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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. You got that right when you said the sex scenes, particularly this one is so damned un-sexy. Athena worked through Noah's creative blockage in his root chakra which happens to be in his crotch area. Athena encouraged him to embrace his own darkness, which is the only way he can hear his “true voice.” Then while on his stomach, his face starts to tremble as we saw through the face rest. As this is happening he sees the vision again of Alison on the foggy road, and she's smiling which he sure isn't. Then he goes right to her yoga class and yanks her out of there and insists she leave with him immediately. Alison tells him she can't leave right now. He roughly takes her up the backside against a tree. There was no tenderness, no love, no emotion other than anger. Yes, in my opinion this was rape. To even the score after the backstreet sex, she tells him she's pregnant. It's almost like a retaliation for this mistreatment, by implying without saying 'and it's not yours'. Yes, Alison believes that she's nothing to Noah other than a sex object, which may or may not be true. I'm editing because the more I think about this sex-tree scene I keep getting a far different understanding of it. It was disturbing because it was difficult to comprehend the reasons Noah had for doing it. But thinking about it again, when Noah met the famous author Sebastian Junger, Noah was stunned to see such a famous writer in this institute and he exclaimed 'this is the last place I'd expect to find you'. Junger remarked that it sounded like Noah is suffering from writers block. After telling Noah that reiki helps him a lot and since Noah is a fanboy of Junger, he seeks Athena to find his Chakra. During the session with Athena, it's pretty obvious that Noah felt his Chakra being released (centered over his crotch of course) and it's this darkness inside of him that he has been afraid of. Noah lets the darkness in, and sought out Alison to release it. Noah needed to release that darkness in him in order to re-write the end of his book in the manner he just couldn't write before.
  2. Any person that owns a Park Slope Brownstone worth approximately $2.5 million could easily get a loan from any bank using that as collateral.
  3. Noah's focus and goal is to have Alison nearby for sex when it's convenient for him. Alison had six weeks in the retreat to figure it all out and realize that when she met Noah she was holding her feelings about losing Gabriele inside. Becoming involved with Noah was part of her reckless behavior and how she acted it out. Sex was her release. Now she's telling Noah that sex is not the outlet that she needs anymore and she's thinking clearly. Noah definitely didn't want to hear that. "great, great, is that something you're going to continue once we leave here?" I agree with you about the sex against the tree. It looked more like a vicious angry rape more than an impromptu love-making. She had just said 'you can't control me' and oh boy, he sure ignored that and went right ahead and controlled her through the sexual situation. He was stunned when she told him that she's pregnant. After that, Noah angrily changed the ending to his book by running over Alison with the car. I felt it was a metaphor about how his feelings towards Alison changed that day and how he killed his feelings for her.
  4. My opinion exactly. When I finished watching this episode I felt that what FYI and these actors REALLY just said to us was "ha-ha you dummies. If you're really buying this pantomime, you're as gullible as we think you are." I realize that most of 'reality TV' is not even close to being real but this show labors to produce scripts that are nothing more than bloated airtime. Gee whiz, can't they at least disguise the pretentiousness a little better for those of us who are 'hardened to the core' reality show followers? I mean we do work at getting our minds into sync with these shows masquerading as real life but this series is really asking us to stretch the abilities of our imaginations to believe it and emotionally invest. If a series is done skillfully, people could be convinced that there is a real Peter Pan living in New York City that can fly to NJ instead of taking the G.W. Bridge to commute every day. BTW Jamie, a package of frozen rice with veggies isn't exactly the type of dinner a hungry man just coming home from work would really get excited about. Hopefully, Doug made a quick stop at Wendy's on the way home.
  5. I didn't even realize these couples were in a new season until I saw this episode #4. It didn't take long for me to catch up since there's very little substance to any of their lives. One thing I caught onto pretty quickly is that Jamie is a selfish, self-centered, narcissistic bitch. On a dislike scale between 1-10 with 10 being the most despicable, I would give Jamie a 12 at least. Her face looks horrible for starters. Even her skin got rough and unhealthy looking. (I wonder if she completely removes all that schtick before bed?) Her makeup is the type of over-exaggerated makeup usually used on a Broadway stage for visual impact. Her huge butterfly eyelashes are so horribly unnatural, and those deeply roughed cheeks almost looks like rosacia, the dark red lipstick is a shout-out for 'look at me!'. She appears to be almost desperate to have people notice her. So she tells Doug that she still has feelings for some old guy who has kids? How is telling Doug that great revelation supposed to be helpful for their marriage? This girl is seriously mentally ill. She's so desperate, and I mean truly acutely needy that she's embarrassing to watch. This woman will never be happy with any man, I can guarantee that. Unless she gets some serious therapy and resolves some of her deep seated emotional problems, she's going to be a woman seeking for something she'll never find her entire life.
  6. I didn't even know this show with the original cast was on and only caught a minute or two of this episode. What the heck did Jamie do to her face? Is it just the makeup that's bizarre or maybe she had some sort of work done?
  7. Vicki is an extremely needy woman. Any woman can figure out ways to enjoy orgasms without a man so that's not her issue. The issues Vicki has is that she depends on a man that dedicates himself to bolstering her ego and making her believe that she's still beautiful. The expression she used 'he fills my cup' says it all and Brooks or her ex-husbands were her emotional bolsters. Vicki has been accustomed to being the cute, perky, vivacious blonde 'cutie' with dimples all her life. Now that she's getting old she's finding it more difficult to satisfy her ego. Because of that she'll overlook even the worse in any man, not only Brooks. She's certainly not the first middle aged woman to lose her mother but most adult, mature women are able to accept it and not throw a pity party for themselves. Vicki's status as the OG of the OC doesn't really matter anymore since this year she's been forced to be more humble because essentially she 'fuc*ed' up royally and she's lost any credibility or stature that she use to have. Nobody respects her anymore.
  8. There's must be some point in the filming of last year's episodes when at least one or two of these women take pause to ask themselves "Is this really worth it?" Since they're all financially well-to-do, I assume the reason they're putting their lives out there in the public eye for scrutiny is because they crave attention even if it's negative. But this past season has proven to be extremely damaging to a few of them personally and things said that can't be taken back. The whole Brooks and Shannon stories have bordered on being sick and uncomfortable to watch.
  9. I would have placed my foot gently on the top of her wet head and gave it a great shove back under the water.
  10. If Khloe ever commits publicly that she will stand strong by Lamar and remain at his side during his illness and possible recovery, I predict she'll look something like this in about 3 weeks.
  11. I've had the feeling from the start of the whole Eddie/Rocky thing that it was all bogus and created for interest. I also think that the 'feelings' for Eddie were phony and the great friendship with Leon was staged too. There was just didn't seem to be any basis for such a friendship between those two. I think they put Rocky in this season just to give people someone to dislike and laugh at when she does her mermaid shtick. I believe I may vomit the next episode because I see that she pulls that stupid mermaid tail out AGAIN. Lordie help me. Oh yeah, and I forgot to add that watching Connie do her milk-lapping on the floor thing with the extensions left by the previous charter guest on her ass grossed me out. All my mind saw was her wearing that same hair piece under her bikini underwear covering her vagina. Ew, just ew
  12. well, maybe you don't love their shitty sides, but you forgive them and love them despite it.
  13. I think that Alison herself was quite confused over this as well. I don't think that she ever saw herself as a sexy 'femme fatale' and she doesn't like the stereotype. It was only Noah who saw her as a super attractive irresistible man magnet because it gave him an excuse to be unfaithful to Helen. Overall, Alison is of average figure and looks but Noah chooses to make himself less guilty if he justifies his indiscretion by claiming no man could resist Alison. After this episode, I almost want to see Noah spontaneously combust.
  14. It's only my guess but it could be that Noah is on the 'low-down' directive from his lawyer to stay away from the concubine while custody hearings are proceeding. It doesn't look like a good arrangement to have him shacking up with his mistress and trying to get custody of the kids at the same time. Alison wasn't dressed in any sexual way. She said it's 90 degrees outside and knowing how sticky and humid the weather is in New England during the summer, I think that her shorts and sleeveless shirt were very appropriate. Poor Alison, she's feeling like she's in limbo. She's been deserted by Noah in Cold Spring because Helen doesn't want her near the kids, Yvonne is being a bitch to he because she's a woman and she's a threat to Yvonne and Robert is being just plain creepy. I think she thought she had a 'friend of sorts' in Robert until he got that erection. I got the impression that Robert's sudden blood rush wasn't simply because he was attracted to Alison sexually but turned on by the way she described the attraction she had with Noah when they started their affair. I think he was simply re-living that feeling since he and Yvonne started their affair basically in the same way. It was a raw, sexual attraction and I just think it stirred him to re-live that emotion through Alison's description. She's not wanted there at the cabin in Cold Spring which btw resembles her little Montaug house quite a lot. When she asked Noah what's the worse thing he's ever done, he tells her 'this' meaning his affair with her. Nice way to bolster Alison's self-esteem buddy. I do hope that in the end it will be revealed that Alison's baby is Cole's and not Noah's. Noah has his hands full with his own four kids and Alison and Cole having a new baby together would certainly help heal the pain of losing their only son. I think Alison and Cole were meant to be together in the end. Noah wanted the excitement of an affair, Alison wanted love and a good marriage. Just a postscript, did anyone else feel a little 'skeeved' out by the anorexic naked married rich blonde? I think Cole could do much better than that if all he wants is to get laid. She wasn't attractive at all and seeing her full-on naked would have turned me right off if I was a male.
  15. I think that because Yvonne and Robert had an affair and cheated on their respective spouses that Yvonne is always going to look over her shoulder for whatever girl might possibly tempt her ugly horny husband and steal him from her claw-hold on him. It's not easy to trust after you're the one that betrayed someone, it's like she's afraid for karma to come bite her in the ass. I think that's the reason Yvonne feels threatened by Alison since she believes that it was Alison that Noah described so sexually in his book.
  16. I'd bet that Leon put the two clean pans on the bottom rack specifically to disguise the dirty oven bottom. Who stores clean pans in the bottom of their oven, what's the reason other than a lack of space and I don't believe that was Leon's reason.
  17. That oven would be a disgrace for any chef. Rule #1 in using an oven is to make certain there's no buildup of grease on the bottom. Watching Leon scraping the bottom of the oven with what looked like a putty knife, I could see there was a thick heavy layer of old grease there. The puffy carbon particles were only hiding what was underneath and caused that blaze. He hastily went to clean it before his statement was made to Captain Lee. Ovens have been known to catch fire even in the self-clean mode if there's enough sticky grease laying on the bottom. Leon's duties in addition to preparing 3 meals a day for guests is to keep supplies stocked and keep the kitchen clean and sanitary. What did Leon do with his time in between meal preparation?
  18. Maybe Helen realizes that the affair with Max doesn't have to be kept a deep dark secret anymore. Now that she can be more open with Max, maybe keeping the secret of her affair with Max was more titillating than the actual affair. She was cheating and was getting away with it which somehow makes infidelity more alluring. Since there's no reason to keep it secret it may not be much of a thrill any longer. It's pretty clear that Helen's mother Margaret not only knew about this affair but encouraged it. Max had wealth and social prominence which means everything to Margaret. The way she talked about Max at the benefit dinner, she wished Helen had chosen Max over Noah to marry, etc. Margaret also had just barely gone back inside the brownstone when they got home from the benefit in a cab when Max and Helen commenced giving each other a very passionate kiss out on the stoop. Would she really do that in full view if there wasn't an affair going on? Helen was pretty comfortable knowing she could cheat on her husband, play a mother role with her kids, play the jilted woman and not have to worry about money or paying any bills.
  19. If you recall in season one, Max joined the Solloways in Montauk. At their meeting, which was lunch outside on a picnic table at the Lobster Roll. He sat next to Helen and embraced her and gave her a long and deep kiss on the mouth. Truthfully, It was uncomfortable watching and I was embarrassed for the kids. That's also the time that Max bought some cocaine from Cole's brother Hal who was driving the taxi that he and Noah took. Max even mentioned something about his ex or soon to be ex-wife. I tend to believe that Helen was 'regularly banging' Max even long before Noah met Alison in Montauk. Helen didn’t really know how to support Noah as an artist; she absolutely bullied him about money and how he wasn't making it and she never stood up to her parents in defense of Noah. Really? Well, time will tell, won't it.
  20. But you are assuming that the first time Helen and Max had sex was in the penthouse of his newly acquired hotel but I think that Helen was having an affair with Max long before the NY sex-capade. It most definitely was not a one-time sexual fling.
  21. The whole series is basically about a bunch people that are all connected in some way, that are unfulfilled not only in their marriage but with their lives in general. Helen has money and doesn't have happiness. She busies herself by passing time in her snobbish store that sells chachkie's but nothing of substance or meaning, sort of like her marriage. The business hasn't seen a profit in over 2 years so Helen is investing time in a money-losing situation. There is a symbolism between her store and her marriage. All of the married characters have been unfaithful to their partner. Noah, Alison, Cole, Max, even Margaret Butler and Bruce Butler. They're all either having affairs or have had affairs and they try justifying it to themselves by blaming others for their own failures or shortcomings. I wouldn't be surprised if it was revealed that Cherry Lockhart had an affair with Bruce Butler. LOL! It's very difficult for any of them to face the fact that they're not great partners, but when is it ever easy for a person to admit to themselves that they neglected to work on making their once-good relationship good again or admit to being selfish and taking more from their partner than they gave? The attraction to have an affair is instinctively based on sexual desire. An intuitive feeling comes before an intellectual reasoning or knowledge of the repercussions of an affair.
  22. When Noah looks around the brownstone after picking up the kids, there's significant evidence to suggest that, while in Helen's version, she and Max broke up before she and Max had their 'nooner', in reality they had sex first, then had their big fight. Noah sees the bouquet of wilted red roses (in Helen's version they were Lilies) He sees her underwear and clothes all over the floor and bed and he sees a bottle of wine and two wine glasses on the mantel in the bedroom. Of the two options, I'm more inclined to believe Noah's version especially since now Noah knows that Helen hasn't exactly been celibate.
  23. Here's Rocky's sexy butt meeting Ben's red shoes for the first time
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