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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I swore to myself that after the '19 Kids and Counting' fiasco that I'd never again watch a single episode of any hillbilly family with fundamentalist christian moralities and 19 children EVER again. I conceded and caved into my weaker side and watched an episode of Bringing Up Bates'. It was the 'Hello DollyWood' episode. I almost didn't make it to the end of the episode. Almost ready to hit the 'delete' button on the DVR I decided that I have to give this show one shot, so I pulled up my big girl pants, my brave genes kicked in and I watched the entire episode. (ok, I fast-forwarded just a little a few times) First of all I have to say that the children are all absolutely beautiful, adorable, amazing and sweet, But after the older son (don't know his name) started to sing a solo at DollyWood something about not giving up his pork rinds for his girl. (country music has such depth) My mind went to this place.............. "could you not?" There isn't enough insulin in my pharmacy to counteract the overdose of sugary-sweet ultra nauseating 'reality'.
  2. Maybe I'm still naive at my age but I think this is probably my favorite of all Real Housewives Anywhere and for the most part found the outtakes to be more genuine than most of the episodes. There were glimpses of genuineness and sincerity that I haven't seen before. I don't believe that Ramona was acting when she reacted with tears to the letter written by Richard to Dorinda. As Ramona said, "I was very close to Dorinda and Richard as a couple. Richard was this very intelligent, well-spoken, articulate gentleman. It brought tears to my eyes. The love that he exuded in this letter, the emotion, it was really beautiful. She's still mourning for him, and I feel for her. She had a really great love for him." I also found the interaction between Kristen and Carole while opening up Kristen's wedding dress and both of them trying it on like a couple of school girls, all giddy and happy. There was no drama, no talking about the others, and no cattiness. It was just a pleasant moment that we got to enjoy seeing. I like Kristen, I think she's just gorgeous. And even though she's probably high maintenance, they all are. Kristen hasn't adopted that nastiness yet that the others have. She has time, she probably will. As far as Josh goes, I agree that she could have done MUCH better, and still can, she's young. She should invest in a good eyebrow plucking. Those eyebrows 'gots ta go'. When I look at Hannah, all I notice is EYEBROWS.
  3. I happened to watch Access Live this morning and Candis Cayne was a guest. The show was from August 18th. I have had mixed feelings about Candis. I had felt that she was only present in order to further her career as an 'actress' as her primary motive, and the advancement and benefit of the transgender community as her secondary purpose. First, I have to say that Candis looked absolutely gorgeous and dressed appropriately for daytime television. The biggest impact Candis had on me was how extraordinarily astute, well-spoken and intelligent she is. She has always seemed to say just the right things on the show 'I Am Cait' but I'm aware that these so-called 'reality' shows are scripted and rehearsed. But, in this live interview, she handled herself very professionally and intelligently. I'm not impressed easily and this time I was impressed by Candis Cayne. They showed an interview with her from 2007 in which she was speaking about the LGBT community, and she came across as articulate in that interview as well. One thing she said in this interview this morning really sunk in. She said "She's lived her whole life being transgender but never being able to do anything about it." I have somewhat flipped my overall feelings about Candis. Yes, she's taking advantage of her 15 minutes of fame, and profiting by it in many ways, but she's also attached to Cait as 'a good friend' and there for her as a mentor. She's sincerely part of a movement with a genuine desire to enlighten people about the transgender struggles. I don't think that Caitlyn Jenner could have picked anyone better suited to helping her come out. Candis Cayne has been in this fight and a spokesperson for transgender rights for decades, it's not a new fight for her.
  4. That was Adrienne Gang and I'm with you. That girl was very difficult and demanding but not in a good way. I didn't like Adrienne a bit and for me Kate was a giant step up in this show. She manages well and does it without being confrontational.
  5. Ryan is Tamra's son from her first marriage to former high-school sweetheart Darren Vieth. Tamra had Ryan when she was just 17. Then, she married Simon Barney, whom she had three kids with — Sidney, 14, Spencer, 13, and Sophia, 7. Ryan has been in trouble a few times but most recently in June. Just when it seemed that Ryan had settled down into family life with new wife Sarah Rodriguez, he was arrested for domestic violence on June 28, 2015, after getting into a drunken fight with his baby mama. There's much to be said for birth control.
  6. Is this really the face of someone you'd trust? Eddie (if that's his real first name) has a somewhat shady, vague past. With a little searching, I found out that Judge isn't his real surname. Eddie Judge is listed as the CEO/IT of The Judge Law Firm in Irvine, California. When Eddie was a young boy, his mother left and Eddie and his sister Shalimar were left with their grandmother. When Eddie was a teenager he met this man who gave him odd side jobs and he eventually took Eddie in and became his foster dad, That’s when he changed his last name to Judge, according to Shalimar. Various sources have cited a strange gay relationship between Eddie Judge and James Judge, who became his legal guardian when Eddie was 21. Eddie has been accused of turning his back on his family in their greatest time of need. “My daughter is six-years-old and has Prader-Willi Syndrome so she needs therapy and we have a lot of medical bills,” said Eddie’s sister, Shalimar Torres. “When I asked Eddie to help out he said, ‘She’s your daughter so that’s your problem.’” “We grew up with my grandmother but got taken away when she got too old. My grandma now lives off of a fixed income and she has diabetes,” Shalimar said. “For her it’s either food or medication and when we ask him [Eddie] for help he’ll come a few weeks after the fact and buy her some groceries. “When Eddie was a teenager he met this man who gave him odd side jobs and he eventually took Eddie in and became his foster dad,” Shalimar disclosed. “That’s when he changed his last name to Judge. Shalimar says it was originally staged by the production team of Real Housewives of Orange County… “When everyone was having a hard time because of the economy the show wanted to make it look like Tamra was trying to downsize so they met through her realtor,” Shalimar said. “They came and asked if they could use our house to make it look like Tamra was interested in buying it. “Soon Tamra started coming over to have lunch with Eddie and then they pretty much started dating. When she met my brother she was still married,” Shalimar concluded. Tamra is a lowlife and she and Eddie deserve each other. He'll get tired of her trying to emasculate him eventually and go off with some other blonde bimbo.
  7. If students of body posture and what a person's body posture means saw this clip they'd probably remark that Caitlyn seemed to have a little attitude right away towards Kris. When Kris got there and said "where do you want to go?", Caitlyn said definitively "sit down here". Usually a host will say 'do you want to sit in the kitchen or would the living room be more comfortable for you?'. Caitlyn didn't give any options. Once they got in the living room, Caitlyn gave silent direction to Kris by just pointing to the couch for her to sit. Caitlyn sat very upright across from her, her chin held forward with wide open unblinking eyes that stared straight into Kris's face. Caitlyn's arms were spread open and propped up on a pillow and her legs were crossed. Kris was sitting at the edge of the couch leaning forward in a body position that says 'okay, I'm here and I'm listening'. Then Cait says "so?". Inevitably, Kris will cry and complain that Caitlyn is selfish and not being more sensitive to the girls.. Caitlyn will refute that vigorously and explain to Kris how she gave up her lifelong dream for her family and that she's finally happy being who she was born to be, and yadda yadda yadda. Caitlyn looked like a warrior with a few weapons at the ready.
  8. I think that since Cait grew up in a home with so many narcissistic women that long hair was something she felt she needed in order to look feminine. Contrarily, I feel that long hair on women over a certain age can actually make them look older. Cait is always very focused on her long hair, she's always primping it and throwing it away from her face. It's almost as annoying as the way Khloe is constantly touching and fixing her hair. In my opinion, long hair only drags her face down and all her features along with it. Long hair is the anti-face-lift. Cait is adopting a style that she feels is youthful but some of her outfits are more suitable for a woman in her 20's. I don't mean to suggest that Caitlyn should dress dowdy or like an old woman, I'm just saying that her hair in particular and her choices of clothes doesn't serve her look well. I think she would look more youthful in a medium length hairstyle and more 'age appropriate' ensembles. For Caitlyn, the very worst thing she can receive is dissenting press and negativity from the public. Caitlyn had been revered as a champion, an Olympian and a role model for thousands. Feeling any negativity directed towards her is going to be upsetting her immensely. I think that Cait is more vulnerable emotionally than anyone realizes and will not deal well with if she's ever publicly ridiculed, scorned or repelled by friends or associates. The public acceptance is of paramount importance to Cait. She's not going to be satisfied transitioning and leaving the public eye to enjoy the rest of her life. I believe she expects that life will go on as usual only with her as a woman, and the chances of that happening are very slim.
  9. Rocky is just too animated and immature for my liking. She's too immature to be respectful of authority. She's a spoiled brat that needs to grow up. Rocky is very cute and has great hair and eyes but her giggly, silly demeanor is just a turnoff. I still like Kate. I think she knows how to manage people pretty well. Don is a knucklehead, I can't stand him or his type. Too much testosterone and he has a chip on his shoulder.
  10. This was my thought, throw a pail of ground up leeches on both Terri and Heather. They'd probably love it.
  11. I've seen plenty of episodes where the OC (cough) 'ladies' have acted crude, ignorant and just plain vulgar, but this episode took tasteless to a new level. It was an absolute bountiful buffet of distasteful, unpleasant and downright nasty. I've always seen Tamra as a pretty brainless lowlife but she scraped the gutter with her 'theme' party. The feud between Vicki and Meghan just took second-place to the dildo centerpieces, the see-through lace body suit, the reference to the vagina pastie, the S&M dog collar and leash and the sex swing hanging from the ceiling. Wait, are these women in their 50's or are they 19 year old sorority girls throwing a rage party? I realize that Tamra isn't known for her refinement or class but she just went way too low with this theme party. Then there's Heather with her leech-bleeding stomach and the sanitary napkins soaking up her belly blood. I don't know if I understood that beauty routine that both Heather and Terry swear by. From what Terry said, it's a beauty regimen that Demi Moore has used to stay looking youthful. It goes like this. First, shave your body. Then immerse yourself in turpentine. And when the stinging stops, allow leeches to feast on your blood. After that, remove the leeches and squish them up and put it all over your face. Are they out of their minds? The practice of using placenta based powders, bird poop facials, and bee venom extracts are things that people desperate to stay young will shell out truckloads of money for. I think that this episode finally put a nail in the O.C. coffin for me. These fucktards aren't worth wasting any more minutes of my life for.
  12. I think that if Jimmy had heard Vicki's line about their being divorced in five years he would have laughed. I think Jimmy has been ready to dump Meghan soon after they married.. Most men are smart enough to know never to actually marry the 'ho' they have an affair with. Jimmy and Meghan are miserable when they're together and they both deserve it because basically they're both unhappy, shallow people.
  13. it's an abdominoplasty navel. I'm a nurse and have seen plenty of navels, that one is not one that Heather was born with, I guarantee that.
  14. I get conflicting opinions of Candis. Sometime I get the feeling she's nothing more than an opportunist and pirhana that's accustomed to using others to get what she wants. Other times I think she's nothing more than a bubbly and articulate personality that was perfect for the role of confidant, best buddy and mentor to Caitlyn introducing her into the lifestyle of the transgender community. "Maybe I should date Cait" sure sounded like a woman who feels she can pretty much get whatever or whoever she wants. She did get a Lamborghini even if it was only for a short period of time. And, I wonder who will pay the bill for her Volvo repairs.
  15. At the transgender girls luncheon, Zachary said "Basically we're living in a world that has no place for us." When she said that, the expression on Caitlyn's face went into a combination of shock, disbelief and stunned silence. I truly believe that Caitlyn found her entire transition process to be extremely exciting. For her, it was a fun journey to where she always felt she should be. In other words, I feel that Caitlyn made a quantum leap from the beginning of the journey, directly to the end of the journey. There's a saying 'Life isn't about the destination, but rather the journey that gets us there'. I think Caitlyn was short-sighted as far as reaching her goal which is to transition to becoming a woman. I don't think that Caitlyn thought very far down the road about what life would become after the transition and after coming-out publicity. There will come a day when people have seen enough and their curiousity will be satisfied and they'll just say 'no more of Caitlyn, we've seen enough'. That will be the moment of truth for Cait. Will she feel that people she knew before have turned from her? Will she feel uncomfortable having only friends that are transgender? I think that right now, Caitlyn is confident that her children will stick by her and be just as close or closer than they ever were before and I honestly don't see that happening. If that doesn't happen, how is Caitlyn Jenner going to be able to accept not only the pulling away of family but the pulling away of interest by pop culture and the press?
  16. Caitlyn said in the last episode that she wants to help make transgenders 'normal' in the eyes of other people. She doesn't want transgenders to stand out or appear unusual and to be accepted by people. I beleive it's mostly for herself, she doesn't want to 'stand out' and be considered a freak by some people. And yes, people have and will call transgenders 'freaks', it's just a fact of life that's not changing any time soon. I doubt that is every going to happen in her lifetime at least and maybe a few lifetimes. People are always going to look at the transgender community with a side-eye because people in general will not be as understanding as Caitlyn hopes everyone will become.
  17. My understanding of Caitlyn Jenner's sexuality gets more and more confusing to me with each episode. She wants to be viewed by men as a woman and she feels like a woman. So where does that lead us to discover what her sexuality is? Just because she wants to be viewed by men as a woman that doesn't mean she wants to have sex with men. Or, does it? It's not easy getting Caitlyn to admit to what her preference is. The majority of trans-women prefer sex with men. At least that's what I've read. Is Caitlyn attracted sexually to Candis because Candis is male by birth or because Candis is attractive as a female. See why I'm so damned confused that I want to give it all up entirely and stop watching to try to figure that out? *I edit to comment about the Lamborghini which I had briefly forgotten about. I'm a 'car person' meaning I know a lot about car makes and models and the prices of cars. I found the Lamborghini scenes to be a little ostentatious and unnecessary. We are all aware that Caitlyn is wealthy and can afford to buy a dozen Lamborghini's if she wanted to instead of 'borrowing' it for a few days. Watching Candis and Caitlyn with their hair blowing in the wind driving happily along the Pacific Coast Highway brought instant memories of the recent traffic accident involving Caitlyn that resulted in the death of a woman. I found the Lamborghini scenes to be not only insensitive and conspicuous but also a reminder to everyone that Caitlyn is very unlike any other person wanting to transition. She is tremendously wealthy and privileged. Caitlyn's new transgender friends are all being paid a salary for appearing on her show and I wonder how many would be around her if they weren't paid performers.
  18. Little did Josh know that the woman at the other end of his monitor with the name something like 'Hot Babe4U' was really this........ But then, the news about Josh and his account at Ashley Madison became known to Miss HotBabe4U and her reaction was...........
  19. If anyone else is wondering (as I was) about the Halston dress that Ramona 'stole' from Bethenny's show, here it is. Personally, I expected it to be much nicer and was a little surprised to find the photo of her with Avery in what I think is a pretty mundane looking dress.
  20. I think that being a part of the Real Housewives franchise requires a little more than just being a 'famewhore' which of course they all are. I think that each of them all exhibit a true narcissistic personality. There's a vast difference between someone like likes attention and fame and a true narcissist. Narcissistic traits are the source of self-love/value and self-empowerment. Everyone has the traits found in narcissism at some level. It is only when the trait becomes pathological that it becomes detrimental to those people close to the narcissist. Here are some traits that a narcissist exhibits. See if any or all of the Housewives of Anywhere match up personality-wise. A narcissist typically requires: Excessive attention (likes to be at the center of a discussion) Likes to be admired by others and presents an excessively positive image of himself or herself to others in order to secure that admiration Subservience from others, especially those who are close or work for them A narcissist often criticises or vilifies others but hates it when others criticise him or her; they are hypercritical of others, yet hypersensitive to criticism. A narcissist likes to receive praise from others but often dislikes to hear other people being praised. A narcissist likes to ask favours of others but dislikes it when others ask too many favours of him or her. They may make a huge production out of doing the smallest favours for others, even when they didn't really go out of their way to do the favor itself. A narcissist can be dishonest, but at the same time is a master of disguise and can lie very convincingly A narcissist thinks that he or she is entitled to special privileges or special treatment. A narcissist is inter-personally exploitative and takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends, without regard for how their choices might effect others. They will justify this by saying that they did it 'for their own good' or by some 'end justifies the means' rationalization. A narcissist has little or no empathy and is unwilling or unable to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. A lack of genuine empathy (e.g. feeling genuinely sad when seeing other people being sad) is a key aspect of pathological narcissism. A narcissist is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her. A narcissist often has an arrogant affect (haughty behaviours or attitudes). In my opinion, they each fit the criteria for having a genuine personality disorder. They aren't merely fame and publicty seekers.
  21. I didn't believe for a SPLIT SECOND that Luann standing in the kitchen making hand gestures like a Tony Soprano-wannabe and saying in her smokers-gravely voice "you broke the girl code" and "be cool, don't be uncool" was genuine. That wasn't something that Luann would say spontaneously and at the moment I saw that happen it sounded completely odd and unnatural. As a matter of fact, if she talked like that impulsively and unplanned to those women in the kitchen that morning, I think the others would have laughed in her face because it really sounded just so unnatural and out of place. This had to be planned way in advance by Bravo in order to get a head start on the publicity for Luann's crappy song 'Girl Code (don't be uncool). It was unabashed marketing, plain and simple. Okay 'Tony' we won't be uncool anymore, we'll al be really cool from now on. And where does Luann get the idea that she can actually sing? She can't and it's almost painful to listen to. I'm embarrassed even watching her go through the motions of 'singing'. Luann loves the limelight and will dance and gyrate seductively holding a microphone with a voice that is harsh and untrained and just plain awful. All I could think of when I see Luann 'perform' is a overdramtic crossdresser in a smoky nightclub of pre-WW2 Berlin in La Cage Aux Folles.
  22. All part of a dance troupe choroeographed by Yanis Marshall for Britain's Got Talent. I think they are amazing. Enjoy the entire video.
  23. Seriously, Caitlyn's friend Candis Cayne really should be giving Cait lessons in how to walk like a female. She still 'lumbers' around like a big clumsy man and in high heels it's even worse. Modifying her gait and posture while walking will greatly improve her overall look. And stop shoulder slumping! High heel walking lessons, that's what she needs. these fellows practiced and now they OWN the high heel shoe
  24. Rules of conduct are an absolute necessity on a forum such as this. A couple of years ago I joined Lipstick Alley and quickly found out that If any person made a negative comment about a particular show, singer or pop culture personality, people would massacre them, cursing and swearing and wishing them dead. Comon' relax girls. So the upholding of the rules of conduct is an absolute must, otherwise it can quickly turn into a battle royale.
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