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Everything posted by mrsbagnet

  1. Agreed. She was so sanctimonious that I can't imagine she'd make a pleasant wife or mother to anyone. Sheesh. Too bad their church doesn't have nuns. The fact that she'd want to prevent her future children from knowing about the world because it would be a threat to their beliefs is appalling to me.
  2. I was thinking, "Never give up your passport!" I did not realize that Jeanette had been married for so long. That makes her husband and his sister's treatment of her much more appalling. From the way they talked to her, I thought they'd been married for only a few years. I felt so bad for her. I believe that in this country, it is imperative that you have your own money. If you're totally dependent on someone else, you leave yourself too vulnerable. She couldn't even leave the house for one night just to have some time to think. I wish Nicholas would just be honest with his wife about his business rather than sniping at her. Nine fertility treatments and a failing business have left them in a precarious financial situation. Maybe if she knew that she'd get a job...maybe.
  3. Cato found the money in the last episode of last season, in that carriage/coach that he and Noah found when they had to save Rosalee. This episode left me confused. Does Noah know that Rosalee is pregnant or not? I was waiting for him to say, "No, we can't go. You're pregnant." What did Patti do with Cato and Devi? Based on the previews, we're not going to find out next week. I would rather have not seen Devi again.
  4. The best part was his mother saying happily that the women had made dinner, as if that was a selling point. How awkward for them all. It was a blatant competition. Also, it was strange for that woman to offer Oleg a drink, as if he were a guest in his own. I do hope he was gracious enough actually stay for dinner because it would have been so much worse if he'd walked out.
  5. Re: Laurie Ann, first she says that Jeanette is not a part of their family, then she says that Jeanette's money is the family's money. So which is it? Is she in the family or not? I wish Jeanette would just walk away from the whole lot of them.
  6. They found a letter in his wallet. The contents were so personal that the family chose not to reveal them publicly, but they did contain the words "I'm done." The letter implied that he'd been having a hard time for a long time. They didn't know how much he'd been suffering.
  7. Last week, I missed that it was Isaac who did the murder. I thought it was his brother, who seemed to be the more cruel one. Now I see why his brother kept saying, "you're getting soft." For a moment, I thought maybe Coy was going to be upset that they'd saved him. I wonder if it is as hard to leave the US as it is to sneak in. Is it as easy as getting on a bus? Is Luis going to get off scot-free? I hope he does.
  8. I thought that moment was meant to be ironic. There was no shame in Alba's stride. That's how a "walk of shame" should be done. My favorite moment was when the narrator said (and the camera showed) that it wasn't Jane's heart that was glowing. That scene made me wonder - did Jane's "no sex before marriage" stance only count for the first time? Would she be willing to have sex without marriage now? I'm looking forward to finding out.
  9. I'm willing to cut the oldest son some slack, just because he has the same wholesome demeanor that you often see in super religious people. The rest of them, though? Some serious shadiness.
  10. I had to fast forward through the cafeteria scene about the "threesome." That was such a thoroughly stupid idea that I can't believe Tiesha even agreed to go along. Of course, she'd get the brunt of the abuse. Plus, they didn't even discuss how to undo the rumor. Not everyone is in their class. That whole storyline was silly. Uggh, they cannot pair Eva with Coby Bell's character. Cedric's roommate is the best friend he has. I hope he realizes it one day.
  11. I'm a little disappointed that the other people on the plantation saved Ernestine. I didn't want her to die, but she clearly did, and given the fact that they are living under bondage and literally have NO hope of their lives getting any better, they shouldn't deny someone a quest for peace. What is her man saving her for - so he can beat and f**k her for yet another day? Speaking of, I cheered both during her song for the white boys and when she fought back when her man hit her. I felt really bad for the girl who had to sit and be berated for getting pregnant. She'd already lost the baby. Wasn't that bad enough? No, the whole community has to show up to rain shit on her head, and then her dad tells her that they're being supportive. Umm, okay. ETA: I read that Angela Bassett's character is supposed to be Ernestine's mother, but from the things she said to her, they didn't seem related.
  12. I'm looking forward to seeing how Cato ended up in his current situation. I wonder why they had to recast Patty. I like Brigid Brannagh. When I saw the scene in next week's preview of Rosalee fighting in the dirt, all I could think was, "Wow, she's come a long way from Eve's Bayou." Seriously, I wonder if young Jurnee Smollett could have even imagined having a role like Rosalee. This series is groundbreaking.
  13. Jazz Raycole always plays bratty bitchy daughters. Her characters are always unsympathetic. I hope she gets different parts in the future. The anti-rape activist is wrong to pressure Sydney. I don't get why Noni would purposely hurt the band by giving away the music. Yes she has it in for the drum major, but Cecil is her idol. I cheered when Bo's new friends stood up for him.
  14. I can't believe PJ actually fell for Ava's game, as if he hasn't been alive for the past 30 years.
  15. I like Xo and Bruce, I think because they are so boring. It's the first adult relationship we've seen her have. I think Rogelio is vain, silly, and shallow, so I've never taken him very seriously. Bruce is a normal, adult man - respectful, kind, not full of himself, and grounded in reality. Xo just seems so content with him. I never saw her smile at Rogelio like that. I loved the narrator's outrage at the male "bashing." He has feelings, too, ya know.
  16. Agreed. I can't get with the "don't discipline my kid" crowd, especially in a case like this. It wasn't a random stranger yelling at or being abusive to her child. Petra is another adult in his life. She's allowed to have some authority, especially when his behavior is affecting her children. He has little regard for his parents' attempts at discipline; maybe Petra is someone he'll actually listen to.
  17. I liked the Orlando and Kara storyline because it was very mature. During the first scene when he was just humping away, I thought, "Wow, that's really disappointing," and I thought that was the end of him. So the fact that she talked to him about it in a kind manner, and he was actually willing to listen -- well, I'm just impressed that they went there. It's the kind of thing you read about in sex advice columns (talk to you partner, tell him what you like, etc.), but on TV and in many cases, in real life, many women either a) just dump the guy and talk shit about him, or b) suffer with bad sex for months or years. I admired both the characters for putting themselves out there, and the writers for handling the topic so well. Too bad she broke the guy at the end. I do wonder where their story is going to go, though. Kara is clearly uncomfortable with getting too close at this point in her life. I can't believe MJ thinks Lee is too metrosexual. Do people even still say that word? She is so silly sometimes. I miss Mark. I hope we see him this season.
  18. Jennie Urman has posted a letter to fans regarding Michael's death: http://cwjanethevirgin.tumblr.com/post/156916276515/dearest-jane-fans I hope the jump means that we'll miss out on some of the angst re: Xo moving out (or not) to live with Bruce. I assumed it was their wedding, though the show does have other potential couples.
  19. I thought the selfie girl was pretty nice. Wasn't she the one who invited MJ out for drinks in the first episode? She's young and seems a bit silly, but she's an okay person. I love Lisa Vidal, too. If they hook up Kara with Nicholas Gonzalez's character, I could watch that all day every day.
  20. Once again, MJ is her own worst enemy. I'm beginning to wonder if she is actually good at her job. Lee has a lot of patience. I didn't think he'd come back, and frankly, I'm wondering why he did. I'm not sure she's worth the frustation she causes. "Next time, swallow ya kids, bitch" - damn! I had to watch that interview a few times. I had a hard time understanding Mercedes's accent.
  21. Why couldn't Michael be an investigator for a law firm or for the DA's office, or a private investigator? That seems like an easier solution than going to law school when you already are living on a budget.
  22. Neicy got $150,000. I don't think her dad knows that she bought the car - he only commented on her seeing Dante, and told her not to give him any money. He would have blown a gasket if he'd known she spent 1/3 of the money on a car for her sometime-y boyfriend. When they were at the dealership, all I could say was, "Oh, Neicy," and shake my head. Even the salesman tried to get her to consider buying something else. I'm hoping for a scene where Patrick and Neicy go to Dante's house to get the keys back. Things with Ronda took a turn quickly. I thought Kara was being overeager, but in essence she was right.
  23. I just rewatched that scene because I wasn't fully paying attention the first time. I can't believe he spit in her face like that. I don't see Nova and Calvin lasting, either. The antipathy of his friends? The label of "homewrecker" that she'll be forced to wear, justified or not? I don't see Nova staying for that. On a happier note, I'm so glad that Too Sweet got the chance to leave town. I hope all goes well with him.
  24. I was amazed at how quickly Calvin's friend went from gentlemanly flattery to sexual assault. I could see him being pissed at Nova, but to go from anger to ass grabbing was like, damn, really? Totally plausible, but disturbing nonetheless. Charley was all kinds of wrong. I'm glad Davis and Remy both saw right through her. ETA: I understand Charley's motivations, and I admire her acumen, but she is lying to and manipulating so many people that I can't side with her methods.
  25. Yeah, Vi's being pretty silly at this point. They are tiptoe-ing around her because of her anger, and too many things are being left unsaid. I'm hoping that now she'll have to grovel to get Hollywood back. The only good thing about that storyline is that golden, tipsy conversation between RA and Hollywood. One of my favorite things about the way Southerners talk is that they use a lot of affirmations of truth. RA and Hollywood used four in just six sentences: "You right 'bout dat," "Ain't nobody say you ain't," "Now ain't that the truth," "You ain't lyin'". I LOVED it. Charley is cold. I don't want Calvin to come back. Okay, he left his wife. That doesn't make their life together disappear. What about his kids? I hope he's focusing on them, too, instead of just trying to get Nova back. I really liked Roberta this time. "He gon' buy us dranks."
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