daughters who seem to feel a bit suffocated by their family. Erin and Micheal found ways to earn money, but still within the fundie bubble.
  23. I said the same thing! This kind of show is what I live for in the summertime! S2 is OnDemand in full (Dish), and is deliciously awful. S1 is missing episodes, sadly. Right? "My husband cheated so yeah, shack him up with another woman for 2 weeks!" Sounds like a solid plan. The "experts" pretending to be shocked that the one couple is separated had my eyes rolling into the back of my head. The fact that they put these people into houses with 1 bed tells you all you need to know about the legitimacy of this therapy.
  24. Didn't the other 4 start preschool before Hazel? I could swear that we've already had this story line, with Adam wringing his hands and whining about it. He needs to get over it. He's going to be the one who gives them all a complex and makes them feel competitive with one another (which I know will be natural to an extent) with his "fall behind" language. I would think that the earlier you normalize differences and splitting them up, the better, though I'm certainly no experts on multiples. @SnarkEnthusiast I think that show was called Table for 12. They had 2 sets of twins, I think, and then the sextuplets. They were a very enjoyable, down to earth family. Which is probably why their stint on TLC was short lived!
  25. @AngelaHunter That's how I looked at it. She and the rest of the cast did their best with what they were given. Similar to how I feel with Joseph Fiennes and some others on this show.
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