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Everything posted by Squirrely

  1. I want Brooke gone. I can deal with the occasional whine-fest but she showed her true colors tonight. First, cheering because Maya had to redo the RB (be happy all you want but don't scream "YAY!" as she's jogging past you), and then making that face at her driver?!? So sorry he wasn't going to zoom past other drivers on a curvy, hilly road just because you whined at him to. Get over it and act like an adult. I'd be furious if my 9 year-old acted that way, though even she pointed out how rude and childish Brooke is so I have no worries there.
  2. I was too busy being excited that Uncle Junior was a judge to notice Blais' jacket. Oh wait, that was Tom trying to be hip with the glasses trend I wish would die a painful death. I loved this episode. Cheers, Norm, the gluten-free twist, a kind restaurant owner expediting strangers in his kitchen without screaming, and 2 chefs whose names I didn't know sent packing.
  3. I had to rewatch the hand holding scene since I didn't pay close attention last night, and you all are right! Michelle went into a total tail-spin! And Jessa just sat there looking smug. I'm not her biggest fan, after seeing their $30k in wedding registries, but I did cheer for her just a little there! My husband did a scavenger hunt for me when he proposed, but it was just around his house (I loved it!). And it was nearly 15 years ago, so I'll have to tell him he was ahead of the trend. Must be nice to have a tv show foot the bill and producers to do the heavy lifting. Though I wouldn't trade my day for hers for anything.
  4. I was completely baffled by Jill shaving Derick before the wedding and saying Jessa was doing the same for Ben. Even more baffling was Joy styling Ben this week.I can only guess that these young women are so desperate for intimacy within the confines of the courtship rules that they'll do anything to get it. Because any other reason for grown ass men to not handle their own grooming is absurd.
  5. I thought the whole thing was really sweet, but I'm on board with the thought that BinBoob had a LOT of help. No way he came up with most of that on his own. And these Duggar proposals make me cringe when no kiss happens. It's so awkward when you can see they badly want to. I'm so glad these 2 children at least decided to keep their first kiss private. That chapel was amazing! I'd get married there in a heartbeat, even though I'm a lifelong heathen! Well, if I wasn't already married, anyway. Anna: "You're so special, special, special." She's definitely bringing the snark!
  6. Lots of divorced couples hand off the kids at a neutral, public location. I see a few on Fridays at the convenience store down from my house, and all my divorced friends/family do. Of course, that doesn't mean it isn't an even longer drive. A friend's ex-husband moved to another city after their divorce and she still had to meet him halfway.
  7. ...And then maybe they can hook up! They'd make a cute couple. How is the kid a brat? She's being put under immense pressure to not only accept and love a complete and utter stranger, but do it on camera, and she's not even so much as thrown a tantrum. Kids don't tend to warm up to adults who try too hard, which is exactly what Daya and the stupid dad are doing. They need to sit back, chill out, and let it happen naturally if it's going to happen at all. Even if the kid throws an enormous tantrum or ten, she's justified. They've put her in a shitty situation all around. Thank goodness Grandma is there, at least for a little while.
  8. Yeah, I was surprised to hear that Natalie and the blond girl, at least, knew he had the idol. I try not to entertain ideas of producer shenanigans wrt tipping off players, though. It ruins my enjoyment. I wouldn't be surprised to know they didn't try to hide the idols well though, especially woth Russell coming back.
  9. I have been a very sporadic viewer of the show, but I've been marathoning some older seasons since they're free on Prime streaming. I've definitely noticed him becoming douchey as the show goes on. I recently finished Redemption Island and I was taken aback at how he chastised Zappatara (sp?) for eleminating Russell. He talked at them like they were the biggest morons in the world for wanting to throw away the "leadership" Russell could provide. Granted, he may have been annoyed that they threw the challenge for just that purpose, but they never confirmed that to him in that TC. Ousting Russell was what any tribe with half a brain would have done! I couldn't believe the other tribe didn't vote out Rob at the first -or second, or third- opportunity. They didn't and look what happened (and I don't hate Rob on Survivor the way a lot of people do, though I loathed having him on TAR)! And you could tell Probst was creaming in his shorts that Rob wasn't going anywhere. I don't mind most of his commentary during challenges, except when he blatantly gives up someone's strategy. Tell who's ahead, but don't shout to the other team how they're doing it!
  10. Yeah, that's the Sigrid I miss! She was very realistic and pragmatic about what needed to be done. I guses they foreshadowed things pretty well in S4 with her constant bitching, but I had hoped things had changed. I would have rather seen her prospering in some enterprise on her own and making more money than Nelson, and maybe rubbing his nose in it. She didn't seem the type to roll over and accept things without a fight! But she's a woman on BE so of course that can't happen.
  11. My beef with Sigrid's personality change is the way she treats the children. She was a loving and attentive mother from the get go, even though she isn't Abigail's bio mom. I could stomach her being nasty to Husband more if she didn't treat the kids like garbage. She's always had a very strong personality but now she's cruel and nasty. I feel like the writers despise women. They demolish each and every one you feel you can root for. Was Al really this bizarre and out of control in real life? I've read a lot on him (his neice's book is a really good read) and it seems like the show Al doesn't match. I know they want to make it exciting for tv but he's crossing into Gyp territories of unhinged for me. It does! I rewatched the whole series ondemand before this season and I'm so glad I did. It's easy to become fuzzy on details with so much time in between the short seasons.
  12. I amazed Tommy could remember his most memorable year! But seriously, I liked seeing him be more serious and not "on." I love him, I vote for him, I've seen "Up in Smoke" many times while munching Doritos and ice cream, but the nonstop stoner jokes have been getting old. It was also nice to not have to put up with Duck Daddy inspecting Sadie's costume. I don't want her there because I can't stand her phony family, but she's earning her right to be there. It's not Bristol 2.0 and Mark is doing a fabulous job with her. She's had the most content in her dances, along with Alfonso. I was a little worried that The Carlton was making an appearance before the freestyle dance, but they nailed it! He makes me so happy. I never voted for the ringer before him. I really hope he takes it all. And I hope it opens all kinds of doors for Whitney.
  13. I don't know anyone who could only insert and remove it once. I've been a cup user for years and there's no way that's possible. A cup will last about 2-3x longer than a tampon before it needs emptied. Hopefully they do let them have access to handwashing and rinsing it! Otherwise it seems like a hotbed for introducing some nasty bacteria.
  14. I'm a newcomer to this show (and the boards here. Hi!) and was wondering too. A quick search yielded this clip where Laura is coaxed into talking about the Diva Cup. I can't imagine how she kept it sanitary, but I guess nothing is sanitary out there.
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