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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. A setup in what way? Lamar Odom was a drug addict, plain and simple. There's no doubt about that. He went through drug rehab for 3 weeks and signed himself out. Three weeks!
  2. On Extra, it was reported that Lamar had 'every drug imaginable' in his blood. He had track marks on both arms. Evidently, this drug abuse isn't something new to Lamar this weekend, he's been an I/V drug user for a while. Will Khloe, as his legal wife, be able to make the decision to pull the plug if it's determined there's so many organs that have failed and so much brain damage that he would be nothing but a vegetable.
  3. In the end, no matter who is the father of Khloe, what difference would it make? Khloe was raised with the name 'Kardashian' since birth. Proving paternity wouldn't change anything at all. Her mother had hot pants and had many affairs. We are only certain of at least two when she was still married to Robert Kardashian. Khloe's real father would only be one more affair Kris had while married to Robert. People know that she's not Robert's child, it's pretty obvious in the photos. She doesn't care, why should we?
  4. According to the CNN article, the people at the hospital where Lamar was taken said that he doesn't look like he's going to make it and if he does, he won't be the same. Lamar suffered brain damage and at least one stroke. Multiple drugs were found in his blood. The final paperwork for their divorce hasn't been filed, so Khloe could be in a position to make decisions about Odom's medical care and end-of-life directive. This could be a repeat of the Bobbi Kristina Brown case where he remains unresponsive and on life support. Will Khloe have the strength to end his life support if the decision comes down to her? If nothing else, I hope this brings a lightbulb moment to Scott Disick.
  5. The Kardashian clan are beginning to feel the price of fame and fortune. According to the CNN article, the people at the hospital where Lamar was taken said that he doesn't look like he's going to make it and if he does, he won't be the same. Lamar suffered brain damage and at least one stroke. Multiple drugs were found in his blood. The final paperwork for their divorce hasn't been filed, so Khloe could be in a position to make decisions about Odom's medical care and end-of-life directive. This could be a repeat of the Bobbi Kristina Brown case where he remains unresponsive and on life support. Will Khloe have the strength to end his life support if the decision comes down to her? If nothing else, I hope this brings a lightbulb moment to Scott Disick.
  6. Yeah, I noticed that horrible scream of hers, but it's not quite like a 9 year old, it's more like a 12 year old boy going through puberty.
  7. What a messed up season for the Orange County housewives. It leaves me wondering what can possibly top this next season. I had a few scenerios that might work for Bravo and the blonde crew. Here's a couple that I might send to Bravo to put in their suggestion box. scenerio one: Eddie Judge suddenly finds himself confused about his gender assignment and meets secretly with Caitlyn Jenner to discuss options for transitioning. Caitlyn hands him Terry Dubrow's business card. Eddie gets excited that he might have gettinghis breast implants featured on Botched. Meghan hears the rumor about Eddie's transitioning and tells Vickie. While the women are all on a 3 day 'fun trip' to Sri Lanka, Vicki vomits while elephant riding (motion sickness of course) As Shannon is giving her a cold washcloth for her forehead, Vicki blurts it out 'Thank you Shannon, did you know that Eddie wants to be a woman?" Chaos ensues for the rest of the season. scenerio two: Briana moves back to Orange County, but not with her husband Ryan. She settles down in Vicki's home with her two sons and takes a part time job in a local nursing home to earn extra cash to secretly send back to Oklahoma to pay for Ryan's PTSD outpatient therapy. Tamra happens to be visiting Pasture Bill who is recovering in a nursing home from an accident involved falling into a swimming pool during a baptism and striking his head giving him amnesia. She spots Briana in a uniform passing out meds, and surprised she says "Briana! what are you doing here?" Tamra and Briana go to Subway for a snack after Briana gets off from her shift and 'accidentally' slips the secret that Eddie was secretly seeing Caitlyn. (oops) Chaos ensues the rest of the season. scenerio three: Heather finds through Meghan that Terry is secretly having an affair with Dr. Paul Nasiff. She heard them making sex noises in the next room when she went for a procedure to have a permanent hair band implanted on her scalp. Of course, Terry vehementally denies this to Heather but she doesn't believe him and pours gasoline all over the floor of the main gymnasium in the new mansion and it burns to the ground. More chaos for the season. scenerio four: While Shannon is deliously satisfied that her holistic and meditative treatment for repairing her broken marriage with David, she's unaware that David has begun secretly visiting Brooks Ayers in Florida every other weekend. While Shannon believes he's working too hard and feels sorrow that he has to do that to pay for their new mansion in Calabasas (formerly the home of Kris Kardashian), she tolerates his absence every other weekend because she knows in her heart that the move (and crystals on the ceiling) will strenghten their marriage in the end. In the meantime, David and Brooks are whooping it up in Florida with some hot redheads in bikinis. Shannon finds out about David's extracurricular hanky-panky and runs crying to Tamra who isn't home because she ran to Vicki's to cry about Eddie. She calls Meghan for some sage advice. More super chaos. So that's it. Any of those would be fun and would get all of us to set our DVR to record and also gain ratings.
  8. I noticed that while Tamra was reading her thing before being dunked by the 'pasture' that the tears left a white track right down the center of her cheek. It reminded me of the track left in my lawn from the downspouts of my house after a downpour of rain. Looked weird.
  9. There's no end to how far women will go to 'enhance' the natural look of their eyelashes
  10. I'm in total agreement here. In 2010, a woman named Rachel charged Ryan Culberson with Domestic Violence. Even more Interesting is that Ryan was married to his FIRST wife, Melia (they were separated) at that time and it was also around that time period that he met Briana. Oops, Ryan sort of forgot to tell Briana that he was still married and having a sexual affair with this Rachel woman who he also physically threatened. Ryan has showed his temper on camera and blamed it on PTSD then claimed to be getting therapy for it. But wouldn't you think that Vicki would be dead-set against her Briana marrying a man who has a history of domestic violence and PTSD? Ryan was definitely NOT the knight in shining armor that Briana painted him to be. To get her man without Vicki being able to interfere, they eloped and closed the discussion on that union. Brooks Ayers is a real dead-beat dad, user and philanderer who also cheated on Vicki and threatened her with physical violence, “because I can (and) that’s what we do in the South.” Ironically, it was Ryan Culberson that recorded Brooks making physical threats towards VIcki. Ryan calling Brooks out about domestic violence is just deflecting his own unacceptable behavior onto someone else and Brooks happened to be in the vicinity. The bottom line here is that both Vicki and her daughter Briana have minds of their own and want what they want no matter who objects to it. Like the saying goes "it's your bed, you make it and you sleep in it", so whatever the fallout or consequences of such choices are they will have to deal with them.
  11. And speaking of psychics, seers and swamii's (we were, weren't we?) How can Tamra be a born again Christian and still believe in those things? She's been chatting with her special psychic that was on one episode, the 'wishy washy' one regarding Brooks' cancer. Will she still continue to FaceTime him, or will 'Pasture' Mike replace the psychic?
  12. Bravo and the housewives ran out of ideas for a party to film. There was the fancy-pants luncheon at Heather's '22,000 sq. ft' home, there was the (duh) Aries party, trips to exotic destinations and not to be forgotten, the sex party. Tamra wearing a lace body suit sans underwear must have been just a few minutes before she turned to 'pasture' Mike for salvation. I laughed so hard. Even 'pasture' Mike got into the act and ran after Vicki standing out at the curb. Speaking of orange, weren't they all more than usual? When Shannon and David first came in and Shannon gave a kiss and hug to Vicki's brother, I could see the strip of extensions in the back of her head. Not a good sight I think Shannon's hair is getting thinner, she sure is looking older. (on the last bit of hormones no doubt) I'm wondering how born-again Christian Tamra is going to be able to hold her Christian beliefs in check and still manage to create horrific acts of nudity, sex, cursing, lying and self-love during next season, is that even possible to do both at the same time? I like the written note at the end regarding Eddie. It was something to the effect that Eddie hasnt joined Tamra in her newfound religion but he is praying ......'that Ryan will repay the loan'. HA!
  13. Yes, but it would probably be a home high colonic (with a long tip that can get stuck inside your butt) and Vicki probably wouldn't be interested in that.
  14. I think that it's inevitable that the fast-paced lives they live wil lead to some meltdowns and life changing near-catastrophic events. But that's life for most people anyway, isn't it? The fact that Kourtney, who I once thought had all the brains in the family, has tolerated the wild and drunken behavior of Scott all these years and yet continued to make babies with him shows me that she just wasn't as smart as I thought she was. She was having 'Scott-issues' before she had Penelope (who is just a little doll btw) and then she got pregnant the second and THIRD time Scott and still didn't change his ways, I knew he would eventually be a toss-away. After her 3rd time pregnant with Scott's baby is when I knew that there's something messed up in her head too, not only Scott's. How old does Scott have to be to realize what's really important in life, and will he even live so long? I agree that Khloe has become horribly annoying with her pouty photo-posing mouth and the incessant fiddling around with her hair. All these girls are thick as thieves with each other against the world of public opinion, but they are also highly competitive with each other. Khloe's only goal is to replace Kim in popularity. I personally like Kendall. I think she's probably the most likeable one of the bunch and possibly the wisest. The Kardashian clan will put it out to the public eye that everything is 'glam', fun, family, and everything is great in their world. They move through life as though life is special only for them because they're rich and famous. But life is the same for all humans at the end. People get sick, get injured in accidents, get diseases and even die before their time. The Kardashians have been very fortunate for most of their lives. The day will come with there will be some cracking of the perfection and eroding of the bliss. It's all part of life and nobody is immune.
  15. I'm having a hard time feeling either emphathy or sympathy for Noah. He appears to be dark and brooding half the time and horny as a toad the other half of the time. Even sitting down with his son outside on the steps of their Brownstone he was in a rush and let it show that he was impatient. He hurriedly told this child what the circumstances were regarding the divorce, and telling him that he loved another woman. He did it in a way that was a little too casual for such trmemdous life-changing news for a child to absorb. Divorce is traumatic for a kid that age, even more tramatic is that he was told that his father doesn't love his mother, but loves another woman. Helen's parents haven't hid the fact that they feel he's a loser and I'm beginning to think they were right all along. For a man that's a professional writer, Noah seems to be lacking in verbal communication skills. When he's being bratty to Alison, he makes up with her via sex not through communication. Noah "what are you making?" Alison: 'dover sole' Noah: 'will it be fishy?' Alison: 'well...it's fish' I had to put that dialog in because it still makes me laugh. Can even Noah be that lame? On to Bruce Butler. I like the actor and I'm sure we'll find out more about the Butler-Cole family associations since both families go back 40 years in Montauk. Whether we'll see Margaret Butler get her come-uppance or not is something most people will relish seeing.
  16. I was never a Joanna Gleason fan, she always looked like she was afraid her face would crack, which today is a sign of Botox injections which weren't available in 1988. She has always had those big apple cheekbones which helps hold up the face from sagging. She's 65 years old now and even though the camera didn't get too close to her face, she still looks pretty much the same as she did in 1988. She probably has had some work done but since she had a 'frozen' looking face back in 1988, it still looks natural for her to still have a frozen looking face in 2015. https://youtu.be/3TRbHsBQPh8?t=1m33s It was pretty funny in Cole's recollection that he was depressed, had a pot belly, was getting coked up, dressed like a cat pissed all over him, he was sleeping in the little trash trailer on their property and his hair and beard were all hobo. Then at the end of the episode he shows up in court with his hair neatly combed and styled, his beard trimmed, he was all bright eyed and he had no more pot belly. So my guess is that the woman at the estate where he almost backed over that little boy (whose kid anyway) probably made a new man out of him. He was a total mess and only a woman could turn that around.
  17. This is Kris's own Instagram photo that she posted, not the cover photo from Cosmo
  18. On the news today, Kim found out that she has a genetic defect of her heart. It's called 'patent foramen ovale' or PVO for short. Here is a simplified view of exactly what a PVO is. Kim has seen several cardiologists in the past. She had complained about shortness of breath and dizziness. Whether or not Kim will have surgery to close this opening isn't clear since the vast majority of them require no treatment. If someone has one that is related to symptoms, they can be treated with aspirin, warfarin or catheter closure. Kim Zolciak is EXTREMELY fortunate that she hasn't had a major stroke while giving birth to all those kids or while having breast or abdominal surgery. She's a very lucky girl.
  19. Back to the legs issue. I've enlarged the photo and cropped it so all the legs are more visible. If you notice the body position of both Kendall and Kris their body positions suggest that they are both sitting upright and Kendall doesn't really have her legs extended out to the right. Kendall's lower body appears to be facing to the right, but the legs (whoever they are) represent a person that is reclining on their right side. The malnourished looking third leg on the bottom might just be the only female not photographed there, Caitlyn. She has legs skinny. Kris may be an ambitious and great momager of her spawn but she sucks at photoshop.
  20. No matter what they do or how much money they spend, they're all going to get old. Whether they age on the outside or on the inside, it's inevitable. When it happens, it will be a thousand times more difficult to deal with and accept for any of the Kardashians that it is for any normal people. By continuing to have face lifts, butt lifts and new chin, cheek or breast implant they will look 'younger' but they will also not look like themselves any longer. They'll look like creatures that look freakish. Look at how many celebrities have absolutely destroyed their natural look with cosmetic surgery. Some of the best examples are Mickey Rourke, Meg Ryan, Donatella Versace, Barry Manilow. Even if they were perfect strangers to the world, they would still be walking examples of really bad plastic surgery. The Kardashians are going to 'hit the wall' sooner or later and will not likely 'go gracefully into the night'. They are already plastic surgery junkies and that will only intensify when they really have some cracks in the veneer showing up. Celebrities have made the plastic surgeons in this country very wealthy men. It's taken away the desire by med students to be anything more than plastic surgeons, the money is just way too appealing for many of them.
  21. It's like buying a bag of mixed wild flower seeds. You throw them in the garden and in the Spring a bunch of different types of flowers sprout. Occasionally there's bound to be a sunflower seed that grows bigger than the other wild flowers. But when you have a whole bunch of different seeds in the garden you can't tell which one will be the sunflower when you toss it in the garden dirt with the rest. Okay that was one long-ass analogy of Kris Jenner's wanton sexual appetite and all the men she slept with.
  22. I don't doubt for a moment that Alex Roldan is the biological father of Khloe. Alex has been bought by Kris so he can’t speak. He has an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) that makes him liable for $30 million if he ever talks to the press. Why would Kris buy him off it it wasn't the truth. As the saying goes, 'the truth always comes out sooner or later'. Not that it would make a whole lot of difference to anyone in the Kardashian family because Khloe was raised a Kardashian and Alex Roldan, if he is her biological father, has no claim to her fame or fortune or to any of the Kardashian wealth. It does make sense since Kris has always had the libido of a 50 cent hooker and has had affairs with many men whether she's married or not. If the drama between Kris and Caitlyn heats up any more, I'd bet there's some juicy little secrets Caitlyn has hidden away that she could use against the Kardashian tribe. Maury Povich revelation
  23. But did the biology class have to eat what they dissected? I found it a little unsanitary also not to mention the frog smeggie left on the counter top. Leon did not plan accordingly when he got the list of the requests for the guests. He knew they wanted a sampler dinner matched with appropriate wines. What's so difficult about that? Leon should have planned ahead right then when he read that they're foodies and ordered his meat, seafood and foie gras ahead of the departure. Poor planning on his part, Kate was right about that. Like the old saying 'we don't plan to fail, we fail to plan' and he did. I read over the menu a couple of times and all I can say is that it would not be to my taste. 'truffled cauliflower soup', even I could make that and it wouldn't be for a special occasion either. None of the sampler plates looked like anything to rave about. I still like Amy and Kate, both are very professional and don't engage in the silly high-jinx that Connie and Rocky have been up to. The new guy drinking up the ships stash of Royal Crown was like watching a frat brother tie one on alone. He seems like a nice enough person, but he's just very immature.
  24. Last year I 'suffered' through most episodes. I was tired of watching the Guilty Remnant people in their white suits chain smoking and writing down messages on a pad of paper they each carry around. They were like a clan of Joe Camels meet Pillsbury Dough Boy. There were too many unanswered questions. ' I absolutely loved the beginning of this episode with the ancient cave woman giving birth then dying of a snake bite. The woman standing over her and picking up the baby and carrying it away, coincidentally it turns out to be the lovely grotto that the 3 girls are having a swim in many years later. I also like the location Miracle, Texas which has had zero departures so far. The grotto water seems to be something magical, mystical, mysterious and other words that begin with the letter 'm'. How strange that the local Reverend cut Matt Jamison off when he began to talk about his wife, Mary. Poor Mary, at least she's up in a wheelchair with open eyes now and I have it on good authority that she will 'wake up' again this season. For a first episode I was interested enough to watch again next week. As long as it doesn't become too contorted and bizarre that I can't follow it anymore, then I'll lose interest.
  25. Again back to the slack penis shot of Max. At first I thought, 'totally gratuitous sex on the part of Showtime' but the more I think about that whole scene the more I'm starting to wonder if Helen was staring at his limp dick and maybe crying in the shower because Noah's penis size was much smaller but satisfied her more because she loved Noah and doesn't love Max. hahaha! I know, now I'm sounding ridiculous. But she was giving it the "I can't believe what I just did, for what?" stare. It occurred to me that Helen and Max had their affair going long before Noah and Allison. She was just going through the motions of sex as though she was married to Max. (ho-hum) LOL! I can't imagine anyone who didn't watch season 1 being able to sit through even the first episode of this series. The flash back, flash forward (and I swear there was a flash sideways) would make a newbie to this series vomit from motion sickness. I watched the last season and I'm still grateful to have DVR to be able to see it and freeze the picture in juicy places.(slack penis). But I still pause and go back to listen when my mind says "wtf? did he just say 'a baby'?" My husband has difficulty keeping up with the plot of something easy like Ray Donovan so he washed his hands of this series on episode 2 from season one. I can't even turn to him to ask 'what did she say? or who dat?'
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