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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. The Bitterness thread is Mick's favorite! The only problem is he gets so damn mad reading it, then he spends the next couple hours asking why we still watch the show. I wish you guys didn't constantly remind him of the inconsistencies in this show, his blood pressure is high enough! We admit our addiction, and don't want help. Just Carver's head. On a stick.
  2. So, Demented really is your family name? Who knew? Tell your Dad he's got a lot of fans here now!
  3. Good God Dot, I swear to God if I met you in real life, I don't know if I would kill you or hug you! Purgatory. Shit. Might as well bring up the Grand Canyon too. I've been reading Fanfic from the posters here. All of you should quit you jobs and get out to Vancouver and start writing this show. Give me something, anything to understand the Rings! Every thread on this show is turning into a bitterness thread. Ours should be called, "All the Writers Suck!"
  4. Okay rue, now you're just trying to drive me mad! It's working.
  5. I know this isn't the correct thread, but this was brought up here, and I'm confused. I need help from the hardcore fans posting here. The rings. They must have power, right? Yet Death gave his freely to Dean to lock up Lucifer. Did death still have his power while Dean had his ring? Did the other Horsemen retain their power without their rings? It looked like The Boys getting the other rings destroyed their respective Horsemen, but did it really? It seemed that Death was still had his power without his ring. Add to that, when Dean took over Death's role for a day, he needed Death's ring to carry out Death's work. (Don't even talk to me about Reapers! The writers screwed that canon dry.) If that's true, how did Death get his ring back? What of the other Horsemen? I thought all the rings were in Hell as a lock on the cage. Can you guys help me out here? Please? Death can't be killed can he? He even said he would reap God one day. How do you kill something like that? I think I need help...I'm obsessing over this damn show!
  6. I'm lost in fanfic! I'll be back, but I can't stop reading everyone's great stuff! I'm really impressed with how good you all are at dialog, it's so difficult to write, but when you nail it, you nail it! I wouldn't even attempt it myself. 7kstar, your killing me! Great stuff! A Burden On His Brother's Soul has some truly wonderful insights!
  7. SueB, I found on re-watch I despise Lorreli! JP on the other hand, did a great job on a horribly inconsistently written part. The character was destroyed, but I assume it was because he got Supernatural, and they had to write off the character. Is that right?
  8. "Unreliable narrators" is an understatement! When we watched the show in real time, I never doubted Norman killed his Dad, but on re-watch? And than Mick had to go and ask, "Why isn't Norman all bloody when we first see him?" Oh and I do agree, the ambiguity of this show is half the fun! It's driving me crazy! Not as crazy as some 'unnamed" people on this site, but I'm catching up!
  9. rue721, as much as I' enjoying retirement in Idaho, I'm incredibly frustrated by the school system here (well that and all the damn Republicans!) because they makes kids pay to participate in sports. That's so fucking short sighted! Some kids stay in school just because of sports, and others like yourself discover the amazing benefits: teamwork, managing time, setting and meeting goals, the list is endless. I've spent my entire life in academia, and have seen first hand the positive effects of sports.
  10. When you posted that theory, I called my sister (a fellow Supernatural freak) and after a moment of silence, she said "What kind of people are you hanging out with on-line? You know it's an insane person's favorite pastime." Honest to God, that's exactly what she said! Best part? She called me back about a half hour later and said "Got a link for that post?"
  11. AwesomO4000, you're not nuts for agonizing over a word or two. I think I've said it before, my best friend taught Writer's Workshop at NYU, and one thing she stressed was revision, revision, revision! I get the science thing though. I'm a (retired) professor of Theoretical Mathematics. Don't all yawn at once! I can't write to save my life. I'm constantly amazed at the talent here. While I'm waiting on your next chapter, I'm reading 7kstar's stuff. I'm getting completely eaten alive by fanfic!
  12. Really? Need I remind you?; --After being incognito and hidden from Crowley she gets captured by demons and IMO she knew Crowley wouldn't kill her because Mommy reasons. --She knew about the First Blade and that it was the only thing that could kill Cain --She manipulated Crowley into using the illusion spell to get Dean to kill Cain, making him the only bearer of the Mark. --She knew about the Codex and that she needed the Two Men of Letters to open the box. --She hexed Crowley back into being the King of Hell She hexed Crowley back to being a demon which just amped up his hubris and then he thought he would get Oscar to hurt Rowena but IMO she wanted him to find Oscar. --She binds Crowley and turns Cas into her attack dog --She knew that the Mark was the Lock and freeing Dean of the Mark would unleash the Darkness. --And Death needs to be dead for the Darkness to rule the world I mean really, it all makes perfect sense, if you have that kind of mind... Sorry Dot! Confused you with SueB. You serial killers are hard to keep straight!
  13. Dot, I'm glad you're here! I have a question, seeing as how you know about killing people and putting them in trunks and all... Do you shower immediately after you kill someone? I'm asking because Mick and I are re-watching season one (we're on episode 3), and we're beginning to think Norma actually killed her husband. If you remember, she was in the shower when Norman "discovered" his Dad's body in the garage. Add to that Dylan's questions about the insurance, we're not sure exactly what happened. I know Norman had flash-backs, but if it's planted in your head that you were responsible and you were unstable to begin with, could you start to believe it's true? Could this be what turned him into a monster?
  14. Oh my God AwesomO4000! I'm so flattered! Thank you so much, you made my day!! I came here tonight to tell you I had Mick read your fanfic, and he picked up on the same imagery I did, and read the same parts I love out loud! I wish I could copy/paste it, but the line "Sam had no idea if that meant that was the dawn or the waning afternoon light that was shining in his eyes" is such a perfect line. I wish to hell I could write like that! Again, thank you, I honestly don't know what to say!
  15. Darn it catrox14, how on earth do you find this stuff?! Never mind, just keep posting!
  16. I'm killing Mick tonight. We were re-watching this episode tonight, and when Sam was injecting Dean with the blessed blood I said, "I hope there's a commercial soon, I've gotta pee" He said "You've got The Black Eyed Pees" Now I need to talk to Dot about trunk space...
  17. Okay guys, first of all, I'm not going anywhere near Dot and her daughter! Or AwesomO4000! (and you seem so nice! I love your fanfic!) I like to avoid people to whom the question "How many people can you fit in the trunk of your car?" is not theoretical! And I'm sure we all know by now how truly sick catrox14 is! As for Rue's question, I don't have a pic on line but I'm going to find one and scan it. Just don't judge me! Honestly, this place is insane, and dangerous!
  18. I KNEW It!! An inordinate amount of people here are obsessed with trunk space. I'm just glad you all are on our side! Right?
  19. Thanks everyone! I called my sister to tell her the news,and believe me only something of this monumental importance would make me call her this late (she's two hours ahead of us). She was very happy for me, but her wife Lisa grabbed the phone from her and said "You mean you didn't call The Smithsonian? They'd want that chair! Hee. I love my family!
  20. I'm hijacking this thread! I just have to brag, because today I defeated the impossible odds! I did the inconceivable, in fact the impossible odds where crushed to hell!. I talked my husband into REPLACING HIS RECLINER! Did you all hear that? DID YOU? I ventured the idea a few weeks ago, and he acted like I had asked him to put down his favorite dog! But I was unrelenting. His old recliner was well, old,and dirty, resisting all attempts to clean. So I did all the scout work. Went to every damn furniture store in the neighborhood. Some further afield. Found one I know he would love! I almost fell asleep in it trying it out! So I grabbed him by the nape of his neck (I kid you not!) and took Mick to see it. He loved it! And they delivered it today! They even took the old one away (hopefully to a hazardous waste site!) I am so happy! And Mick? He was thrilled with it! I'm so damn happy! Okay, back to the original conversation! Sorry guys, but I had to crow and I knew you guys would understand! I'm getting cards to send my friends!
  21. STILL?! Why does this sound like you and your daughter have some experience in the matter? Fess up! Unless of course, the statute of limitations hasn't run out.
  22. Do it! Or should we set Catrox14 on you?
  23. Sorry catrox14, I've got ya beat! My first car was a Ford Pinto. You know, the one that exploded if it was rear ended? Paid 200 bucks for the privilege! My Dad was horrified, so he gave me a Vista Cruiser station wagon when he traded up. I loved that car, but ended up trading it for a La Manns Station wagon. Everyone called it the "Beaver Wagon" I thought because it had wood on the sides. Turns out the guys just called it that because my girlfriends and I followed The Grateful Dead across country one summer in it! Now I have boring stuff! A Mitsubishi Montero called "The Mom Mobile" of all things! At least Mick's Harley is named "Bucephalus". Now that's cool! I liked the one he had before better though, he called her "Mother Abigail"
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