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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. According to Tamra Judge who was a guest on What What Happens Live! last night, Tamra told Andy Cohen that it was Brooks that broke it off with Vicki. But rumors have recently surfaced that the couple is talking again. And it would make much more sense for them to be rekindling the relationship if Vicki wasn't the one to pull the plug. I've never doubted that Brooks Ayers has cancer.The reason a lot of people make the decision to forego any further aggressive chemotherapy is usually because it simply just doesn't have a positive effect on a lot of different types of cancers. Chemotherapy in itself is something that's so awful, so debilitating that some people die from the chemo before their cancer takes them. People that turn to alternative medicine are usually those that conventional medicine is unable to treat further. I know that Brooks Ayers physical appearance has changed dramatically in the past few years. He appears to have lost a lot of weight and his face is pale and drawn looking. I can't even imagine the most horrible person that ever lived might fake cancer in order to.....to what? To gain sympathy? To get attention? Why would anyone, especially on a reality show, fake cancer? It's a sure thing that the truth will prevail eventually and people would be condemned and hated. It would make them out to be the most vile, deceitful and horrible person in the world. Oh Meghan, you're lame, nobody likes you. Go away now, shoo shoo.
  2. I think that Bravo and 'the girls' are running out of new vacation destinations and theme parties. Sex theme, Mexican theme, Horoscope theme and now they're really running out of ideas for parties to film. I can suggest some great ideas for some novel parties for the next season. How about a 'homeless person' party. They can all dress up like street people carrying "I'll work for food" cardboard signs. That might be fun. Maybe a 'Transformer" theme where they all come in an assortment of cardboard boxes painted like racing cars or animals and when they crouch down it looks like a car and when they stand it looks like a super-hero. Bravo should hire me, I have some novel ideas for theme parties for these rich, bored women
  3. Candis forgot the last line to the song Amazing Grace and went into a humming of the tune instead of the words. When Caityn stood up and took her place next to the Minister for her renaming, she instinctively began to cross her arms in front of her chest and caught herself quickly then lowered them to her side. Feminization surgery may have given Caitlyn new physical features but some lifelong traits or habits are more difficult to alter. I don't think that Caitlyn has any desire for sex since she's been taking HRT for feminization which may decrease sexual responsiveness. When she answers questions related to her sexuality she'll say "I don't k-n-o-w-w-w" And I think she's honest about this, she really doesn't know because her libido may have been diminished with hormone replacement therapy.
  4. I think you'll find most of the answers to any questions you might have about feminizing HRT for male-to-female in this article; http://micheleomara.com/services/transgender/feminizing-hrt-for-male-to-females/
  5. This is how I read it. Like many old Republicans my age, I never cared whether gays had a right to marry or not. I have essentially agreed with the Christian RightWing thinking that only a man and a woman should be allowed to be married. I aligned myself with that way of thinking because it's how the moral majority thinks and I want to be viewed as a moral person, just like them.. When I decided to transition to a woman which was more important to me than any gay issues of others, I thought about it and decided that yes, it's fine for gays to marry. Caitlyn Jenner is involved with the politics of one person, the politics of Caitlyn Jenner. It's what she says she believes that's more important than what she actually believes. Caitlyn's gender is only one part of who she is. During the first six decades of her life, she agreed with conservative Republican ideas. Political preferences didn't translate into patriotism when Bruce Jenner won Olympic gold in 1976. Isn't it just a little coincidental and convenient that after 65 years her consciousness is suddenly awakened? It's obvious that the enlightenment occurs right on the heels of her coming out and not only wanting but desperately needing that public acceptance. "Waving the flag at the 1976 Olympics wasn’t my idea. It was too much apple pie and ice cream. Not that I don’t love my country, but I felt it was my victory up there, I put all the time into it." Don’t want that pesky nationalism taking credit for your hard work.
  6. I with you on this, I'm a nurse also but a person doesn't have to be a nurse or have to see someone dying of cancer to realize that the direction of this franchise has gone entirely off-track when it pushes the drama created by Meghan, Shannon and Tamra about Brooks having cancer. It's more than disturbing, it's despicable and intolerable. I don't even want to watch anymore because I get too angry at Meghan and Tamra and the attempts at getting camera time by continually digging away at this Brooks cancer story. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow for my brother that died of cancer on Sept. 1st and this constant bickering about whether Brooks is lying about cancer is becoming an even more sore subject with me than it ever was. I'm really feeling hatred towards Meghan and Tamra and that's not normal to feel towards some stupid-ass rich strangers in a TV show. I've narrowed down the list of who I like and who I don't and I don't like any of these women. Lizzy is the one housewife I don't absolutely detest, she's okay. But, Shannon, Meghan, Tamra, and Heather are all worthless human beings in my opinion. I can just barely stand Vicki. I think I watch only to see Meghan and Tamra get what they deserve. Eddie stuffing his mouth like the dumbass he is while Tamra acts like a raving lunatic, and Jim Edmunds who goes slack-jawed when Brooks confronts Meghan is a piss-poor excuse for a husband. I can't stand either of them and Vicki is right, their marriage won't last 2 years, Vicki predicted 4 and that's not happening. I think I got some of that off my chest and feel better, so I'll stop there and not rage about shallow, materialistic Heather and Terry Dubrow or weak, mealy-mouthed, emasculated David Beador.
  7. Ryan Vieth has some serious emotional issues. He's been arrested at least twice for domestic violence, the most recent in late June of this year for domestic violence. He 'allegedly' became physically aggressive towards his fiancee Sarah and she ran to a neighbor's house with her five year old daughter leaving their 5 month old baby Ava in the home with Ryan (he also has weapons in the home) Ryan has had problems since he was a teenager. He took steroids for years when he was bodybuilding and had to stop because he was told by a doctor that he has Hemochromatosis which causes the liver to retain too much iron and taking steroids could actually kill his liver (and him). He looks absolutely ghoulish and totally unhealthy. He also looks demented, like you'd imagine a crazy person would. Tamra has done everything possible to enable his bad behavior and delay his maturing into a responsible adult.
  8. "While I could write a novel on everything I’ve learned over the past several months, here are a few things that I’d like to share:" Oh groan, now there's going to be a novel in the works. Rottsa-ruck with that.
  9. We are all ultra-aware of the correct use of pronouns as the mods have repeatedly 'gently reminded' us to use the proper pronouns. But it seems that Caitlyn Jenner is by far the guilty one of misusing the correct pronouns. Referring to Kourtney as 'daughter' is just one incidence of pronoun confusion with Caitlyn. She has been reminded more than once on the show about her using the term 'they' instead of 'we' when referring to transgenders. Both Chandi and Candis have reminded her about the proper use of pronouns. Side note; all her new transgender 'friends' were carefully auditioned, screened and paid to appear on Caitlyn's series.As far as I know, Caitlyn Jenner never legally adopted the Kardashian children. However, she was in their lives for more time than their biological father, Robert Kardashian. Kris married Caitlyn Jenner just one month after her divorce from Robert Kardashian became legal. The children were very young at the time of their marriage so it's more natural for Caitlyn to refer to any of the 4 Kardashian children as daughters and son.
  10. In her meeting with Kris, she placed 80% of the blame for the divorce on Kris for 'mistreating' her, the other 20% on gender issues. Does she mean that if Kris was okay with her 'gender dysphoria' but still mistreated her, they would still be married? I don't think so. I found Caitlyn to be 80% bullshit and 20% genuine. I also think that it's only a matter of time that her great new transgender girlfriends figure out that Caitlyn isn't altruistic in the least and is single-mindedly focused on herself and on receiving total acceptance from others.
  11. Caitlyn was dishonest in all three of her marriages. She's heterosexual and enjoyed sex with women. But she hid the side of her that wanted to look female for many reasons. She was caught wearing women's clothing by all her wives and most of her children. She was also caught taking female hormones by her second wife, but hormone replacement was hidden from Kris until she discovered this on her own. The dishonesty and selfishness of her treatment of all three wives overshadows any sort of empathy I might have had for Caitlyn Jenner at one time. She was self-absorbed, self-serving and cared about her legacy as a hero and the millions of dollars that brought her more than she cared about anyone else in her life, including her own children. Yes, her 'soul' was yearning to be female, but the yearning of her soul came second to her need to satisfy the huge ego of hers, the one that needed to be adored for who she was in her past. As far as all the hours carpooling, so the fuck what? It's what a parent is supposed to do. If Caitlyn Jenner ever had even one sincere bone in her body, she would have been morally principled and open with all three of her wives before they married. She would have allowed them to make a choice as to whether to proceed with marrying her or back off from the relationship. The conscious choice she made to hide her secret 'soul' yearning to be a woman would possibly have changed their minds about cementing a relationship with her through marriage and children. Did she even care that she would break their spirits, hearts and trust by fooling them in such a way? It was a conscious choice that was selfish and self-serving, she cared more about herself than she ever cared about anyone else affected by her dark secret. Anyone left with heartbreak and misery in the wake of her transition is only considered collateral damage to Caitlyn Jenner.
  12. I just finished watching the last episode and thank goodness it is the last one. E! had to reach deep into their pockets to squeeze 8 episodes out of this mess. I stopped counting vendors who were able to get their business name into the eye of the camera and I'm sure they paid plenty for it too. Here's the list of movers, carpet cleaners, restaurants, and 'whatevers' that got to display their name in this episode. There might be more but I stopped counting them after seven. The Churchill restaurant Meathead Movers Silk Road Rug & Carpet Justo Delivery Service Homenature Casper Serena & Lily Other than the fact that Caitlyn transitioned into a woman, I came away from 'I Am Cait' with only one final analysis. Caitlyn suffers from NPD or, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Everyone knows that the Kardashians are a crazy bunch of narcissists, that's nothing new. But Caitlyn's problems go much deeper than merely being a self absorbed, egotistical, self-centered person like the Kardashian women are. Caitlyn's personality disorder started many years ago as a child. Her narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder. She has an inflated sense of her own importance, she has a very deep need for admiration and she really does lack empathy for others. Oh yes, she has portrayed herself to be empathetic to the transgender community as a whole, but she only relates that empathy right back to herself. Behind her mask of ultra-confidence she has very fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Negative criticism is what she fears more than just about anything else. On the whole, this series could have been done in two one-hour specials, not eight episodes. I hope that E! and Caitlyn Jenner aren't planning a second season because there's no basis for any more. The platform for transgenders has been put out there and all that needed to be said has been said. There's no more framework left to build another season on.
  13. Truthfully, I don't see any reason at all why Kris should 'come around' and if anyone has reason not to come around it's Kris. I don't like Kris but I have to say that I'm in agreement with her that Caitlyn wasn't honest with her about feeling female and wanting to follow that into a transition. When Caitlyn was an athlete, she 'juiced' up plenty, most athletes of the day did steroids. Then she took female hormones without the knowledge of her wives at the time. She was covert about it all and that's not what a real husband does. Selfishness comes into play and she only considered herself and her own feelings at the times she was doing HRT and beginning the mental and physical transformation into female. I'd be angry too so I can't fault Kris for that secret that was withheld from her for years. Kris doesn't have to please everyone in her family and the public by 'coming around' to Caitlyn if she chooses not to. And it's very understandable if that's what she chooses.
  14. I think maybe she could be a candidate for the show "Botched" because one of her eyes got lazy from botox or surgery.
  15. How about "Not The Boy Named Sue" in reference of course to the Johnny Cash hit "A Boy Named Sue". According to a quote in an interview with second wife Linda Thompson, she frequently referred to herself as Heather around the house.
  16. "I mean you want this your whole life, but when you get it, many people lose everything else" Caitlyn Jenner took the giant leap into the life she's always wanted. The ultimate question is what this lifelong dream will cost her in the end. It's very possible that when the cameras leave her home, and the paparazzi no longer finds her a hot news item, that family and friends may withdraw from her entirely. It could be that the only people left alongside her are essentially strangers and new acquaintances that only have gender transitioning in common with her. As Dorne2.0 has already mentioned, if this happened, it could be a very perilous time for Caitlyn. The suicide rate is high among transgenders and the fact that for forty years, Caitlyn Jenner has been accustomed to being welcomed to attend any party, any benefit, any awards show that she chose to. She was adored by the public, loved as a parent, highly venerated as an athlete and respected by the public. Essentially, for more than 40 years, she has had the world at her fingertips. This is a person that has met Kings and Presidents and has rubbed shoulders with the wealthiest and most influential people in the world. Dealing with instant rejection by many has to be more difficult for Caitlyn than it might possibly be for most transgenders. Just a side-note. Bruce Jenner is forever gone to the world in Wikipedia. As Caitlyn Jenner celebrates a re-birth and becomes an entirely new person, she must also deal with the death of the person she once was. There has to be some remorse associated with that.
  17. Caitlyn was dyslexic as a child and this caused her to have difficulties reading and expressing herself in school. Her grades were so bad that she failed the second grade. She became interested in running and athletics in the fifth grade. By the time she started high school Jenner's family had moved to Newtown, Connecticut. At Newtown High Jenner was on the basketball, football, and track teams. She was also a three-time water skiing champion in the Eastern States competition, and was New York's all-state pole vault and high-jump champion. Her all-around talent, however, was viewed as a liability by some, she was not a team player. "Teams could only let you down. In individual sports, it was just me." I only give this background information to illustrate the fact that she's always had difficulty expressing herself and this remains the case today. Candis Cayne is the exact opposite. She iis extremely observant, articulate and intelligent. I believe Caitlyn keeps Candis close by as a spokesperson for her because she just doesn't have the capability to express herself in an insightful and intuitive way. I'm sure Caitlyn knows her boundaries very well when it comes to public speaking, verbalization and communicating. One of the only reasons she was able to earn money doing motivational speaking is because all the material she used at her speaking engagements had all been prepared and rehearsed by her well in advance. Motivational speaking isn't an occupation, it's a way to communicate your passion about a subject you're an expert on. One line in particular from one of her speeches illustrates my point. "Pressure is part of the game. We have to accept it. Pressure makes me think, The higher we raise the bar in out arena, the more commitment we have to give." This is dictated solely on the basis of her past athletic achievements Caitlyn Jenner has not earned her fame and notoriety through her intelligence. I stop short of saying she's just shy of being only of average intelligence. The truth is that Caitlyn Jenner is not a deep thinker to say the least. She hasn't thought out all the avenues which transitioning would eventually lead her and right now she seems to be enjoying her moment only and not really prepared for the days to come when the world just doesn't care about her big transition anymore.
  18. One more thing that I forgot about this episode. Not only did Vicki buy Briana a new SUV, she had 3 delivered at the curb and Briana got to choose which of the three she liked best. Isn't accepting an expensive gift like a $60k car like saying "okay mom, stay out of my business and get rid of Brooks but keep buying me stuff". I know that Ryan has undergone some kind of back surgery and has had treatment for PTSD but doesn't this type of extravagances emasculate him just a bit?
  19. I wasn't able to see the entire episode, just bits of it. I watched as Shannon and David were being served dinner by their children wearing formal evening wear. That was hokey and I changed the channel to something else until that uncomfortable scene finished. I saw a few minutes of Meghan and Jim in the car as she talked her mammogram and the lumps on her breasts and the question about being tested for the BRCA gene. Meghan felt it necessary to re-named a prophylactic double mastectomy as the 'ya know-the Angelina Jolie' surgery. (Didn't Meghan's mother have a double mastectomy due to breast cancer?) Meghan doesn't think people are smart enough to know what a prophylactic double mastectomy is so she figures we'd 'get it' if she made it clear it was the 'ya know, the Angelina Jolie' surgery. I didn't quite get the conversation in the car between Meghan and Jim Edmonds. It's simple Meghan, if you have a history of breast cancer in your family, get the blood test for the BRCA gene. It's not rocket science and you can afford the $200 co-pay for the genetic test. Meghan and Jim are a married Dumb and Dumber. "“Wowzas! The Edmunds are cray cray. Like legit cray cray."
  20. Maybe Caitlyn Jenner should reach out to Tiger Woods for some sympathy. I don't think she'd get it though. In 2012, Tiger Woods was barred from the British Open golf tournament at the Muirfield golf club in Scotland. That's right, no blacks allowed to play golf there. There may be a long waiting list of transgenders waiting for membership at any of the snooty private clubs in Los Angeles, but at least the trail has been blazed for black golfers and thanks to desegregation, the color of a man or woman's skin doesn't prevent them from belonging to a private golf club. It may never happen that transgenders will be allowed to join a country club, no matter how much the annual fee is. Money doesn't buy everything.
  21. Caitlyn Jenner can play golf at one of dozens of public golf courses in the Los Angeles area. Nobody cares if she's a transgender and she wouldn't even have to pay thousands of dollars every year for membership. But playing on a public golf course is not what a Jenner or Kardashian does. It's private or nothing. I only wish she would have chosen a name that would be easier to type over and over again, like 'Kate'. I misspell it constantly.
  22. Note to Caitlyn Jenner. There's public golf courses, you know? Yeah, as if she would ever be caught on a public course. She's accustomed to only the best private clubs. Make the transgender community proud, lower your standards and go play on a public course with some transgender golf enthusiasts, just once....please?
  23. Caitlyn was short-sighted in her quest to transition into a female and that's becoming more and more apparent with each episode. She ruminated for years and years about being female. Dressing female, feminizing her face, wearing the makeup, living as a female. But after that short-term goal was realized, she's suddenly faced with all the other baggage that accompanies gender transitioning.Fascinating though it all is, there's even more fascination because Caitlyn professes to be a Christian and a Republican. Both of these are in direct conflict with her transition. Is my family going to feel the same and treat me the same? Are my friends going to be there for me? What are my legal rights when it comes to changing my ID? What will I do if I'm abandoned by lifetime friends and I'm left with only other transgenders? How is this transition going to impact me financially? Is my lifelong reputation as a hero and Olympic champion going to be second in importance to the general public? Will I find someone that will remain with me until the end of my days and love me no matter what my choices are? How will she accept being ostracized by formal religions and directly conflicted with the beliefs of her politics? Had she ever thought of most of those questions prior to 'coming out' or was she too focused on being able to buy herself new Jimmy Choo shoes and Gucci handbags?
  24. I noticed that in the previews last week of this episode. Her body posture said volumes including, "this is MY turf 'babeeeee' and you'll do as I say"
  25. I just watched this episode and I'm absolutely disgusted at the way E! has yet again insulted our intelligence and manipulated viewers into believing that they were finally going to see the face-to-face meeting between Cait and Kris. They showed the upcoming first moment of the meeting before each commercial break. (cue the dramatic music and a view of Kris's laced up shoes) We were led to believe it was going to happen when the commercial pause ended. But, it didn't. Time after time with the same tease for 57 minutes! I thought holy crap, the hour is nearly finished and we haven't yet seen Kris actually come in, sit down and begin 'the talk' with Cait. Then, at minute 58 Cait answers the door and lets Kris in, directs her to go to the living room and sits down like a stature glaring at her. She looked like the newest wax attraction in Madame Tussauds museum. Then the 'to be continued' appears dramatically on the screen. I'm so angry at E! and Cait and any producers on this show to have such nerve as to so blatantly taunt and tease the viewers. What a cheap shot! This shows me that E! and Caitlyn Jenner are suffering the low ratings and they'll do anything to bring them up. I have a huge problem with something else that was said by Cait in this episode. When her sister and mother came to Cait's house before the ESPY awards, her sister asked 'Is Kris come (to the ESPYS)? Caitlyn said "no, I didn't invite her". Later in the episode, after the awards, Caitlyn said "she's been there for me for the last 25 years, at all the big events, and she wasn't there, to be honest with you, that makes me sad". Cue the tears. That was an out and out lie to get sympathy from the viewers. Here E!, rebait the hook, you'll surely catch some of us again next week.
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