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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. After reading AwesomO4000's fanfic, Mick and I decided that Supernatural should bring back Jessie to help fight "The Darkness". He'd be what, 17 now?
  2. Going off on my own little pet peeve. I am, at this very instant, planning a slow painful death to whomever invented shrink wrap!!!!
  3. Well, stop posting here for cryin' out loud! Get back to work!
  4. Haven't been around a few days (I'm sure you all noticed!) because I've been watching past episodes trying to figure out all the speculations you have all been annoying me with! Just wanted to weigh in on the music bit. I'm all about the eighties, harder the better. I've always wondered why Supernatural hasn't used Mountain, or Deep Purple. Now because of Mick, I'm into the Blues Speaking of Mick, he asked me today how you were catrox, he knows you've been through some tough times lately. I told him you were busy making people cry, and he said, "AH! She's back to normal! Good to know!" No shit, that was our exact conversation. I cry all the time at Supernatural. AHBL has me sobbing! Every single time!
  5. Around here it's worthless. When SueB (that MAP!) and Dot (for science?! You're usually so sweet!) join in I mildly panic. Demented Daisy is just to be expected, so I'm really okay with that. Honestly I'm fine. But when Omegamom (hack her up so she can't shoot you again?! Where did that come from?) and Awesom both go off their meds on the same night, (And honestly Awesom, I expected more from you. California Cows?! Are you okay?) the end is near. At least for my sanity. I defy anyone from another show on this board read just this page and believe we're all safe to be out in public. Now I'm going to go watch several episodes and try to figure this all out. Watch catrox troll by with dandelions. I wouldn't put it past her!
  6. Great. Just thanks. I'm here still trying to figure out where the MoC is, and that damn map, and you bring this up. Why can't you be a normal person? JUST TILL I GET MY SANITY BACK!
  7. Just when I thought catrox was joining the land of the sane...
  8. Well, ya gotta hand it to the guy! He can string together a string of insults! Even if he is a total ass! Hope you and hubby had a good laugh! Narrow minded jerks like that you can do nothing about. Sorry you had to be exposed to one.
  9. Thanks for this! They promised us this video if we helped them hit their goal of 4 million hits! I've been waiting! Have to add: Thanks cartrox for sending us there!
  10. Wynterwolf's idea of Lucifer being back has really grabbed me! I don't know if this means anything or not, but I bet you guys do know. In the "Hillywood" Supernatural parody, the actual actors working on the show had to be filmed by the studio, using a "white screen" and was shown at the very end. Lucifer was in this part of the video, along with Sam, Dean, Caz, and Crowley. Does this mean anything, could he really be back??
  11. Oh, great catrox14, thank you so much for this.::Raging sarcasm:: Just what I needed to hear. I'm sitting here trying to figure out Dot's theories, and now you wander in all innocent and shit and drop this bomb! On a lighter note, this "Bottle Episode". Didn't I read here that one episode will take place entirely in the Impala? Now, one question. Where is the MoC now? If Cain is alive, could he have taken it back? And if he did, why was The Darkness still unleashed? If he didn't, where the hell is it? I can't believe you guys have me sitting around thinking about this stuff...I love it!
  12. Well, I have at least six black V-neck T-shirts. And did you notice, Cas is wearing a trench coat in every shot!? Only kidding SueB! I think you found a great idea for piecing together what the hell they're trying to do. I only made fun of it because I know you have a keen sense of humor! Keep looking and report what you find. I'm dying for spoilers!
  13. Oh this is just awful Omegamom ! ( I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner, but during the summer I'm only on line late night.) You and your husband must be frantic! Please keep us all updated, and let us know when she's home safe. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now. Please tell your daughter we're all thinking of her!
  14. Omegamom, I have no idea what's going on with you, but it sounds like things are working out. I'm thinking of you and please remember, you have quite the support group here!
  15. Heh! Really cool. Do you think it's cause Dean is Awesome? I think it's cause he's so awesome!
  16. Awesom, I'm going there now! I couldn't get to it last night, Mick and I ordered pizza and settled in to watch "Sharknado III, Oh Hell No!" I know, I know, but it was so stupid and silly we laughed like hell and had a great time! We're weird like that. I decided to start from chapter one of your story and read it all straight through. That's what I did last time you posted a new chapter, and I loved reading it that way!
  17. Demented, didn't someone involved with the show say there was a storyline that "Fans have been asking for"? I wondered what it could be, and really like your take on it!
  18. I certainly hope so! My dream spin-off is Jody and Donna "Saving people, hunting things" together.
  19. Thanks for the link Dot, I'm going to check it out now. I don't dislike Sheppard and Lehne at all! My problem is the exact opposite, I adore both characters! It makes it hard to see them as evil in other roles as my affection for them gets in the way. Both have spot on comic timing and perfect comic delivery! Kaylee is one of the sweetest characters ever written! Jewel nails the perfect combination of innocents and street smarts. You have to love Jewel no matter what role she plays! I guess that's the curse of playing a beloved character. I've got to do something about my use of exclamation points, damn it!
  20. Mick just asked what was going on tonight here. I told him, "Nothing much, they're all off molesting Dean." His reply was, "So just a normal night, eh?" 7kstar, "Which canon?" made me bust a gut laughing! I'm hot for Cowley myself. I love the bad boy, which is why I married a Biker!
  21. Mick and I have been rewatching "Firefly" this past week, and both Freder Lehne (YellowEyes" or Azazel) and Mark Sheppard appear on the show. Freder as Ranse Burgess, and Sheppard as Badger. Both play villains, but I had a problem hating them because I loved their roles' on Supernatural so much. They're both just so damn funny!
  22. I came here for some peace, because a bunch of you ( You Know Who You Are!) are trying to drive me nuts over in the spoilers thread. I don't know why I thought this tread would be any better. Bottom line? I hate every single one of you. First off, supposebly, whom I thought was such a nice person, posts in an "Oh I don't mean any harm" manner that I check out Superwiki,, which, until now, I didn't know existed. So kind of you....Bitch! They have a page, a whole damn page about "Canon Discrepancies"! I never knew there was a problem with the time Sam spent at Stanford, or John Winchester's Dad, or the Impala, or, well the list goes on. I swear catrox14, rue and 7kstar wrote the fucking thing just to keep me in Room 42. AwesomO4000 and Dot are just too nice to be in this diabolical plot. I hope. So I casually asked Mick about the Impala, and he said, "Dean suggested his Dad buy the Impala when Cas sent him back in time to see how John and Mary met. But Cas also states that Dean could not have changed the past no matter what he did. John had already made a down payment on a Van, and never would have bought the Impala on his own. Why did he change his mind?" Then he asked, (and I'm divorcing him as soon as I get around to it), "How did Mary explain her Dad's broken neck and her Mom shot at home without telling John she was a hunter? He clearly didn't know, because when that angel goes back in time to kill John and Mary to prevent Sam and Dean from ever being born, John had no ides his wife was a hunter!" He actually wanted continue and talk about why Kevin was in the Veil and Charlie went to heaven! You guys put him up to this, right? Sorry for the rant, but the nice nurse is late with my Meds. Her name is Meg and she is really very nice!
  23. I had forgotten all about this contest, and now I've been sitting here laughing so hard tears are streaming down my face! Thank you Omegamom , you've made my night! I remember years ago a line about Basil and a woman filing her nails. I'm off to find it! Edit to add; God I'm fucking old! It won the contest in 1983! The camel died quite suddenly on the second day, and Selena fretted sulkily and, buffing her already impeccable nails–not for the first time since the journey began–pondered snidely if this would dissolve into a vignette of minor inconveniences like all the other holidays spent with Basil. (Gail Cain, CA, 1983 Grand Prize winner of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest)
  24. Don't believe this for a second guys! I saw catrox14 and Mick sneaking off with the whiskey! Dean and Crowley put them up to it! And I'm fine. I like it here behind door 42, nothing to see here.... The Darkness is a woman?! Anyone have a Vicodin?
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