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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. OMG SHE REALLY IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT. Girl is stirring a pot on the nightstand with one of those portable hot plates.
  2. less twins, more Tarik and bro of Tarik..... Chantal tried to break at the pool table and her tits acted like an anchor and she chipped a tooth when her face hit the table.
  3. I don't know. I feel duped. David and Annie seem extremely funny and self aware which makes me believe their show drama is all to be a cog in the 90 Day Fiancee machine that pays.
  4. Cmon man.....David might be really fucking funny IRL. What are we missing by his put on personality??????
  5. Gotta tell ya....David and what's her face are pretty real. He comes off as less awkward when he's snarking and she's less miserable when she's not trying to repeat her lines.
  6. I still keep missing the front part of this episode with Azan and Nicole. They never address the 6K?????? Pao looks nice heavier and pregnant. She's less spicy but more grounded. Can't wait to see her in OKC. Chantal's face is getting skinny. Her weight loss is exacerbated by her stripper boobs.
  7. Again I'm new again to the new AI but has there been a distinct change in wardrobe since they hit ABC? They seem styled by the same people who sew for DWTS. You can basically order up anything you want in sequins and rhinestones and studs.
  8. YES TOTALLY. Noticed this from the start. Not sure if it's good or bad but he's wholesomely good looking. Still looks like he has a mouth full of slightly too large teeth though.
  9. I agree with the timing. This slot seems odd to me. In the beginning I was rooting for Alejandro and Wade and Uche. What I don't like is if you tuned in this week I would look like a complete doofus. How can someone look at least "interesting" and the ability to sing...oh......in tune...one week and then be a complete musical mess? Forget that Wade came in wrong at least twice so it threw off his lyrics but when he first started he was on beat and he actually warbled in the wrong key change. It's a head scratcher. Or maybe that's what threw his off....I dunno. Alejandro had such a smooth and melodic voice....it had strength and some character. I'm beginning to wonder if since I was only hearing 15 second to 45 seconds at a time if I was duped. Trying to recall his performance in Hawaii since that was longer. I missed a few episodes along the way but I seriously feel tricked. I agree with your choice with Madison....wasn't a blip on my radar but has won me over in the last 2 weeks. She seems raw and earnest. I respect that.
  10. It's weird that since the live shows have started the quality of amazement aka singing has gone down the tubes for me. I thought things would be more enhanced with good hair and makeup...killer lighting and backdrops....and what I've gotten is a huge array of Meh. I was the one complaining that these live shows were too short in that getting rid of 2 at a time after sitting through months of backstory was just cheating the viewer. Now I'm glad. At this point they should just crown Laine and then let Katy, Lionel and Luke sing and it would be a better production. Actually let Katy sing twice because....well you know.....
  11. I have this on in the background while I'm working and it's even more hideous the second time around LOL. I forgot to add last night that the duet with Laci and Laine was distracting because of the huge old style radio mics that were covering their faces. The camera kept trying to shoot side angles because it was just so weird. Don't they block before the show? And Wade.....it's pretty tremendous on the rewatch. The complete and utter butchering of We are the Champions. The fact that he's subjected to people around the country to that song is tragic. He should have picked something else. Halfway through he should have launched back into the song from Toy Story and stuck his shoe out. Eek
  12. All these names are driving me and my DVR nuts. I thought last night's episode taped but it didn't so I missed most of the beginning. Looks like a huge run of all of the shows tonight. I feel bad for the mods here trying to keep it all straight. But check your DVRs if you aren't going to watch it live.....there is Happily Ever After, What about me, Pillow talk....
  13. I'm trying to figure out if I've ever heard We are the Champions sung worse than Wade. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I don't mind his guttural put on voice in this competition....give me something to watch. But the look on my face tonight was pure horror. What happened to Alejandro??????????? I was impressed by him in the early rounds but now I have no idea what I'm watching. His voice seems so weak and frail.....I don't even see him constructing a song with highs and lows.....they are all just lows. Is he hoping for John Mayer (hahahahaha) or Jack Johnson week? I had the sneaking suspicion that the judges were saving their Save for him but at this pace I've seen ENOUGH.
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then they should have saved Queen for the last episode of the season. And after he kills the performance they vote off all of the contestants and then crown him the winner of American Idol LOL. Better late....
  15. Fernanda is quite the snake. She groomed him hook line and sinker LOL. What an idiot. All she is doing is complaining about things she knew was going to happen and things he absolutely can't change. A little reality TV part of me dies. I'm having popcorn for dinner. If you ever wondered if you could reflux popcorn the answer is yes.
  16. I didn't even recognize Tarik. Is it the facial hair? He looks very different. I can't believe it's been a year since they got engaged. She doesn't want to get married to him right? Plus he was wearing a plaid print hat. I see you Plaid Tarik. Loved that we got the reminder of his Round the Way Gurrrrrrrrrrrrl super inventive rap lyrics LOL. Yes Tarik the editors hate you.
  17. Trying to catch up....boy what have I missed? David has gained a lot of weight. Annie is definitely part of the reality show element if she is staying with him in that storage apartment. She has time to dye her hair red. And her English isn't great for someone who goes to ESL classes. Ask for a refund. David needs a stylist. Why is he wearing a turtleneck? So tight. Did everyone's boobs get bigger? Molly's filled my entire big screen TV.
  18. Yaaaaaaaaaas! I really love Adam's crown. Been looking for one ever since last year LOL. It's hard to find one that will fit around your forehead and not sitting on your head. He's spectacular. Oh and in the concert he hip thrusts. Dude works every song LOL
  19. I don't much about Katy Perry on American Idol but is she always this thirsty? I get the whole costume schtick she does...that's fine. She's a flamboyant performer and personality. But she doesn't come off as an authority for me....just a performance judge. She uses that low dramatic voice to make it sound like she's saying something meaningful but she isn't. That whole thing with Laci and Laine was uncomfortable. And unnecessary. And quite frankly I didn't feel it. But certainly when she saw the joke going south she didn't bail. It's like she can't read the room. Her dice misunderstanding wasn't a big deal and then she had to stretch out her moment by falling on the floor, not coming up and then popping her head on the table? That's so unprofessional. gah
  20. Ooo interesting! This would have been a fun pairing for sure!!!! Dang. I was just kidding...it was just appropo reference by you because I just heard the song on Friday. It IS very dramatic and dark....almost in a forced way because it doesn't actually sound like a Disturbed song to me. And then something ironic about talking about Disturbed on an American Idol forum. Like wuh?!
  21. I thought Adam's mentoring advice was really good but didn't hear a lot of the fruits of his labor. Not sure it's possible but at least we can hear what he told them. Thought that Laci ruined her song by signing on a stool with that huge guitar on her lap. I'm beginning to see how that is a crutch for some people. It definitely forms a barrier. And the actual guitar playing was not impactful. I did laugh when Adam told Wade not to take the mic out of the stand and then the first shot is Wade holding the mic. That got a literally LOL from me. Sure he meant later in the song (I guess) but that's not how the edit was so it was humorous to me. Also funny was when Wade said he was going to do WATC because he sang the song so many times on the road and the Reality TV editing mind in me said "that would be hilarious if he messed up the words" which actually wasn't very likely.....and then.....there ya go....
  22. TAKE THAT BACK! TAKE THAT BAAAAACCCCKKKKKK!!!!! LOL I love Disturbed. That voice. Yum.
  23. Madison is slowly winning me over. Her biggest issue is obviously age. She just doesn't have much to connect to.
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