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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. Anna Duggar is in a very unfortunate situation because she stood by Josh during the sexual molestation debacle and even stated that she was fully aware of his molestation before they got married. Now she's being the good little Fundy wife and taking some of the blame for Josh's sexual addiction onto herself, where it absolutely doesn't belong. Some will say "It serves her right if she knew in advance". People can't grasp how innocent and trusting a person like Anna really is. It's not even part of our reality that people like Anna and her family exists. She grew up in an alternate universe as far as pop culture, sexuality and the realities of life are concerned. She, like Josh, was home-schooled and wasn't integrated with other children. Anna was also raised in a Fundamentalist Christian home. Both Anna and Josh will say that their parents were open and listened to them and prayed with them ( to achieve 'peace in their heart' ) when faced with temptations. (nuh-uh that's not parental sexual education and guidance) In a few short years, Anna has been the 'good wife' and gave Josh the "blessings of God by having many children". Now, with 4 little ones to be a mother to, Anna has two choices. Leave Josh and go back home and live with her parents and take the kids away from their father, or stay with Josh for the sake of the children and forever be an unhappy and distrusting woman. The two choices she has aren't good ones no matter what she does.
  2. I have to disagree with what you're saying. Every teenage boy is horny. Their sex drives are fueled by a flooding of testosterone into their bloodstream. Nearly anything turns a hormonal teenage boy on. They will have involuntary nocturnal emissions (wet dreams), they may have an attraction to the same sex, nearly anything can cause an erection even at the worse times. They all have fantasies, they all masturbate and usually they feel guilty about the intensity of their sexual drive. But if every hormonal teenage boy was allowed to 'bone as many women' as he wanted to, the statistics for rape and unwanted pregnancies would go soar through the roof. Allowing a teenage boy free reign to sow his wild oats isn't a solution to the behaviors that Josh Duggar exhibited when he was 14 and to his addiction to porn today. Teenagers need to have an honest dialog either with their parents, or if that's not comfortable for them, with their friends or teachers or anyone they can be honest with. They need to know that an intense sex drive is NORMAL and how to deal with it until their hormonal floods eventually level off somewhere in their later teens and they begin to have control over them. Parents can be of greater support to their teen son when they have a better understanding of what is happening to his body. I'd bet my eye-teeth that Michelle and Jim Bob never talked honestly with Josh or any of the other boys about sexuality and nature. Their conversations regarding sex have been 'don't think of it, don't do it, and you can't have it until you're married'.
  3. Serious stuff aside, flash forward 40 years, I have a mental image of Josh Duggar at age 67.
  4. The 'barometer' of Josh and Anna's marriage will be how many more babies Anna will give birth to in the next few years. I bet there won't be a baby being born in the Josh and Anna Duggar home every 2 years. If there's no new baby by 2017 then their marriage is in deep doo-doo.
  5. This abnormal thinking about sex was created because Michelle and Jim Bob preached to their children that sex is something to hide or be ashamed of. Sex is something that is natural. It's something they should have been open about with their children rather than make every attempt to shield them from it. Parents should be honest with their children and not hold them to standards of behavior and dress that are so rigid that no human could possibly mature normally in a sexual way. Suppression of a cough in church is right. Suppression of sexual thoughts and actions are wrong.
  6. This is what happens when people like Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar live as though they are morally superior to others. With 19 children, there's bound to be at least one black sheep in the flock that will ultimately discredit their smug, sanctimonious charade. I don't give a damn about Michelle and Jim Bob. But I do feel a deep remorse for the younger Duggar children, Anna and her children, and the family of Anna. They have all been humiliated and will carry Josh's stigma along with him. One thing this whole Duggar experience is good for is to remind us all that people like Michelle and Jim Bob with their fundamentalist preaching, rigid customs and beliefs, are all nothing but frauds. Like the saying goes "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is". People that are sanctimonious and self-righteous are probably just very insecure people attempting to make themselves look better than anyone else.
  7. The police investigation into a deadly four-car accident involving Caitlyn Jenner is finished and the results could lead to a misdemeanor manslaughter charge against the reality television star, a Los Angeles County Sheriff's detective said Thursday. http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/20/entertainment/caitlyn-jenner-accident-investigation/
  8. The Jenners and Kardashians are people that have made their money from pop culture and have created a specific image for themselves. Imagine if your only job was to look attractive, pose for selfies, smile for photographers, and make a sex tape now and then. What have any one of them achieved on their own? The biggest drama that the Kardashian family has had to deal with was Rob's obesity/drug use and Scott's alcoholism/philandering. But those things are nothing unusual anywhere much less in California. Then Caitlyn drops the T-bomb, Dad is now Caitlyn! Here comes some serious drama. How is the clan expected to react on camera? As presumed the clan shows their kinship colors by publicly celebrating for Cait. They rejoice with her, tell her they're happy that she's finally realizing her lifelong dream and they will all be there for her. But behind the scenes, in private what are their real feelings? It's the kind of news that even the Kardashians can't embrace with any credibility. It's inevitable that at least one isn't going to be totally behind Caitlyn supporting her. None of them wants to give any sign of non-support to Caitlyn or show any sign of disappointment or dismay. Nobody wants to appear publicly as having even the slightest issue with the Caitlyn's transitioning. Khloe, Kourtney and Kris are the three most visibly not thrilled for Caitlyn. Fast forward a year, and I imagine Caitlyn will be pretty much apart from most of her children and involved with transgenders in her new life, the family she leaves unattended to are going to resent that, it's inevitable. Not only has Caitlyn transgendered and fulfilled a lifelong dream, she's turning over a whole new leaf and starting a new life, but that new life doesn't really have room in it for many people in her past.
  9. Some of our favorite Housewives without makeup http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live/photos/bravolebs-go-makeup-free-and-look-great/item/10588326?embed=node-1057551
  10. Some of our favorite Housewives without makeup http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live/photos/bravolebs-go-makeup-free-and-look-great/item/10588326?embed=node-1057551
  11. I missed the entire show tonight and only caught a small part at the end. I'll DVR it and watch another time. But during the brief time I watched, I couldn't help but get images of Christmas out of my mind because of LuAnn's awful dress. The style, the color, the fit....all of it was just awful. I've seen gold Lamé and it can look good if the style is right but aqua Lamé just doesn't work. LuAnn's taste in clothes is disintegrating. Dorinda's dress was just over the top garish. Having Dorinda sitting next to LuAnn made them look like a couple of Christmas ornaments. For such a beautiful woman, Kristen looked just horrible with her long straight hair and her boobs hanging out. I know she's proud of those because they cost a lot of money, but the dress was not flattering to her boobs at all. Bethenny looked haggard and tired. Heather ....well, it's difficult to catch Heather on a good day, and that wasn't one of them. Sonja, Carole and Ramona looked the best. Their dresses were stylish, tasteful and sophisticated and their makeup was beautiful.
  12. There's something wildly unnatural about David Beador. He looks like he's on some kind of tranquilizers. He always has the same creepy smile, never a big outburst of laughter, and he has a face that has no animation to it at all. He's just weird and creepy. Google images of David and it gets even creepier seeing one after the other with the exact same facial expression.
  13. Tamra Judge has to be the biggest mass of brainless matter sucking up oxygen and taking up space on the planet. Snails have more intelligence. She just never fails to trump herself by throwing down another stupid-card on the pile. After last season Tamra insisted that she has learned from her mistakes and will no longer be the victim of she-said/she-said drama. That didn't last very long because as Heather, Meghan and Tamra were about to have a nice lunch together, the fist thing that Tamra says to Heather is that Meghan told her that Shannon said she (Tamra) is a pot-stirrer. (hello, that's a she-said/she-said drama) Tamra Judge has found Jesus in the form of a bald, semi-good looking guy named Scott that she talks to on FaceTime a few days a week for about a year. Suddenly Scott the Psychic appears out of nowhere (maybe he was hiding in the men's room waiting for a cue) and like a horse in the Kentucky Derby he sprints right out of the gate and commences talking about Heather's grandmother and some kind of folderal about Meghan finding her place and yadda yadda, etc. Then boom, it's Tamra's time to ask her Jesus-God about Vicki and her boyfriend with cancer. But OMG!!! Scott closes his eyes and concentrates really really hard and claims that the 'cancer issue' is wishy-washy. "So, he doesn't have cancer??!!" Scott sees how astounded they are and covers his tracks really fast "but but here's the thing, I'm not saying he is (faking) but I just don't see it, it doesn't mean it's not there, I don't want to offend somebody if it's there". So, WTF did Jesus Scott just say anyway? Basically he said he doesn't know shit-squat about whether Brooks has cancer or he doesn't. Hey Tamra, nice way not to be a pot-stirrer babe. Way to go. I wonder how rare and unusual it is to find Scott-Psychic types in Southern California?
  14. Whether Brooks Ayers used cancer as a means to get Vicki's sympathy and to live under her roof for free, or whether Brooks Ayers really does have non Hodgkin's lymphoma, it will only be a matter of time now to find out the real truth. Brooks said that he is in stage 2B lymphoma which means he's in an advanced stage. People that have non Hodgkin's lymphoma can go into remission for 5 or 10 years. To me, Brooks Ayers has the outward physical appearance of a man that is sick. If Vicki made the decision that ended their relationship, I can only suspect that either she found out that Brooks has been faking or overstating his cancer in order to gain sympathy from her and viewers, or that Brooks is really ill and entering the end stages of his cancer and she isn't able to come to terms with losing him. All Vicki kept repeating is "I'll support him. I'll be there for him. I'm going to support whatever decision he makes". Why would she split with Brooks now after vowing to stay with him no matter what? Heather said the only smart thing in this episode "I'm not sure it's our business".
  15. I've thought of exactly the same thing. Caitlyn had many male friends when she was Bruce. Although right now they are giving her their full support publicly, I have some serious doubts as to whether those same friendships will survive now that she transitioned to Caitlyn. It's obvious that Caitlyn feels most comfortable right now with other transgenders because they understand her and have a lot in common. I don't know if Caitlyn Jenner will be excluded from future activities that she previously only shared with 'the guys' or whether they will treat her in the same way or not. I suppose that only time will tell. Once the cameras disappear, and the 'newness' of all this dies down and Caitlyn is left alone to live her life as she chooses, who will be left to live it with her remains a question.
  16. In the Vanity Fair article, Caitlyn said "Kendall and Kylie were a distraction". Kris, Kim and Khloe took that out of context and made it into something negative sounding. Reading it, rather than hearing it in context, changes it entirely and I can understand how the word 'distraction' would come across as it was read in the Vanity Fair article. As Caitlyn explained, it wasn't meant to be taken in that circumstance at all. Those two girls, Kendall and Kylie, gave her life a lot of joy and meaning. She adored those girls and still does as they adore her as well. The love for them was very obvious in the ways she showered them with it when they were little girls and still does now that they're grown. What Caitlyn meant, although it should have been more obvious, was that raising her children was what distracted her from her own ambitious goal of becoming transgender. As she said, they were a distraction from who she was. Caitlyn Jenner had confessed that she had suicidal thoughts after being 'outed' by the press before she was ready to come out to her family and friends. It wouldn't surprise many if Caitlyn may had considered suicide more than once in all those years of living very unhappily as a male. Kylie and Kendall were probably responsible for giving her focus and meaning and a reason to live. Maybe they don't realize that they may have been responsible for saving her life more than once.
  17. As the old saying goes 'hindsight is 20/20' and I think that Caitlyn will realize that there's a lot of things she could have done differently that could have resulted in a more positive reaction, particularly from Khloe and Kourtney. To them, it appeared that she 'pulled a fast one' by keeping this life-changing decision to herself to just prior to the Diane Sawyer interview. I'm beginning to get a little tired of the responses that Caitlyn always gives whenever her sexual orientation for intimate relationships is questioned. Candis is beautiful, sexy and apparently very much willing to embark on a sexual relationship with Caitlyn. All Caitlyn can drawl out about how she views her sexuality now is "I d-o-n't... k-n-o-o-w". Come on! Are we supposed to believe that Caitlyn hasn't yet decided if she's sexually attracted to men or women? Of course she knows, but right now she has a lot of fear about committing sexually. Khloe bugs the hell out of me. The way she came all glammed up and pursing her lips while listening to Caitlyn. The way she plays with her hair ceaselessly is just maddening. All her mannerisms are intended to be flirty and attractive for the camera. She always looks like she's posing for a photo-shoot. I noticed in this photo that she's going for the same look as Kylie has. I swear that all the Kardashian women will eventually morph into the same face.
  18. Just about anything can be trademarked until it starts getting stupid.. Boxing ring announcer Michael Buffer was able to trademark his catchphrase "let's get ready to rumble'. But not all things can be trademarked as Chanel found out when they attempted to have their perfume 'Jersey' trademarked. Disney applied to trademark the name Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). A petition objecting to this trademarking attracted more than 21,000 signatures in less than 24 hours and Disney withdrew the application. Harley-Davidson tried to register the sound of a revving engine, and in 2005 a French company tried to trademark the smell of strawberries. In 2006, Walmart tried to trademark the yellow smiley face, which has been used since the 70s. All failed.
  19. I think poor Jim has had a couple of overwhelming failure restaurants. I think one was a rib joint in St. Louis. That was an overly-ambitious endeavor considering the people in St. Louis know good BBQ and adding his name alone to a rib joint isn't a guarantee of success. Maybe he could do something new next time, like a pancake house.
  20. I had that same thought initially also, that it was for the benefit of the camera but realized that these rich California Orange County wives live all their lives inside in a parallel reality to ours. They're used to having things the way they want them and getting what they want. They may go through the trials and tribulations of cheating husbands, divorces and children that get in trouble and they may stress and cry about it and get relief of their stress with Xanax or Valium. But really, when is the last time any housewife on any show has gone through the death of a parent while filming? Bethenny Fankel lost her father while filming RHONY but they had been estranged and feuding for years, so it was a different circumstance. Vicki was very close to her mother. I would expect such a reaction from a young child or teenager, not a 53 year old woman. Apparently the death of someone close to her hasn't touched her life before her mother's death. The display of total hysterics and the inability to process the facts and accept her death even weeks after the funeral demonstrates the denial she was in. But, denial doesn't change death and she eventually had to go through her denial and mourning period to get to the acceptance stage.
  21. 'Comon' Babe, don't be shy, let's Charleston' "Well like duh.... Like I know that's like in South Carolina, duh" "See Jim, I told you I had me some edukayshun" *edited multiple times because I just couldn't stop myself
  22. This may not be the appropriate place to post this but I'll do it since it involves Vicki's boyfriend Brooks Ayers. I have found it pretty repulsive the way some of the housewives have behaved regarding Brooks health. Meghan believes he's faking his cancer and Shannon is certain that she can help him by referring him to alternative medicine 'healers' who treat cancer with hot rocks, herbs and meditation. These women live in a bubble where the most tragic thing that happens is that their husbands cheat on them. Of course they know that cancer is a very bad diagnosis for anyone, no matter what type of cancer it is. All cancers are different, but, Non-Hodgkins lymphoma is the type of cancer that chemotherapy has little effect on once it infiltrates into a major organ. Chemotherapy is very effective on soft tissue cancers like breast and ovarian cancer, but liver, pancreas and kidney cancers are only shrunken for a while and not cured. When revision or removal of the cancer from an organ isn't possible, chemo will shrink it giving a person some added months of life but not a cure. The important thing to remember as far as Brooks goes is that the man is very ill and should, at the very least, be treated with some respect and kindness. He needs support from everyone in his life, not stress. He will need strength to transition to the next phase of his illness and to accept what will come. Vicki will be there for him and for that I give her an immense amount of credit.
  23. Her abdomen looks like it has a healed tummy tuck scar running across it from. It's pretty visible right above her pubic area which looks 'ew' in this particular photo. Here's a photo of an anonymous woman with a scar left from a tummy tick. You be the judge.
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