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Everything posted by dcinmb

  1. http://www.people.com/article/blake-shelton-is-dating-gwen-stefani
  2. L.A. Times - With 'Arrow,' waiting is the hardest part in 'Beyond Redemption' episode
  3. ETA: Looks like he just had a dentist appointment. Or clocked himself on the jaw again.
  4. Interesting that such a fitted style would come in XS-S-M-L instead of numbered sizing. EBR looks gorgeous but I don't understand why the wardrobe department always puts her in dresses that are a smidge too tight.
  5. Looking forward to this!
  6. L.A. Times - 'You're the Worst' just aired the best depiction of clinical depression. Ever.
  7. Pretty sure she's Eurasian as her mom looks Asian. I was surprised the first time Gwen said it and even more so last night as I had assumed she would've received a "talking to" after the first time she stuck her foot in her mouth. I'm Asian with long straight black hair and I've been compared to Pocahontas once, but he was a three-year-old boy and it was just after the Disney film was released. Don't know what Gwen's excuse is, particularly since she grew up in Southern California where there are a lot of Asian people.
  8. I'd love to see David Ramsey pop up. And I'm glad Desmond Harrington's finally put on some weight. He was already alarmingly gaunt toward the end of Dexter but he was skeletal on The Astronaut Wives Club. This is by far my favorite new show of the season. I'm really liking Jake McDorman so I'll have to check out Shameless, Greek and Manhattan Love Story.
  9. In the pilot, Rebecca managed to walk the fine line between sympathetically funny and cringeworthy but in this ep, she barreled right over the line to grating and unrelatable. Her OTT cray-cray and self-centeredness are making her unrootable for me. This song would have been perfect for this ep:
  10. The writers are really hitting all the right notes with Olicity and Oliver/Thea (for the most part) so I'm not going to let the assinine stuff get to me . . . for now. Love the thought of Oliver picking out the fern and taking time out from vigilante-ing to pack Felicity's lunch. The only thing that would've made it more perfect is if he'd used something like this instead of a brown paper bag.
  11. They actually aired that schlocky Heroes & Villains promo during the show in the SF Bay Area last night. I have never seen such an amateurish spot aired in primetime before.
  12. I liked Jeff and Layla's "You dropped these" hallway interaction. The character "development," or maybe I should just call it character pinball, continues to baffle. First Avery goes from emotionally abusive, jealous cheater to Saint Yoda, and now we have Jeff shedding his evil incarnate Snidely Whiplash persona to become the voice of reason who's head over heels for Layla? I can't remember, does she know that he's the reason she almost died last season? And does Scarlett's doctor boyfriend really think she's not going to find out that Gunnar pretty much wrote the entire song? I would have appreciated his efforts so much more if he'd just mentioned that Gunnar had helped him. [Edited because Scarlett and Charlotte are not the same thing! Note to self: Don't post while multi-tasking. Thanks for pointing out my mistake, Clemgo3165!]
  13. I LOVED the first season of Beauty and the Beast but the show has overstayed its welcome. The writing was uneven in S1 but Kristin Kreuk and Jay Ryan's incredible chemistry, a strong supporting cast, and decent acting made the show worth watching. The writing in S2 was moronic and infuriating but at least the other elements were still there. Season 3? I could not have been more bored. The writing was still subpar, the plotlines repetitive, KK and JR's chemistry evaporated, and KK forgot how to act. JR, Austin Basis and Nina Lisandrello continued to deliver on the acting front, but KK apparently took over-acting classes during the S2/S3 hiatus. So disappointing.
  14. L.A. Times: Marvel's new series 'Jessica Jones' is not for kids, and that's a good thing
  15. The Daily Beast: ‘Captain Marvel’ and Marvel’s Long History of Women Problems
  16. Francois Arnaud is joining the show. I really liked him on The Borgias so here's hoping he's able to hold on to his charisma and acting chops, unlike SS.
  17. While I agree that it doesn't need to be someone super close to Oliver, his heartbreaking reactions to Tommy, Thea and Moira dying (or almost dying, in Thea's case) occurred when they were actually in the act of dying, so he may have been just as emotional a few days ago when this mystery person died. And I would say that he and Sara were very close but I don't remember him getting overly emotional when she died. Hence, Felicity's frustration with him.
  18. Wow is this video mind-bogglingly bad. Can't believe SA actually approved it. Apparently, their marketing budget was $29. I'm actually going to be in Los Gatos (15 minutes from the event) that weekend, but I'm going to pass. https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/videos/935679303184004/
  19. Aside from his use of the word 'iteration' when addressing a group of 7 - 8 year olds, this is pretty cute:
  20. It really is surprising how difficult it is to recall my favorite ships as I sure was invested in them at the time. Off the top of my head: The aforementioned Sydney and Vaughn Michael and Sara on Prison Break Don and Sloan on The Newsroom Harm and Mac on JAG Never really shipped Castle and Beckett and haven't watched the show in ages but their first real kiss after she went to his place soaking wet from the rain was pretty great. Patrick and Sally on Coupling (UK); LOVED their Spiderman storyline Jack & Allison and Jo & Zane on Eureka Felicity and Ben on Felicity Amy and David on Judging Amy Quinn and Carrie on Homeland
  21. Just in case anyone's interested, Goldstar's got comp tix for SA's Heroes & Villains Fan Fest in San Jose next month.
  22. EBR needs a new hairstylist who isn't partial to helmets. This poufy shellacked updo makes her look old enough to be SA's mother. They could've at least softened it with a few whispy tendrils. And it makes her head look disproportionate to her tiny frame.
  23. Racking my brain trying to figure out what procedural/detective show Thomas Jane is on before I realized you were referring to Simon Baker's Patrick Jane! I like the show so far. At first, Jake McDorman seemed generic and forgettable but he's growing on me. I always found Jennifer Carpenter kind of one-note on Dexter and unfortunately, she seems to be playing pretty much the same character here, minus the feistiness and the potty mouth.
  24. I think he looks like a cross between Sean Bean and Rupert Friend/Orlando Bloom. Silly rich-people-betting plot aside, I like it so far. Happy to see that Philip Winchester has been able to hold onto his charisma, unlike Sullivan Stapleton over on Blindspot.
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