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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. Oh, I had my boss follow us. I aint as stupid as I look. But I was all caught up in my GOTTA GIVE BACK TO THE WORLD moment. After 9/11 we had a former co worker who worked near the Pentagon and she had to walk home that day. They wouldn't allow anyone to go get their cards and no one could get within a certain radius to pick them up. So in solidarity one evening my boss' car wouldn't start so he thought he would walk home, after all so many in New York and DC had to walk home. So it was 13 miles! He got home at like 3 am and his wife had to peel his shoes and socks off. Sometimes we do stupid shit but we think we had a good reason when we started.
  2. Oh yeah, that's why if I had cash on me he would have gotten $2 tops. but I do not carry cash. If by some miracle I've got some change or a solitary dollar bill I give it in a manner of paying it forward. That all ends in the ZA, I will cut you in a heartbeat over that rabbit, them is my pile of toilet paper leaves and I claimed spaghetti tuesdays on wednesdays.
  3. What you're gonna wanna do, brokenremote, is jerry rig yourself a zipline to the mall. This walking around on surface streets is a no go in the ZA. You will swoop in and scoop up your supplies from the roof. Make sure there are no helicopters landing on your mall. Since this poor kid passed away I'm been all angsty about how I don't contribute enough (thank you guvna) so I was thinking about how I went through this once before. I had watched some show about hidden cameras and what people do to help out other people, whether it's changing a flat tire or giving someone enough change to pay for groceries. So this dude comes around my office and he's run out of gas. I honestly had no cash, $2 tops was all I would have given him, clearly wasn't a homeless guy, was offering to leave collateral yada yada, so I told him I'd ride back out to his car, gas station a put a couple gallons in on my card. We get out there and his car has been towed. So either way I couldn't help him so I bought him a coke and left him, he'd called somebody to come get him. So fast forward about a year, same dude with exactly same story. He clearly didn't remember having done this schtick once before but obviously now I knew it was a total scam. If it hadn't been almost verbatim what he'd said the first time I might not have remembered either. But what got me was how far he was willing to go the first time. There obviously never was a car, so when I said I had no cash why didn't he bail? Why continue to the gas station? Did he think he'd go from getting $10-20 to $50 (to get his car back from (fictional) tow truck? How stupid did he think I was? but the lesson was...DO NOT HELP PEOPLE! BE EVIL AND MEAN AND DONT LET THEM HAVE YOUR DRUGS OR SQWIWWELS THEY ARE MINE ALL MINE!
  4. Just for the big blizzard my friend up north went to the store and there was literally 1 loaf of bread on the shelf. You definitely want to know where the secret stash is. Not the mall or wal-mart but hit the trucks and factories and get that all squirreled away in your bunker. and have brokenremotes drugs because if you have to go on a run with Shane he will shoot you. Also weapons and ammo, now I'm sounding like a crack pot survivalist. I will become a kosher apocalypsher, as in my hunting crossbow will not share pointy sticks with the zombie pointy sticks. Them arrows Darryl collects back I always get squicked if I think he hunts deer and rabbits and sqwiwwels with the same arrows as have gone through zombie heads.
  5. What was the movie with Brendan Frasier where his parents went down in the bunker for 30 years? Is it wrong that I want a bunker like that? She had a warehouse to go "shopping" in and they had a fish hatchery and faux sun for their patio. I think I am that introverted/anti social that I could make that work in a non zombie apocalypse situation but then BONUS if there's ZA. I will even keep a small stockpile of drugs for brokenremote so when we are bored we can wind you up and let you be our loopy entertainment. We will holler "come on over, broken remote feeling froggy again, got the jimmy legs."
  6. She was a doctor on prison break before walking dead. I didn't like her any more there. I saw chad Coleman at Walker stalker con and it makes more sense now because he and Beth both knew at the time they were dead. I remember him being a little defensive about a couple of questions.
  7. I do that too. When I go places I scope best places to raid or turn into fortress. No I'm not paranoid at all...at all.
  8. Second half of better call Saul was better than the first. And I did my good deed for the day my friends car wouldn't start so I drove to bfe to fetch his wife's van. I'm a rescuer
  9. Something's definitely up with dad and I think Hannah is gonna pull it out, every once in a while she shocks us. Like when she was avoiding going to see grandma because grandma was going to die and then in the end she showed up for the right reasons. I thought someone was going to approach Shosh in the store and offer her a job and she would be amaze balls at it. And do they both want to get back together? Definitely Marnie should have empowered herself right there.
  10. That'll work, I feel like going home and getting liquored up. But then I'll be like "oh look, I've got a kidney I'm not using, here have it" and I'll try self donation. Or I'll run down the street in my skivvies handing out canned goods and all my worldly possessions. Shouting "I'm a smurf killer! I'm not worthy of these beans or this dvd of Ferris Bueller" waving the damn blue socks that left blue fluff all over my house.
  11. This kid is gonna make me cry like 50 times today. His family is donating a kidney to another kid in his school whose been on the list for years. I would suppose they'll donate other stuff but this is the only known recipient. BrokenRemote I'm so sad that you aren't getting your surgery on time because at this point the only thing that would cheer me up is poking you while you're high as a kite.
  12. I'm glad to be up and running again too, jobwise I've just been in an agitated state for over a month because I'm having to share computers and it's less than ideal. I know it's not my fault but I feel like eyeballs are looking at me like I'm the weak member of the herd. I AINT NO REDSHIRT! I'll be happy when they go back to just slicing and dicing and don't make me think so much. Truthfully I wouldn't be good for much in the apocalypse it's a miracle I survive the regular world day to day.
  13. This is really goofy and stupid because Tyreese is fictional but I was super bummed last night. Even if I don't love him and even think they were right everything happens the way it's supposed to happen...blah blah. Today I found out that a lady I do christmas cards for every year, she's super nice always has a family photo and I've seen her kids every year for the past 4 years, last year her dogs' eyeballs were glowing like they were space aliens and I fixed em digitally, this year I fixed her 15 year old son's acne. We just heard that he (15!!!) had a heart attack. He and his older brother both had a congenital heart defect, they went to fetch him for dinner and found him unconscious. They're lookin at taking him off machines today. And while I do not in any way believe that Bobbie christina deserves any less than any other human being, whether or not she had any drugs in her system, goodness knows she was handed a pile of crap outta that family but holy crap this is unfair. Tyreese had me thinking too much and now I have a real life person to apply it to. This funk is not good for me.
  14. I thought tyreese should have been able to catch Noah too. I was thinking it's Andrew Lincolns actual accent in the radio program too. I hope we are done with these capsule episodes and get back on a narrative soon.
  15. I think they're supplied the topics ahead of time. And the best answers stay. There's no real prize so I don't care about the game show aspect. I was underwhelmed. But I'm still thinking it picks up from here
  16. I always get them hooked with marathons. My friends grandmother in Scotland (92!) started watching last year. She frikkin loves it.
  17. If all else fails with better call Saul I will also check out the other show from Vince Gilligan "battle creek" which has dean winters In it. Aka Ryan o'reilly. :D
  18. I have heard the second half of TWD described as fucking nuts. So I hope that's a good thing so yes I'm excited. I was a breaking bad fan so I'm sticking around for better call Saul. I didn't actually care for that character but I adored mike. I truly hope it lives up to the hype. I watch nothing live except this so I have to avoid current threads or live but it's ok. I can process before I speak. Ha!
  19. I HAVE A COMPUTER! /me weeping with joy. Oh yes my mother could swat us in the car like nobodies business. One time we were in my dad's truck (pre seat belts) and my sister decided she wanted to look at the bridge we were crossing and she was too short to see out the window so she decided to OPEN THE FREAKIN DOOR! to look down ( I mentioned no seat belts right?) My mother snatched her by the back of her pants, got the door shut and slapped her silly while keeping it on the road. And she was a terrible driver. Ha! There's gotta be a Darwin award for my sister, she did a lot of stupid stuff like that. We were swimming with my cousins and the game was jump off the diving board "through" the floaty ring thing, you were supposed to hook your arms onto the floaty ring so it would bob you back up. All of us had this down, I'm the youngest if anyone was to be confused it shoulda been me. Anywho she goes through and doesn't catch it so she's at the bottom of the pool. One cousin jumps in, I think yay he's gonna rescue my sister, nope he hauled in the floaty. Finally other cousin dives in and drags her stupid ass up. Her explanation? She just got down to the bottom and waited because she didn't know what else to do. It never occurred to her to just push up. My mother was in eyesight of the whole thing and was too busy yakkin it up with her sisters, never noticed a thing.
  20. Holy shit balls. I wish that story ended with your mom ripping off your uncles junk and shoving it down his throat. My niece and I got the "don't make me come in there" when we were supposed to go to sleep and we were giggling under covers. So we stifled and tried to go to sleep then looked up and a spider was dangling just above us. Blood curdling screams he said he would let the spider get us next time. I have the look preserved on video. My mom recorded my dad mowing the lawn and when he noticed her in the back door filming OMG the look. And of my mother I got 2.2 seconds in all the video shot in all the universe I have my mom sitting on a chair in the back yard while my dad is at the grill. I'm on her lap. She gets up. Puts the meat tray on her head (do not ask me why ) and into the house. The entirety of stuff I have to remember my mother by. people ...do not film endless scenes of snow or mountains or choo choo trains I have no idea where any of that crap is. And I've got people in these films I have no idea who they are. I got couple seconds of my mom, wearing a poncho and putting meat on her head. Ponchos weren't a good look by the way.
  21. We are all brethren and slytherin! See what I did there? Any who on Christmas I was sent to my room because I stepped on my sisters dollar then I opened the wrong gift because I couldn't read cursive yet. So I got sent to my room doing the ugly hiccuping cry and my father shouted YOU BETTER DRY IT UP OR I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT.
  22. Oh my. Clutches pearls :O My dad was funny. If you didn't refill the ice cube tray he would chuck it at your head but I completely totalled the car and he never said a word. Absolute silence and the circumstances were dubious. But I still have a dent in my noggin from ice cube tray (not really)
  23. My dad had a paddle but we hid it for a long time. Mostly just a swat with his hand but twice in my life I was unjustly smacked. Once we were driving to Canada, eh. And my sister was in a phase where she was pinching cheeks. So I scooted my knees up to tuck my butt away and my dad turned around in his seat to swat me cuz my knees were in his back. >:( then one time my sister was on the phone and I was watching TV. She wanted me to turn it down. She had a phone in her room (days before cell phones) so she turned it down. I turned it up. She turned it off. I turned it back on. She turned it off again and I went and turned on the radio. So my dad marched down the hall and slapped me. Turned them both off. Then jackass went in her room to finish her call. She was lying to boys by the way. I had so many angries I didn't know where to put them !!
  24. Oooh spankin spoon! My mom would bop us on the head with a hair brush when we whined as she brushed our hair and she once broke a brush on my Head. We also shortly thereafter got Rosemary's baby haircuts and to this day I have a phobia about the back of my neck showing. I won't go any shorter than under my chin line because I was so traumatized by the crew cut my mama gave me. And she would put a piece of tape across our foreheads to cut our bangs super straight.
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