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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Rules for you writers! (Org. post on another Forum I read, by Tallpine.) 1. Avoid alliteration. Always. 2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. 3. Avoid clichés like the plague. (They're old hat.) 4. Employ the vernacular. 5. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc. 6. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary. 7. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive. 8. Contractions aren't necessary. 9. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos. 10. One should never generalize. 11. Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know." 12. Comparisons are as bad as clichés. 13. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous. 14. Profanity sucks. 15. Be more or less specific. 16. Understatement is always best. 17. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement. 18. One-word sentences? Eliminate. 19. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake. 20. The passive voice is to be avoided. 21. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms. 22. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed. 23.Who needs rhetorical questions?
  2. I can so see this happening, much to my dread. But as SueB taught me, "Fuck Carver" This blame game has gotten so old! Crowley is so popular, I can't see the writers doing this, but wouldn't it be cool?
  3. I don't know catrox14, I've always seen you as a bit more...cunning. Charlie like if you will! Crowley wouldn't stand a chance! Why do I fear for Dean, Demon!Dean or not, if you get your hands on him? Honestly, the fantasy life I have for all you guys! Sometime I'll give you all the rundown on how Mick sees you all! He's profiled you all!
  4. Massive party going on here. I started to post ...Awesome, SueB ,Omegamom, 7star and Crowley walks into a bar.... And Mick reading over my shoulder said, "No! Awesome, SueB ,Omegamom and, 7star walk into a bar to find catrox14 and Crowley rippin it up on Karaoke! I'm not responsible! I'm very drunk and leaving to get back to the party. Happy Forth dudes!!!!
  5. Loved it! But did you have to add the "Aging Lab"? I love dogs, and have a few Labs. Rip my heart out why don't you? Seriously though, nicely done. The Fanfic coming out of this place is amazing!
  6. Oh God you have opened a *shit* can of worms for me now! As long as The Mark was shared, didn't it work as a lock? If only one person had "half" The Mark, would the Darkness still be held back? I always thought what Cain meant when he said there was more to The Mark (or whatever he said, I'm not going back to watch right now!) was that you turned into a Demon if you died with it on. Now I' thinking he knew about The Darkness. He almost had to didn't he? But how can only one person with half The Mark hold back The Darkness? Death almost said as much.
  7. Okay SueB, I need some time to digest this. I'll be back to comment. You said nothing about the writers, so I'm holding back, but God you're making me think! I thank you for that, and I truly mean that. I will not be summoning Crowley on you....yet!!
  8. Great. Now Mick is calling me a" Functional Acklesholic." Thank you so much for that, and so many other things you've cursed me with! You're a peach, really... But, Awesome, did Cain still have The Mark? Death said you could share it, but no mention of that was made. And it didn't it disappear off of Cain's arm when he gave it to Dean? Or can you never really rid yourself of The Mark?
  9. Oh, I just have to add; SueB, if you join in and explain the writers and their various canons, I swear to God I'll slit my wrist and call up Crowley on you!
  10. Okay, rewatch. I'm goin' nuts! Help me out here guys, and I'm looking at catrox, Awesome and Dot here, along with the rest of you. Just watched First Born again, on TNT and I'm obsessing! (and yes, I take time out in the middle of the day to watch an episode I have on DVD, so what!? Go make fun of someone else!) Even Mick is looking at me sideways, but I don't care. I honestly don't. So, Cain gives Dean The Mark, the one thing that makes him so powerful, (minus The Blade of course) But then, Cain takes out about 50 demons all at once after he gives Dean The Mark! How could he do that? And yeah I know, Cain later spends an entire episode killing off his decedents, but that's "One on one", not a mass demon slaughter! Does this mean Dean still has this power too? Or is this just a Cain thing, being the first murderer and all? I hate what this show is doing to me, and you guys are just a bunch of enablers! Now I'm going back to Fanfic, and no, I do not have a problem!!!
  11. Haven't been around all weekend, too busy! Friday we took a friend of Mick's to the hospital. No big deal, elective surgery on ACL, but one of those "In by 6:30, out by11:00 dealies, which meant we had to be up at 3am! We had to wait until he peed to take him home, and that took forever! But we had fun goading him into taking a piss! He's fine, in fact his doctor told him to walk as much as was comfortable, to stretch out the ligaments. He's truckin' around like nothing happened. Sunday, (today) Mick's Fantasy Football league had their annual picnic. Twelve guys and their wives who started the league 28 years ago! I'm home now, ready to crash, but Mick is still there playing poker. Don't expect to see him until four am or so... I drank way too much!
  12. I think Nome was talking about comprehension. But this isn't my field, and I would never presume to know what he was talking about! 7kstar, you are so far from stupid, it's not even worth discussing. Good Lord you're posts are some of the most thoughtful and insightful comments on this board! Anyone who thinks you're stupid has the intelligence of a backwards amoeba. You hang with some real assholes! As for "The Darkness", I agree. Three episodes and it will be gone. I wish the writers would come up with one thing we haven't seen before! At this point, I would think most viewers are long time fans. We don't need the same old story told over and over again! Fanfiction is more intriguing for me right now. At least it's something NEW!
  13. For everyone who worries about their spelling... I can't spell to save my fuckin' life. It used to bother me, until my girlfriend (the one who taught Writer's Workshop) decided to get her doctorate in education. Her candidacy paper was on the development of language, which led both of us to go hear Nome Chomsky lecture, several times.( He was a linguist before he got political.) Anyway, he said that great readers are rotten spellers, and good spellers are horrible readers! I know that sounds weird, but as I understood it, it has to do with word recognition. Good readers take in the word as a whole, and poor readers see each individual letter of a word. If you think about it, it makes sense! So, I no longer feel bad about my lousy spelling!
  14. Me too! The mini-series was okay, but the book? Spooked the hell out of me! Wish King still wrote like that. His latest stuff sucks!
  15. Thanks Guys! I like him. Oh AwesomO4000, please don't take it out! He was just very flattered! Mick thinks you guys are so cool! Yes, that's his "Baby", he built it himself The name is Bucephalus, after Alexander the Great's war horse. https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Bucephalus I like the name, but I like the name he had for the Harley he had before this one better. He named her "Mother Abagail", after the Stephen King character from The Strand. Now that was cool! And Butters? That's his favorite kid from South Park! He even breaks out into "Ohh Baby Please Don't Go" once in a while...
  16. That's Mick. He's die if he knew I posted this!
  17. Oh he saw it! Mick was actually embarrassed! I really have to get him to post. Yeah. I think we all have a secret life! But I have several Supernatural T-shirts, so maybe not so much. I get a ton of comments from complete strangers on my "You're good, but I'm Crowley" shirt. I'm always surprised by the cross section of people that love this show! Hee! He never listened to her until he saw The Hillywood Show. He's having a hard enough time resigning himself to how much he loves Fanfic! He had some friends stop by today, real 1%ers, and it took all I had not to shout out the window to him "7kstar has another chapter up!" He'd kill me... Remind me to tell you all sometime how I got him addicted to The Gilmore Girls. I'm serious, and Mick loves Kirk!
  18. I have to add, Mick and I are having a blast reading fanfic! Picture a Biker with long blond hair and a beard, six two and 230 lbs, eating this stuff up! He told me today, "You mention this to any of my Bros, I'll kill you." I honestly think he meant it. Oh, and catrox14 , he said to tell you the (Jim) Beam's on him!
  19. Well, the insane have found an outlet! Funny as hell!
  20. Well, I back! I've been too busy to get on line for the past couple days, (not that anyone noticed!), due to the fact our gardens decided they wanted to grow weeds rather than flowers and vegetables. Mick and I have been on our hands and knees for three days!. I'm catching up this weekend on the wonderful fanfic you guys are turning out, so please continue and post links! I promise to comment, with my usual witty observations! "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend.... if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one." - Winston Churchill, in response. And yeah, I'm a bit drunk!
  21. Just hit this line; Death: Don't roll your eyes, Dean. It's impolite. Seriously, Death is my favorite character in this show!
  22. Sigh. Okay Dot and catrox, now we'll have to dig out Appointment in Sumatra and watch it again. And yes, we have all the DVDs! The book is about death, right? I'm too confused tonight to find it on our collection. I think I read about 20 years ago! But honestly, what other show could do this to their fans? This is why Supernatural has kept our attention all these years, despite all its flaws. Supernatural still makes us think. And argue. And lose sleep.
  23. Yeah Demented Daisy, I'm never going to forgive Haven. I really expected more. Back on topic. I was arguing with Mick about the Horsemen and the rings and he said (which is why I'm looking into divorce) "How was Death able to get into the cage and get Sammy's soul back? Did he just sail by Lucifer and Michael with a Fuck You? Is that how he originally got his ring back?" Okay Altered Reality, have at it. The rest of you guys? I'm buyin'. With Mick's money. I have a feeling catrox14 will bankrupt him.
  24. Mick and I started from the first episode. We both liked it immediately, but for me Provenance clinched it. It first aired when a "Haunted Painting" was all the rage on e-bay. I don't know if you guys remember that painting, but it was creepy as hell! Found a link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hands_Resist_Him
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