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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Please, DO NOT LAUGH! Okay, I've got AO3, now how best to navigate? Say I want to find a specific poster's work, how do I find it? Good Grief, there's a fic that starts out "Dean clenched his jaw for a second, steeling himself. “Sam, I think I’m gay,” he said loudly." I will not accept that! Not Dean! Not that there's anything wrong with that...except here.
  2. Thank you! What has happened to TLC? Years ago it was a favorite if mine. They used to run a show entitled "Great Books" where they spent an entire hour discussing just one novel like Great Expectations or Moby Dick. I adored it! What happened to that channel? I had to Google Duggers and Kardashians to know what the hell people were talking about. How far we have fallen. Dumbing down of America indeed! Reality TV is just scripted crap. Competition shows are different, but I don't even watch them anymore. It breaks my heart, it truly does. The potential is still there, we just have to demand it!
  3. Thanks for the info FlickChick, I found the site, and SueB is right, it eats you up! Question: Do most of you publish under the names you use here? And SueB? I have a feeling you'll do just great! Noodle on it!
  4. Oh I'm a great cheerleader! Can't write worth a damn, but I'll read it all and comment. I love the stuff I've read so far! Rue can help with the deadlines when she's not contributing. Oh hell, now we have 7kstar noodlen' on things...! Honestly you guys!
  5. Thank you DittyDotDot! You made my Sunday!
  6. Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Dedication! Thank you! Awesom04000 has some great stuff up too (Swore I wouldn't call it awesome. See how well I did?) So with these I at least have some good stuff to read while catrox14 noodles, what ever that means! Rue721, I think you're on to something! What a great way to pass the summer! Get on it. Please?
  7. Oh hell, now I have something else to worry about! I though five seasons was a done deal?
  8. Well, get crackin'! I swear "noodle on it" is becoming the motto of this place! What the hell are the less talented of us supposed to do all summer? I swear I'm gonna start handing out deadlines...
  9. What the hell is AO3?! I swear I can't keep up with this stuff. I like links ;)
  10. Put it here!! For God's sake I just figured out twitter!
  11. Thanks 7kstar! Be warned, your stuff is next up on my list! But really guys, I'm impressed. I never expected this caliber of talent. Does make me wonder what the hell is wrong with the show's writers though...
  12. I know this isn't the place, so Mods forgive me, please! I've only read AwesomO4000's fanfic so far, my very first fanfic ever! I'm so impressed! I can't wait to read the rest that you have all written. I can't write to save my ass (mathematician here) so I'm awed! I never knew! So much wasted talent that should have a much broader audience. Oh and still waiting for catrox14 to get off her butt and show us what she can do!
  13. https://myspace.com/noresman/photos Don't know if this will work, but this is my Mick. From his earlier harder rock stuff. Thought you should see who I talk about so much! I'll add his Blues stuff as soon as I figure out how. (Read: rope in his bass player to do it for me!) Cause I'm sure you're all fascinated! Right?
  14. Thanks Dot! I'm going to go play around the site now, I wasn't sure if that would work. Didn't try myself, being the idiot I am. Now I feel like a kid in a candy store! See ya in Supernatural Dot!
  15. Oh just face it, we're lifers. Mick and I have been watching real time since day one, and now have all the DVDs. Supernatural is just plain special! How many other shows have you watched for Ten Years? You can try to quit, but it will always pull you back in!
  16. Thanks rue721! We don't have Hulu Plus, but I'm looking into it now. Moving to Idaho from NYC has changed our TV viewing a lot!! Thanks for the tip! Altered Reality, it's great to find another fan! TWoP turned us on to this movie, and it's been a fav ever since. Gootta love that place. OH, and "Baby"? Just a car?! You should hear the tone in Mick's voice when he calls his Harley "Baby". Hell of a lot more sensual than when he calls me that! I feel Dean's "Baby's" pain. I am getting worried about Mick and catrox14 though. He's way too fond of her! I swear I'm going to make him start posting himself. I will not be a go-between!
  17. Thank you DittyDotDot!! How the hell do you get The Wayback Machine to work for you?! I swear to God I've tried and it acts like TWoP never even existed! Tell me your secret and I swear I'll build you a statue and dance around it at midnight! Naked even! Well... maybe not...!
  18. Heh! I'll tell him you said that! But only because he adores you!
  19. We will too catrox14! It's a favorite of mine because of this; "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Mick and I howled! Than Mick said to me: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." At that point I guess a light bulb when off over his head, and he screamed (really) "I'm pussy-whipped!" Very bad for a Biker. I think he went to the garage to bond with his Harley for a while...
  20. Bought this up again because I wanted to discuss some fanfic with Mick. He just looked at me and said (Holding a shot of JB) "Not now, Catrox and I have to figure out this Lucifer problem..." Bring him back when you're done with him, okay?
  21. Very touching! I cried of course, but to be touched that deeply...it was unexpected. I'm amazed at the things I'm finding lately. There are some truly creative and dedicated people out there. I honestly never knew!!
  22. Oh, I'm lost...I'm gone! This is not the right place, I know, but give me a little lee way, okay? AwesomO4000, I've only read your stuff so far, and not all of it yet. But My God I didn't expect this! It's wonderful! It's original but true to the series yet all your own at the same time. I am impressed! I'll comment more on your site, but if the rest of you write like this, I have my summer planned! I never knew!
  23. Okay, I'm off. I'll be gone for a few days, I'm going to read all your fanfics! I promise to comment, and be brutally honest. And I expect to see one soon by catrox14! Sooner rather than later!
  24. AwesomO4000, 7kstar, where can I find your fanfic? Is it under the same names you use here? I admit I've never read any fanfic, but I've seen it referred to here so often, I thought I should give it a try! Besides, you both are slightly nuts so this could be interesting...
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