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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. It's smart against zombies, especially if we have zip-line, elevator type things to get us from tree to tree. Not so much against governor or the human enemy, they'll cut down our tree but we will have our sleeping hammocks which will convert to parachutes! :D And they'll be camo flavor so we will be CHICKENFLAGE! Kev will have an invisibility cloak, of course. We will have enough solar power (or hydro electric) for our robot toilets and necessities...(espresso machine...fro yo maker...electric fire) I bet we can rig up a big laser and make the zombies chase it like cats do. Entertaining for us and safety net as well, lure them away if they're sniffin our tree. Make a lil people hologram and they chase it off a cliff STAMPEDE! points to whoever gets that.
  2. Well it sounds like we are zeroing in on redwoods, they're big enough to have elevators inside. And these redwoods will be located near a stream with a waterfall, facilitating clean drinking water and the water can power our Rube Goldberg type thangs to make life easier. and booty traps for the zombies. We will not get guts all over us.
  3. I would love a treehouse! OMG omg OMG I used to obsess about getting a Swiss family Robinson tree house! I got a bunch of CDs in the car but I had run out. And yes I pop through channels but it's mostly texas. Can't listen to no preaching. I'm allergic to preachin. And back to me being poor there ain't no such thing as XM satellite radio in my car.
  4. Be thankful, I drove 14 hours to my sister's for thanksgiving and kept hearing it over and over. And I yelled YOU SUCK NICK JONAS every time.
  5. Someplace warm, but not too hot. Sorry Canadians, you'll be migrating south. Maybe an island? So zombies can't get us cuz we can't run, we will fall and become zombies.
  6. I'm healthy, I can do it, me just no likey. And I'll do virtually nothing for myself. Like cook. I enjoy cooking, for other people. If it's just me I'll nosh on chips and cocktail weiners ( I said weiner and cock!) :D And please if we are starting a commune and find a rich idiot who wants to fund us can we please please get them fancy japanese potties? Absolutely no composting!!
  7. Aside from Marnie I don't think anyone on this show is exactly cover model material and I like it. Jessa is attractive but she isn't stick skinny and when she wandered around in front of the web cam in panties for Hannah she had cottage cheese thighs. I'm ok with all of that, there are more of "us" less thans out there than there are A+'s. Tv doesn't reflect that at all. And NYC has a very weird base line of attractive compared to the rest of the USA. When I see society pages/columns/stories they have some of the most hideous people and it's all about money. I gauge someone's attractiveness over time and I thought both Ray and Adam were a bit goofy looking but now they're just regular people.
  8. Oh gosh, hope she was ok? My friend Marcy fell in the gym at basketball practice and had honest to pete amnesia, not like soap opera amnesia. Freaked me the fuck out! They kept quizzing her on who she recognized, her mother and sister yes but her youngest sister who was only 5 she didn't remember, hey she was "new" and it broke my heart that she was afraid of me. I was the only white chick hanging out, everybody else was navajo and I guess you fear whats unknown and I was unknown. They told us don't let her sleep and got her to the doctor and she was fine within a couple of hours but holy smokes. kev 2 points from Gryffindor, you said "hellish" which is a banned word. That jack wagon, Nick Jonas, used it in that STOOPID song...It's my right to be hellish, I still get jealous...which doesn't rhyme and is just plain fucking idiotic.
  9. I love to describe my injuries, it implies I have an exciting life. It's like the addage "chicks dig scars". I usually say I hurt my foot saving a busload of orphans from a fire or zombies. Like I also tell how my car was stolen and I chased the guy down, which if you dig into finer details, he was going for a smash and grab but accidently found a broken key in my car so just figured he'd go for a joyride. and the "chasing" was me trying to dive into the car and him draggin me about 2 feet before I fell. But I still feel like I scared him since he ditched my car couple blocks away. I AM a superhero!
  10. I keep re-injurying the same foot. Several years ago I fell in a gravel parking lot with sandals on, took off all the skin under my big toe. I jumped up real fast in case anyone saw me and spoke to a tow truck driver, who did not seem to notice, and afterwards noticed that my entire shoe was full of blood. I hobbled home, washed it, went to the doctor the next day. When I had to re-wrap and clean and change bandages I cried for like 6 hours while soaking and wiggling the gauze because it was stuck in the wound. It didn't physically hurt but I couldn't bring myself to RIIIIIIP it out. So it got it down to a tiny swatch of gauze, cut the rest of the gauze, slathered on ointment and slapped 6 layers of bandages on top. Remarkably I healed fine and didn't get infected and no scars. So then I'm walking across the street to lunch, tripped in the road, once again jumped up real quick acted like nothing hurt. My entire toe was instantly black. Took a year for the nail to fall off, a year for the new nail to regrow and now I'm in a weird zone where I kinda have 2 toenails??? My regular toenail looks normal, fine and then underneath sort of a helper toenail layer. I make such a good impression, huh? :D
  11. When I die it's gotta be off a cliff, or in a blaze of glory because number 1 don't wanna nobody poking at my dead nekkid corpse. number 2 my phone gotta go with me so no one ever sees the crap I got on there. I like the old viking tradition of putting you and your junk on a boat and setting it ablaze, Navajos have a pretty good idea too, they set your hogan on fire with you and your junk in it. It saves time and money! I am that idiot that if I broke all my limbs I'd still decline a ride to the hospital. I'd be bicycle girl trying to crawl, anyone passing by might ask if I need help. No, no I'm fine. Just peachy. Just taking a stroll.
  12. I have nightmares about if I ever get robbed and the police say OMG they really tossed the place and I have to say no they just took the tv. I believe it is my alarm system, if the cat trips me nearly every day he should send them flying but he's a chicken and hides from people. But there's no way anybody is creeping in my house in the dark that doesn't bump into a table, push over a pile of mail or even kick the grocery bag of canned goods I was too lazy to put away. booty traps! yeah that's what I said. brokenremote, got drugs? :D
  13. It was very dreamlike and while people eventually showed up for Hannah, they still were all about themselves. Not that Hannah is ever any different. I'm not sure Hannah was so much heartbroken to find that Adam had replaced her but she was so confident she would replace him before he replaced her. She did expect to step back into her life as she had left it. And I thought the Iowa thing was only 2 months not two years. There's no way you could ask Adam to wait 2 years with that much unsaid. But given the way it went down, I woulda demanded the apartment back quicker. I thought it was odd that Hannah was always asking if Marnie or Jessa if they had talked to Adam, I understood keeping tabs and trying to act non chalant but the conversation with Jessa after AA makes more sense now, I thought Adam was complaining about when he talks to Hannah, or the weird vibe there but I guess it was the new Mimi Rose thing.
  14. Yeah, never rely on craigslist. Local antique stores might appraise or do consignment if you trust them. Caught up last night with girls and SNL 40th. And I hope you guys with bad weather and freezing are doing ok. I whine but it's just wet and chilly, no power out and just because I'm cheap and don't turn on my heat at least it's an option. Friend of mine had her boiler out. eeesh.
  15. I need an apocalypse so that my house with newspapers and magazine piles and Mail on the table and laundry draped on the chair is considered tidy. My plan for when I can scrape up money to get someone in here is that this wash aunts house or we just evicted some pesky kids. :D and for the love of Pete I will only have outdoor cats from now on! They can wave at me or send post cards.
  16. When I get home from work and my cat looks at me, I tell him get a job and he may think his name is lazy asshole.
  17. BUT I'M POOR! :( I want to spray down the cat with duster/floor stuff and push him around with a broom stick to gather up all his damn hair he put there in the first place. I just give up, I won't let anyone come to my house cuz the cat probly puked somewhere. Either the zombies gonna eat me when I'm dead or the cat will.
  18. I would love to have someone come clean but I would clean before the cleaner gets there. But I need them because the person doing it now (me) sucks at it. I'm just tired! I work 6 days a week and sleep on the 7th. I can maintain on a good level. I love laundry, nothing in the world is more awesome to me than wonderful smells of clean laundry, sexiest cologne on the planet is a dude that smells like downey. I just don't hang it up, iron it, fold it, put it away properly. I drape it on a chair. Towels are clean and they smell great they're just piled on the dryer. And Martha Stewart can shove it where the sun don't shine on folding the fitted sheets. but my mother did teach me to clean properly. When I was in college most of my friends/roommates looked at me like I was a wizard because I knew how to take apart the stove and clean the guts out underneath the burners. And my little gay roommate in college liked to scoff at me because he was neater than me. Yes you are quite tidy but actual physical clean, like with a toilet brush and scrubbing the tub was me. He swept with a broom, my ass was the one with the mop.
  19. I'm definitely as cute as Mila Kunis when I'm holding a toilet brush. I never hold a toilet brush. :O I'm in desperate need of a haircut. Tired of looking like cousin it.
  20. Aside from Rick's weird hallucinagenic phone calls they have not spent so much time grieving anyone. Andrea got to grieve her sister a little but they still carried on, she went gun crazy etc but seriously 3 in a row with just everybody morose. They didn't spend that much time when Herschel died and he was someone that everybody could love and miss. So hopefully it's done. I don't want to watch Darryl cry, he cried while stabbing his brother, that's it. done. finito. And as they were coming up to the bridge, looking at the group I was struck by how many they are, so they gotta thin the herd so don't get bogged down grieving there are several red hairshirts yet to go. Hi Corday :D
  21. Anyone dapper In the ZA cannot be trusted. They could have eaten frog legs. And yes I hope the weepy stuff is over and we are on to new adventures.
  22. Sean of the dead is on! :D I never liked the c word before deadwood and I didn't like pussy before sopranos. If there was an Olympics for cussing I been training my whole life! Once upon a time my father called the house in the middle of the night. He worked swing shift. So I'm like middle schoolish age. My mother is on oxygen he's calling at 2-3 am. He wants me to look for his lighter. Is it in his pants pocket on thd dresser? Nope. Under the dresser? Nope. Under bed? Nada. Go check the laundry room. Make sure it's not in the dryer or in the basket of clothes on top. Nope nope nope. So I've run all over the house my mom hollering instructions I finally yell back "what's so f'ing important about the g-d f'ing sonofabitch f'ing lighter anyway?" Probly not verbatim but there was a couple f bombs in there. He heard me. So the next day we have a chat. "Ladies" don't talk like that yada yada. I'm like good thing I'm not a lady. Anywho guess what lighter I was hunting for ? Come on I know you know. It said
  23. I has a foul mouth! :D I made up swears that go with cartoon cussing. When they go !@#%£?!!!#*
  24. I can't even imagine dealing with your job. If half die that can really wear you down. And I've always been perplexed by the medical community doing that. I don't really want the doctor in hour 36 of a 36 hour shift. And I'll take the nurses word any day over a doctor. I also had an acer aspire. Probly earlier version but it served me well. I have a toshiba something now but if I were buying and money no object I would get one of the tablet things thst has optional keyboard. Cuz I like the touch pad/tablety ness for ease and portability but if I wanna sit down and type a letter to my congress man or spiff up my resume its more computery. Happy valentubes day !
  25. I am elated that my office is away from everyone else. I can goof on the interwebs and no one sneaks up on me. The copier is near me though and I hate it on a day when they hover waiting for hundreds of copies. My weekend job is overnight and there's barely anyone around. No customers no manager just me and my podcasts or whatever. Hmmm I think I'm Ted kascinski
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