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Special K

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  1. OT to answer this question. :) I was referring to Patanjali's system which is the foundation of Hatha yoga, and his Yoga Sutras which describe the eight-limbed path. The first two limbs of the path are not even postural or meditation or breathwork; they lay out the ethics of yoga, the yamas and niyamas (some call them the "commandments" of yoga). Truthfulness is one of them. The very first is ahimsa or non-harming which many interpret to include vegetarianism (or veganism). As in Christianity and other belief/ethical systems, not all followers live up to the ethical strictures, but that doesn't mean they're not there. (There are other systems of yoga as well, but most of what we practice in the West is based on Patanjali, as brought to us by Krishnamacharya.)
  2. Seriously. Or the yoga teachers who periodically pop up (Vytas, Grant). They're not supposed to lie! (Or eat meat, or do many other things we all do every day).
  3. I'm not sure I understand the difference between the conflict with Missy and the conflict with Rocker. Why one is deplorable and one is admirable.
  4. Well Jaclyn might have liked it, but she probably also felt very awkward sitting there while it was happening.
  5. I'm not a Baylor fan, but I think she would have done better relationship-wise without her mother there. I think it kept her (both of them perhaps) in the mother/daughter dynamic that was pretty infantilizing (not that she didn't collaborate in her own infantilization). At that age, you're still figuring out how/who you want to be in the world. It's like going to college and living at home vs. going away to college.
  6. The problem isn't the divorces, the problem is identifying with them. I've been divorced and a lot of people I know casually, including coworkers, don't know I was ever married. It was a long time ago and I just don't identify with it enough to bring it up. If it comes up, fine. As to the mother thing, again, it's not being a mother that is the problem, it's embodying the mother archetype and then exploiting it that gets people angry, especially men, I might note, who may be particularly susceptible to the mommy thing. One of my favorite-est players of all, Denise, was a mother, and did talk about her daughter on the show and how much she loved her, but Denise didn't play a mother on TV. She was just a woman, fully rounded.
  7. I'm just watching the Reunion now, and all I can say is: Jeff, step away from the shoe polish. Gah!
  8. Not just the victim, but one-who-triumphed-over those random afflictions through grit and toughness.
  9. Special K

    Fix The Show

    I agree that there were too many idols this season. I also think there should be a moratorium on new idols being introduced after a certain point in the game. If it is true that Jaclyn could have found an idol at that very last Exile Island, that's just ridiculous.
  10. When Missy and Jaclyn were discussing possibly voting out Natalie, and Missy asked her WWJD (What would Jon do)? and Jaclyn said, "He'd vote out Natalie," with a little knowing smile, I about had a cow. But in the final analysis, it seems that Jaclyn knew that the thing to do was THE OPPOSITE of what Jon would do. I wonder if, having seen that now, he thought that through, and if it went down with a nice oaky, buttery finish. ETA: Natalie is beautiful.
  11. On the show, Natalie was the one with the nose ring, and Nadiya had the stud. But of course that could have changed.
  12. Yeah, I think Keith may have been at a loss in the strategy department, but he was definitely suited to the other aspects of Survivor -- he had no trouble living outdoors and working hard; people pretty universally liked him; and he dominated in many challenges, far beyond what people expected of him. Others have won Survivor for less. I'm talking to you, Fabio...
  13. I didn't see the reunion, and thus the promo for next season, but reading about it on this thread, I had this heart-seizing moment: OMG, they're going to pit laborers against office workers against the unemployed! Talk about cynical exploitation of the recession! Then I realized it was just young free spirits. Which might be another name for the unemployed, now that I think of it. And since I can't seem to post without including a disparaging comment about Missy :) let me say that the irony of seeing people literally carrying Missy around, on their backs, was not lost on me, nor the editors, as she was carried to the FTC by others. We saw her own (much smaller) daughter carrying her on her back. And in the last instance, we saw Natalie carrying her back to camp piggy-back-style.
  14. I think Reed embarrassed himself. And yet, I'm so glad he did!! Loved every word of it. Mostly because I find Missy deplorable and an embarrassment to 21st century womanhood. One memorable moment, early in the episode was when Jaclyn said in a confessional, "I've literally never heard anyone say anything bad about Jon until now," and I was like, hold onto yer hat, sister, or stay off the interwebs!! Natalie is a goddess and one of my favorite winners ever. She is a credit to 21st century womanhood!
  15. Most hilarious/repulsive part of that promo is Keith's slow-motion spittle. Clearly the editors could not contain themselves.
  16. I think it's happened, where all the finalists are from the same original tribe, and none of them even met some of the early other-tribe bootees. They're all like, "well, he seemed really to love...uh...playing Survivor, right?"
  17. Yes, on a similar net. I don't recall how bad her break was, but I know my mother once fell and broke her wrist and functioned normally for a few days before it was looked at and diagnosed. You'd think an ankle would be riskier than a wrist, but perhaps she needed surgery or something.
  18. One of my favorite parts of Survivor is seeing how much weight people lost. I am morbidly fascinated by it.
  19. The way Missy was bawling about whether to stay in the game or not, you'd think she was making Sophie's Choice or something. I know this game is a bubble and things are exaggerated, but my god how they lose perspective. It wasn't like she was a racehorse they were going to put down or anything! It's a sprain (or a fracture). I've had both in my ankle and managed to function while they healed (even jogging and doing yoga). As to Jon: he reminds me of a previous coworker I had. She had such fixed ideas (ideals?) about how the world should work that she could not cope with things when people didn't behave the ways she thought they should. Jon's Visualization and Power of Positive Thinking mentality only extends as far as the next person's free will. I wonder how well Jaclyn would have done without Jon. I wonder this only a little (not like I want to see her back or anything, TPTB).
  20. How come they didn't give the girl with the broken wrist the opportunity to continue?
  21. Could be risky, you're right. I bet when push comes to shove, Baylor would cede the Idol to Natalie, but I'm not sure about Missy. Most especially if she thinks it's *owed* to her precious daughter.
  22. I think what Natalie said was "Me and Baylor [shudder] found the idol." Because they were looking for it together and were together when Natalie found it. I think Natalie realizes that she found the idol herself and the only reason Baylor was there is that Natalie talked her into looking for the idol. I hope and believe that Natalie knows full well that the idol is technically "hers" but that allowing Baylor (and Missy by extension) to have a sense of ownership of it will only help her in the long run.
  23. Yeah. Some bone breaks they don't really do much for anyway, except maybe stabilization. ETA: Maybe they were setting up a martyr arc for her when they showed that bit where she talked about being so sleep deprived and depleted, and Baylor said she wished she could give her some of her youthful energy and strength. Perhaps it foreshadowed a role reversal for those two?
  24. In the preview, the medic seems to be saying, "if we decide to do an x-ray, I'll have to pull her [presumably Missy] from the game." So it seems someone suffers an injury that is not a clear-cut med-evac, and she has to make a decision about whether to treat it or just suck it up. That's my speculation. She was crying while saying something like "I'm so frustrated" -- not overtly tears of physical pain, but more despair. Of course since Missy and Baylor are one, it could be that Baylor is the injured one. Seems like people have endured orthopedic injuries in the past without leaving the game. Didn't Abi-Marie have a sprained ankle or something?
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