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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. The term that comes to my mind regarding Max is "self-congratulatory." Like as his general demeanor.
  2. Probst's look of disdainful ennui was truly epic. I rarely rewind this show, but I rewound to see that again. And Carolyn's WTF face as well. Gold! And then to see the walls of Shirin's own smug self-regard come crashing down as Max got voted off! Those were some great moments. Meanwhile, I could not hate Dan more. The combination of smugness and dimwittedness is at such a high level as to be practically Shakespearean. I can only hope he has an equally Shakespearean tragic end -- hoist by his own trogolodytic petard. Please, Survivor, please! I find Rodney to be reprehensible and a menace, but Dan makes me want to cut his stupid beard off in his sleep. And (sure why not) feed it to him for breakfast. * * Lindsey
  3. That image, of a contestant standing blindfolded, with blood soaking through her blindfold while a medic gingerly exposes only the tiny area of her wound to assess her injury was one of the most surreal and disturbing things I've seen on TV in a long time. And I watch Game of Thrones!
  4. Rodney's philosophy of gender relations, despite how incoherently expressed, would be right at home in the Taliban. You know, men are, by nature, dogs and can't control themselves around women, so women are responsible for policing their own behavior. "Higher standards" = Burka. Human history (along with many different religions) is rife with examples of women being punished for men's sexual behavior. I'm sure his mother is proud, though I'm sure she's no Einstein either.
  5. The agony of watching this neanderthal is somewhat mitigated by the humor posted herein by you fine and clever folk.
  6. To be fair, she's the Olympic skater -- he's bobsled (I think). Which doesn't mean he can't skate, but his Olympic sport does not involve skates.
  7. I haven't watched many seasons of TAR, so this might be stupid and blasphemous, but... It seems to me that if a team is saved through a NEL and incurs a Speed Bump, it would be more appropriate for the Speed Bump to come further down the line, not on the very next leg, which they are presumably already way behind on (on account of coming in last). I know by delaying the SB penalty, the team might not actually end up having to do said SB, but the combo of getting such a late start on the next leg and then having the SB was what put Jon and Harley out of the running. May not seem fair to some to delay the SB, but having an Express Pass just for winning a single leg isn't really all that fair either. Anyway, Jon and Harley were one of the few teams on this Season that I really enjoyed: mensches, in love, and such good sports.
  8. That threat is so over-the-top psychotic, I'm not sure I understand why it would have to be her son to receive it.
  9. Evidently, they are also sometimes referred to at thousand-year eggs.
  10. I have to say, taking into account her post-boot interviews, that you are right.
  11. I was kind of shocked that most of the people doing the transmission task seemed to not know that a power drill can be reversed -- as in the direction of the rotation to drive the screw in or pull it out. Rochelle seemed to know this already so she didn't have to fumble around inadvertently tightening the screws she was trying to remove, as it seems others were doing. I am an urban, not handy middle-aged woman, and even I know how to set a power drill to pull a screw out. Just ever having used one, you know that. Sheesh.
  12. Honestly, I suspect TPTB think the same way. They love bone-headed moves, especially when they mess up "smart" or returnee players' plans.* ETA footnote: *except if it involves Boston Rob
  13. I agree with you. Guys like Rodney, with rage issues, are the first kind of guy I avoid.
  14. Wow that Nina interview puts a whole different caste on the situation, if what she says is true. Makes one wonder why TPTB might not want to show Jenn and especially Joe in such a bad light....
  15. I love how the "you don't work as hard as I do" argument morphed into: Your God sucks. Where you live sucks.
  16. No problem. It should come as no surprise that we can't figure out who belongs to which collar... :)
  17. I agree with your overall sentiment, but the sailing instructor is Jenn, on the No Collar tribe.
  18. This is generally how cats get what they want. Just saying.
  19. Rodney is an idiot, but I can't disagree with his assessment that a person who gets a face tattoo has some issues. Have they ever cast a hairdresser that doesn't look like fright-night? And I mean not considering the roughing-it aspect.
  20. Ugh those videos! They truly fill me despair.
  21. Yeah, except that other team was Jelani and Jenny who up until that point, really seemed to have done nothing wrong. And because his teammate was, well......Hayley.
  22. Yeah, that quibble about who had been thanked less for their labor was highly toddler-esque. All they needed to add in was a round of "did not/did so" to finish things off after the yo-mama bit. Totally agree with you on the second point! No mean feat there, Survivor!
  23. She was far too needy for Survivor. You can't constantly demand attention and emotional support from your tribe. She even went so far as to practically demand victimization from them, and then demand they apologize for it. It is a perfect demonstration of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think she is still trying to adapt and figure out her identity after having lost her hearing. And the stupid "collar" construct this season didn't help that at all. But even still, passive-aggressive neediness is not a good fit for Survivor.
  24. I also disliked Rodney making fun of Mike's voice. And I don't particularly like Mike. Seems like they did the casting this season in a Kindergarten.
  25. kili I agree with your whole post. I also remember that when Hayley was right about the street directions in the first (secong?) episode, and Blair admitted it and apologized (relatively good-naturedly) she STILL did not let it go. She kept saying, "You see, I was right, and you were wrong. You need to listen to me more. Because I was right about the directions. The big smart doctor was wrong. And the silly little girl was right." She is either extremely insecure or just plain a nag.
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