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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. Yes, Catherine Dent would have made an excellent Dawn. Remind me that nothing is ever worth it when traveling for thanksgiving. It will take me weeks to recover and I think I've lost an ipod. Spent way too much money on crap I don't need to buy. (Not black Friday crap, like feeding my sister and her dumb ass cats until Dec 5th when she gets paid) I am thankful thansgiving is over and you never appreciate your own place, stuff, life until you're out of it for a while. Didn't get home in time for walking dead but even after 15 hour drive had to watch. and HOLY MOSES!
  2. About the strawberries, ok then I'm really really really out there because the fast glimpse they showed of them in Beth's hands I thought they were testicles. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahaha. I did a double take and thought "Beth ripped off Doctor Man's nards, then I saw they were strawberries and yes weak bribe.
  3. Bob2.0 looked latino to me so I was confused as to which bald guy was Lamson who was supposedly to replace Dawn if they let them go back. Apparently we are "baldists" The cuts on Beth's face look stitched together by frankenstein, this doesn't speak well of Dr. Man
  4. It's a good thing you're a chainsaw wielding maniac then :D
  5. Rosiejuliemom Yest. 10:05 pm I loved the Morganizing of the church. Orange Backpack gets to go on a mission! Father Gabriel, check the church supplies for some scouring powder and maybe some dish soap if the floor blood bothers you so much. Make a paste, let it sit for a while, that shit'll scrub right out. I'm very frightened of you right now. Kidding! I don't actually know how to get blood stains out of wood, never been an issue at my house but I do know hot water sets blood stains. So use cold water, Father Pee Pants. Where the h-e-double hockey sticks do you think you're going you nincompoop? I understand he's lost it, and could bear to see them dismantling his church, clearly his faith is in jeopardy and that is the physical embodiment of that. He kept focusing on Judith's cries, this is probably just me but for some reason I'm thinking he's equating her with baby Jesus or something. Sasha! facepalm. I have no medical knowledge whatsoever but even I questioned Beth's injection. The whole point of an IV is to administer meds SLOWLY, a steady rate and Beth just shot it straight into Carol like a junkie. And I think their version of "life support" isn't as sophisticated as we are thinking. So frustrated that they got no further and we are all just waiting for next week then the eternal break til February.
  6. I don't have that gasoline issue unless I'm on a road trip, I don't go below a quarter just because I don't know where the next gas station will be. And I keep a roadside tally as to prices so if I saw $2.65 and they're going up I stop sooner rather than later. And I shall be road tripping tomorrow. I hate hate hate to travel on actual holidays, I don't like the crowded roads, planes, buses etc. but it's when I have time off. Sigh. I should be back in time to watch mid-season finale on Sunday. I will go vent my frustrations in the episode thread. I'm sad I lost a walking dead friend. At work, my co-worker and I liked to re-hash episodes and she's moving away. She's torn a ligament in her knee and cannot work so she's got to go rehab at her daughter's house since she won't have any income.
  7. Mr. Nashville are you the dude in the commercial with the people running from chain saw weilding murderer and one says "lets hide behind the wall of chainsaws" and one is all "why can't we get in the running car?" and they call her stupid? I love that commercial
  8. I work in a deli on weekends and they begun doing all the trendy salads, lots of Kale and Quinoa. so somebody asked for Ki-noah and I have a friend who loves to say Ciao but now she's sending emails with "chow" and I love her and don't wanna say ciao to her. Oh! the best thing I ever heard was my mom's bff growing up was named Callie. Her parents were immigrants from Greece and her mom saw a word she loved and named her daughter after it. Calliope, only her name was pronounced Callie-opie not Kuh-lie-o-pee.
  9. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SAY NO TO DOLPHIN SMOOTH. In the Rock, paper scissor, lizard, spock hierarchy this is the nuclear holocaust of equations. All our brains go boom. That is the weapon that kills all the walkers but us along with it because it's wrong. Tara and Rosita can hook up, I don't care but dolphin gotta go.
  10. The Shane and Andrea hook up took place in a car. They had just escaped something, it was kinda like euphoria hook up. But also shortly before Shane went kaput. He had already Otis'd Otis and I think they had Raymond as a prisoner. I sorta thought he maybe got a handjob but who knows. I questioned andrea's taste in men but I don't care if she hooked up. I'm not casting a scandalous eye upon the wimmen's for hooking up but I did think Lori hooked up a little too quick after Rick "died".
  11. Oh I still say Be-won-say just because it's fun in my head. And Hor's de vors and I enjoy saying kwish for quiche. I think I'm funny but I'm sure there are some people who think I'm really really stupid.
  12. We didn't have Kay jewelers where I was from so I was thinking way too literally. not the letter K. d'oh! But then again I never was that bright. I also mis pronounced chick fil-a, I said "whats chick filla?" I also used to say out loud in my head "Ron-dez-vez" instead of Rendezvous. And when I was very young (but clearly warped, you'll see why) I heard a joke...What's the dirtiest thing ever said on television? Answer: June Cleaver says to Ward, "you were a little hard on the beaver last night". I didn't get it. but not in the way a young innocent child is not supposed to get it. I knew Beaver was the son ( not the hoohaw) so I thought it was extra demented special father/son time. I know why I have no friends.
  13. I think friendship means you braid each other's hair and gossip about who's a cuter walker. And I stab you in the brain stem when you die (and vice versa).
  14. Hee! I do like Nachos! And it took me like 5 years to ever get the "every kiss begins with Kay" commercials so you are not alone.
  15. It means friends are meaningless. Waaaaaaaaa! I had no idea you could make friends. and I hate friends. I want the ZA because I has no friends. sulks :( I remember my parents fighting about toilet paper and I did a dramatic Scarlet O'Hara impression, AS GOD IS MY WITNESS I SHALL NEVER GO PAPERLESS AGAIN. In college when I was poor I stole TP from the school buildings, scavenging a roll here and there. (I paid for that, dad gum overpriced edumacation) Who knew my life was defined by TP?
  16. I feel so smart! I was thinking the van wouldn't land like that and it was a bad idea to strap yourself in to the front seat. I would have clutched the back of the seat. But I know it's tv, I let it go, LET IT GOOOOOOOO, something something frozen. lalala It's not like the Goldberg's show where the mom was watching Princess Di's wedding which occurred in 1981 and her kids supposedly sang the Bangles song which didn't come out til 1988, that crap bugs me. I have a placque that counts the days since Carl has spoken. :D Is Morgan there yet?
  17. It wouldn't be just birthday sex, it would be onlyifwefindanicestreamandcanwashthefilthaway sex. All these buildings made me think cities might be safer, if you can get higher ground. Barricade lower floors, walkers would be less likely to find their way up. Maybe not with foraging having been cleaned out around them. ROOFTOP GARDEN! Hanging plastic bags out the window was to collect water??
  18. I can't click links from work but I shall attempt to remember before my weekend stupor begins. thanks
  19. Sometimes I think I have acronym dyslexia because no matter how many times I read the abbreviations I always have to sound them out in my head to make sure extra syllables haven't jumped in. Yes I'm weird. HWSNBN really messed me up because my brain had to absolutely say the entire thing out loud every single time. bygones... I probably don't need to spend too much time dwelling on whether or not I could mentally handle trading sex for protection in the ZA because I'm fairly certain I'll be dead 2 minutes in, but hey, if it's all I got, have boobs will travel.
  20. If the show is live I have no idea how they're not at the very least watching it on a prompter somewhere. I'm sure they watch ahead, like studying. If you are truly a fan of the show, having missed 1 episode does not a terrible guest make. I like Dominic Monaghan and he could fill in gaps. Now if you're just appearing as a favor for somebody and you've never watched a single episode or you wanna promote your wildlife show, which most of these guests don't really pitch their stuff, then yes, please do stay home. I need to hunt up the Marc Maron show cuz I like him and I'd still watch if he knew anything about the show or not but the fact that he spoofed it makes me love him all the more.
  21. Dale was at Walker Stalker con in Atlanta and he talked about Frank Darabont. He would make an excellent panelist in that respect, not so much if you want to talk Walking Dead, he's one of the ones that does not watch the show or keep up. He was funny but he pictures they've all taken the winnebago and found a nice field of fruit trees and they're living peaceful and happy lives. Andrea also doesn't keep up with the show, she says because the people are her friends and she doesn't want to watch them die. And any time anyone starts feeling frisky on this show I start imaging how much they must stink. Yes, very serious washing up. Probably why I didn't want Daryl and Beth hooking up when they got drunk and burned down a house, he went over to a corner and peed...yeah not a big turn on for me.
  22. He screamed when they stopped them from going through the cattle herd of walkers that they had detoured and detoured on their journey from Houston to Atlanta so I'm sure was a very happenstance route.
  23. But what's Franjola's "day job"? How in the living hell did he get a job hosting the after show? Does he work for Harley Davidson? Does he make leather jackets? Is he the guy that puts the fake scar on Katie Sagal's chest before each show? Chris Hardwick has 19 jobs, he's a professional nerd/fanboy. It helps that he knows his subject and is well versed in it. Franjola is like a 6th grader giving a book report on a book he didn't read. He's the character from Saturday Night live that kept asking Paul McCartney "remember that one time, you went to the one place and those dudes did that thing?"
  24. He's the cowardly lion with the scarecrows brains! We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of DC.
  25. For some unknown reason my season pass of Talking Dead keeps deleting itself. Yes my DVR is getting full but this is the only thing that deletes itself??? But the SOA guys make sure I get the damn after show because they tack it on to the episode. I'm just waiting out the torturous end, I have to finish the show but every week I'm like "wtf? 2 hours?" and then it's this crap tacked on. But they keep losing Talking Dead for me.
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