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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Classic line from Psycho! "Mother, what have you done?!"
  2. Why, thank you turbogirlnyc ! You've just made my day
  3. Most significant homage? I'm thinking Bradley's car goes into the swamp. Isn't pulling Marion's car from the swamp one of the last shots in Psycho?
  4. editorgrrl, I think you're on to something with #4. But what if Bradley is alive, but Norma doesn't believe Norman, if he's the one to tell her? Wasn't there a part in the spoiler where Norman and Emma are in the car and Norman says something along the lines of "Mother wants to talk to you"? This blows my whole (wild) theory out of the water,(Norman has yet to kill anyone), so I'm torn about this. I'm gonna miss this damn show, and all the wonderful people who post here!
  5. From gingerhorsesnaps link; Here are 10 teasers to get fans and viewers excited about what the Season 3 finale holds in store: (1) Not only does “Mother” make an appearance, she has a lot to say. (2) Sheriff Romero’s (Nestor Carbonell) entanglement with the DEA and Bob Paris (Kevin Rahm) gets thorny and takes a turn no one expected. (3) It comes out that Emma (Olivia Cooke) is more scared of living, than dying. (4) Norma (Vera Farmiga) finally believes Norman is seeing dead people, and takes matters into her own hands. (5) There is a smokin’ hot kiss, which is best described as: tender, lingering and beautiful. (6) Something very bad and very violent happens after that kiss. (7) Never forget that BATES MOTEL is more chilling thriller than romance. (8) A body is dragged into the basement. (9) There is still that undercurrent of desire between Norma and Romero — and things may be heating back up for them. (10) Dylan (Max Thieriot) makes a decision that will change everything. With those heart-clutching teasers in mind, be sure to tune in for the Season 3 finale of BATES MOTEL on Monday, May 11th at 9:00 p.m. on A&E. Tick, tick, tick, time has run out for more than one person — time to say goodbye So, I'm guessing 5, 6, and 8 are related? .
  6. This fits my theory exactly! (Mick btw, thinks I'm insane. His reaction? "You didn't post that crazy idea, did you?!") I'm running with it. Norma did kill her husband, but put the guilt on Norman. Norma actually killed Miss. Watson too. Don't ask me to explain how she got to Miss Watson's place, or even knew where she lived, these are small details I'll let you guys figure out. I'm just the big picture genius here.. So, when Norma and her lover die, it is a murder suicide, and that pushes Norman to become Norma, and kill in her memory! The two missing girls from the movie? Can't be Bradley, everyone thinks she's dead already. So who else is going to die? For the record, I am not going insane from losing Mad Men and Breaking Bad, or Saul and Vikings ending their season. I'm not, I swear.
  7. Hee! We both married to men with good taste! After all, they chose us! I miss TWoP, and MBTV, but this place is just as wonderful! I haven't seen the movie in many years, so I don't remember the finer points. Is it possible that Norman didn't kill Norma, and she died some other way? Murdered by someone else perhaps? One of you guys must remember. Also, why wasn't Norman arrested for the murder? Didn't he kill her lover too? Did the town just throw up their hands and say "Screw it. Norman did it, but who wants to bother searching the house" I'll have to watch the movie this weekend... Okay, I just checked out Wiki. Apparently, it was written off as a murder/suicide, until Norman confessed. But can we trust Norman's memory? Apparently, he only killed as his "Mother", and so far (as far as we have seen) doesn't remember these murders. This would make a great twist! Norman thinks he did the murders, but he didn't. It was a murder/suicide! On top of that, what if he didn't kill Miss. Watson, and it really was Norma all along?!
  8. An aside... peacheslatour! Thank you for the site "Heart of Haute" you recommended on another thread! I'm going to be broke, but even my husband loves the look!!! Sorry for the detour, but I wanted you to find this.
  9. With thanks to SonofaBiscuit, I found the recaps of this show. There was a link to this:http://gawker.com/watch-vera-farmiga-repeatedly-freak-out-flail-and-sob-509091318 Norma's best freak outs! Fun!!
  10. Thank you SonofaBiscuit! That's exactly what I was looking for! ETA: I've seen all the episodes, but guess how I'm spending my evening?
  11. Nope, so did we kittle1974, in fact, we were sure she was. Especially when no one noticed she was at the motel! Than at the end, when "Norma" showed up, you knew she wasn't. A hallucination within a hallucination? Even Norman isn't that crazy, is he?
  12. Hey guys! I've been around for awhile now, and I have a site question. Is there some place where I can find all the recaps for a season of a show, like they did on TWoP? I've been going nuts looking, and needed a refresher on Bradley. The link from this weeks recap helped, but I'd like to read more. That said, I'm thrilled to find this place! It's nice to have a site as polite and classy as TWoP. Thanks Mods, and all the members!
  13. Thanks KBrownie! What got me this episode, is the realization that Caleb does really love Norma. Stop making me like him! edit to spell KBrownie's name right.
  14. This is driving Mick and I nuts! What did Norman have in his hand when he was walking back to the house after leaving Bradley?! It looked like a rifle....
  15. All About Eve is my all time favorite movie! Bringing Up Baby still makes me laugh out loud, even though I almost know it by heart! God there are so many great old films. Mildred Pierce is another really good one. I can't imagine any of these films being shot in color!
  16. Awesom, and cassandle, these are the answers Mick and I wanted to know. I hate when this show leaves so many unanswered questions!
  17. New to this thread, but long time MBTV and TWoPer! First off, from page one: yes ,7kstar it's all your fault! My husband Mick just said to me tonight, "How many shows would have held our interest for 10 seasons?" He's right, only "Supernatural" can do that. "Breaking Bad" ended at just the right time, and "Mad Men" has gone on too long, but "Supernatural" has held our loyalty for the entire run! It's fun reading about all of you buying your first house! Good God we're on our third, our "downsized now the kids are gone house", but we're old! Er...late 50's...not old at all! Right!?
  18. I agree catrox14! Two great episodes in a row. Dare I hope this holds?! Demented Daisy, for the record, I ADORE Crowley! I have a T-Shirt that say, "You're Good, But I'm Crowley!" and I've gotten more comments on it from total strangers than my "Breaking Bad" T-Shirts!
  19. Thanks catrox14! And there I go again...
  20. First, I want to say to 7kstar, I admire your openness here! You are NOT responsible for what happened to your sister, but just the fact you still feel guilt just shows how much of a truly good person you are! I'm SURE your sister feels the same way I do! As for Sam vs Dean, I'm amazed on how much thought you all have put into this. I watch this show and just roll with the story, and haven't really pondered the relationship! Now I'm obsessing! THANKS guys! Now my husband thinks I've gone insane! I use too many exclamation points too, I know. I'm working on it!
  21. Hey fuzzysneakers ! We have a turtle named Gunner. My husband found him in the desert (He has a deformed foot, Gunner, not my husband) 28 years ago, and he's been hanging with us ever since. I don't know how he reacted to that line, he's still hibernating, but I plan to tell him! Caleb is mentally challenged, in fact when he first showed up at the motel, I didn't recognize him. His speech was so stilted and he seemed so... I don't know, "off". Dead pool? Caleb. Within the next two weeks. Dylan is way too popular to kill off now!
  22. Thanks Winston9-DT3! Didn't catch the note and it was driving us nuts.
  23. Jeremy Irons! Love that man! I canceled all my classes I was teaching at NYU one day to watch them filming "Die Hard With A Vengeance" and met him. God I almost fainted! He was incredibly nice and took the time to talk with me for about 5 minutes. I'll never forget it!
  24. I did! Saw nothing just for B&W movies. Haven't been here long enough to start a thread, but if you build it, I will come!
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