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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. Workman's comp is a bunch of crap. We had 2 people who fell, one totally legit, they owed her money and she deserved it, the other not so much. They both had to continue to come to work. So within the guidelines of what their doctors allowed them to do. So the one chick, who I do not believe in any capacity, always told us she could not lift over 2 pounds. wtf is 2 pounds? So she spent her days doing mark downs, and taking a break every 20 minutes. Just looking at her infuriated me. Spent 6 hours doing what the rest of us were required to do in under half an hour. And yet for all that she got less than $10k, had to work for nearly a year before she got it. Meanwhile when she left work she went to the liquor store next door and purchased 4-40 oz beers every day. I just knew one day I would shout at her "Lifting 40 oz to your lips is more than 2 pounds!"
  2. I got so super lucky early on, my first boss was so awesome. He's like my dad. I so wanna link a video of him and his wife singing happy birthday to their niece and nephew, they have birthday cake hats on and it's easily the stupidest and most hilarious thing you've ever seen. At the end they blow on each other's faces to blow out their faux candles. He gave me the down payment on my house (advance on two years bonuses, he aint crazy just giving out money). But you never know how lucky you are at the time. I've had to have at least 2 jobs the last 5 years to keep up (I know things are rough all over for lots and lots) at one point I had 4 jobs. I don't even remember what I used to do with weekends. And you get tired, not like sleep good at night tired but like your soul wants to cuntpunch people who have lives or this thing called "happiness". I pray to jeebus that I'm not 70 years old working at my weekend job like this one lady, she is so sweet. She's slow but sharp as a tack and she fell at work, kept on through the workman's comp settlement and as soon as all that was cleared the company came in and said "oh hey, you don't have range of motion in your elbow, you can't do your job, get the fuck out" ok, maybe not a quote but they said they were exceptionally rude to her and followed her to get her things like she was a thief. That's a woman who worked for you for 15 years, got hurt on the job could have sued for a lot more than what she got (they made her climb up a ladder in a walk in freezer at her age and she slipped) and ya'll got the balls to do that?
  3. My boss gave me bullshit to do, entering names into a form letter, so I'm going to do it just as slowly as I possibly can. Lookin at other jobs, two years no raise and giving me this bullshit, plus the buying used computers that don't work, being a cheap asshole, not turning on the heat. Feeling very Bob Cratchett, give me my coal! I saw a job advertised today with a competitor, I'm dying to apply. We don't really do direct mail stuff but this Doctor sends out a letter every year so she gives us the addresses in a spread sheet and then like 100 that gotta be taken out and these over here gotta be changed. That's your job, not mine. For the "taking out" she honestly went through the stack of letters and drew a big x on them...why not remove them yoursself if you went through the trouble of wasting ink to put a big x? I hate stupid people even though I am a stupid people.
  4. If you had a scarf all would have been fine. They make your eyes pop. Over on TWoP in the Little House on the Prairie group we had the "headscarf of urgency", apparently when emergencies occured you had to secure your headscarf and run for town, Doc Baker or mostly Pa. We shall employ the headscarf of urgency.
  5. Yeah we know where you get your pills. On the street! Goofball hustler! And everyone drivers license photo looks like serial killer. I wonder if idiots do duck lips in their license photos now? I swear these lil heffers only know how to do the duck lip selfie pose. Bring on the apocalypse! No selfies.
  6. Oh I was thrilled when we went to 10 year licenses and I can renew the sucker online. I'm just catching up with the oscars and I thought for a second that lady gaga was singing sound of music songs because Julie Andrews died.
  7. You're drooling again walnutqueen ;D In a tiny teeny little bowl! With their cupules still attached! <-- I learned cupules today. I call them "lil acorn hats"
  8. If he was living at Mimi-Rose's why was he knocking down a wall at Hannah's?
  9. If you won't share the number of abortions you've had then it's too many. I understand rounding down or up numbers of former boyfriends etc, that is something you can decide with someone else whether or not to divulge. Not getting into the politics or right/wrong of abortion but it came across that not only is it not Adam's business but it isn't the kids or any future kids business. In the future I see her killing her kid's hamster because it was inconvenient for her. I understand it's her body/her business but you still don't get to be the Kim Jong Il of your own being. Kill on a whim. that isn't independence. And I would worry about any kid she had although I'm very deathly afraid of Adam's sister having that kid. And yes, morning after pill much better idea.
  10. I think the most important discovery of this episode was if Mimi-Rose' apartment is that good why the fuck was she moving in on Hannah/Adam's???????? The speech she gave Adam was very admirable if it didn't go along with the not telling him about the abortion. Independence and empowerment yada, yada are all well and good if you're not completely completely wrapped up in yourself. There are things you can get away with not telling your partner, things that actually aren't their business per se, a baby is his business. Even if it's only 7 weeks into a relationship, the decision to not go further with a pregnancy might actually be the correct decision, it just wasn't hers alone to make. I like how Shosh is devolving, she started out with jobs she knew she was too good for, using them as practice, then comes the dawning that not everyone is going to be impressed and the world is not her oyster and now she's just angry. The thing I'm kind of gathering is that Hannah is our "known" fuck up quotient. We see her go at everything all wrong and witness her lack of self awareness but over and over the people around her are equally stupid if not even bigger fuck ups. Even her therapist, he was very condescending about the "wow" moments and kept going back to MImi-Rose being thin and elegant. I do think he googled her and I think he was wishing Mimi was his patient or his "after" if Hannah is the "before". When Desi first appeared we thought he was cool and semi successful musician, now he's creepy weird boyfriend. Elijah we admire because he says the things none of us dare to say and he lives his life with zero consequences but he also burns through people, Hannah is the only lasting staple, he had to get out of NYC to go to Iowa then burned up Iowa very rapidly, no one can take that 24/7 - 365.
  11. They never let Michonne speak that much so when Danai spoke it was kinda fun to actually hear her and be enthused. Michonne has to be so stoic all the time. Not sure why CH pronunciation of Richonne bothered me, he made it Rick-shone thus emplying emphasis on Rick which is an idiotic nitpick, I know. I would have all kinds of trouble with applesauce. bleck
  12. I think the actor Eric has played an extra walker a time or two, he's so skinny he can do skeletal well. Which is not a sentence anyone can say about me.
  13. What kind of scarf did you get? ;) I feel like there should be an award for who gets the last post in the live thread before it locks down. Boom that sucker clicked shut and like a numpty I'm all click, click, why does it reject my thoughtful insights? I'm kinda ready for the treehouse, I feel very much like checking out of the world for a bit. I just aint feeling it.
  14. Just watched "Inside Llewyn Davis", and it depressed me. Hahahah Anywho it's got Doogie Howser's lil buddy and couple peeps from Girls.
  15. Ok the definitive reason why scarves are evil...just saw a clip of the bachelor with the crazy girl Kelsey wearing very ornate fashion scarf. I don't watch the bachelor but if they make special clips of you to illustrate the crazy then the scarf is cray cray
  16. I can dig the scarf as carrying thing such a baby or firewood. I do not dog those attachment parenting people who carry their kid in a sling and they're not allowed to walk. We knew a lady who never ever ever ever ever put her child down. Kid was over 2 and had never taken a step. And she was gonna breast feed the kid til she was 9. I'm all for attentive parenting then there's cuckoo for cocoa puffs parenting.
  17. I'm picturing an infomercial like those wrap dresses where they show you all the various scarf uses. And at the end kev comes out wearing a bright green scarf as a bathing suit a la Borat.
  18. I got a haircut. And you ain't got one. Nuh nuh nunuh. /weird scootchy butt dance. My hair is very competitive but I am not. I will point out carols scarf product placement in the episode where t-dawg got bit. Scarves are evil. Ragnar lothbruk!
  19. /sprinkles Magic no pain dust for da walnutqueen. It's not cocaine. At all...at all.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/LittleThingsStories/posts/10152857850171997 I believe housing is solved. Deluxe apartment in the sky-eye-eye. We be movin on up we finally got a piece if the pie-eye-eye. I can sing. And make shadow puppets with my hands. and do not gaze upony mullet with disdain because I'm no charlatan, no way Jose!
  21. Keep an eye on that broken remote. I've heard talk of drugs and I believe that's a front for a scarf cult! I offered to shave my head when my mom had chemo and lost her hair. She told me no. And she wore those babushka cap things. And she bedazzled them herself. No lie, they were hideous. But sometimes when my friends came over she would wait for them to be distracted by TV or if we were eating dinner and she Would sneak the cap off her head Just to see their reaction to her bald head. She also threw her fake boob at a few. One guy screamed like a girl when a squishy fleshy warm thing landed in his lap. Of course my mom was also hopped up on the goof balls.
  22. One time the boys took us shooting. They lined up cans and bottles and showed us how "awesome" they were then let the girls take a turn. So I get up there and then I have a question so I lowered the gun and turned. Every single boy hit the deck. I know my gun safety never ever point a loaded weapon. I lowered the damn thing. >:(
  23. Whose got the winnebago that's swinging around picking us up? Who is the best shot? for shooting these elk and sqwiwwels. I can feesh but I'm blind as a bat and have shot a rifle exactly 5 times in my life and only hit the hay bale, not the actual target on it. I will fashion myself an outfit with sharp pointy ends on the shoes, knees, elbows so that even though I'm clumsy and not a skilled ninja, the walkers will die just throwing themselves on me. Might even become one of those african tribes women with the neck stretchy necklaces, just for the bite protection. Although even the thought of the tight metal necklace things they wear makes my neck tickle cuz I don't like nothing touching my neck, no turtle necks, no chokers. And I don't get the "fashion" scarf. Never mind whether it's a pashmina or not or a burberry, I don't jauntily throw a scarf on as an accessory. I see videos online for "tie it on the side" or have a little fringe hanging or bandana style. No...just no. Cold weather scarf I get, not so much the other.
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